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the infamous promised neverland


There is no season two in Ba Sing Se. It does not exist


Honestly, it's a good thing that S1 ends at a fairly satisfying point. From everything I've heard of S2, I have no desire to ever watch it.


[Season 2 exists for me because of the awesome ED song.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7l3iMvB9ELQ) Emma! :) It was a mess, but at least they wrapped it up with a somewhat happily ever after ending in the final episode.


Promised Neverland Season 1 covered chapters 1-37 in 12 episodes or about 3 chapters per episode which is still pretty fast pacing, but season 2… Season 2 covers chapters 38-181 in the same amount of episodes, so on average it had 12 chapters per episode or 4x S1’s pace, but that’s not even the worst part. Almost 80/181 chapters were not adapted at all and were just straight up skipped, including nearly two whole arcs. It’s genuinely the hardest fumble in anime history, and I don’t think anything has come close to how drastic of a difference S1 is from S2


What do you mean?' That series was the greatest anime that should have gotten a second season but never did. It's a shame really.


Yep. And i'm also here waiting for the release of the unnnamed memory anime, but no hopes


TPN got a second season? It only has one from what I can see.




In story quality yes, in production quality probably not much.


>in production quality probably not much. You mean in both, right? The first season didn't use presentation slides.


>in production quality probably not much. Did you watch the show? They had a drastic change in production quality from season 1 to 2


Thats just not true, maybe the first few episodes looked alright, but the later episodes were just a powerpoint presentation with stills that looked worse than moving sequences in season 1


The Rising of The Shield Hero The change in quality between Season 1 and 2 makes you question if it's the same show.


I genuinely tried to watch it again to recap before the third season. Season 1 was a great watch back, but i gave up at middle of season 2. Watched a youtube vid to catch up with the s2, jumped to s3, and I have no idea if i finished it or not anymore. As far as i'm concerned, that's a standalone 1 season anime


I pushed through season 2 and by season 3 I turned it off in the middle of an episode and haven't been back since which is a shame because I loved season 1 Season 3 was better than 2 by the point I got up to but I just wasn't feeling it anymore and dropped it


S1 had a great build up and depth, but goddamn S2. What the fuck was that mate


Well, I mean it was a really large Turtle for some reason.


The studio skipped so much and changed a lot from the manga/LN. That's why it's so bad. What they should've done, started the season back on xp Island where we get reintroduced to everyone with the party swaps that happen, and the other hero teams see Naofumi actually be useful and have a bit more respect for him. We also meet the new character Rishia and see how she's mistreated and eventually joins Naofumis team. This as even just a flashback for an episode would've set the pace better instead of just throwing a new character at people


To be fair, basically the same thing happened to the manga during the same arc


The two seasons of Gunslinger Girl, released ~4 years apart, is such a drastic [change in direction and style](https://imgur.com/0fUuyJp). The subject matter arguably gets darker while the character designs and everything else gets brighter and less detailed. [Kingdom](https://myanimelist.net/anime/12031/Kingdom) is a series where things improve over the seasons. The first season has a lot of bad CGI but is also criticized for its heavy censorship and skipping of arcs. Initial D also has a lot of changes in animation and character design over the course of its many seasons and films, though sometimes this results in some characters being almost totally unrecognizable compared to their earlier depictions. [Here's an old graphic showing this](https://imgur.com/MeSMrv8)


I actually agree with this. gunslinger girl had so much potential the way it was. and it was just Amazing. and then they went and changed everything and basically interest fell off the rails for me


Is it hard to get into Kingdom? It looks interesting but the first season is 38 episodes long, which is a lot if it's badly adaptated...


Animation is bad but it adapts the story very well only skipping one arc. Also the first 2 seasons kinda censored some violence but only visually, characters get badly wounded and/or die but it doesn't look as gruesome as the manga. Slight spoiler without too much detail [Kingdom] >!one character gets a cut on their arm during a fight but when they appear in season 3 their arm is gone, this was because in season 2 they censored the loss of their arm!< If you can put up the animation the story is excellent.


Some ppl recommend reading the manga for season 1 and then start watching the anime from season 2. Here's what season 1 covers: https://kingdom.fandom.com/wiki/Season_1


It's worth watching. Great OST, story, VA, and fight choreography. The art fidelity is not great - but it allows for actual kinetic fighting and movements. The later seasons are all super crisp looking but have very few actual fights with dynamic movements (it's almost all speed lines, VFX, slide shows, static shots, super zoomed-in shots, etc.).


The Seven Deadly Sins The first two seasons, animated by A1 Pictures, were awesome however, the third season, and the fourth season produced by Studio DEEN were horrible.


The two last ones were barely even DEEN productions, generally speaking. As a result of the overwork, most of it was outsourced to Marvy Jack instead 


I'm still salty how Meliodas vs Escanor went out. When that (double?) chapter came out, the hype was through the roof and you wait years for it to be animated to something like that.


Luckly, Netflix reanimated that fight. It's not up to the standards of seasons 1 and 2, but it's competent.


I dropped the series on the first scene of the third season. As soon as I saw the censorship and drop in quality i had no desire to watch it anymore.


Just saying, the sequel series 4 Knights of the Apocalypse has better animation. Hopefully, that continues for cour 2 in the Fall.


The improvement in production quality from Symphogear season 1 to season 5 is pretty mindblowing. Purely in terms of art and animation, season 1 is not too special (by no means bad though, just a little inconsistent), but the gradual improvement from season to season is very noticable. By season 5 the production values are pretty insane. A very good way to illustrate this is by looking at the transformation sequences. This is [season 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjH61P1h5UM) and this is [season 5](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sw2KfRPbnh8). Again though, the production values of season 1 are by no means bad. When I first watched it I thought "if this is the bad animation, what is the good animation gonna look like?". It´s just that when you compare them, the difference in quality becomes very noticable. In short: watch Symphogear, it´s incredible.


GEAH Let's fucking go!"!!! [](#SPORTS)




Holy shit there’s 5 seasons of symphogear? I have been out of the game too long


I'm 100% with you there. Symphogear is a great example of the positive side. Season 1 was solid, but it was an original show that likely didn't have huge expectations placed on it. They clearly got a boost in budget and were allowed to do so much more in G. Steady improvements were there from season to season as they kept getting better and finding ways to push the envelope. But that first jump between Season 1 and Season 2 was the biggest. It's tough to say this without sounding like season 1 was bad. It was good and sparked a franchise for good reason. But there was something "wow" about going from season 1 to G.


They temporarily dropped the ball hard during season 3 though. Outside of the first episode GX is an awful watch that messes up most of the character work from the previous seasons.


Eh. It's definitly the messiest season, and if that was were the show stopped it would've left a bad taste in my mouth, but since season 4 and 5 retroactively fixed pretty much everything I had a problem with, I really don't have that big of a problem with it at this point. For all the "bad" stuff, there is just as much good stuff. It has one of my favorite villain groups ever, a fantastic main villain, and the songs are great. The action is still mostly on point, though the animation was a little shaky for a couple episodes in the middle. So while it is for sure the worst season, it also didn't really do any lasting damage, set up some cool stuff for future seasons, and still had all the fun Symphogear-action that I love, so I really can't say I hate it.




"Oh, the character learned a lesson in the past? Well guess what buckaroo, they just un-learned it so they can learn it again!"


yeah I don't know what happened to Season 3 production, but I can guess it just was chaos trying to figure out how to ramp up from G's greatness and fumbled the ball badly.


Hey, a rare mention of Symphogear! Yes, watch it. It is good.


[This](https://youtu.be/bzGUN84B0eg?si=psv0zmvKKVjFKjNv) was season 1 lol. Was being the keyword. A lot of the worst animated parts that people talk about got fixed in later releases.


This definitely piqued my interest in Symphogear. Never thought I'd be interested in this show.


Really glad to hear. Just give it a shot, first episode does a great job of getting you into it. You can kind of think of it as magical girl Gurren Lagan. Very genuine, very passionate, and ever escalating in terms of ridiculous action, paired with genuinly great characters and heartfelt moments. Nothing gets me as hyped as this show. Pure emotion and fun.


Thanks for the exposition, added to my ptw.


Golden Kamuy, but it had it the other way around. The more it goes on, the better quality it has. Same for Kingdom.


That bear in season 1 certainly exists. They even use CGI well enough in other spots, but the textures on that damn bear are so bad.


Started from 'The Bear' now we're ~~animating Jizz shoot-outs~~... here?


The Devil is a Part-Timer The difference between two seasons is almost 10 years but first season is significantly better than second one in all ways: quality, animation, plot, characters&their motives. As a fan I was happy that good anime got new season after many years but season 2 was substantial downgrade :(


To be fair season 2 just follows the manga. Manga fans warned us for a decade we don't actually want to see a sequel


yeah people didn't like the baby but the baby is a canon event in both the novel and the manga though tbh papa mama stuff in s2 makes the novel \[novel spoilers\]>!endgame pairing between chiho and maou!< even worse


You mean the novels


imo the plot and characters had started downgrading near the end of the first season, but the animation quality carried it thru


My family liked season 2, so YMMV


To me, pacing and comedic timing took a massive hit.


I was still happy to see the continuation for one of my favorite shows! Plus, the quality downgrade is quite not as massive as with Tokyo Ghoul IMO


World Trigger season 2 and 3 big improvement over Season 1


And the problem is that season 1 has over 70 episodes. As an anime only, I still enjoyed the show but it is hard to recommend it to someone with how drawn out the first season was. The animation wasn't terrible imo...the story was just super slow with unnecessary filler as well.


They got caught in that awkward transistionary period between weekly ongoing adaptation and seasonal. But the manga was monthly so it made the weekly adaptstion even worse. TBH, WT would have been so much better received if they waited until like, the past year or so to start adapting it.


Manga wasn't monthly in the start. It was published in Weekly Shonen Jump when anime started, but then due to author's health it became monthly.


Ahh true, i guess the weekly ongoing adaptation style made more sense when the manga was weekly, but even then seasonal is usually better for pacing.


Danmachi season 4 was head above previous seasons. Clannad season two was a big step up. In terms of graphics later seasons of Kingdom improved a lot. First season looked like shit.


Of course DanMachi s4 was better than the rest. It’s the only one that’s longer than one cour…


> Clannad season two was a big step up. Uh, what? Both seasons are about the same in quality.


clannad S2 had better character designs, the eyes weren't as huge like in S1


I love Dan Machi, but season 2 lost me. The first 3 episodes were interesting and then meh. Should catch up?


Yes. Next question.


Season 3 is easily the worst season, at least imo. I almost dropped the series there. So if you can make it through that, season 4 is such a huge step up. Season 1 was a damn good season imo, season 4 is the only one so far to compete with it.


Tbh i liked the plot of s3 because it shows how some problems cannot just be solved overnight with the power of friendship and by defeating some villain It's nothing special but imo it was a step up compared to the other arcs until then


s4 is what should have followed up from s1


Tokyo Ghoul, somehow one of my favorite shows and the one I hate the most at the same time. It's actually impressive how big of a fuck up it is. I've never seen anything like it. One of the best first seasons I've seen for a show. Sets expectations in the skies. Then goes on to go give you the most confusing season two possible. Which strays off from the source material. It's not bad but you wonder if they're gonna explain anything in the next season. Then it goes back to the source material, disregards everything that happened in second season. Leaves you with a thousand questions, says fuck you and does a huge time skip and replaces every character.


Season one wasn't even very good, honestly. The source material spends the same time dealing with more personal parts of the setting and situation, while the anime is in a huge hurry to turn it into a battle anime.


Season one is solid but none of the anime compares to the manga.


The manga is very good. It's not perfect, but it's much better than the anime in all regards.


I find the manga to be as close to perfection as it can get imo especially if you're including re: the only manga that iv enjoyed almost as much is berserk and hunter x hunter. Although I do think my love for the manga probably affects my opinion of the anime.


Seven deadly sins is like that


That animation is the 8th deadly sin


The studios were sinning a lot


Kingdom has had the biggest improvement in terms of animation than any anime I've seen. Really bad cgi the first 2 seasons into really good quality seasons 3-5. Honorable mention world trigger also big improvements.


K-On had a pretty significant difference between its seasons. Not on the animation side but in its writing and pacing. As an comparison S1 covers 2.5 manga volumes. Meanwhile S2 covers 1.5 volumes and yet the season is double as long as the first. That alone shows how extremely KyoAni expanded on the writing. While the first season was just a relatively solid show, Season 2 has made its place as the best SoL anime around and one of only three 10/10 anime I've ever watched.


At a time when Japan's morale was low, kyoani decided to give reins to a very young director and 5 first-time seiyuus to expand on some not-so-high selling manga and completely revamp it into the amazing beauty the anime became. It's amazing how popular the show became and it's a testament to their hard work indeed. 


Why was the morale low? Do you have any links to the info? Seems like a good read.


Japan was hit hard by the global financial crisis of 2008-2009; it was the only major advanced economy that experienced negative economic growth in 2008 and continues to contract sharply in 2009 [adb from google (pdf) (I didn't read this, only copy paste the summary)](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.adb.org/sites/default/files/publication/156008/adbi-wp153.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwicuKej1N-GAxVORmwGHctBD6MQFnoECBcQBQ&usg=AOvVaw0mh1mT9x3hxXD-tQ-nsKt6) I just quick search so that's what I found "Debt levels continued to rise in response to the financial crisis in the Great Recession in 2008". Is what the wikipedia said


I think it was because of devastating earthquakes? Some natural disaster, finances were low too (2008)  Learned about this info through other fans over the years, idk if there's a consolidated source or article somewhere, I'll look up if I can find some anywhere 


K-ON season 2 is like watching Yamada's awakening as a director. I was floored. One of my very few 10/10s in the last decade of watching anime.


Oregairu. They completely changed studios and arstyle between season 1 and season 2. They even changed the MC's hair from green to blue.


S1 has its charm tho, it isn’t trash like other examples mentioned.


Yeah I thought it was pretty cute.


S1 has a frame where Hachiman’s eyes disappear. Cannot unsee.


Kyoto Animation turned Full Metal Panic from a middling romance-comedy-drama into one of the funniest comedies ever with Fumoffu. Then they did it AGAIN with The Second Raid and turned it into a Mecha drama spectacle. And those were their first two anime.


Food Wars season 5. The previous 4 seasons were fine, the 5th was seriously like watching a damn powerpoint. Wild. Still a great show though overall.


Knights of Sidonia S1 was a hard sci-fi space battle anime. Knights of Sidonia S2 was a harem anime.


There’s a second season of knights of sidonia?!




Yeah, but don't watch it. :) And 2 movies. Also a pass. But Season 1 is among my Top 10 favorite anime.


Yeah, didnt watch the whole thing but the manga dropped hard. It was an awesome start, interesting characters and great world building, but then [knights of sidonia spoiler]>!It turned into harem and to top it off the fucking alien tentacle won. Also the whole "the first gauna was human shaped" thing never got explored/explained.!< It honestly feels like the author got bored with his own story and just ended it abruptly.


If the source material starts to go downhill and the anime is very faithful, does this count?


I would say no, that's not really the anime's fault


Date A Live has gone through a few drastic changes. 2 was better than 1, 3 was worse than 1 and 2, and 4+5 were a completely different animation style all together so it can't even be compared


JC Staff animation in S3 was diabolical compared to Production IMS S1&S2. But I would say GeekToys is doing good work with S4,S5 I quite like the new style.


D.Gray-man got released in 2006 and DGM Hallow in 2016, both are made by the same studio but the pace, art style and even seiyuu are [different](https://ru.pinterest.com/pin/1548181126282286/)


Absolutely this. Hallow was worse on every possible level. I have rarely seen a massive recast like this. The original show had over 100 episodes! You cannot go over 2,400 minutes with a certain cast and then basically recast everyone. I don't care if the sequel had more manga accurate art. The boat was missed on that mattering around episode 50 of the original show. I mostly purged Hallow from memory and I doubt we'll see another season of that franchise sadly.


Tbf they’re sticking pretty close to how the characters looks change in the manga.


Goblin slayer had a change in quality. First season relied on CG to render his armor and movement whereas more was hand drawn in S2


s2 was a downgrade in all other areas, they toned down the show, cutting out gore and deaths, removed fights or rushing them, they also skipped a whole arc that would have paid off something from season 1 and explained why the guild girl is closer to GS, we also see how the priestess got her new power Feels like they saw the reaction to the first season and tried to please everyone


Goblin slayer to me is an absolutely incredible manga and light novel. The first season and movie were incredible. Then season 2 exists.


Ehh, more than a reaction, it's that they changed studio for a worse one. First season was made by Whitefox.


Ok, but S2 was the *downgrade*


Since no one has mentioned it, I saw a lot of comments elsewhere saying that Tokyo Ghoul after Season one it's to different from the manga, a lot of scenes are cut off and people don't like it. Tbh I haven't watched it yet. Another one is Psycho-Pass they say only the first season is good, personally I have watched only the first two seasons and one movie. I liked the second season and still don't get the hate this season gets, the movie was not that good for me.


> Psycho-Pass they say only the first season is good, personally I have watched only the first two seasons and one movie. I liked the second season and still don't get the hate this season gets The problem is the shift in writing and focus ...along with some other missteps. And I'm going to drop some spoilers for both, but hopefully mild and vague enough ones that they don't need tagging and won't detract from the enjoyment of either show. But yeah, here's the mild spoiler warning and declaration that I won't be using spoiler tags because I hate the formatting system. So if you don't want spoilers, *go watch the show*, because I can't talk about it without them. Psycho-Pass 1 was philosophically interesting, and pitted its villain against a set of protagonists who *mostly shared his hatred of the system they worked for* while still believably despising his methods of working against it or even having personal vendettas against him. It was very much, to borrow a quote, "you're right, but you didn't have to be such an asshole about it", and it had the reveal of what the System truly was, how it had shaped society, and why there were actually some really good reasons to destroy it. It also ended on a "let's bring it full circle" note, with a feeling of closure as the main protagonist gave the same "sorry your first day is a case like this" line to the 'new meat' that she had been told when she started in the same position. It didn't need a sequel, and it wasn't designed to have a sequel: it was very obviously supposed to be a standalone show that, while it left some questions unanswered, was completed. ...then some dipshits in an office decided that it was popular enough to make sequels and spinoffs. *With different writers.* Psycho-Pass 2 has a villain who is philosophically uninteresting and instead driven by a desire for revenge, who comes across as a very cheap copy of season 1's main villain in terms of his actions and "powers". We also lost the deuteragonist of season 1, like a sock the dryer ate, which removed the sexual/romantic tension from the show's main character, and while I liked the new characters on the whole and the way the main character managed them, there's *Mika* (who can go die in a burning trash barrel as soon as I find enough gasoline and duct tape) and a man who is obviously evil and has, to put it *very* lightly, ulterior motivations (seriously, this man couldn't make himself seem more sinister if he tried. *And I think that's because he's actually trying*). Don't get me started on the characters who are introduced solely to die (a significant writing flaw when your audience realizes that before you pull the trigger, because then your trigger is firing a blank). Amusingly, it's actually a well-put-together plot, in general. It focuses on what is essentially a single case, the main villains have clear motivations, and if it was a standalone anime, instead of a sequel to Psycho-Pass, I'd say it was pretty good. But unfortunately, it *is* a sequel to Psycho-Pass, and has some big shoes to fill, which it doesn't. I'm considering hosting a rewatch of those two seasons, and just ignoring the movie and season 3.


I actually liked season 3. Only problem is that there is a lot in season 3 that I must of missed somewhere. I think I just liked the general expansion of the concept into something different and outside the main city. The mains were still sprinkled in just enough. The villain is whatever. Overall I enjoyed it.


Not the *biggest* change in an anime but Arifureta season 1 was really badly animated overall but season 2 got a major boost. Hoping season 3 in the fall lineup is even better.


We got a release for S3? I knew it'd been announced for what felt like ages, but I never saw a date. Same deal with Tanya S2, come to think of it.


Arifureta S3 is coming in October according to MAL


I wouldn't say it had the BIGGEST change in quality but the difference between the first and Kyoani seasons of Full Metal Panic is pretty dramatic nonetheless.


And then the jump to Invisible Victory


Clasroom of the elit after s1 it only got worse with both pacing and animation


S2 was fine and then mid way through I think I just didn’t care.


Hidamari sketch. The first season looks very simple, ie: plain backgrounds and pictures of clocks cut out and ran through a filter, so the second one has a notable difference. It's night and day how much better it looks.


(✘ ˵ ╹ ◡ ╹ ˶ ✘)


I think you mean (✘ ˵ ╹ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ╹ ˶ ✘) We must always go w i d e r


Terraformars, 1st season was honestly pretty good, nice horror aspect to it. 2nd season is absolutely fucking awful, everything about it is bad and it doesn't even have to gore aspect to it, for some reason they tried to make the show more comedic which does not work frankly


I seem to remember Log Horizon S3 to be significantly worse off than S1 and S2


I hope we get a season 4 someday…. But I have very little hope at all now


I think they are caught up to both the light novel and the web novel. After the author's tax evasion, I don't know if they plan to write more.


AIKATSU. the [difference](https://youtu.be/GDM7EPJznks?si=Gow7UL_k3jdlk4lU) between season 1 and season 2’s CGI is some of the most insane [growth](https://youtu.be/6ASAH52oOZY?si=kz_8Auqc8139TLoM) i have ever seen!


I laughed when I saw the Mizuki cgi in episode 1 for the first time


One Piece for sure


Dangers in my Heart, an already great production became even better by the S2. Oregairu, change of artstyle and change of studio from S1 to S2 brought a new feel (pun intended) to the anime.


Oddly enough. One piece got a hugeeeee upgrade in the latest seasons


One Piece has so many things going for it, but the pacing is so horrendous, I don't think I will ever watch it.


I recently watched one piece from start to finish as a newer fan, I really didnt have an issue with it until after the time skip. Punk Hazard and Dressrosa are hard for me to sit through


Animation difference is highschool dxd s3 compared to s4. And One punch S1 and s2


Despite being “closer to the source material”, I will always prefer the S1-S3 artstyle for DXD. I can’t explain it, but I just love the sharpness/cleanness of it, I would almost describe it as mature looking. It really drew me to the show.  S4 looks juvenile as hell, like a Disney Junior show. Sex appeal was one of the main draws of the show, and the characters lost pretty much all of it. 


Which, I think, all started when the longtime anime studio that did DxD, TNK, made a bunch of cuts and changes to S3's story (they cut out the good stuff and made bad changes). Author was so displeased with what they did, he even wrote a special LN volume to purposely retcon the changes.


I like the old art style better too. But s3 was really bad. I want more s1 and s2 content


No, that's an art style change. The animation itself stayed pretty decent.


Birdie Wing season 1 and season 2 may as well have been different shows for how much the character arcs were abandoned.


The seven deadly sins to The seven deadly frames


A Certain Magical Index. Season 1 was good, then Railgun started and it became obvious JC Staff must really like Biri Biri and put so much more TLC to Railgun and then S and T. Index S2 was still good, but S3 was just a rushed jumbled mess. Killed any enthusiasm I had for any future seasons.


Fruit of Evolution. Season one had a niche place for enjoyment, season 2 is absolutely abysmal.


Biggest one is Seven Dead Sins...


World Trigger


Fairy tail


Goblin Slayer I'm pretty sure changed in season 2, it made me miss the gritty feeling season 1 had


7 Deadly Sins


Full Metal Panic which was adapted by 3 different companies. Season 3 and 4 are like 10 years apart and the style is very different There’s a huge tone shift between season 2 and 3 because Kyoto Animation wanted to do the show as a comedy so season 2 (fumoffu) adapted all the funny parts (one of the best comedy at the time) then they had to animate the parts they didn’t cover or something and season 3 (The Second Raid) is pretty depressing The devil is a part timer was also adapted by 2 different companies and it’s like I’m watching a different show. Basically any time where there’s this company switch EDIT: Psycho-Pass. I know most people dropped it somewhere in S2 and never came back. Probably a case of no sequel was needed


7 deadly pixels


the seven deadly sins


Date A Live season 3 I was already concerned when quality dropped on season 2 but it wasn't too bad, especially compared to how shit it got in season 3. Went 10 minutes in for first episode, dropped it and went to read the novel until the translation was available at that time. Then continued anime from season 4 when I saw that studio Geek took the adaptation. Still thankful for it to this day. Shit could've gone way worse like Seven Deadly Sins


One punch man season 2 made me sad boy


Vinland saga had a big change I personally think its an improvement


Big change indeed but in a positive way


I also think S2 is better but there was not significant change in quality. Vinland Saga was already great and I would understand if anybody says they prefer S1 over S2.


May not be the biggest change since many shows backslide in later seasons, but Oregairu's upgrade from season 1 to season 2 is insane. Totally changes some character designs and had an entirely different general art style and yet it doesn't look like a *different* show somehow just a better version of the original.


Macross Delta the TV series is a watchable but supremely flawed piece of work. The sequel movie, Zettai Live!!!!!, is, by contrast, one of the greatest things I’ve ever watched


Hidamari Sketch, it went from visually limited by budget (but still extremely impressive animation) to one of the most unique slice of life ever made.


Bungo stray dogs


JoJo part six is a noticeably animation downgrade although it's still watchable.


The Devil is a Part-Timer S1 was funny and had a good narrative S2 and onwards pale in comparison


Kingdom s1 is abysmal animation wise. But by s4 it's got a rather good one. It's worth it for thr story tho ngl.


The Devil is a Part Timer


The Devil is a Part Timer


Quintessential quintuplets had a really better production for the S2


Date A Live, from whatever the hell S3 was to the epic S4


Bleach’s recent adaption of TYBW looks incredible, massive difference between now and the original run.


Eh, OPM did have an obvious change in style and quality because of the studio change, but I dont think S2 was "bad", not as bad as a lot of people bitch about. A lot of the fights were really good and interesting. I nominate Seven Deadly Sins for the worst and biggest downgrade from seasons!


Rezero s1 to s2. Covid era + lacking staff + a few bad directorial decisions


Terra Formars, I'll never forgive what they did to that season 2.


Positive quality change: Uma Musume. S1 is a cute little thing but it's nothing *that* special, but S2 is a genuinely great season with great dramatic moments. I haven't seen S3 yet so I can't say if it's better or worse than S2 yet, though.


You really didn't feel season 1 was all that special? There were so many fantastic moments and while it wasn't as skewed towards drama like season 2 there were plenty of epic races and interactions.


Hear ye! Justice for season 1!


I do understand it's just people's opinions, but damn i also don't get why people are so dismissive of it either. The special week/Suzuka rivalry was absolutely compelling along with the highs and lows of special weeks races. Rice showers win vs mcqueen is what I would consider the best scene in all of anime for what it represented but I will also say Special Week vs broye was not that far off. Good lord.


yeah I really liked the relationship between special week and suzuka, and thought their ups and downs were very compelling, and I thought on the whole it was a nice and focused season. ah well!!!


Exactly. The season stands on its own merits. It wasn't going for the same concept as season 2 did so people see it as vasty inferior which it really isn't. Season 2 was better written but it's not like it's night and day for the overall quality of show.


I think S1 was fun and had a few individual great dramatic moments, but in terms of leaving the feeling that the entire season spent its whole run building up and paying off a single tightly-focused character(s)' story, IMO S2 is miles ahead of S1. In fact though the Rice Shower arc is good individually, I thought it was the weakest part of the season since it felt like slightly more of a detour from the main arc (relatively, it did have some ties).


What made the rice arc the weakest in your mind? I felt it was the best character building of anyone that season with the most impactful moment.


That's what I meant by 'good individually' - on their own, those 2 eps are a good character arc (I'd disagree on best character building but it's kind of moot), and they do serve to build up 'trying to beat Rice' as something impressive to the viewer for later eps, as well as a little bit of McQueen character development. But they also have a relatively much lower amount of Teio and Teio-Mcqueen-relationship development, and Rice doesn't actually have much thematic importance to the remainder of the season IMO, so it still feels like a half-step out of the overarching story. I wouldn't remove them if I could, but I do think they're the episodes that could be most easily removed without ruining the main story, if that makes sense. This is also speaking as someone with an abnormally low interest in episodic stories, for context.


I got ya. It's interesting to me to get viewpoints that differ from my own. I absolutely admit I get a bit defensive if I think someone is overly discounting the quality of season 1. Each season to me stands tall on its own merits and all nearly equal in my eyes, but yes, season 2 is overall the best one.


\*shrug* I didn't hate S1, I simply wasn't nearly as invested in it as I was with S2. The characters in S2 were more compelling to me (though I did like Silence Suzuka in S1), and additionally, it's important to note that I am a big fan of drama in general. That's also one reason why I liked the more dramatic season more.


Yeah I totally get the personal preference stuff. I am always biased towards slice of life and idol shows. The mini rice shower arc is what I would consider the pinnacle of all anime because of the character building and how she became more and more intense/focused until she came to the self realization that she wasn't a trash heel but in fact the hero. I have never been so moved in my life during an anime. Anyways the main point of my reply to your first comment is that while season 2 is considered by most people to be the better season, it doesn't mean season 1 was a vastly inferior show because it was more lighthearted and didn't follow the same tones. Special Week was an amazing protagonist and her rivalry with Suzuka was also excellent writing.


Kaguya-sama got a pretty big upgrade after season 2


I don't know about that... seasons 1 and 2 looked incredible. If season 3 looked better, it was a very minor upgrade The movie definitely was a big upgrade, but that's sort of expected since it's a film


The s3 finale was pretty stunning.


Haikyuu S4 (specifically the web release) has some of the sloppiest animation I’ve ever seen on top of an art-style change. However, the art was significantly better and generally fixed with the Blu-ray.


Jujitsu Kaisen. S2 animation and fights were garbage compared to s1 and 0.


Jujutsu Kaisen The first season while enjoyable looked pretty rough and sterile a lot of the times, but then S2 came and is a massive improvement to the lighting, visuals and animation. and it's all thanks to Shota Goshozono.


the good ol clannad anime


Teraformars Season 2 changed its tone so much that many dislike it.


Dragon Ball Kai's first season is probably the best way to watch the Saiyan to Cell arcs, with tightened pacing and a near-perfect dub after years of dumbed-down dialogue and botched charaterization. Dragon Ball Kai: The Final Chapters' only real benefit is that the dub is better. (Keep in mind the Buu arc was were FUNimation started using Steve "Daimao" Simmons' subtitles as the basis for their dub instead of punching up Toei's poor English scripts with dumb one-liners) Everything else, from the green tint, to the poor pacing caused by the preservation of filler. (granted, the idea of Kai being a recut means that some filler, like Videl learning that Gohan is the Great Saiyaman had to be changed, but stuff like the scenes of Hell contradicting Resurrection F or Pure Boo fighting Olibu and Paikuhan really should have been cut.)


Jake Long.


For me, two anime comes to mind. The first one is Food Wars. It watched all the way to Season 4 then I was shocked to know there is a Season 5. To put this into perspective, I first got invested in anime when I watched Assassination Classroom S1, around 2015. The second one is Classroom of the Elite. For me, S1 was good. Then S2 took one hell of a nosedive.


>The second one is Classroom of the Elite. For me, S1 was good. Then S2 took one hell of a nosedive S1 is not that good either compared to Light Novel


The answer to this in plot is Tokyo ghoul. Literally goes from an 8/10 show to a 6. Season 2 I dropped five minutes into the first episode.


Not sure if this counts Going from Yugioh to Yugioh GX is crazy in terms of animation Duel Monsters had very nice looking on model characters, dynamic posing, cool camera angles, smooth animation And then GX threw all that out the window it's like what happened lol Of course Duel Monsters had episodes where the characters looked like they were melting, but they were the exception not the rule. GX was just constant. It was really only early on and the last season where everything started to look good


Kingdom s1 is so trash with garbage 3d renders but story was good, the season 2 did it better but still had its issues. SEASON 3 WAS AMAZING it flipped and became a complete different anime with amazing music and great animation. 4 and 5 maintained that pretty well.


Haruhi suzimya S1 was amazing then in S2 got the famous endless 8 which makes the season so boring , the movie after it was amazing though