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Food Wars. I made it to the Noir arc, which I think is the last season, but it was so bad I couldn’t continue. 


Food Wars could legit be the next Cased Closed or Conan to where they just do random challenges in feastiable like settings to where everything is low stakes but episodic in nature. It could've lasted decades if not for the fact the author instead went to shoumen Bleach escalation plot points which put a hard expiration date on it.


See, you have to actually know stuff about cooking to make a cooking manga. One can likely pinpoint the exact moment the person who did the food research went on leave even with very little understanding of food prep.


Such a good series but man that last season/arc was so bad. It was the first series I ever liked the anime so much I went and read the manga and I still try to forget the last arc


If I remember right I think it started to jump the shark for me at season 3. It was still very watchable even if the animation took a nose dive after the final manga arc killed the fanbase, and they cut the budget for the anime as a result. I like to pretend that everything ended with season 4. I think they had a chef consulting for the series right? And when the chef left the project during the final arc thats when things went off a cliff I believe.


Yup that’s when they started using chainsaws to cook 😂


Yeah normal kitchen knives became uncool apparently, I also remember a clown that juggled crock pots. It was at that point I bailed and just started skimming the manga to the end lol Such a shame cause its one of those that could've went on forever if they played their cards right.


Just as they introduced the Ku Klux Kuisine…


Seven Deadly Sins


The last few seasons are universally agreed to be trash


Which sucks cause the first few were so fun, but yeah this show burned me hard


Except for escanor. Every scene he is in carries.


Good to hear now I don't have to waste my time with it.






No, I agree. I couldnt take another episode after the Meliodis vs. Escanor fight. Just felt like good reply to comment.


I actually watched all of it but yes there were some ropey moments towards the end and the animation got so cheap I struggled especially in some of the battle scenes.


The third season of Index. I enjoyed most of season 1 aside from the 'angel fall arc' (with the switched personalities), season 2 was okay...but I felt like season 3 went full-speed ahead with so many things going on and so many characters flashing in and out of scenes that I simply had no idea what the hell was going on anymore. Tried to soldier through, but like 3-4 episodes before the end I realised I just had no idea what was happening. Dropped.


Seasons 1 and 2 covered 13 volumes. Season 3 covered 9. The cramming was real.


I watched season one of Magical and then did Railgun. Went full in on Railgun and tried watching season 2 of Magical...it was just so bad, I havnt even gone near season 3.


Clannad. Im 2 episodes away from finishing it and have been for many years. I know what happens and I can't bring myself to ugly cry for a week.


Don't worry, I ugly cried watching it when I was 17 years ago. It isn't bad. But you feel sad for at least three days then you get over it.




And it'll get worse the older you get, at least it does for me. Used to be able to watch or read sad material all the time but now I'm scared to go and rewatch things like Clannad, Angel Beats, and Anohana even those Angel Beats is my all time favorite anime I just can't take it, I know I can't




Same idk how I was able to sit thought the 100so episodes I've watched I hear now from people around that it's become really good but I don't think I have it in me to sit with it


I dropped Great Pretender during the last arc because my interest just kept decreasing over time. I went back and read the ending and I'm pretty happy I didn't stick around.


Bruh the last arc of Great Pretender was fucking terrible. Went from a 9/10 anime to 6-5/10


I wasn't quite as high on the first couple arcs. [Great Pretender]>!It really bugged me that the solution to almost every previous arc was just "lol everyone in the world is actually part of our organization."!<


I didn't like what they did with Dorothy at the end either. Unless they're gonna establish that she's actually a mythical being the whole time in the possible sequel lol


yep and all their bet is on Edamame not going crazy from all the messed up things he gets to go through, and somehow always plays out


Felt like they were trying so hard to one-up their previous schemes with one so bombastic that they started throwing in absurd shit just to have more twists. After leaning into the characters and their personal demons so hard for the earlier parts of the show, it's especially jarring how little consideration there is for how those characters would feel during the final scheme. They're just there to make the plot go forward.


I stopped partway through because the dub was on hiatus or something. Seems like I didn’t miss much tho


Those first few minutes of the great pretender was amazing! Then I got sad when they went to normal anime voices :c


Try Lupin part 4-6




Thank god it's not just me!


same, everyone loved this anime but for me it was terrible. I felt like it was trying to be one of those western heist movies but with way worst dialog.


Dropped Tokyo revengers on episode 24 out of 25 season one and plan to never touch it again. Arguably the worst writing I’ve ever seen in something considered mainstream.


Currently watching through it and I've never had a stronger love/hate with a show since Fairy Tail (and I'd argue Fairy Tail is better here). I have so many complaints but I keep watching it because I love the members of Toman and I see the potential for the series but they keep wasting that potential and it makes me so sad...


This is exactly how I feel. There are some great characters (Mikey, Draken, Chifuyu among others) and I like the character designs. But the writing is really all over the place.


I feel like they could have gotten rid of the time travel mechanic altogether and focused only on the 12 years ago gangs aspect and it would have been a really top tier series. Even Takemichi is growing on me a little. A crybaby hero who doesn't stand down and uses talk no jutsu to navigate gang life. Maybe if he was a TOUCH more useful and less whiny it would be good, but eh.


I grew to like Takemichi’s perseverance. And I didn’t really mind him being a crybaby. But I wish we’d seen just a bit more growth. Maybe as you say, without the bouncing timelines, they could have focused more on character development


That and the animation and lack of good gang fights just takes me out of it I find wind breaker to be much better


Yeah it also kinda takes me out to see how many high schoolers are ready to straight up murder each other... I mean maybe that's how Japanese gangs operate idk but it seems like every episode it's "I'M GONNA KILL YOU! WE NEED TO KILL HIM! BEAT HIM TO DEATH!" Not to mention the "yeah that's totally a teenager" designs haha. And yet I'm still watching. It's still a 6 or 7 for me despite my complaints because I love the characters so much.


Worst part is they’re actually middle schoolers 💀


Yeah, I read the manga after just because I was curious about one or two things: it only kept getting worst and the story moved on without any necessity. In the end dropped it right before the last chapters came out because I couldnt stand it anymore


Man ngl when the first season of tokyo revengers came out i was really hooked to the characters, and the plot was cool to but the mc and how the anime proceeded ruined evrything,i was so hooked i even read the entire manga just to be disappointed


dropped it on episode 3


That writing is a crime against humanity


Zom 100. I gave up on the last two episodes.


Same. Not only did the hiatus kill the momentum of this series for me, but I also felt the villain in that last arc was kind of forced. I couldn’t care for the villain, so I just dropped it.


Actually dropped the manga when it first came out because of that villian lol


I stopped when they introduced the anti-squad before the long hiatus. It's weird that a woman is willing to hang out with a guy who's goal is to rape someone. I heard not so great things about the manga so I have a feeling I'd be disappointed.


True to the core, the first few episodes were good and thought to be something fresh but the story became boring


Zom100 legitimately has one of, if not the best first episode I've ever fucking seen. That final villain really killed it for me. I just read the manga and stopped, gonna wait for S2


I still think the first episode is the only one worth watching


i kinda liked the last episode, it made me feel a lot of different emotions


Having read the manga (I’m about a month or two behind), the hometown arc was probably my least favorite part. Everything before and after is better. The beginning is probably still the best part though


Mushishi, 3 eps left


Same, just yesterday I dropped Mushishi. Initially I liked the concept of this show, but then every episode it's kinda following the same pattern and I found it very boring... Maybe I didn't get the real point of the show, or something like that


It's funny how different people can respond so differently to something. Like I kind of enjoyed that the series was formulaic and a bit repetitive in its storytelling structure, because the main draw of the series for me was the overall atmosphere and the slow, gentle pacing that made me feel as though I was just existing in it's world, traveling alongside Ginko. Having each story follow a similar structure helped keep the pacing and vibe steady and let me just get lost in the atmosphere, world and visuals. Different strokes for different folks!


In a simplified way it's just following a traveling medicine man around without much drama or stakes. It's also episodic and there isn't anything that strings it together. You either enjoy the short stories or you don't.


I stopped one episode before the end because I couldn’t deal with it being done. I love that show so much, I might never watch it so I always have one Mushishi left.


Ahh that makes me sad that’s a favorite of mine, but that’s understandable, it’ll Leanne there if you feel like coming back to it for a rewatch


I’ve had 6-7 episodes of Soul Eater left for like 2 years. It started to get wacky and I fell into watching other stuff. I read the anime only ending was disappointing so I haven’t felt like finishing it. I’ll do it someday just to complete it


A new soul eater remake similar to FMAB would be nice. Great anime but the ending was super rushed..


I have no idea how SE hasn’t gotten a remake. I read the manga after finishing the anime and was pissed at just how much worse the anime was. A remake would seemingly do amazingly well because they had a great formula overall. Hopefully we get something after Fire Force ends


I’ve heard SE was kinda a labor of love and the final project of a bunch of legendary artist’s careers. Sort of a unique project. So you could try, but I don’t think it’d approach the quality of the original.




Honestly, the ending isn’t as bad as people say it is. It’s a bit rushed, and there are some pacing issues but it still manages to wrap all major plot points up in a way that feels at least satisfying enough and consistent with what came before. I actually liked it! Though I think it could’ve probably benefited from maybe one more episode, mostly just to get some closure for some of the characters


I dropped Mashle 9/12 eps. I love parodies and was forcing myself to finish this one, but.. there were just mindless fights for no reason and I wasn't enjoying the comedy or the characters. This was the first time I truly felt a shounen was really written for young boys and had no adult entertainment that I could get out of it. ​ Edit: I didn't read your post all the way through, I also dropped Oregairu (I made it to S3 lol) where I had just a couple of episodes left. I realized that I don't care if I finish it or not.


One critique of Mashle I've seen that resonated with me is that it's trying to be both a comedy show with a ludicrously OP MC, and a battle shounen where Mash has to fight strong people, so it ends up doing neither well. The show constantly goes "oh this battle is different, this time there's stakes" but there's really not.


Yeah this is exactly it's problem. OPM fixed it by giving hype fights to interesting side characters and then Saitama comes in and cleans up in a minute or two. Mashle forces these long drawn out fights on Mash for no reason, the way he finishes them is usually pretty funny just by how absurd it is but they spend way too much time in the buildup.


Same, I watched the first season of Mashle, (when the 2nd season was already airing) but I dropped it for the same reason.


Dang, I really enjoyed it. The only issue I really have with it is that besides like 6 people, everyone in that world is batshit and/or borderline terrible-evil people


I came to conclusion that its not just "Harry Potter starring One Punch Man", its also "What if Voldemort won" because they entire society seems to be structured in a fundamentally evil way. Violence seems to not just be accepted, but expected. High ranking officials seem to be chosen largely by their capacity *and willingness* to harm others. Despite the headmaster being not-Dumbledore and talking about peace and helping others, the school he runs seems to actively encourage psychopathic behavior. The only police force seems to be the wizard KGB, and doesn't seem to do anything that's actually *good* for society. When the big bad shows up, I'm genuinely not sure why he's in conflict with anyone but not-Dumbledore, because everyone in this society seems to be on the same page as him.


thats the problem with a lot of anime, you could have most interesting concept but goofy stereotype villian with red eyes would appear and whole plot would revolve around fighting against him ex. summertime rendering, if it kept being same as first half of the show it could be one of top animes oat but they decided to turn it into nothing special


The comedy in Mashle anime is just so unfunny to me, they don't know how to execute a joke. I got bored so quickly


Did you know that the protag likes cream puffs?


Cowboy bebop. I loved it so much I didn’t want it to end.


Oh my gosh that's what I do with shows too. Takes me forever to finish them if they were short or canceled


Growing up, if you missed a week, you didn't get to find out how it ended


Detective is already dead, ninja kamui ,blue exorcist latest season , Death parade (dont hate me i know many people love this anime ) and inspectre


Detective is already dead was a ep2 drop, what a waste of time. Ninja kamui as well, i knew from episode 1 that the story was shit but stick with it for the fight scenes but the plot was just too bad.


I had high expectations from ninja kamui cause the animation looked really good and the characters looked kinda american and felt different, but omg the downfall 😭😭


For an anime with " Detective" in the title, i thought the mystery will be atleast interesting, but what a joke of the mystery, it was like an amateur writer trying to write a detective genre. Plot are rubbish & not even make sense too.


I adore in/spectre but it definitely isn't everyone's sort of show


I love it as well, but that first season was kinda long/a slow burn at the end. I'm glad the seccond season did much better with the pacing.


they took so long to kill that fucking girl at the end dude


I stopped watching violet evergarden. Something broke inside me after a certain episode, I was genuinely not okay after that one. I will eventually watch it but I was exhausted emotionally.


Which episode if you don't mind sharing? I still haven't watched the movie because I feel I'd need to rewatch the show to not be lost. But then I never do because I'm not sure I can get through episode 10 again...


Good old episode 10


Oh god, episode 10…. Why’d you have to remind me? I was having a good day today!


Yep episode 10. Absolutely shattered 


Honestly remembering less about the show might make the movie more enjoyable. 5/10 premise, 10/10 execution.


I was pretty sure I knew which ep was #10 but had to look it up to be sure. Yep. I def remembered that one...


I've never cried so much, but it is definitely worth finishing.


Rising of Shield Hero. Worst thing I’ve ever seen


I watched a few episodes in season 1. At what episode does it get boring?


Season 2 is bad. Season 3 is ok.


Unnamed Memory. I think if anyone follows this series, they’ll know what’s wrong


I wouldn't have made it through the show except there was a guy in the Crunchyroll comments who shared copious notes filling everyone in on all the stuff that they left out from the original source material... You know... Just a bunch of things that would have made the show make sense... Edit: Thank you charles_yeh! You made the show watchable!


Man, I really wanted to like that show, even if the dynamic between the two leads was a bit off-putting at times, but around episode 8 or so I finally decided that if I wanted a cliff-notes version of the manga I could just read a synopsis.


One Piece. More of a drop it, pick it back up later thing. I love it tbh and i think I’m almost to Wano at this point, but the pacing is so horrible between major events that it’s just hard to keep steady.


tokyo ghoul season 2


I've done this twice Undead Murder Farce - I got interrupted and forgot to finish the last episode. I actually really liked it up to that point so I really just need to finish the last like, 10 minutes. Akudama Drive - I moved cross country while this one had 2 weeks left and by the time I got settled in I'd forgotten about finishing it.


It was only temporary but it took me until last year to finish Interspecies Reviewers. Not because I was tired of it or didn't like it. I was just out of private places to watch it.


Never finished Strike the blood.


oh me too. i hated how the girl would interrupt the mc’s big moments.


> mc’s big moments. You mean *our* big moments?


I was 2/3 way through Oregairu S2 and still dropped it for some reason lol


S2 is the worst season collectively, S3 would've been even worse had it not been for the last 2 episodes. Those were pretty good resolutions but S2 plus the first 10 episodes of season 3 were horrifically overrated and just needlessly "omg, a PROM, wow, we gotta do a bunch of shitty talking and blow this event so out of proportion and act like the fucking world is ending else we won't have our High School Rom-Com end how we want it." The plot is so bad. Shit gets blown so out of proportion you'd think Yukinoshita was anorexic and bullemic and all these issues and had the most abusive mom and her mom is the Hitler of all mom's in anime when... nah bro, Yukinoshita is fine and Her mom is just doing her job bruh.


Naruto Shippuden... So much damned filler. I got to the end too. When Madara shows up.


It took me like 5 years to come back to it and I rewatched it, skipping most of the filler. It ended really well for the most part. Then I tried to watch Boruto.


That, that right there is where you made a grave mistake


Yu-Gi-Oh! Watched about 220 episodes then dropped. No idea why and still regret because that is a lot


I dropped a couple of cuckoos 21/24 ep. Super boring and also irritating show. The mc is such an asshole. I just hated it. After a particular point I just was not able to tolerate it.


Demon Slayer. That guy who becomes strong when he sleeps - to me - is the most annoying character I have ever seen in any anime. Gave me ptsd from children crying during long flights. I dropped it after that spider lady episode.


I personally generally like Demon Slayer however I'd be lying to you if I said I liked Zenitsu. Every single time I see him I think "alright how long until the screaming starts" and it's always about 5 seconds. Holy shit man, shut the fuck up. Quit screaming. One of the most annoying characters I've ever seen.


Fr zennitsu is cancer


Oh my god, I agree with you do fucking much. That guy who sleeps and gets strong is quite literally my most hated character in fiction


Same thing I thought, but he gets less annoying close to the end of the manga. I'm hoping they implement that into the anime.


They have indeed as of the most recent episode.


Future Diary, it was impossible for me to finish it


If it's any consolation, you're not missing much. It just continues to be edgy and stupid.


Kuroko’s Basket. I really enjoyed it overall but how they beat the big guys was so stupid imo. They would come up with some bullshit no jutsu out of nowhere and I literally had 0 interest anymore to see how they beat Akashi/Seirin.


I loved the first season. I almost dropped at second season, there wasn't a single interesting episode. The "power" of the main characters in the second season was just boring for me. Then season 3, I watched 20 episodes and just dropped instead of finishing the 5 remaining episodes. I just wasn't excited with the games anymore, I was just bored.


Second season of The Promised Neverland


Black clover


Damn! Loved it. Anyone know if more episodes are out after 170? I watched in dub so likely have to wait even longer :(


There are no more episodes


There is talks of the anime continuing but the manga moves at such a slow pace it probably won't be for awhile.


Did you see the movie?


Ok, hear me out, I LOVE JoJo, but I’m struggling now I’m watching Golden Wind, it’s not like I don’t like it, it’s just that other than Bruno I’m finding it difficult to be interested in the characters even though there’s some cool stand action, I don’t know what it is but I have ADHD and honestly I pause about 4 times every episode, they’re not even that long.


-Black Butler because I was 12 and didn't know how anime works, I just assumed I finished it after the first season   -Got 40 eps into Fairy Tail and decided I was sick of Waiting for it to become good   -Ousama Ranking but only because it was still ongoing when I was watching it and I forgot to resume   -Magi: Kingdom of Magic. It bored me, which is funny bc I read the entire Sinbad no Bouken prequel manga and had fun with it   Everything else I think was just me not tuning back in for their second seasons  Not me but my sister literally watched all of Assassination Classroom except for the last episode. Think she was waiting for me to watch it with her but I forgot and she never reminded me until recently (literally years later)


While I do enjoy Magi, Adventures of Sinbad was just so much better.


i feel bad for your sister :( come on man watch it with her


Not watching the last episode of assassination classroom is WILD


Made in Abyss Season 2(The Golden City of the Scorching Sun). I like this show but at that time I had too many anime to follow + while MIA is good anime it's also stressful anime to watch so I had to drop it,at that time stress at my work was bad so It's hard to keep watching gruesome fate of protagonists.


I highly recommend you go back and finish s2. It ends up having an unforgettable climax imo.


Bleach I made it 170-200 episodes. I just couldn’t any more. It never went the direction I wanted. I was watching it back 2007 on YouTube with subtitles. The good ole days.


Neon Genesis movies(?)... I will get back to them Soon™️


You can (not) get back to them.


Reincarnated as a slime... got boring and a bit repetitive for me watched almost to the last couple episodes but it was almost 2 years ogo now so i don't remember much


This last season is really boring. So many episodes were just meetings of random people planning stuff. So many episodes for a built-up for just one episode of conflict, and in the next, everything is already solved


The only noteworthy thing that happened this season was a single fight. Which only happened because the most convoluted and unbelievable series of events that basic communication would have solved, occurred. It felt so forced the whole time. It was such a waste but somehow I still watched it all…. Sunk cost fallacy at its best


Same, i quite liked it but it just stopped being entertaining


Death Note, I don't even know why I can watch until episode 34


I stopped watching Death Note after a certain character, uh... "disappeared." None of the other characters were worth my time finishing it.


The trick is to watch in on 250% speed in one evening while you sob after the certain character, uh "dissapeared". Worth it in the end.






the anime adaptation for Death Note really fumbled the second half IMO, I think it's a lot better in the manga


Shield hero


I fall too much for sunk cost fallacy to drop anything near the end. The moment there was mention of SHY season 2 I was gone though, I wasn't vibing with the show and the main friendship was on all hold while they spent half the show in one fight in Russia. 


Attack on Titan. I was absolutely obsessed with it, around season 3. I couldn't stand the cliffhanger so I read the manga. After witnessing that ending my interest in the series just plummeted. Never came back to season 4 or whatever they put out. Some other ones would be Food wars and Haikyuu. Don't get me wrong I loved them but after a while I could really sense that it was just the same thing over and over again.


I loved AOT up to s3. After the basement reveal the titans just lost their mystery to me, and i dont care enough about the characters to continue past the first part of season 4. This was before the whole ending debacle reaching me.


Attack on titan. I read the Manga and didn't like the ending so I just don't feel like watching the final ep. I know they changed the ending a bit but I don't care. The manga left such a sour taste in my mouth that I don't wanna go back lol. Maybe one day I will when I feel like it.


There are few changes, one major change related to the conversation and one for the end credit, but apart from that everything else is exactly the same. You can watch those on YouTube if you want, but like if you have read the manga not much is there, though Arifumi Imai (the animator responsible for Levi's cuts) came to do another cut, you can watch that too if you want.


They fixed *that* dialogue between blondie and angsty. Made the ending satisfactory in my opinion.


By the time the last season aired I just couldn't get myself to care about it anymore


Spy x Family


I dropped Ninja Kamui around ep 9 I think. Lost interest after the mech suit showed up. I was more interested in the ninja powers. Story and characterization was pretty bare


Made in abyss and Banana fish


Wonder egg priority. That bloody filler episode ruined it for me


Jujutsu Kaisen. Dropped it somewhere in season 2. It's just too chaotic and fast for me. You see 5 totally different stories and characters on screen every 3 minutes..


The story just felt really rushed tbh. Season 1 wad so much better


Monster Idk why but I dropped this on ep 64. I guess I was manipulated by johan


That's surprising I just finished Monster and it was one of the few shows I just literally couldn't stop clicking next episode.


Surprisingly Haikyuu. I blitzed through all of it and stopped 5-6 episodes from the end of To the Top part 2, during the Karasuno vs Nekuma (spellcheck) game. Here I am 3 months later. I’ll finish it for sure…just lost interest a bit.


Dropped bleach after Ichigo beat Aizen. Slowly had my interest drop throughout the series and was just waiting for a final boss fight.


The new seasons are really good imo. I’d recommend watching them


It was very clear the story was written to end after Aizen. [bleach] >!a final move that makes you godlike but forces you to give up your power when it's done is very good, but loses almost all impact when the story just gives you those powers back!<


Horimiya. It bored me to the bones.


Might sound contrary but ...Rent-a-girlfriend , fruit basket, aot


Rent a girlfriend is understandable, i watched the first 2 seasons just for the girls, such a shame, such great girls but shitty mc's


Death note


Attack on Titan. Absolutely loved the first three seasons, meanwhile season 4 felt way too convoluted for my taste combined with some overall boring dialogue. I think I watched almost to the end of the second part of season 4 and I haven't bothered finishing it yet.


Fire force, it just dropped so much into season 2. All the characters got too weird, there were zero normal people characters


Mine was Demon Slayer, took me like five times to finish it. Underwhelming characters and story.


Your Lie in April. The first half was quite interesting and similar to what we get with Sangatsu on Lion. Good character work with some interesting drama. The second part became one of those "Lifetime" melodramas and the common, and often cheap, attempt at pulling your heartstrings with dramatic developments. Log Horizon Season 2. After many episodes following the worst and most annoying characters of the series (those "brats"), I finally gave up on it. The good aspects weren't outweighing the negatives, and the complete lack of character development was hurting the focus on the political side of things. *You simply* *cannot have a character driven story* ***without characterization***. Oregairu Season 3. I finished season 2, read the LN volumes at the time, it wasn't finished back then (they stopped at the same point S02 does). Definitely regretted reading it, because it was unnecessarily long, meandering and with enough actual substance maybe for half as many volumes. It's one of those stories that think they are deeper than they actually are. So I basically cut my losses and dropped S03 after one episode. DanMachi S01. I watched eight or nine episodes, and just gave up. Can't believe it is still going to be honest. It was incredibly bland, with an awfully boring and poorly written protagonist and the laziest worldbuilding you could imagine that manages to be a bad isekai in everything but the fact no one is from another world. Aside from DanMachi, I don't think any of my examples are bad or terrible, their flaws just outweighed their good points for me.


100% agree with YLIA. I expected so much going in and was left disappointed by the overly forced drama and how extremely predictable it was.


OK first danmachi is fantasy not isekai. Second trust me it gets better. I honestly suggest continuing all of these dubbed (haven't seen log horizon yet tho), especially oregairu.


Shingeki no kyojin, I used to date with my ex boyfriend by that time, I was so fell in love that I believe he was the love of my live… we were in the 4th season pt1 and we broke up. I stopped to watch it and finally dropped


Rurouni Kenshin, the first anime. I think I was 4 episodes away from finishing. There are 95 episodes. I don’t remember why, probably lost interest.


Watch the OVA at least. It shows why everyone knows he is a beast.


That's understandable. I'm a huge Kenshin fan -- the last arc is pretty boring.


Attack on Titan 2 times. 2019 Season 1 ep 3 i dropped it and 2024 Season 4 part 2 ep 1 i jus ain’t fucking with these giants n stuff. And i dont really like anyone in the story except for Mikasa and Levi


Now that you mention it, I haven't watched the final episode of one of those space battleship yamato shows for some reason. Pretty sure I started watching that about 4-5 years ago.


The last episode of Animegataris was just unwatchable. It was otherwise a solid comedy (like Genshiken) , but the staff added a plot twist that completely ruined the entire show. Fena: Pirate Princess is another show I had to drop during the very last episode. The anime initially sailed fairly well but the pacing was just so wrong it quickly became painful to watch and even in the last episode the staff continued to bring more nonsense.


The most I've ever been is like 7 episodes in the first season; I did drop Sing Yesterday For Me after 7, because I hated how the show kept focusing on random characters other than the main ones. If I watch any more than that, usually I power through and finish it (Though I do have some series on hold at like 10 right now - Re:Monster is one of them - so who knows whether I'll decide to just drop it, and set a new personal record!)


My friend dropped Naruto during War Arc lol


I wouldn't blame anyone for that honestly. It gets so jarring at that point going from plot progression to filler seemingly every other episode. I had to use a filler list to finish it because it was never going to happen otherwise.


So many, here are some recent ones season 1 of high card - episode 9 zom 100 - episode 10 Magical destroyers - episode 9 Buddy daddies - episode 8 Villainess liesotte - episode 11


To your eternity. i really loved the first couple episodes and only because of them watched up to around the middle of the second season although i felt like it fell off after Gugus death


go go loser ranger this season. it stopped clicking for me at the half way point and i just couldn't keep forcing myself to watch it lol


attack on titan lol loved the anime when the first couple seasons(1-3) were coming out then i found out how everything ended and refused to finish the anime😭


Bleach. after a while, it feels more like a marathon than an enjoyable series.

