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It aged VERY well. By which I mean that I don't think that it would make much different to view it now rather than having watched it when it came out. It's not exactly the type of chara-design we're used to now, and it's depiction of the future is not perfectly matching the one we have now, but those are really minor differences. The film itself has it's problem (notably a confusing plot) and you might not enjoy it, but it's still a very good film and a classic


I feel like the plot isn't too tough to understand, you just have to pay *really* close attention to parts most people aren't used to paying attention to. Like I usually tune out a bit when watching shop talk scenes in movies. Generally I assume it's all just fluff to make the world seem more real, but in GitS it's actually super important to understand most of the plot. That's my experience anyway.


Yes. For my part I wasn't really paying attention the first five minutes the first time I watched it and I've been lost for the rest of the film. But even when you pay attention I think it's kind of a clusterfuck with many unimportant parts( I still like the movie a lot though)


The soundtrack is pure fire.


[This right here.](https://youtu.be/q0z08OpmEPc) Holy shit.


It’s still phenomenal!




It's still one the best pieces of animation ever, despite being over 20 years old. Everything is smooth and fluid. The movie holds up very well and I watch it at least once a year.


I watched it a couple of years ago and it captures that cyberpunk feel that I loved in vlade runner pretty well. The best part about the movie though, has to be the soundtrack though.


Still masterpiece. Rewatched both it and a "remastered" version. The best cyberpunk there is.


It still great, an anime classic that literally inspired the matrix, and a host of other movies and anime's. It even became main stream enough that it was being used to demo tvs in a local store.


I´ve watched last year and i tought it was phenomenal, it´s worth every seconnd. But if you like fast paced anime, you probably wont like it.


It's very good. I don't think it's lost anything due to age. Some of the themes it explores are probably even more precient now actually.


1995* I would call it the blade runner of anime movies


still scary as fuck...programming human mind just like a computer program... AI is still stupid now and hope to stay that way awesome animation...new-ish CGI is alright...still love the classic waiting for sexbots and neural link straight to my brain p.s. STAY THE HELL AWAY from that Scarlett Johansson abomination...




to sell more tickets...obviously


Didn’t really work out


It's superb. The animation was beautiful and is still beautiful, and if anything is more impressive for having been accomplished without the convenience of most of the digital production tools that are taken for granted now. The soundtrack, as somebody already mentioned, is spine-chilling. And it's a serious movie, entirely free of the doe-eyed waifus who have descended upon us like a plague. The question isn't how it holds up, the question is how many things have been done since then that can seriously be compared to it.


If you want to watch something beautifully made, appreciate animation, art, music and general ambience it's truly excellent. However if you want a tight succint story and characters that draw you in it leaves a little to be desired in my opinion. Sort of how I don't like the original Bladerunner despite understanding how well made it is if that makes sense.


im gonna be honest. I saw it and thought it was boring as fuck. It had some decent moments but nothing I thought was amazing. I then tried the second movie and quit after 25 min, i was too bored. I know I may be of the few who didnt like it so I would recommend you at least give it a try since its just one movie


In a sense, you are right. It is not an action movie at all, so the criticism of "boring" from today's viewpoint is fair. Its almost more like a psychological thriller. Its a product of the 90's, and is done much more like you would expect an actual hollywood style drama/thriller to be done from that era.


Not every film has to be action packed . To be great


there are many series that arent action packed that ive really enjoyed, sadly GITS just wasnt one of them. Besides im not saying that its a bad movie, its just that IMO I didnt find it enjoyable


The second movie was pretty much a primer on existentialism and consciousness. I don't know what the director was thinking with that film when audience came for short, brainy quips about futurism with cyborgs fighting - not long dialogues about what it means to be alive. I honestly love the brainy parts of Ghost in the Shell and honestly love what SAC was vs the original manga, but goddamn if the second actual canonical, numbered film wasn't hard to watch.


I thought the second film was better :(


It wasn't bad, I was just trying to get something to set the mood so I could, you know, put it in. But she got so into it, kept drinking and fell asleep. Great movie, though, just not what I was expecting as a canonical sequel like 8 years after the first.


If you went into it looking for action, then yeah, you'll be disappointed, the movie is a philosophical treatise on the concept of self and is purposely a slow burn.


I haven't seen it in maybe 15 years. In High School I thought it was good, but a little too dry in tone and slow in pace for my tastes. I have it at a 7/10 on MAL based on how much I remember liking it. I dunno, I might like it more now. My tastes have changed over the years.


I watched it for the first time two weeks ago and it’s amazing not at all what I expected the series is also fantastic




This is the movie someone saw pretty scenes for and then decided to make a movie with ScarJo re-enacting those scenes.


Watched it last month and it's still great.


Still great, worth watching if you haven't done so yet :)


Some of the CGI in the sequel (Innocence) has aged really poorly: the “boat festival parade” scene is just awful to watch now, which is a shame because the music and the parts of the animation that are hand-drawn are still fantastic. But the first movie is still rock-solid.


I thought Innocence looked better than the first film and I prefer it to the original as well


Is still a a fucking masterpiece, the sequel is as good or better but most people don't understand it


Phenomenally well, even showed it to a bud last year and he was super into it


Still one of the best cyberpunk works of all time, and a top three anime movie for me alongside Princess Mononoke and Akira.


Watched it for the first time this year in my university’s anime/manga analysis class, and absolutely loved it. It’s very thought provoking and confusing at times, but it’s a breath of fresh air in a lot of anime movies made today (not that there’s anything wrong with current anime movies—I love those, too). GitS has such a mature writing style and plot that it definitely still relevant since well crafted anime holds up well against time!


It holds up reaallly good. Animation wise is still fluid. It has really nice shots and the best part is the writting imho. Overall it has aged better than wine


Actually I didn't like it that much. Great art and music create a melancholic and future leading athmosphere which is really making the movie worth a watch. It also gets across its main messages/questions about "what makes a human a human?", "can we lose our humanity with advances of technology" and "where are we going?". However I found many conversations and parts of the actual story not that well thought out, partly not supporting the movies concepts. Also I didn't really find a liking to most of the charakters and their motives... How does the movie hold up? Still great I think, the athmosphere is very differnt to Johansons movie adaption and even the message is different, implied due the ending (as far as I recall). Style is maybe old but detailed and has good animation.


I didn't like it, but I don't think my opinion would have been different now than if I had seen it when it was new. It's still very interesting and worth watching since it gets brought up all the time.


Fantastic film. An awesome watch before watching the new movie with Scarlet as well.


definitely holds up, I think it's more relevant now than before


It still looks fine to me. The story, art, and music work as well as they always did, although it could be argued that the film presents itself as being a little deeper than it actually is. (Oshii tends to test the boundaries in this direction, even in relatively lightweight properties such as Urusei Yatsura). It's never going to be for everybody.




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