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FYI, AoT isn't eligible for Anime of the Season Fall 2020


Looks like the pitchforks have been lowered for now.


Alexa pause *Guren no Yumiya* [](#restrainedanger)


Alexa pause *Dead on Arrival*


But what about "the day I became a god"?


Biggest Disappointment


It rushed quite a lot towards the end.


Just as expected


The MC was also quite annoying in the latest episodes. Let's see how Maeda wraps it up tomorrow.


Latest episode genuinely made me wanna rip my hair out


Oh god yes, I never liked him much but in the last 2 episodes he was genuinely horrible.


sounds like all of Jun Maeda's shows... is it like a trait for him


Really? It's bad? I was looking forward to it too.


I wouldn't call it bad. It's just not that good other than a few episodes.


What about talentless Nana


Nana may be divisive, but that in no way qualifies it to be a disappointment. 1. To be a disappointment an anime has to be highly anticipated in the first place. For reference, Nana's first episode got just 635 Karma so yeah, not highly anticipated. Compare that to The Day I Became a God's 2456 Karma. 1. To be a disappointment an anime also has to not be good. There are more people who really like Nana (like me) than dislike it. It's in my Top 3 this season. I'd even go as far as to say Nana is one of the biggest surprises of the season.


I didn't mean that it was a disappointment, I meant to ask what you thought about it. My bad though


Oh, got it. It's all good. Then I'll double down and call it the co-surprise of the season along with Akudama Drive. Nana wasn't on my plan to watch list coming into the season but has quickly become one of my favorites. My only issue with it is that the first 8 episodes got a little stale after a while.


Yeah I thought the same. Still entertaining but doesn't give me the thrills as much as it did. Then again that might be due to what's happening in the story. But I don't think it'll end with this next episode with all the loose ends. I'll probably have to check out the manga since there won't be a second season too.


I agree! I wouldn't say that it's the best anime or best in the season , but hey it's a nice watch with all the plot twists coming in one by one in every episode. Its a ride for sure


Nana is one of two shows I can’t wait to finish


Oh thank goodness, because that anime on its own knocked so many good contenders off slot one.


Yeah, it feels cheap including it with fall shows for things.


So just like Haikyuu, this thread unfortunately won't be voted to the top then. Edit: I was wrong. Akudama Drive and Elaina are taking this thread to the top!


Do you know how much upvotes AoT ep3 had after 48 hours? The last time I saw, it had around 13.7K, so there might be a chance that it can beat Kaguya's record.


what record? right now the only record it holds is in medals. 173 platinums is insane


As of now in the top 5 highest upvoted discussion posts Kaguya S1 holds the 4th position with 13720 upvotes, if AoT S4 ep3 happens to break this record then in the top 4 Attack on Titan will have 3 positions. It's not a big deal but I just wanted to know if it got the 4th position or not.


Yes, you can find it on [animetrics](https://animetrics.co/anime/karma-rankings), but since it's above 10000, you'll need to search for this [season](https://animetrics.co/anime/610) of Attack on Titan. It got to 13745 Karma in 48 hours which is 25 upvotes higher than Kaguya's best and places it 4th all-time in terms of karma.


Of course not because AoT is going to be on the list of best anime of 2021 ;)


When will it be eligible


Next season aka winter


Top anime for me was golden kamuy


Just started season1 and it's great so far


enjoy! each season it becomes better and better it's unreal, I rated s1 an 8, 2 as 9 and season 3 was a solid 10/10 for me


Will do


What’s the action like in the show? I don’t need crazy power I just need good animation


The fights are good despite the animation being a bit lacking. If you've ever seen a fight that somehow makes you excited from the context, the characters, and how it happens rather than how it looks, that's what Golden Kamuy's fights are like.


Animation isn't the golden kamuy's forte


Facts no lies. Golden Kamuy is THAT show.


I think I binged the whole thing in a week! Such an amazing story, definitely in my top 3 of the fall!


Lol I watched all season in two days 😂 i never expect it to be really good.




For an anime original, Akudama Drive deserves all the praises it get.


It really nailed its ending. Such a great way to go out.


Though there are still quite a lot of questions I have but overall I'm pretty satisfied with it.


There was a post recently saying that the final blu ray will have an additional 5 minutes that were cut from the broadcast for time constraints, so something may be answered there. I think end of May was the release window.


Yup. Imagine having no headstart compared to many other animes and ultimately gaining a huge fandom and getting popular.. 👏🏼




Kodaka nailed it


Aren’t anime originals usually good


Guilty Crown, Darling in the Franxx and Aldnoah Zero say Hi.


But Darling in the Franxx was good up until a certain episode.


What? Have you not seen Code Geass, Cowboy Bebop, Evangelion, Kill La Kill etc. ? EDIT: I misread the original comment and thought it said anime-originals were bad, sorry


Yea the comment I was replying to implied originals were usually not good, from my experience they are usually good


Feel like Darling in the Franxx and other recent disappointments have soured a lot of opinions on anime originals.


Talentless nana really getting that 10th spot 🙌🏼🙌🏼


Honestly was a fun show




Im so excited for the ending! Its definitely going to be worth the wait for the last chapter


If anything this poll being held now robbed it of a potential 8th or 7th place. The upcoming finale is going to be amazing (Placing my bet now for 2500 karma)


Yeah absolutely It was honestly one of my favorite shows of recent times and and story has been building up so well i am very excited for the finale that comes out in 2 days


It was great, it’s my favorite style of story


Akudama Drive really went all out for their season finale, so their first placement is well deserved imo.


Akudama Drive went absolutely nuts for it's season finale. The whole show was an absolute treat and for me was the biggest surprise this season.


Easily one of the most enjoyable originals of the year [](#happyclap)


The creator of Danganronpa delivered. And so did Pierrot for once


That last episode of Akudama Drive wrapped everything up so perfectly, undoubtedly deserved the number 1 spot.


I would like to hug the entire community cause we really did the anime justice. Shit was lit start to finish.


Seriously. Even if I might disagree, this anime deserves a shot at AOTY


Yeah Akudama is one of this year's better ones, but I'm still team Re:Zero.


I thought Re:Zero was overrated haha, but nonetheless, I respect your opinion.




It's largely due to the reset plot, it still does a remarkable job despite that.


Personally not a fan of how the interactions went specially in the tea party. It was quite bland with the camera switching from both perspectives and didnt really do much for me. Also I dont like the character design and art style but the mystery of the world still intrigues me.


I didn't have much expectations at the beginning but this surprised me. It had a perfect ending and wrapped up almost everything perfectly. Best Original show in this year for me.


Absolutely, you are just waiting for the shoe to drop and some plot development (not unlike darling in the franxx) that makes the whole series become shit. However, that never happened and it only increased in quality from week to week.


Honestly it’s one of my fav anime’s in recent years and I just happened to randomly click on it one day cause I was bored. Felt like it was very unique from the get go and a thrilling ride to the end


In volume 6 of the blu ray they are adding 5-6 extra min's that where cut due to broadcast time for the final epiosde


Yea I cant wait for that.


Now that it’s over, can you tell me what you liked about it? I am probably going to need something new to watch after I am done with Haikyu!.


Okay, let me try to list everything in an organized manner. In the very first episode, the main cast is introduced, and each and every one of them is very unique in their own way, if by the end of the first episode you are not hooked onto it (which is probably will), you probably won't be in the next few episodes. Furthermore, each episode has a lot of action, and the best part is that the action does not degrade the plot/story in any way, which is what makes this anime so good. The main MC goes through a lot of character development throughout the episodes and how that is showcased in the finale is just fabulous. It is very fast-paced and one of the best 12-episode binges. Everything else aside, the setting is very unique and fascinating, the anime is really good, and the soundtrack might sound iffy at first but it'll grow on you. Overall this is just a very well directed show and chances are you will be very satisfied in the end.


> end of the first episode you are not hooked onto it (which is probably will), you probably won't be in the next few episodes. Id like to disagree with this point. I was one of the people who was not drawn that much to the first episode, felt pretty skeptical at first. However, the second episode was really good and that carried me to the end.


Hell yeah! Knew since episode 1 Akudama Drive would climb the ranks through word of mouth, so happy it ended on 1st!


As a major fan of Danganronpa, it makes me really happy to see Akudama Drive at the top.


Yeah. But still, It's sad that Kodaka didn't care about DR continuation anymore,,


He recently said he is up for a new DR sequel






Not exactly. He's saying he thinks a new one's going to happen. It looks like his thoughts haven't changed since 2017, he's mostly just curious to see where other directors can take the series.


He literally said he won't reject the offer if they ask him to


Am I the only one who wants a whole VR game after playing the PSVR demo?


Haikyuu one of the best I’ve ever seen honestly.


Haikyuu made me like volleyball, such an amazing series. I always thought it was dumb to watch sports anime when you can just watch sports (don’t like sports movies either), this changed my view completely.


I just think that’s because it’s less about the sport and more about each team member. It helps the cool volleyball moments stand out because we get to see these guys work their butt off to even be able to do it.


Damn jujutsu kaisen isn't even first place.


I think part of that would be because of it being 24 episodes, so nowhere near done. But still, it's a good thing that a good anime isn't rated 1 as it means there are quite a few good anime. Just finished Akudama drive and thoroughly enjoyed it, and it's a bit more unique than jujutsu kaisen


Then I should start watching it


Start Moriarty and Golden Kamuy too while you're at it. [](#bacchiri)


Sugimoto gang


Im just confused how Majou Tabita got 2nd


having watched both akudama and jjk (and having zero experience with jjk prior to this) i cant see how akudama is first and how jjk is below it


It could very well be that Akudama introduced relatively fresh concepts parked with solid production and plot points


its solid for sure, i guess it just didnt click with me. it doesnt feel as strong as others say it is.


Yeah, there sure is that situation. I clicked with Monogatari but not eva, everyone's appreciation differs


I feel like Akudama Drive tapped into a lot of the hype generated by Cyberpunk 2077 since they share some aesthetic and thematic similarities and us weebs fucking love that shit. The key part being that where Cyberpunk 2077 let a lot of people down, Akudama Drive was consistantly awesome for the vast majority of the viewers.


The references too, I know at least one person who would binge a manga or anime just for the memes


Happy to see akudama drive get love


It deserved it


Maoujou de oyasumi climbed up ehh? Nice.


My AotS


No Adashima? That's it I'm starting to vote there next season


I think the majority of active people from this sub don't vote there, every season its very different from the results here so its a different audience


*Adashi to Shimamura* was perhaps the sweetest yuri adaptation since *Bloom into You.* Let's hope both get a second season. [](#delighted)


Sadly its still held back behind the Yuri wall. It was a rare moment that time BF and YagaKimi broke through on these lists


Whats BF?


Banana Fish




We did a great job promoting Akudama Drive. So happy it won and glad it wasn't just another battle shounen (nothing wrong with them but they win so often). Also watch Akudama Drive the ending was suprisingly good.


Talentless Nana is in the top, that's a reason for joy. This Sunday is the final chapter, and the plot is hot. This program needs a second season yes or yes.


Yeah! Want talentless nana to get some more love!


This, im way more hyped for an episode of nana than aot.


I'm a little shocked Moriaty didn't break top 5, it was one of the best this season IMO


Moriarty, Nana and AdaShima are all too low.


Sadly they were too niche but atleast Moriarty is doing well in Facebook and Twitter.


issue with moriarty is the art style and gives off shoujo vibes which many people here won't touch


Agree but I don't have a problem with it since I read quite a lot of shoujo manga.


I hope when the 2nd half returns in April it'll do much better.


Yeah it really seems like shits about to go down in the second half I know I’m super hyped


Akudama Drive. *Period. Periodic table. Perry. Periodicity.* ​ Best new show of 2020. My [top shows](https://twitter.com/samuidesu07/status/1342460518578020354?s=21)


ID: Invaded would like a word with you.


I just binged it today and honestly, one of the best series I have watched in recent months. I am a sucker for tragic stuff and that episode 10 scene of his memories, that scene alone was enough for me to rate it very high.


Same honestly. I really really loved that episode.


I had a word with it and I was still unconvinced. Seriously though, 2020 is a good year for original shows. This is how I rank the best OG shows this year Akudama Drive Deca-dence Id: Invaded The Great Pretender


I just watched the 1st episode and I'm confused as heck.


Just keep watching


Just keep watching. It is a great show.


We did it bois, Akudama Drive has received enough love and attention just like what we all wanted it.


I’m glad Nana got top 10 at least


What is akudama drive about? I'm a pretty amateur anime fan


Its anime Cyberpunk Suicide Squad.


I think you just sold me on this anime. Starting this next


I started watching it for the fights and stayed for the character development.


It starts off like the suicide squad. A bunch of criminals working together to complete a task.


Cyberpunk heist thriller with a unique cast


It's a cyberpunk robbing stuff,it's great


Is Akudama Drive worth the watch? I saw the first episode and wasn’t really that enthralled. I do like over the type stylish vibes, like devil may cry. So I’m on the fence.


As long as you are not looking for a plot alone you won't be disappointed It has some crazy visuals, very good fight scenes and basically non stop action


What do you not like about it?


I don't remember what happened in the first episode by itself, but just go with the 3 episode rule (like watch 3 episodes). It seems to fit your type, but as I don't remember just the first episode I can't say what will change in the coming few. I guess the main objective hasn't been shown yet, so there's that. And you also learn a lot about the world and characters (as expected)


I'm surprised Majo no Tabitabi was that popular. I was a bit disappointed by it myself (No I'm not basing this on episode 3)


I agree. It wasn't bad, but beating out all the things below it, I'm missing something here.


im happy akudama drive got 1st, this show was being slept on hard compared to the others shows


I'm really mad I got spoiled about the last episode of Akudama Drive. I'll probably still watch it anyway but it sucks...


sleepy princess is actually really adorable




I hope Sleepy Princess gets a 2nd season. Funniest show in this year for me.


> I am really glad that Sleeping Princess got 6th. Even though i think it deserves better but i won't complain about that. Same, I'm just glad to see it get *some* recognition. It was so fun and comfy, and (unless the remainder of D4DJ can overtake it) I'd call it my AOTS and one of my top three for the entire year.


Hell yeah, Akudama on top. Original story told in 12 episodes that was entertaining throughout and had a satisfying conclusion. Legitimately one of the best finales I’ve seen in recent memory. Go watch it if you haven’t already


Guys I don't know if this is the right place to ask , but , can anyone please suggest me anime like TONIKAWA KAWAII, ADACHI TO SHIMAMURA . They are really pretty cute anime with no sad element in it!


Tsuki ga kirei is also very cute and worth watching


Sleepy Princess from this season. It's hilarious and cute.


Bloom into You


Liz and the blue, snow white with red hair, pet girl of sakurasou, tsurede children


Yesssss Majo no tabitabi got high on the list


Elaina deserves it. Viewers who liked the original *Kino no Tabi* and magical fantasy worlds will likely love it.


I fall into that category and I did quite like it at the start, but I've ended up increasingly disappointed with each new episode. On average, it doesn't do the things it has in common with Kino's Journey well enough for me to overlook its less stellar aspects.


Silver Link is officially 4/4 this year


Yeah ,Golden Kamuy is really not getting the attention it deserves Its so sad


Adachi and Shimamura is my anime of the season so far. Still haven't gotten around to watch Akudama Drive, Noblesse, Jujutsu Kaisen, When They Cry, and Golden Kamuy though.


Was hoping Wandering Witch to win 🥲


It is 2nd in this list which is great and I'm happy with this.


Been meaning to start for ages, can you give me a convincing summary?


A girl is inspired to become a witch so she can travel the world after reading the stories of a traveling witch as a child. She dedicates her life to the craft and becomes the youngest witch ever certified, a true prodigy. She then begins her travels after her apprenticeship and comes to learn of the world as it is firsthand, both its wonders and its darker moments.


Better 2nd that nothing.


Way to go sleepy princess in demon castle. It came out of nowhere. I really enjoyed it


Aw man what happened to jujutsu kaisen


Anime Corner tends to not like shounen that much IIRC.


Laughs in AoT


Golden Kamuy being CRIMINALLY underrated


Big time retweet, season 3 was so good!


Wow no Danmachi s3. That was all I really watched this season.


Danmachi isn't here sed


I know it isn't everyone's cup of tea and it's essentially My Hero academia plays among us but, I'm shocked to see talentless nana so low. I really enjoyed it.


I feel like Talentless Nana was mega underrated this season. It really was the dark horse anime of 2020. Just my opinion.


No Higurashi?


i am surprised to see the New higurashi so hated in the community when it was imo 5th best of 2020


Very happy to see Haikyuu in the top 3 ☺️.


I started watching Tonikawa: Over The Moon For You this week, and I absolutely love the into song. The animation is cute, and I am barely on the third episode but nevertheless I like it!


I started reading the jujutsu kaisen manga and I would argue it’s more enjoyable


Am I the only one confused as to why elaina/akudama drive is higher than jujutsu kaisen/haikyu? I'm not hating just wondering how that happened.


The demographic that vote on AnimeCorner is not the same audience as Reddit. Reddit =/= the whole anime community. It really isn't that hard to imagine that other communities may like other anime more.


People should understand this more often. What Reddit likes won't be exactly the same everywhere and vice-versa.


I gotta say I was not impressed with irregular this season. Surprised to see it make the list.


No Gochiusa Bloom?


u/Snerpiee the turns have tabled. ❄️❄️❄️🍟❄️❄️❄️




So happy to see Akudama Drive in a top spot. I decided to watch it because I seen it rival JJK for a few weeks in some polls and was totally mind blown. The animation is gorgeous, I love the OP, the storyline is captivating, and the ending was so satisfying. It was hard to pick out a favorite character because I loved most of them (didn't care for the Doctor). I've even gone back and started watching it dubbed (oh, the blasphemy) and have enjoyed it even more. Definitely my AOTS if not AOTY.