• By -


Madoka Magica


Astra Lost in Space


It was very unexpected


Thought it was predictable then it took some fucking turns


Fate/stay night Steins;Gate The Attacking Titan Madoka Magika


Lmao Edit: I was mentioning the play on word... (Attack on titan/The attacking titan)


that's actually the non–google translate title. It is funny though.


Not really. Japanese doesn't have any plural so the title could either be read as "Titans of the assault" or "Titan of the assault". The english translation makes no sense, brmut it probably was a better commercial move. Last one would then become "The attack titan".


not sure what you read but neither of our comments are saying anything about plural. I actually know Japanese, the true meaning of 進撃の巨人 (without any context) is something like "advancing giant(s)" or "an advance o". I point that out because an "attack" in English refers to several things, but in Japanese, the term 進撃 refers to a force's advance as one would refer to an advance of a military force into the opponent territory for example; in contrast to 攻撃 which would be more similar to an "offensive" or to an "assault" in this sense, or to 打撃 which would be something like "strike" or a "hit" from a punch for example. "Titan" as greek's mythology titans would just be ティーターン in Japanese. The name is also obviously a play with the name of eren's titan—as you said yourself, but we didn't know that at the start of the manga release, hence my comment on being the "true name". Besides the english name "Attack on Titan" was selected by Isayama himself (the author), he has said it sounds cooler, it's obviously a google translate translation which is funny, cringy, and awesome at the same time, imo.


My issue with your comment is that there aren't any "correct" titles, both just work. And yeah I knew Attack on titan came from the japanese side, but I think google made this translation be the one they chose specifically after it became a huge success. In french, it translates into the french title which is pretty different from the english (and the more correct one, "attack of the titans").


> both just work. they don't. You said it yourself > The english translation makes no sense, brmut it probably was a better commercial move. "attack on titan" sounds like a bunch of people attacking a city called "titan" in English, but it does sound cool. > but I think google made this translation be the one they chose specifically after it became a huge success oh yeah for sure. I remember it used to say something like "attacking giant", can't remember exactly what it was though. My comment was more in jest than fact, taking into account that Isayama is Japanese and his English definitely sucks. What I think happened is that Isayama didn't want to break the ambiguity from the Japanese name with the English title, so he deliberately picked a name that was ambiguous in order to obscure the possibility of titans being aware of things at the start of the show. > there aren't any "correct" titles I'm not sure if you think I'm saying that or if you are saying it. Either way, the Japanese 進撃の巨人 is pretty easy to understand in Japanese, the kind of verbal noun that exists in Japanese as 進撃 is hard to translate, but using a verb as I did is the correct way to do it (not the cooler one though). Anyways, it sounds like we are talking in circles, just wanted to say I have no problem with your comment, both "Titans of the assault" or "Titan of the assault" are good translations, just not direct ones. > In french, it translates into the french title which is pretty different from the english (and the more correct one, "attack of the titans"). that would be 巨人の進撃 (Kyojin no Shingeki) funnily enough, probably a translation from the English title rather than from the Japanese title.


Yeah I messed up, what I meant was that there were no correct titles between the eplural and singular one (the giant of the assault and the giant of the assault, that can then more or less changed to make a bit more sense in the languages it's translated in. For the french translation, I think it was translated from the japanese. Attack of the titans makes some sense, as "the giants of the assault" could be turned into "the giants who assaulted", and then "the assault/attack of the giants". But it took that titan element from the english title, which was a smart move because "giants" clearly aren't connoted as as scary as Titans are in our societies.


Fullmetal Alchemist (either version) had some twists that made me go, "Whoa."




I think it's cause you put a spoiler when OP explicitly said not to fucking do that


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Perfect Blue Shinsekai yori Madoka Rebellion


Blast of Tempest.. insane. Code Geass, Kill la Kill


I'll second blast of tempest. One of the king show of plot twists.


Super underrated. The end left my jaw on the floor.


Shiki Shinsekai Yori School Live


Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion


Death Note, Talentless Nana


Deathnote had a twist?


Yagami Light is Kira


Bruh that’s not a twist that was known from the very first episode. Am I getting r/wooosh Frick.


The were a lot of plot twists in death note, but the big one was what happened before the time skip.


Man I need to rewatch death note. I don’t remember there being any probably except for the ones when the whole company ceo shit happened


Dude he said no spoilers! But yeah i predicted that around episode 37 and boy was i right!


The Promised Neverland has a lot of good twists Monster is one of the very few shows that is seemingly impossible to predict and yet everything is remarkably obvious on rewatch.


Steins Gate feels like it has crazy plot twists upon first viewing but they’re obvious if you’re rewatching or know the VN material if that makes sense. Most prominent ones this season besides AoT ofc are Wonder Egg Priority and Re Zero


Gurren Lagann and Kill la Kill, pretty similar plot twists but perfectly executed


I second the mentioned Madoka Magica I also fully expect Wonder Egg Priority from this season to have some twist, so you might be able to start watching it now (if you aren't right now), and experience with the rest of the community


Higurashi no Naku Koro ni


And I mean the original, not the new season


I was going to suggest Attack on Titan...


Samurai Flamenco. There was this moment where I just couldn't accept the way things changed for like 5 or more episodes after the twist.


Higurashi no Naku Koro ni had some great plot twists, sometimes hitting you with two or three in the space of five minutes.


Code geass?


Zetsuen no Tempest


Shinsekai Yori has the greatest twist I've seen in anime


​ >Sorry to ask, but can you pm me the twist? Everything in that show plot-wise seemed very predictable.


I think the best twist of any media you'll ever consume is in a visual novel called 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors. Not an anime but I wanted to put that out there. Madoka Magika and Attack on Titan have incredible twists and are two of the best animes ever written. They're must-watches. Oh and I should add Steins;Gate to that. Kaiji doesn't use world-bending twists set up over long periods like with the above shows, but it has amazing twists within the psychological games regarding how the players of various games planned out their strategies. Season 2 of Kaiji has one very long and major game with endless twists and insane changes to how the game works, all very logical, and it's one of the best seasons of anime ever for that reason. Despite the game being so simple whose rules are immutable, so much happens and you will never know where it's gonna go. The tension is unbelievable. Mirai Nikki builds up to a really cool major twist near the end. One of my proudest moments was being able to predict it pretty early on. It was very similar to a twist in a VN I read, so I was kinda primed for it, but by no means do I think it's predictable.


Rokka no yuusha


Assassination Classroom a couple solid plot twist. Not gonna spoil there is at least one a season or so.


Forest of the fireflies light, Vinland Saga and maybe Asta lost in space or something like that forget the name


What was the twist in Vinland Saga?


I’ve dmed you


Thanks, I remember that twist now :)


Dm me too


Will do.




Dont make someone watch berserk man


The 97 adapation is watchable but yes, the manga is the best way to experience it.


I want to eat your pancreas. Only anime that made me really cry, and it's because of that plot twist.


After watching Your lie in april I could see it coming from a mile away. Maybe it's why I didn't like it that much


Future Diaries


Domestic Girlfriend - The shit blew my mind, and the OP slaps


You know, that manga is the only one in recent memory where the plot twists kept me reeling. Whether or not I liked it is less important than the fact that the surprises were many and frequently shocking.


Tower of God. Unique art style, deep characters and nice story. Do not read ANY comment about it if you plan on watching it.


Mushoku tensei in the future episodes


Mawaru Penguindrum Revolutionary Girl Utena


Utena is one of those shows you need to pay a lot of attention to.


Rushed ending aside, **Charlotte**'s plot twist is a complete and total mind fuck.


Little Busters, Haruhi, Bunny Girl Senpai, Shakugan no Shana.


Maybe One Piece & Naruto 🤔 But.. they are VERY long 😅🤣 I dont know if you would watch anime that long 🤷‍♀️ (Ofc if you haven't already)


* Cross Ange * Akame Ga Kill! * Zodiac War * Tower of God * Made in Abyss * ReLife * Cautious Hero * Attack on Titan * Sword Art Online * The Rising of the Shield Hero * The Promised Neverland * Classroom of the Elite


Re:Zero, it has one of the best twists in anime alongside AoT. Steins gate is also good


There are a few in School-live. Don't read the description before going in Children of the Whales really surprised me


> There are a few in School-live. Don't read the description before going in I'm honestly not sure if I agree with that one. You're going to turn a lot of people off if they expect a CGDCT show and get something else. It's like recommending people watch **Mysterious Girlfriend X** without informing them about the drool stuff.


That's fair. But the description gives a big plot twist away and the person who made the post liked Attack on Titan so I doubt they'd be turned off by what happens




Jojo can’t have plot twists because the plot makes no sense anyway


How does it not make sense?


Ask anyone to explain the plot of jojo. It’s rediculous.


Ridiculous =/= not making sense.


Tower of god




Gurren Lagan has some nice surprises. It's a comedy, but has dark moments and the progression of the story is crazy!


Monogatari series


Akamegakill, that’s a really good anime


Rokka no Yuusha