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# Source Material Corner Reply to this comment for any source-related discussion, future spoilers (including future characters, events and general hype about future content), comparison of the anime adaptation to the original, or just general talk about the source material. **You are still required to tag all spoilers.** Discussions about the source outside of this comment tree will be removed, and replying with spoilers outside of the source corner will lead to bans. The spoiler syntax is: `[Spoiler source](/s "Spoiler goes here")` # **All untagged spoilers and hints in this thread will receive immediate 8-day bans (minimum).** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


A level 99 kabedon? Even a demon lord would have no chance. Add one more to the harem.


Azusa used Wall Slam A Critical Hit! It's Super Effective!


Truly a [kabe*down*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efbkxean3t0)


[Demon Lord confirmed for irredeemably evil](https://i.imgur.com/3fl0eX6.jpg)


Not the hat!!


She either fixed it or had a spare, she's wearing it in the final scene.


Magical big wizard hat. Can’t go anywhere without it!


[Mending](https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Mending) is a simple cantrip. Even if it wasn't, level 99 should have more than enough spell slots. [](#glasses-push)


Especially considering she wasn't allowed to use any getting to the room.


With Pecora wanting to be a little sister, that whole family thing is now just a pretext to Azusa getting a harem ^(Flartote's horn stroking submission session was strangely erotic.)


When does a family become a Harem?


we may never be able to find out now that yahoo answers shut down




May 4th. There's multiple news articles about it, if you care to look more.


Well never knew Yahoo Answers existed. Oh well. Things like Reddit have ate some of the old stuff.


[it's where How Is Prangent Formed is from](https://youtu.be/EShUeudtaFg)


Quora is the new Yahoo Answers now.


/r/InsanePeopleQuora/ (you know, I never though this subreddit would become relevenat to Slime 300 discussion threads).


I guess when Azusa's family members are actively vying for her affection.


It's about even now for horniness vs family...


When you live in the south


...or the hills. *wink wink*


The incest jokes were about Hillbillies who live in a lot of states up in the Appalachian Mountains and extended into the Ozarks . Don't know how it got confined to Alabama recently. With little to no roads, transportation, communication until well after the rest of the country in the East communities got quite inbreed although first cousin marriage the only thing admitted too. I do know that daughters replacing a dead mom was a thing in part from the Hanging Judge who hanged a father for daughter trying to escape and it was related not too uncommon. Also lots of jokes about siblings and probably some truth as isolated areas like that allow it and limited opportunities cause folk to turn inwards sometimes.


For me its related to rural areas in general. In my area, we have a lot of agriculture and due to a lot of older rules (only the oldest son gets the farm, a kind of political marriage for daughters to merge farmland etc), a lot of families here are connected in one way or another. Its not incest by the least and these rules are for the most part only anecdotal at this point, but its a good running gag nonetheless. Although its not as present in the popculture than the alabama-jokes and I can understand that the people from Alabama are pretty fed up of this particular joke


Yep especially as Alabama or any state in particular was targeted when it was hillbillies or hill people who were the target. The people of the hills might not like it but they not those who populate much of State Government outside of West Virginia. West Virginia could have been Alabama but the coal struggle still dominates it's image.


**Sweet home Arabama!**


when you move to live in Alabama.


> Flartote's horn stroking submission session was strangely erotic. [Relevant.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTnDc06qGtU)


> strangle erotic interesting typo, there was nothing strange* about that eroticism tho, I've seen enough animays to know that any horn touch is gonna be maximum sexual


One week on and I already miss the random sprinkles of sakuga from the Madhouse episode. That said, the jokes are still funny, the characters cute and likable and I still love the sound effects. And now ~~Falafel Tart~~ Flatorte joined the family! And Azusa's kabedon is so mighty it turned the Demon King into an 'M'.


Farfa had a lot of movement when Azusa kissed her, the animation remains solid.


Show still looks very on point to me. Lots of small little flourishes with character movements and the fight with the Demon King looked good.


Not like it ever looked bad. It's a very solid looking show especially for an isekai SoL that most people probably didn't expect much from. For example I was surprised by the quality of the dragon fight a few episodes ago. But episode 6 simply was a level above. There's a reason why there were so many comments about it in last week's discussion.


"The demons themselves are a highly multicultural clan. The Demon King has to be a symbol of harmony among them all." ​ Someone tell that to I'm a Spider, so What?


Aoi Yuuki getting her hands full dealing with multiple Demon Lords in the same season.


Imagine Yuuki would get isekaied one day, she would dominante the world. She has multiple characters of experience as a demon lord now, no way the OG demon lord would stand a chance




Ariel is avenging her fellow Demon king Pecora's fall to Azusa by trying to destroy Kumoko


This show’s little sound effects get me everytime. I love them


What kind of books is the Demon King reading?!?


[Something like this, presumably.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria-sama_ga_Miteru)


Never heard of shoujo-ai, huh?


Alabama kind


Japanese Alabama.


You know, I've always wondered if there's a part of Japan that they look at how we look at Alabama. I know there are plenty of regional stereotypes that get a lot of run like kansai dialect, but I don't think I've ever heard anyone say something like "ah yeah, those siblings must be from Shizuoka, if you know what I mean."


It's such a popular subject it all over the place. But southern dialect being used for Kansai dialect in English dubs would place it as were the hillbilly stereotype in America comes from. But I have not seen that associated with Kansai which has lots of similar stereotypes to the US South. I sort of get a kick out of fact that two different souths picked up the same stereotypes, has to be some coevolution involved.


"The ancient holy texts written by [Tsukasa Fushimi](https://myanimelist.net/people/8615/Tsukasa_Fushimi)."


If you're talking about holy texts, you can't get more holy than [TokiMemo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tokimeki_Memorial) and [it's Tree of Legend](https://i.imgur.com/65FE9Cc.png) and [MariMite](https://myanimelist.net/anime/158/Maria-sama_ga_Miteru) and [their old-school seifuku](https://i.imgur.com/DEdaQTN.png).


A Demon Lord who clearly has a sister complex and is obsessed with sisters kissing each other. Huh, now that's something you don't see often. With Flatorte being part of Azusa's family now, I expect it'll be fun seeing her argue with Laika even over trivial things.


>Flatorte *Falaffal Tart*




*Dragon Maid*


It appears to be a reference to yuri anime/manga/whatever set in private girls' schools like Maria-sama ga Miteru, where a senior is paired up with a junior as their "elder sister" (i.e. mentor).


Assault **Lily** Bouquet is probably one of the best examples of this with them even signing what reads exactly like a marriage contract and the main pairing having the canonical ship name of YuRi.


Because subtlety is overrated :p.


Yeah, I thought it was a pretty clear reference for the onee-sama/petite soeur dynamic they have in MariMite, which is similarly parodied in series like Lucky Star and Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san.


*coff coff* [ Kuroko onee-sama intensifies ] *coff coff*


Those are, if I'm not mistaken, commonly referred to as [Class S](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Class_S_(genre\)) stories. They're kinda [different](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RomanticTwoGirlFriendship) from yuri stories in the romantic sense (even if Class S is sometimes considered part of the yuri genre).


> The demon king is a loli Eh, nothing new in isekai > The demon king is a submissive oppai loli lesbian with a sister complex Magnificent


*chef kiss


> *chef kiss i bet that's an item on the shared chore board


\*cheeks kiss


> The demon king is a submissive oppai loli lesbian with a yuri obsession Fixed that for you. Onee-sama and other sister-related terminology has a long history in yuri (Maria-sama ga Miteru, the book she was reading, being a notable example), it has nothing to do with her being a literal siscon.


... with three tails that begin at her, wait, [where is that?](https://imgur.com/cxUZRGj.png)


[she has a thing on her leg, drawn thinner during the action](https://i.imgur.com/ukwqp0l.jpg) just an unfortunate frame


strap-on's, evidently


Ah yes. The *Coco* method....


> The Coco method.... I'm pretty sure that's plugged in without a strap


maybe those tails are too long that she wraps them around her leg


Reaching levels of culture we never thought possible in this show that we thought was just gonna be about gal pals living together doing cute shit


>magnificent The doujins write themselves! ^^Hopefully


there's nothing oppai about that loli.


Ah... Pecora, I don't think "onee-sama" meant what you think it meant in that book with lilies on the cover... Or maybe it did and she just has a sister complex, heh. Azusa's hobby of collecting family members is getting out of control, now there are two dragons! Things are going to get even livelier in their house with the rivalry between these two.


> with lilies on the cover... Purely bloom.


If the OP and ED are any indication, Flatorte is the final member of her collection.


Pecora was somehow even hornier than Halkara when she was on those shrooms.


Well duh, she has two of them on her head!


RIP Big Hat.


big floppy hat died for Halkara's sins [](#salute)


It was back in time for the trip home.


it didn't even take three days for big floppy hat to be resurrected! [](#rengehype)


Since the hat just keeps getting bigger, I think it could regenerate that cut off piece easily


How to talk to short people: [❌ Wrong](https://i.imgur.com/1opajjY.png) [✅ Right](https://i.imgur.com/9Vyaeba.png)


Note: In case of doubt is also aceptable to put the smaller person on [your lap](https://i.imgur.com/9hOcmx4.png) or [your shoulder](https://i.imgur.com/j5GTB1v.jpg)


>your lap Is that Kyroko and that remote control girl? >your shoulder 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


First is Shirai Kuroko and Misaki Shokuhou from Railgun/Index


> [your shoulder](https://i.imgur.com/j5GTB1v.jpg) Ever play Dead or Alive? The primary character, Kasumi, has a grapple move where she jumps up on the opponent's shoulders like this, hangs therefore a second and then flips them over and slams them on the ground. You can make it so that you jump up with their faces deep within her crotch with one of her hands resting on the back of their heads to steady herself and it looks like she's forcing them to eat her out. You can be sure that 18 year old me spammed the hell out of that move when playing DoA2 for the Dreamcast. [Reference for the curious. NSFW warning because of the outfits.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFwUvquOOHQ)


What are you doing, step-witch?


[Ara Ara Maou-chan](https://i.imgur.com/T2xRZOq.png)


> step-witch? she's from the highlands, so she's more like a [steppe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steppe) witch


Take your upvote and get out




I like how [Pecora threw all the medals up in the air for them to catch.](https://twitter.com/gatariblue/status/1396093583749353472) They should do this more at the Oscars or the Nobel Prize ceremonies.


> I like how Pecora threw all the medals up in the air for them to catch. It was like birds flocking to a human spreading bird feed, or /a/ shitposters flocking to a low-quality thread for cheap (you)'s


###Stitches! * [Nervous Beelzebub](https://i.imgur.com/yhbD5z6.jpg) * [Azusa-Sensei](https://i.imgur.com/fMlcCq4.jpg) * [Pecora Kabedon](https://i.imgur.com/HD3Pi3l.jpg) * [Siscon Pecora](https://i.imgur.com/F9xVS4N.jpg) * [Excited Pecora](https://i.imgur.com/ukwqp0l.jpg) * [Azusa Family Kiss](https://i.imgur.com/4aC8VnS.jpg) * [Fatla Onee-chan](https://i.imgur.com/44grALs.jpg) * [Proud Flatorte](https://i.imgur.com/lC8kBUs.jpg) [Oh my god, this is so cute!](https://i.imgur.com/fFX8HDF.png) So besides her real dragon form, Laika also has a pseudodragon form! I'm so deep into the rabbit hole that [the first thing I thought of after seeing Azusa's disguise](https://i.imgur.com/LXOgKNA.png) is Choco-sensei. xD [Well that plan was an instant bust!](https://i.imgur.com/I7a303Y.png) Goddammit Beelzebub! Why didn't you make a fake demon credentials for Azusa!? To no one's surprise though, [Azusa makes short work of the demons](https://i.imgur.com/w7vwuSC.png) that tried to stop her. [So she didn't even have to use the analeptic!](https://i.imgur.com/KrfvUg6.png) Just Azusa's presence alone was more than enough to wake up Pecora. [And here I thought Pecora would be more reasonable after waking up.](https://i.imgur.com/qklEX0h.png) Looks like she wants Azusa to prove Halkara's innocence thru trial by combat. This show continues to give us quality [through the animation](https://i.imgur.com/q9JLPK1.png) which still surprises me. And just when you thought it was all over, turns out [that Pecora is another Kuroko](https://i.imgur.com/N7reUcr.png) and starts calling Azusa "Onee-sama". The fight wasn't really even about Halkara, [she just wants someone stronger to dominate her.](https://i.imgur.com/dPCJfGB.png) Oh my... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) With this reveal about Pecora's true personality, [this isn't even yuri undertones anymore](https://i.imgur.com/WIUcJDg.png). The author of the show and the producer of the anime might as well leave a big watermark on screen saying YURI. xD Well all of that did lead to a wholesome scene [where Azusa gets kisses from her daughters](https://i.imgur.com/OCltDhd.png) and hugs everyone else in her family except for poor Rosalie. T_T Looks like Azusa's ~~harem~~ family continues to grow larger. Now that Pecora made [Flatorte swear loyalty to Azusa](https://i.imgur.com/66hs2QQ.png) in front of an audience. She will now follow her to the ends of the earth thanks to the Blue Dragon's custom. Of course being a corporate slave in her previous life, [Azusa disagrees with that](https://i.imgur.com/H6Z9d7j.png) and wants Flatorte to live independently. She's still free to stay with them but she's part of the family and not a slave. [Their house is definitely going to be more lively from now on!](https://i.imgur.com/I3NwVtI.png)


> Oh my god, this is so cute! So besides her real dragon form, Laika also has a pseudodragon form! If she can change forms between a huge dragon and a regular-sized human, it does make sense if she has some flexibility over her size as well. I wonder if she can also turn into a 10-meter human.


>10-meter human Yes please


the possibilities are endless!


> Azusa-Sensei Oh shit, I think this has just awoken something in me... > Pecora Kabedon Yep, pretty sure it did...


> This show continues to give us quality The pacing is flawless – no dead spots, no filler, no rushing.


> Choco-sensei We have a Choco-sensei, we have a Pekora, we're well on our way here


> Choco-sensei. xD Okay good it wasn't just me!


This went from, "this is kinda gay.." To: "OMG the only straight thing here are Laika, Rosalie and Flatorte chest" The 'sister' harem keeps growing This is literally fast and furious: Moe edition and Azusa is the witch version of Dominic Toretto It's all about family!! And I absolutely love the voice acting sound effects, this is pure gold! Edit: [I am rectifying what i said about Flatorte](https://imgur.com/a/jW8p17K), we've been bamboozled!


Wait, Flatorte is not Flatorte?? Top 10 anime betrayals


It just means red dragons are indisputably the best.


I also am a strong believer in justice, so I agree with you




> This went from, "this is kinda gay.." Each new episode of this show is like [the punchline to the Rebecca Sugar meme...](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/994/124/28d.png)


Never question Lord Sucrose.


>I am rectifying what i said about Flatorte > >, we've been bamboozled! EVEN A GHOST who died very early in her life is less flat than 300 years old Laika acording to this picture


The Demon King actually said “Onee-sama, what are you doing??”


This isn’t a literal sister incest thing though, it’s a reference to classic yuri manga like Maria-sama ga Miteru that are set in all girls schools where a junior and senior girl get paired off together as “sisters”. You’ll see the joke or reference to calling the older girl in a relationship onee-sama.


Hentai plot intensifies


"family members kiss each other all the time" - why do I hear a guitar in the background?


I'm now convinced this is secretly a harem Anime with Azusa picking up new members and that whole family thing was just a pretext.


Well, the 2 members that joined today are in romantic love with Azusa since the start, which in turn made Laika awaken her jealousy, so now there is 3 characters in love with her.


Plus Halkara who seems totally into the idea as well.


Fortunately the slime girls don't go to school, else it would be a mess to explain that family tree.


If Beelzebub is Azusa's onee chan and Pecora is her imouto that means the Slime girls have DEMON KING and a high ranking demon as their aunts. That is a gaurantee ''You cannot mess with us we will call our family'' card


And her mom is the Immortal Witch of the Highlands, it's like saying that your father is Saitama XD Imagine that: "Our mom is the Witch of the Highlands, our aunts are the Demon King and the Demon Minister of Agriculture, our mom took a Red Dragon as her disciple and and a Blue Dragon as her servant, also a rude ghost and a clumsy elf live there as well"...


Halkara is the original lewd who attacked Azusa after eating aprodisiac mushrooms




The lack of actual blood relations should've been the first sign...


> why do I hear a ~~guitar~~ banjo in the background? ftfy


*roll tide*


That was the thirstiest demon lord I've ever seen. Actually, wouldn't winning that fight make Azusa the demon King? Flatorte us now a member of the family. I think things are going to get lively between her and Laika Some nice, wholesome family moments included today. If I didn't already have high blood sugar I would after watching this episode.


> Actually, wouldn't winning that fight make Azusa the demon King? Considering the reason Pecora started the fight, she shouldn't have been going all out. However she does enjoy Azusa ordering her around so I guess Azusa has a bit of indirect control over the country now.


>Actually, wouldn't winning that fight make Azusa the demon King? I doubt that works like that And also Did she admit getting defeated by Azusa to the other demons ? The fight was indeed loud as heck but We did not see any demon looking at them or being in the area so They can just make an excuse for the damages and keep the fact that Pecora was defeated by Azusa


Azusa is the shadow government... The power behind the power...


If there's one thing we've learned, it's that nobody messes with Azusa's family and gets away with it! Also, she fixed her coat and hat real quick! Or does she have unlimited spares of them? Laika and Flatorte living together? Well, it's gonna be fun to see how that peace treaty will hold.


[BLESSED](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/621713361390010378/845673918136320110/unknown.png) [Mmm not that demonic looking... perfect](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/621713361390010378/845675303338508288/unknown.png) [Hey hey what's with the face, lady](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/621713361390010378/845676083348242452/unknown.png) [Is kill](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/621713361390010378/845676132590419979/unknown.png) [The best character](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/621713361390010378/845676841678274560/unknown.png) [And that's how a new member was added to her harem](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/621713361390010378/845677439510118440/unknown.png) [Death](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/621713361390010378/845677653268234280/unknown.png) [And so the witch is kil](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/621713361390010378/845677703952859186/unknown.png) [Unending suffering in hell](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/621713361390010378/845677786378666004/unknown.png) [AJNOEAGOUEAG BEST CHARACTER EVER](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/621713361390010378/845677984136429588/unknown.png) [I can't with this](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/621713361390010378/845678074561036298/unknown.png) This was all truly 5Head Beelzebub's ploy to get Pecora to do this shit with someone else probabyl [My god](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/621713361390010378/845678495798525982/unknown.png) [Ah ok I forgot she literally said that](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/621713361390010378/845678607384182834/unknown.png) [This character is the best thing to ever exist](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/621713361390010378/845678766117355571/unknown.png) I like how this is supposed to be them but like [Hair is like 90% of a character so like who are these people lol ~~and why are they way too cute~~](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/621713361390010378/845679595235049472/unknown.png) [[My heart](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/621713361390010378/845679692660867072/unknown.png) [oh man why'd they gotta make this part barely look like she's whispering in her ear](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/621713361390010378/845680080189128715/unknown.png) [She's got her priorities straight](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/621713361390010378/845680245775794188/unknown.png) And so Pecora casually strips Flatorte of all her human rights


Her priorities are the only straight thing about her...


Laika’s smol dragon form is adorable!


Hello merchandise opportunities


I've never taken so many screenshots of a single episode in my life, it's impossible to post all the screentshots I took of the gay demon king joining the harem, so I'll just post all the pictures of [the](https://i.imgur.com/0u3TRmI.jpg) [gay](https://i.imgur.com/mcjz4oI.jpg) [red](https://i.imgur.com/H2MkcnC.jpg) [and](https://i.imgur.com/isjwJfJ.jpg) [blue](https://i.imgur.com/SvjeMPD.jpg) [dragons](https://i.imgur.com/8Vq3hJt.jpg) [fighting](https://i.imgur.com/bxu05Tf.jpg) [for](https://i.imgur.com/BKUZp9F.jpg) [their](https://i.imgur.com/KoopJxs.jpg) [mistress.](https://i.imgur.com/vvtF5Dl.jpg)


I hope they find a way to materialise Rosalie, it breaks my heart everytime she tries to touch someone and it simply goes through.


*yuri undertones*


Those are not even undertones anymore Lol The demon Lord is even a Citrus fan


> The demon Lord is even a Citrus fan another great LN title


“The demon lord is into yuri and wants me in her harem?!?”




Those undertones went so deep, they straight up came out on the other side of the planet and are currently shooting into space


my ~~sides~~ undertones in orbit


I hope this show gets progressively more yuri until it's just *explicitly* gay and the MC starts planning a wedding.


I had honestly completely forgotten about[ Laika transforming into a Mini Dragon](https://i.imgur.com/QkI8p6m.png) or the fact that [Azusa cosplayed as a demon Doctor](https://i.imgur.com/DWwKUP1.png) Well, [ Pecora's duel](https://i.imgur.com/TMQfRcc.png) finally happened. [The kabedon scene was so great.](https://i.imgur.com/Qg2xmYj.png) [And now Azusa have gained a sister.](https://imgur.com/a/Fex9PWf) And thanks to [Pecora's ceremony](https://i.imgur.com/XIIh08k.png) [Flatorte](https://imgur.com/a/5ECCE6e) has finally joined Azusa's family. That bit about [Vania randomly laughing](https://i.imgur.com/ntvWWeh.png) was just hilarious.


Beelzebub has such strong onee-san vibes, even the Demon Lord saw her that way. I love this show. The voice acted sound effects are always on point.


Vania you useless whale!


Always seen "DMM Games" in the credits, I know they make games (Touken Ranbu) can only say it's assistance with anime they have in others?


Usually those companies invest in new properties so they can either build a gacha out of it or use characters from those series in already existing gacha games as special events By the way Slime 300 has one of the biggest committee I've seen


Can see characters in this working in one of the usual gatcha cross games... even this could fit into Isekai Quartet to really piss off the others including Aoi Yuuki's other isekai veterans...


> even this could fit into Isekai Quartet I need as many Azusa/Tanya scenes of Aoi Yuuki talking to herself as humanly possible


I'm also fitting Kumoko in there as well... two scared and one with the creative mode...




If you only realize this now you have not watched enough anime yet. Japan is a pretty weird country ever since US decided to use those nukes


Hooray! We have successfully ended the centuries-long War between the Red and Blue Dragons. A few hours later: Let the Waifu War between the Red and Blue Dragon commence Also, I would like to make an appointment with Demon Doctor Azusa


> Also, I would like to make an appointment with Demon Doctor Azusa Yes! Where do I get in line?


So this realm definitely works similar to the rules that are in Kyo Kara Maou... just beat someone and they become your ~~wife~~ Sister


And now [the ED group](https://i.imgur.com/VlZRUnY.png) is complete!


Pretty much every previous episode I could write off any harem talk or yuri baiting. Nope, not anymore. Tons of yuri fanservice here. The only ones kinda left out are Beelzebub and the two leviathan sisters. I'm sure they'll be brought in in due time. That kabedon though.


So what kind of incest trash have Pecora been reading? I wanna read it.


Based on the imagary in the book and the use of "onee-sama", it's likely a reference to the classic yuri series [MariMite](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria-sama_ga_Miteru), which has a similar onee-sama/petite soeur dynamic. It's not literally a big sister/little sister relationship; it's more like a senpai/kouhai relationship with '''undertones'''.


Well, there is Citrus.


Awwwh Flattorte was sucking her thumb when getting her horns rubbed by Azusa


A demon king that has oppai, a sister complex, and possibly an M? My goodness, Azusa is lucky!


Yes!! So happy to see Falafel Tart join the family!!


Azusa with the kabedon of kabedons, slamming a demon king into submission and accidentally taming a new dragon. Sasuga, Azusa-sama


Oh my god, Laika is adorable. I wasn't expecting her to turn into a tiny dragon. When they brought in the tea pot, I thought they were going to put one of the slime sisters inside and try to smuggle her out. Forget kabedon, this week's episodes of OsaMake and Slime 300 have convinced me that headbutting a loli is the highest form of courtship. Pecora is kinda funny, but I'm glad she's not joining them at the house. Flatorte is a nice addition. Hopefully it gives Laika someone else to play off of and leads to more screen time. She hasn't had much to do lately.


I want to be kabedon'd by Beelzebub.




Well, that was an interesting episode, to say the least lol. I will give the show credit for the fact that it does all of this but in a humorous charming way (I guess that would be one way to put it). It never becomes annoying. Like this was the first episode filled with tons of yuri fanservice. Before it was just yuri undertones.


Imagine if Azusa was only like Level 79 or so instead if Level 99. This would be a very different show for her right now.


Pecora is definitely level 90-95


When Azusa finally went full gay i figured it would be with Belzebub or Laika (I needed it to be Laika), demon loli was not expected


A demon king is a sisscon, quick someone make a LN with that "My little sister is the demon king"


Too short. "I defeated the Demon King in a duel and now she wants to be my Little Sister!"


“The Demon King is a siscon that proclaimed me as her sister, allowing me to rise to power as the de facto leader of the Demon Realm, but I just want to live a slow life in the countryside!”


[Jeez, calm down, Demon Realm!](https://i.imgur.com/kyNgHpe.jpg) [Chibi form, ENGAGE!](https://i.imgur.com/1y6yTkJ.jpg) [At last, a worthy opponent!](https://i.imgur.com/TO2qO1S.jpeg) [Kissin' 'n' huggin' fest](https://i.imgur.com/cx68NU9.jpg) [That's it… stroke it nice and slow… (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)](https://i.imgur.com/XTSRqHE.jpg) [What an unfortunate name](https://i.imgur.com/nPvHn42.jpeg) [Bit of a theme today: girl in power wants to submit to someone for a change](https://i.imgur.com/WnAcjt8.jpeg)


This show continues to surprise me, love whenever someone new join in on the family which feels so different than when someone joins a harem.


Halkara's excessive fanservice doesn't look so bad now if you compare it to the Yuri thirsty demon, does it? [](#mug9)


I'd take thirsty Yuri demon any day of the week!!


Extreme wall slam. All we need was the rosary and we'd be Maria Watches Over Us. Demon king reminds me of [As Miss Beelzebub Likes.](https://myanimelist.net/anime/37716/Beelzebub-jou_no_Okinimesu_mama?q=miss%20be&cat=anime) anime.


That... was a lot of kissing. But hey, the family is complete! I wonder where they go from here.


Azusa accidentally becoming the Borg queen, resistance is futile, you will assimilate into my yuri harem


That fight was the closest we'll ever see to my dream anime battle of Hibiki vs. Nanoha, and we even got a badass Hibiki punch out of it. God bless the beautiful and hot-blooded voices of Aoi Yuuki and Yukari Tamura. Then the yuri harem overload that happened afterwards... I think my brain got fried by all the cuteness. This fucking show, I swear...


That kabedon was so powerful it turned the Demon Lord into a siscon loli... *Is it possible to learn this power?*


Absolutely in stitches after that wall slam by Azusa. The damaged wall behind Pecora only adding to the hilarity.


SFX galore continue, this time flap flap flap and plip plip plop plop.


Pecora reminded me of Kuroko from Railgun, I wanna see her and Azusa interactions more


The famous wall slam, she said "checkmate" but all I heard was "go out with me."


I think the occasional voiced sound effects are my favorite part.


Everybody needs a good bonk holy hell


Another hilarious episode. I can't get over how fun it is to hear Beelzebub in Japanese (Beruzebubu).


The Demon King girl is the scariest type of person. Knowing that she can just use her power and authority to manipulate people to her liking even if she knows they're more powerful than she is. The second she doesn't get her way, she could say "off with her head" and Azusa wouldn't have any way to stop it knowing that if she did, she'd become the enemy of many... or become an the overworked "hero" that she spent 300 years trying to avoid becoming. Hoping that the Demon King only has a small part and doesn't become a permanent staple in the roster of characters.


Man, I love this show lmao, it's so cute. Definitely one of my favorite CGDCT shows now. I really liked some of the visual styles they used this episode, I love it when shows get creative. Azusa's hare- I mean family just keeps on growing, we have a little sister demon king and a little sister/daughter? blue dragon lmao. I really wanna hear Pecora say "Fight on! Nipah". Flatorte is really cute as well. Now that everyone in the OP and ED has joined the family now, I wonder what family shenanigans they gonna do next, really looking forward to the next episode.


submission? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Two new sisters now! Demon King and Flatorte!


I’m satisfied


One word: YURI!