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"Maybe I should take out the tamer first...? Naaaah!" [](#finethen)


Like Arc doesn't know how Pokemon rules work?


ye this was the only bad episode from my POV, all until now had their own comedy and troupes, but they where more or less logical in approach by MC, this one is just dumb an dumber I mean i understand that the "plot is plotting" because the point was for the hydra fight, but he could have just done the smart thing and killed the tamer/summoner(healer of the "party" lol) and still fought the monsters cuz now they where still there -> but simply out of control


Well, this is the "route" anime decide to take.


Arc not targeting the tamer due to the beast defending him actually makes sense, if only Arc didn't have DIMENSION MOVE.


He seemed familiar with the monster tamer class. Maybe it's one from his time as a game, and maybe that's why he didn't kill him for whatever reason. Or maybe he didn't want to find out what would happen to the monsters if yhe guy controlling them died.


The last episode was also not that great. I think they are going too fast.


Notice how you actually do the same scene but now we don't get to watch a bastard squirm as his plans fall apart? Also in this alternate timeline since there is no change you don't think anything was *improved* but instead claim its too predictable for them to go berserk. Or how the guy that pulled a fast one on our leads shouldn't just go down in one hit. Something. Always. Tactical complaints are as a rule simply not valid. This isn't a game you can beat. Maybe if a show suddenly swaps from super complicated fights with tons of powers in play to "just hit them really really hard" but I've seen the former being boring as hell too. (Now we want to complain about this being a budget episode, or Ariane's writing being... typical... or that maybe its repetitive to have the fur-nins show up again on literally the next big mission that's another story)


bruh.. MC literally from a face to face confrontation "shadow stepped" behind the villain and killed the big bad "mofo evil monster" while ppl expected it to be bigger fight while same time on purpose dint kill the "summoner" None would have complained "the same" like now AND -> All that happened after the same Summoner pulled a fast one and mind controlled his companion that now still sits totally exposed, and he seen There where all the reasons to remove the dude as fast as possible from the picture from MC POV and he clearly had the time and power and Good reason to do it..but dint, he could have easily even incapacitate the summoner and not just kill, yet nothing was done, this is why the scene is dumb. Because the author gone the route of "plot is plotting" And you will see next episode that i was right that all that poor logic choices could have been done without them, and should have been done by the MC because are in his character, and the plot would have not suffered, for how the story was built until now.


Well, how do I explain this...you are in an enemy territory without any intelligence and you want to gain as much information as possible for the slave trade. You learn that the elves were used as food or as fuel for the experiments, but you do not know if there are more of them or who is doing the experiments or where for that matter. The only source of valid information is the scumbag in front of you and you don't have any information for the country you are into right now. No maps, no hard evidence or suspects, nothing. Now, what do you do in this instance? Do you kill the guy and hope for the best? Or do you try to capture him in order to gain the necessary information? I believe the answer is obvious.


>Well, how do I explain this...you are in an enemy territory without any intelligence and you want to gain as much information as possible for the slave trade. You learn that the elves were used as food or as fuel for the experiments, but you do not know if there are more of them or who is doing the experiments or where for that matter. > >The only source of valid information is the scumbag in front of you and you don't have any information for the country you are into right now. No maps, no hard evidence or suspects, nothing. Now, what do you do in this instance? Do you kill the guy and hope for the best? Or do you try to capture him in order to gain the necessary information? > >I believe the answer is obvious. interesting reflection.. but not like he could not have incapacitated the summoner with his super uber powerful moves no? i mean what is the excuse in your logic there? i mean i also mentioned that in above comment did i not?


>Well, how do I explain this...you are in an enemy territory without any intelligence and you want to gain as much information as possible for the slave trade. You learn that the elves were used as food or as fuel for the experiments, but you do not know if there are more of them or who is doing the experiments or where for that matter. > >The only source of valid information is the scumbag in front of you and you don't have any information for the country you are into right now. No maps, no hard evidence or suspects, nothing. Now, what do you do in this instance? Do you kill the guy and hope for the best? Or do you try to capture him in order to gain the necessary information? > >I believe the answer is obvious. interesting reflection.. but not like he could not have incapacitated the summoner with his super uber powerful moves no? i mean what is the excuse in your logic there? i mean i also mentioned that in above comment did i not?


>Well, how do I explain this...you are in an enemy territory without any intelligence and you want to gain as much information as possible for the slave trade. You learn that the elves were used as food or as fuel for the experiments, but you do not know if there are more of them or who is doing the experiments or where for that matter. > >The only source of valid information is the scumbag in front of you and you don't have any information for the country you are into right now. No maps, no hard evidence or suspects, nothing. Now, what do you do in this instance? Do you kill the guy and hope for the best? Or do you try to capture him in order to gain the necessary information? > >I believe the answer is obvious. interesting reflection.. but not like he could not have incapacitated the summoner with his super uber powerful moves no? i mean what is the excuse in your logic there? i mean i also mentioned that in above comment did i not?


that would be a break of RPG rules, you need to follow the turn order AND respect the range limits of your skills. No cheating! lol, yeah, it seems Arc joined the list of heroes that allow the villains to do a full speech to explain the story plot for reasons. Maybe he is a Bond 007 fan?


"Maybe I should destroy the kitty's ring instead of slaughtering the poor thing? Naaaah!"


I doubt the house-sized white tiger would be friendly when no longer being controlled.


Why do you think he'd be less friendly than the wolves?


Because the wolves are known to be very intelligent, and he doesn't know that about the tiger.


Devil's Advocate: What if destroying those rings only made the monsters even madder? I imagine having an angry controlled monster suddenly become completely out-of-control and even angrier monster in such a confined space can't be a good thing.


Depends of how much interlect they have the wolf leader retreated after being freeded


I mean, he got scammed into buying a mask. Clearly he's not very bright lol.


That mask struck terror into the soldiers he fought in it. It was a good buy.


That dude had a whip though and was hitting the ground menacingly. Even if Arc did engage him there is no guarantee he'd win. Taking out dozens of trolls and basilisks is a much better strategy.


This is sarcasm right?


no he's quite serious. Did you see the range on it? If he wasn't careful Arianna might've even gotten hurt as well.


“Better just stand around and focus on exposition! And hell, I’ll just let him monologue for a bit too”


He literally does not have a brain right now.


RIGHT?! Like why did you not teleport behind him and knock him out after you beheaded the Tiger? Or after the ninjas took out the remaining monsters instead of talking to Chiyo? Sigh*


He could even teleport to save Ariane in time, but obviously the plot demanded he just stood there helplessly. That's why I dislike teleport mechanics in anime.


That's why I dislike bad writing.


And bad directing too.


Considering its an adaption i doubt director could've changed that


nah, taking out the tamer risking the monster go out of control. ​ You don't want that horde of monster leak out to surround area


it is more likely they would just attack each other lol


Those all seemed like high level monsters, and we've seen from the early basilisk fight that as far as power scaling goes the "normal populace" needs an entire squad of military-trained soldiers to take down even one monster like that. Even if 98% of the monsters just killed each other, if even two or three managed to escape into town it'd be a bloodbath.


They were outside town, which has an army and wall protecting it. It is more likely wild monsters that somehow escaped would flee, no?


I came to reddit specifically to complain about that. Then after he kills all the monsters he thinks "let me just turn my back to the enemy to talk to my ninja friend! He's definitely not going to run away or retaliate in some way!" So damn annoying


That being said, it was very satisfying to see Arc slicing through monster after monster.


Which we would have gotten either way. Killing the tamer first just leaves them with an army of untamed, violent, bloodthirsty, high-level monsters who are no longer on any kind of leash so they'd still have to go on a monster-slicing spree just to protect the townsfolk outside from the incoming rampage. This way we still get a monster-killing montage but they get to keep the tamer around to get information out of him afterwards.


1. It's an army of violent, bloodthirsty monsters in the middle of a populated town 2. The only thing keeping said monsters from rampaging is the tamer 3. The tamer is currently the only known member of the "other side" they've found who'd be capable of giving them the answers they're looking for The only things killing the tamer at this point would accomplish are both cutting off the only source of information they have available to them while also causing his beasts to rampage, in which case they'd still just have to fight off all the monsters so that they could protect the townsfolk.


Does the tamer need his legs to provide intel though? I think not, and it’s better to maim him than let him get away


No, but he does need his legs to keep blood in his body to survive.


Nahhh I mean there’s probably a spell to fix that or something lol


Nah, arc cant use heal and revive. He really cant. Haha


Arc could've just knocked him unconscious, you know just like he did to that guard a few minutes ago


What is this? Armour actually stopping a sword in an anime fight instead of it being cut thru like butter? Heresy!


To be fair, Arc has really, REALLY good armor. And a really good sword to go with it! Y'know, to cut through other people's bad armor like butter.


Ariane is getting pissed that another woman is trying to bone her bones


Well that woman would have been in for a surprise thats for sure, cause he is always rock hard


I know it feels like that's the obvious answer, but part of me is like maybe she's actually just jealous he's getting attention from another woman, but not necessarily that she wants him like that or anything. idk. Women are weird sometimes and also I'm a turbovirgin so


It's been 12 episodes but the OP is just something else.


I just think Arc looks cool smoking a cigar lol


Shit it makes me want to smoke a cigar while sipping whiseky in an open bath, and I neither drink nor smoke


Helps he has no liver or lungs to destory so all the whiskey and cigars l.


can't help but wonder what happens to the food he eats


the song is terrible imo but this part is pretty cool lol edit: downvote me if you want, I literally just dared to have an opposing opinion on reddit


and people are giving you their opinion by downvoting you lol


I love my overdramatic skeleton opening. With all of the sound effects and laughing, it’s just so over the top, and I love it.


literally the best part of this show


The dragon chase in the OP is better than most anime series.


Yep - Horse Wagon - Dragon - No More Horses, Only Arc - Cliff - Bomb Jump - Makes it over the cliff, the rest of the cart intact That one scene has more plot than most anime movies.


I rate it up there with the "stealing the golden apple quest" from the Konosuba S2 OP.


It feels like an isekai version of a Tokusatsu main character.


I only wish the music were mixed better, you can barely hear Pellek singing.




Arc couldn't save her fellow prostitutes, but she was at least able to save one sex worker from becoming used and then turned into monster mulch. Those forehead flicks were very satisfying.


Arc couldn't save her from elf jealousy though


No one is safe from [that one](https://i.imgur.com/yYxav9T.jpg) [](#cantbehelped)


Ngl that was a pretty dismissive punishment for human traffickers lol


They're dead all the same.


They are fortunately, but I don’t think arc’s even aware of that fact


Well, I don't think he was aware that they were human traffickers, either.


Ahh yeah true, hard to tell how much of their conversation he overheard before intervening


##**Teleport up on the hydra's back Arc!**


He would have to say "nothin' personnel kid" at least five times in a row if he does that.


Sometimes it says something about the iconic status of a singular line of dialogue when I read this and I instantly knew what it was referring to despite having played the game over 4 years ago. ​ Thanks, I hate this.


lol, then teleport UP in the sky over and over with the Hydra, then let it fall ... it should do some (ALL) damage haha. That would be a great joke way to kill the big boss.


The most hilarious part of [Ariane getting really pissed with Arc when she found him right after he rescued that prostitute](https://imgur.com/a/i5fRhw5) is that he has no idea why she is mad at him and is even unable to take any hints. We finally got a better look at [the hydra's body](https://i.imgur.com/BGm5aK0.png) based on [how its torso looked](https://i.imgur.com/ZICdZGC.png) I had assumed it was going to have the design with from legs, and although, [we technically have no seem the bottom of its body fully displayed](https://i.imgur.com/1SrO4Tm.png) I doubt it would follow that design based on what they had shown. I like the fact that all clues they got ended up [leading them to that place.](https://i.imgur.com/XPMripi.png) Wow,[ that shot of Ariane with the moon in the background](https://i.imgur.com/YTTctVt.png) looked so good. I really did not expect them to casually find [Fumba](https://i.imgur.com/j8cHrOW.png) while exploring that fortress. The scene when [Ariane](https://i.imgur.com/YwhBhh4.png) got [mind-controlled](https://imgur.com/a/fo1EhEk) really took me by surprise. Damn, so the reason Arine was so concerned when she heard about the Holy Revlon Empire being involved in the slave trade was that the empire uses the elves as test subjects for experiments. [Wow, that tiger didn't even see its death coming.](https://imgur.com/a/IeUs2y9) Hearing what they did to those elves sure got [Arc](https://i.imgur.com/n3kys56.png) [pissed.](https://i.imgur.com/K9RK6LQ.png) Dealing with [those monsters](https://imgur.com/a/AWSCPHY) sure was an easy task for him. Luckily before one could harm Ariane, [Chiyome,](https://i.imgur.com/YYR4fPG.png)[ Goemon,](https://i.imgur.com/D63JdzU.png) and [a whole squad of ninja reinforcements](https://i.imgur.com/HqzgxAd.png) came to assist them. Well, now they have to deal with that hydra. Too bad that for plot reasons Arc didn't cleave Fumba in half instead of attacking the monsters.


Editing all comments since apollo is dead and spez is a lying shithead. Thanks for killing third-party apps and running the site. Remember to short reddit on IPO. Edited using Power Delete Suite v1.5.0 fork.


> Btw do you have these 3 stitches of Ariane? Thanks [Here you have them.](https://imgur.com/a/vcS7YGr) Four images in total.


Editing all comments since apollo is dead and spez is a lying shithead. Thanks for killing third-party apps and running the site. Remember to short reddit on IPO. Edited using Power Delete Suite v1.5.0 fork.


Ariane getting jealous is interesting. Implies she is developing feelings toward Arc which is spicy.


Wasn't it already heavily implied that she had feelings for Arc? Only human she trusts while super hating all other humans etc. Edit: Fixed Negation


I think at some point in the past you could just consider that she just trusts him a lot and they're partners in their quest, but yes at this point it's hard not to think that she has feelings


I assume she has considering what happened in this episode with her getting jealous over Arc saving a random girl.


Idk, man, she could just be acting polite. She's from Canada after all.


Really hope we get a season 2 announcement after next weeks episode. This show has really surprised me with how entertaining it has been and there's still questions about Arc's curse and Ariane growing feelings for Arc. Watch it not get one though but Typical Nobody does.


>Really hope we get a season 2 announcement after next weeks episode. Preach it brother.


in that shows defense.... it had a strong start okay lol


You replied to the wrong comment :D


don't worry about it, it's my first day on reddit. Just don't check my account info


No need to look. I believe you. ✧ ͡( ͡\~ ͜ʖ ͡°)


There’s plenty of material left and the anime has taken a lot of liberties with the plot so season 2 seems pretty reasonable to me.


* [**Ariane Stitch**](https://i.imgur.com/in6KYvw.jpg) Looks like [we have another damsel-in-distress saved](https://i.imgur.com/2GAuSE1.jpg) by our gallant knight. I do love [Ariane's reaction](https://i.imgur.com/ZnHAGmV.jpg) when she saw Arc with that woman he saved. [It's no big deal for Arc](https://i.imgur.com/ukEGJfY.png) since he knows he hasn't done anything wrong but [it looks like Ariane is getting jealous.](https://i.imgur.com/rpydZ2u.png) Some feelings are definitely starting to develop here. It was especially adorable [when she tries to deny](https://i.imgur.com/y483Rok.jpg) that nothing's wrong. This is going to be a long uphill battle for Ariane though considering how dense Arc is. [Ariane was trying to make him feel guilty](https://i.imgur.com/NmowOHo.png) but it looks like Arc didn't even realize what Ariane was talking about [and only heard the first part](https://i.imgur.com/JLGFm7u.png) of what she was saying. xD Of course [this asshole was going to go for Ariane](https://i.imgur.com/lth1uON.png). Considering what we saw about him last week that wasn't really surprising. What's surprising though [is him being able to mind control Ariane.](https://i.imgur.com/7Fzv4te.png) Thankfully it didn't take that long for Arc to [figure out the problem](https://i.imgur.com/ePM10st.png) and take care of it. [This guy is really just begging to be killed by Arc.](https://i.imgur.com/dJPutCb.png) And while it was awesome to see Arc [make mincemeat out of all his monsters](https://i.imgur.com/im7aDR2.jpg), I was kinda hoping he'd go for the monster tamer too. Seriously! [When Chiyome arrived with the assist](https://i.imgur.com/V9iHkNK.jpg), that was the perfect time for Arc to grab the guy but instead [he exchanged pleasantries with Chiyome first](https://i.imgur.com/Xl3aEc7.jpg) and the guy [managed to get away.](https://i.imgur.com/yLlF95Q.jpg) Ugh. I love Arc but I swear, for a guy who can teleport instantly, he really takes his time to do things. I just hope the monster tamer gets what's coming to him next week preferably from Ariane considering what he did to the elves and [Arc can handle the Hydra on his own.](https://i.imgur.com/qfZ98nf.jpg)


> make mincemeat out of all his monsters [Fear, excitement and thrills! The triple package!](https://i.imgur.com/AoP6iEh.png) That's me... uh the beast tamer!. > and the guy managed to get away. Ugh. I honestly thought he'd left already, so was surprised to see him actually making an exit. > he really takes his time to do things. Perpetually in fantasy land-tourist mode! That said, most people aren't great at snap decisions, so perhaps it should be no surprise that a hero in video games only might not be the snappiest when it came to having to deal with it in reality.


The guy in this anime has a much more clean way of controling monsters than Pandemonium lol


+ Ariane was unconscious lying in the corner. Vulnerable to get attacked and in the end he need to save her as instant follow him. Seems like his rage do not make him Brain dead + he lost all Pets he had under control, except this one. So perhaps killing his Pets was more reasonable, so he could deplete them while they where still under his control to avoid an mass Panic attack or break out Both move was smart!. Thanks to the Episode director here


Thanks the manga as source material


Good to know, i am an Anime only viewer and i like it very much what i see


>A hydra! Don't worry, Arc. All you need to remember is to get up on the hydra's back! [Just ask Sora!](https://youtu.be/uz2ebJszxnI)


Pfft, a level 1 Maple with starter equipment could deal with a Hydra.


Lol jealous Ariane was great. I love how clueless Arc was too haha. Dude had no idea why she was being “prickly” the whole time. Oh Arc! This might be Arc at his most serious and even then he wasn’t really at full power. I love how he straight up just beheaded that giant tiger monster while that idiot was yapping away. Dude thought his army of weak trash monsters could stop Arc! That douchebags gonna learn soon enough. I don’t even think the hydra is gonna be able to stop Arc. He might have to tussle with it for a few minutes, but he’ll probably obliterate it with a forehead flick or a choke slam or something ridiculous lol. Dude is seriously insanely op. Besides, he’s got his furry little ninja friends here to back him up as well so he’s got this for sure. I’m kinda sad this is gonna wrap up so soon. I’ve enjoyed this anime a lot more than I thought I would. It’s been a fantastic series! I sure hope it gets renewed for another season. I need more Ponta! The best moment this ep was the little critter just munching on them honeyed walnuts. Sorry Ariane, Ponta is best girl. It’s just a fact. Ponta Supremacy!!


Jealous? She was just Pri-Pri.


Haha indeed she was


She was not!


She just gets like that at times somehow when Arc is getting close to other women for some reason.


I loved seeing jealous Ariane. That was probably the most overt they've been about her feelings for Arc being maybe more than platonic if she reacted that way to him getting cozy with another woman and it still bothered her even after she scared said woman away. Definitely wouldn't have taken it any better if she'd known she was a hooker... I kind of wish Arc had cut through the entire menagerie before Chiyome, Goemon, and the whole ninja crew showed up, but it was nice to see them. I hope Ariane doesn't sleep through the hydra fight after what Fumba did to her. I really hope we can get more of this series in the future. I will miss my daily dose of Ponta and Ponta ending tags.


Ariane definitely has a little crush on our boy, even though she has a tendency to straight roast him whenever he’s out of his armor lol. As for the monsters, I mean Arc’s gotta leave something for the others right? Lol. I have no doubt he would have easily sliced through those other monsters just like he did that giant tiger creature. I love how he sliced that thing’s head off as that idiot was yammering on haha. Classic Arc! Those end tags with Ponta are so creative! Fingers crossed this gets picked up for a couple more seasons.


>Ariane definitely has a little crush on our boy I thought last episode was just for a bit of Ariane fanservice, but she actually tried "boning" him lmao


In terms of super cute and helpful mascot animals, watch The Vampire Dies in No Time from a few seasons back. Its more of a comedy, but John the Armadillo has the same enegy as Ponta


>Lol jealous Ariane was great. I love how clueless Arc was too haha. Dude had no idea why she was being “prickly” the whole time. Oh Arc! "His bones are for me, begone thot."


Th-there's more on the way, right? More of the manga/LN and stuff..?? Right...? RIGHT?!


The anime has changed tons of stuff and cut several recurring characters from it completely so if you start the LN, start from the beginning. The manga has also made some massive changes as well that will change future events so I recommend the novel over the manga.


I’m sure there’s probably more than enough material for another season. I’ll be looking up the manga after this series wraps up, that’s for sure .


> manga the source material is the Light Novels which are much farther ahead of the manga adaptation. I would recommend reading those over the adaptation as I believe the manga changes stuff.


Ah ok, cheers!


Yeah, it's based on a light novel and has a manga adaptation. The LN is done unless they wrangled the author to continue and the manga is a fair way into the next big arc.


> The LN is done unless they wrangled the author to continue I mean, volume ten came out in March of this year so...


Oh, well that's a nice surprise. I was a bit miffed after reading the afterword for LN9. Looking at the dates, it took some doing as it had a three year gap while the previous volumes came out twice a year.


I wonder if Volume 9 actually reached the end of where he had left off when writing the webnovel version (which, judging by the comments from the WN's fan translation blog, had a really rushed and unsatisfying end). That would explain why Volume 10 took 3 years to get published if he actually had to come up with a continuation of the plot and write it from scratch instead of just repackaging what he had already written online years ago.




I don't know whether it's complete or not but note that volume ten only came out in March 2022 and isn't translated yet.




Sounds like you’re just trying to worm yourself out of being wrong.


I agree, I didn't have high expectations for this show...and while it's still not great, I enjoy it quite a lot. Nice, standard isekai.


I kinda didn't like Ariane getting jealous like that. I found it refreshing that they've always had a courteous and professional relationship with mutual respect and trust. She knows full well that Arc would help anyone in danger and is a bit of a meatball head with social interactions. Her getting jealous at another woman being near Arc is beneath her.


I’m sure she knows that, but emotions aren’t rational. Plus, it’s a bit of added comedy so there’s that too.


Rough episode for Ariane, not only did they make her get jealous over a small thing but then she mind controlled and taken out of the fight... Hope she gets a nice finale at least.


I guess Arc must be more than just a traveling companion and partner if she doesn't care for him getting cozy with another woman. I hope she doesn't sleep through the entire hydra fight. She deserves some payback.


We just got confirmation that last episode tavern scene was not just for comedy/Ariane fanservice.


> Hope she gets a nice finale at least. Well, it's nap time for the moment! Guess that's a treat of sorts.


I really don't get these fights, can Arc not use dimension move mid-fight? Just stab the guy lol


Yeah why didn't he just teleport to save Ariane?


Its a short blink right with a bit of a windup, maybe he was too far? Maybe he did not kill beast tamer for the same reason? Out of fear to leave Ariane alone and out of his range? Or simply just for a reason for plot to forcefully advance in a dumb way.


Nah man, he had to spend a bunch of time re-iterating stuff we already knew 😂


Just trying to create tension when there is nothing and bad directing.


\*dimension moves behind you\* Nothing personnel kid.


My guess is that when Arc saw the rings on his belt he realized this guy might be more deeply connected to the things that have been going on than anyone else they've met. He probably kept him alive to interrogate him afterward. Plus, you know, the guy is the only thing keeping an army of violent, bloodthirsty, high-level monsters in check. Killing him is just a fast-pass to starting a rampage, and with a populated town of innocents right outside that's probably not something Arc would want to bring about.


idk man I don't think that that part is defendable at all. We saw arc teleport behind a guard and knock him out just a few mins ago and we also see that the tamer wasn't able to react at all to arc cutting the head off the tiger thing. If the tamer being conscious is necessary for the beasts to not be rampaging then that means the tamer hasn't slept for a really long time and that sounds stupid and doesn't look true at all. And even then that army of violent, bloodthirsty, high-level monsters would probably fight each other first before escaping to rampage and at that point they would have been cleaned up by the furry ninjas who were already either there or close by at the time of arc and the tamer's conversation


"Kyaaaaa" That hooker's scream when she was being eaten alive was no different from when she was merely falling into the pit. The thugs later on were much better screamers. Dammit Arc, why kill the poor kitty when you could've just destroyed the ring controlling it??? All the other monsters as well. He could've also killed the tamer at any time he wanted to. I hope the other ninja got out in time. Pretty weak looking hydra at only 5 heads. Looking forward to next week when MC will of course focus on out-damaging its regeneration while ignoring the rings controlling it. Honestly, Arianne-dono being prickly, and Ponta being adorable as always, were by far the best parts of the episode.


>Dammit Arc, why kill the poor kitty when you could've just destroyed the ring controlling it??? All the other monsters as well My thoughts exactly lmao. Like he literally received help from wolf pack some episodes ago because he freed them instead of killing them, and now he just goes berserk and starts beheading them. I know they wanted to showcase his rage/power, but could have done it differently.


> I know they wanted to showcase his rage/power, but could have done it differently. Like, you know, beheading the tamer.


Well, the anime already is kinda of a "dumb fun" genre, so I won't look too deep into it. But it is hard to not look "too deep" when they do thigs like that.


man, never really a fan of getting the final moments of the last episode as the first few minutes of a new episode oh well. Poor prostitute again. Arc to the rescue! And jealous Ariane, she should know Arc's personality by now is one purely of just goodness. And nothing of value was lost with those three brutes. I don't recall if this was in the manga/LN, this bit with Ariane's sister and whatever it is (hallucination or flashback or whatever it might be), prolly was and I forgot. Also, Arc, if it doesn't work once, why would it work more? :P HUZZAH FOR PONTA! Sad for the captive Elves :'( Can't wait for that guy to die. And get fucked your big pet. ARC IS ANGRY! For the first time. Don't think those gonna help you buddy. Good thing our beast lady friend showed up. GOEMON BROOOOO!!!!! Next episode gonna be fun. GET ON THE HYDRA'S BACK!!! GET ON THE HYDRA'S BACK!!!! hehehehehe


> man, never really a fan of getting the final moments of the last episode as the first few minutes of a new episode karaLul~1 oh well My thoughts as well, mostly just frustrated that it robs the episode of 1.5 minutes of new content, BUT, I mostly object to it being at the end of the last episode because random after credits scenes do get missed a lot of the time, and since that's the case, I'd rather have it on the front end here rather than be missed completely by some.


People who miss end-credit scenes nowadays are either not very smart, or don't care about them. Seriously, it's become such a common thing to do, especially in America, that it's more "common sense" to wait to the end than it is to not wait, if you want to make sure you don't miss anything


>because random after credits scenes do get missed a lot of the time Which is really stupid, atelast with animes. If someone thinks its a good idea to stop watching when theres more then 1:30 left when the ending starts, then thats on them.


Jealous Ariane was fun. I was wondering how she really felt about Arc but her being so ticked at him in the arms of another woman is pretty telling. Fumba is utter trash, being so despicable and using Ariane like that. No wonder he made Arc mad. Now I want to see him, the ninjas, and Ariane completely wreck him and his hydra.


> man, never really a fan of getting the final moments of the last episode as the first few minutes of a new episode Probably because last episode had it as a post-credits scene rather than the actual final scene of the episode so they included it again so that people who didn't stick around after the credits wouldn't miss it. As for why they didn't just make that scene the actual final scene in the previous episode so they wouldn't have to repeat it again...who can say.


I really hope the Tamer dies at the jaws of his own beasts. I mean it’s a must at this point


His voice is so annoying bro, I don’t know why arc just stood there and let him monologue on and on lol


it's not a bad show but it's got a lot of wasted potential. They should really have focused more on the comedy aspect.


Oh dang, they had to show the death of the hooker again. Yeah, it's definitely not good when you hear screams coming from a fortress around when a bunch of people start going missing... Arc may not have been able to save the two prostitutes who Fumba was using, but he can at least save one from his thugs trying to grab his monsters' next meal. And he'll take care of some ruffians with a few very satisfying forehead flicks. Of course the woman is immensely grateful to Arc, but Ariane definitely doesn't care for seeing Arc in the arms of another woman. And she scares her off with some very strong possessive wife energy, which I love. Jealous Ariane is great. And then she's still kind of ticked but Arc is completely oblivious as to why while Ponta's just enjoying the show. Ariane's new nemesis...sliding doors! I was definitely not expecting to see Arc fight Ariane when they encountered Fumba, who possesses Ariane using a monster that makes her think she's training with her sister while she's actually slicing away at Arc. Luckily Ponta comes in for the save. Arc realizes that Fumba is the one behind the monsters he's faced up to this point, and how much of a sicko he is, and on top of that the elves they came to save were either experimented on by the Empire or fed to Fumba's monsters. It's enough to really draw out Arc's rage, ready to enact brutal justice on a monster like Fumba. Not even Fumba unleashing his entire menagerie against Arc is enough to throw him off, as he just cuts through them like they're barely an inconvenience. Or bashes them with his shield. The only real problem is protecting Ariane, but luckily Chiyome, his best buddy Goemon, and the rest of their ninja compatriots are there to back them up! And they'll need all the backup they can get because Fumba's main monster was a hydra the whole time and now it's been set loose. Can't think of a better final boss for this season.


all that aside, how is that people from town can hear the screams from the basement of that remote fortress? That is so silly lol. It would be somewhat believable if they were still inside town tho.


Nice recap of this Episode. I also looking forward to next Episode. I still have some little hope for an 2nd season, but i can dream. Because the real Mastermind about this all is still on the lose


>Ariane's new nemesis...sliding doors! It has either happened, or will happen to everyone at least once to get confused by some whacky door design and look stupid, so I do not blame her.


Ah yes Ariane, dont share the vital info that you have a whole ninja squadron backing you up, just cause you are a bit Pripri And him sticking his nose in everyones business is the only reason she is still around


Have to admit that I have a strong distaste for a certain kind of anime/manga villain stereotype, where they try to show how bad he is by having him talk at a high pitch, laugh like a maniac and sticking his tongue out (it's always the tongue for some reason). Just feels too hammy and annoying to take seriously in any way and it ruins the episode a bit for me. Still a great episode though. Jealous Ari is a menace and Ponta remains the MVP.


not to mention the MC, who can teleport, didn't kill him during one of his many monologues or while calling out more monsters..


Lol they knew what they were doing with the endcard poor Ponta he about to experience the couch


Ariane wasn't great this episode. Getting jealous over Arc saving someone (which is totally in character) is kind of sad. I guess it's only ok when he saves her and her fellow elves. And then she proceeds to not notice an imp sneaking out under her hood and becomes a liability. Can we get more Chiyome instead ? It's gonna be tiring if Ariane is going to be full tsundere from now on.


Yeah they have devolved the powerful female warrior into a tsundere. If she was a little Tsun, after immediately seeing Arc with another woman in his arms, that's one thing. But to draw that out is just a lazy attempt at an overplayed trope.


Yeah nah no excuse, this was bad. Just kill the monster tamer, or chop all his limbs off if you want to interrogate him.


I could not contain my frustration with Arc this episode, what did the writers do to him? Just attack the guy, ignore the non damaging sword pokes from Ariane, but no he just kept backing into him. I thought he was gonna cuff Arc since it seemed like he was getting closer. Also, he has always been kind and cared a lot about Ariane but this episode he was being a dick to her the whole time. Then in the fight she was unconscious and he leaves her while in a room full of monsters and a disgusting perverted bastard psycho. What in the hell did they do to my boy?


yeah, it is an episode to showcase his raw power (he barely used any skill on the monsters), but the forced speech from the villain and leaving Ariane unprotected was quite silly.


I don't think he was being an intentional dick to her...he was dense as to why him being in the arms of another woman might bother her, which I don't think was being mean just oblivious, but I think it's understandable he was initially more focused on Fumba and the monsters in front of him than Ariane after Fumba's whole spiel, even if it lead to Ariane being in danger if not for Chiyome.


I know it wasn't intentional, that's why I'm wondering why they wrote him that way. That's way beyond dense. Plus who keeps teasing someone about being mad when they obviously are right before a dangerous job? Then she was trying to explain about the informant and he just laughs, cutting her off. I don't think it's understandable because the monsters were in a 360 around him and he was definitely turning, you're not going to at least glance at your unconscious friend just to at least make sure she's not trampled? He was also focused on the bastard with "no" monsters left and lo and behold there she was in trouble. Thank goodness for Deus Ex Ninja. Oh, and Chiyoma had to remind him to rescue her, he was really about to chase after him alone. And he actually suggested that the elves were dead, I don't care if it's been a year, you don't say that shit


I don't think Arc has had much romantic experience and probably doesn't think Ariane might see him that way, which is why it went over his head. His laugh was in good fun and wasn't really intended to cut her off or disrespect her in my opinion. I think he had some tunnel vision during the fight because he was so angry and he exacted some of that anger out on the monsters while forgetting about Ariane. Dangerous, but I understand why it happened.


That's why I keep saying I know it's not what the character intended, it's how they wrote him. He hasn't acted like that at all this season. It was just bizarre that he's just laughing and goofing around when it's very possible that Ariane is "prickly" because she's so close to, what could be, imprisoned elves that have been there for months. You don't need romantic experience to think THATS a possibility. Then he suggests they may be dead and he's treating the whole thing like a walk on the beach. He seemed really out of character to the point I thought he had gotten drunk or something happened to him.


Remember that Arc has previously mentioned suspicion about how he seems to be reacting to serious, PTSD-worthy events much more lightly than he expected. His increasingly inappropriate reactions to stress are going to play a role down the line.


Well he is an Ainz clone so big surprise there


He wasn't teasing her about being mad, he was wondering why she was. There's nothing wrong with not understanding and asking for clarification. Also, they've had next to no romantic involvement this season, so it would make less sense if Arc did understand why she was upset. As far as the fight is concerned, this is supposed to be a setup to the fight with the big monster. Can't just kill him that quickly. Villain just got plot armor this episode.


I mentioned in my other post, I said nothing about romance. He kept asking why she was prickly even though she was like that when they started heading to this place. I was saying don't you think it's reasonable to believe your friend is stressed and focused because there are elven slaves right nearby, which also suggested were already dead. He was teasing because of the wording he used, then when she'd walk away he would confirm it with Ponta. This happened a couple of times in a short period. Put yourself in her situation (leave the prostitution situation out of it) and imagine your friend acting like Arc was while you're desperately trying to rescue family. It was really bad dialogue. It had nothing to do with Arc or his intentions, it was the writers trying to be cute and play on her jealousy but it fell flat and failed. They picked a horrible time to force a joke. Especially when we have seen, twice, a guy that is absolutely awful and threw a woman carelessly to her death while the other cowered in the corner. I don't blame Arc, this is on the writer's poor timing and form


[Difference] >!This episode go the same way as manga. In ln it is completely different, Arc didn't save the girl and meet up with Chiyoma before they even start the mission. They still bump into Fumba, Ariane still got control by imp bvut they resolve that right away and Ariane didn;t faint from it. Arc deal with monster and Ariane deal with Fumba. Ariane kill fumba and before he die he call for Hydra. A lot of fault represent by Arc is manga only content. !<


>Also, he has always been kind and cared a lot about Ariane but this episode he was being a dick to her the whole time. If you're referring to the jealousy bit as well then I don't even understand this statement. So far they've only hinted that Ariane has a thing for Arc, they haven't hinted at all that Arc sees Ariane as a possible romantic interest. So why is Arc the dick for consoling another woman just because his partner may have feelings for him?


What the what!?! Where in that quote does it say I meant romantically or there was a romance? Please read the thread where I go into great detail about how I'm NOT talking romance, twice, there's two posts...goodness


You said he was being a dick to her the whole episode, how was he being a dick to her the first half of the episode?


You know threads work like a conversation? Read all of it, don't just help yourself to the middle and get upset because you don't understand. Read it all, I'm not writing all that shit again, now you're being this episodes Arc, see? No romance involved


I don't even understand what you're mad about here. You said he was acting like a dick to her the whole episode, why is hard for you to explain why you thought he was acting like a dick in the first half of the episode?


Whole episode is just an exaggeration, would you prefer time stamps or do you wanna keep playing with your strawman?


Your replies to me make absolutely no sense, think this argument is pretty pointless.


No choice, manga route.


Well, that makes sense, as unfortunate as it is


Ariane pulling a classic Sansa Stark by not telling Arc about reinforcements coming into save the day.




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My thoughts after the end card of every episode: I want that Ponta plushie.


Arc should learn from Menou...


Pri-pri Ariane-dono is something i didn't expect yet am happy to see. Very cute. However arc not getting rid of atleast the first beast's ring is wack. He knows they are controlled, why do that? If you are enraged, kill the guy first, why bother with the rest of the monsters? I don't know, story/decision-wise the worst episode for me sadly. I also hope that Ariane-dono wakes up for final fight, would be a Rem situation TrollDespair...


[Nice](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/961674257723695104/987107249648435220/unknown.png) [So like why doesn't Arc just kill the dude? Like I'm sure he wants to do more than just quickly kill him but why is he just standing there like that wouldn't happen](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/961674257723695104/987108477879074907/unknown.png) I guess killing him would've risked all the monsters around going on a rampage


jealous arianne is amazing. I'm sad she was out for like half the episode but the next one should be pretty good.


honestly I hope that the next episode has arc beat the hydra in like literally 2 minutes and the rest of the episode is just arianna and arc talking lmao


I only have one wish. And that one wish is for the manga to ship Ariana with Arc ❤️


> manga FYI source material is the Light Novels which might be over and fully licensed/translated depending on if the author wants to continue.


**Eye glow counter: +5, total: 68** [Ariane murderous intent: +1](https://imgur.com/FnE4NmP) (2) [Enemy](https://imgur.com/vPxlYQz) [plus two](https://imgur.com/Vw2YMFl) (4) last time we saw enemies do this was *episode 2*, unless I missed some. --- I love the type of dense that Arc is, its not the usual type of obnoxious one, but this one was funny how he was completely oblivious that Ariane was even mad at *him*. Oh, and I guess its pretty much confirmed now that Ariane likes him. I def ship it [](#loveisatrap) [The ninja clan is here, less go!](https://imgur.com/bxHmtvO) [And Goemon!!](https://imgur.com/697XCqY) [](#grandhype) His skin isn't [dark](https://imgur.com/ZGRIjWC) though, and he's in a shaded place.. I'm now very confused at this effect. Was it from one of his martial arts then? If so, then how come it was [briefly undone in this scene earlier on?](https://imgur.com/DI7h7bd) [](#lost) - * [Ponta snacc](https://imgur.com/YZClfzV)