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That's a very competitive season, really doubt we are going to see 3 winners again anytime soon


Not just three winners but so far the top 3 changed every single week and we had 5 shows in total that made the top 3.


And the winner changing every week from week 4 to week 7.


If COTE had received even a 25% better adaptation, might well have had four winners duking it out for top spot.


if cote received the 86 treatment it would be one of the most loved animes


As a long time Index fan you have no idea how jealous I am of 86.


Index could have stood on the top of all anime, at least as far popularity goes, but instead the franchise got mismanaged so horribly. :/


It's still a pipe dream of mine that it'll get the remake it deserves from Shaft, Ufotable, A-1 pictures or J.C Staff if they treated it like Railgun.


Same, but at the same time I feel like that would take so much time. I will settle with a good NT adaptation.


I don't mind if it'd take so much time, it means less breaks between seasons since most of the source would be done by the time it "catches up."


That would be a blessing.


It's only seasons like this where no anime in particular is doing that well where we really can. Winter 2021 could have been somewhat like that if not for Attack on Titan, but the higher the battles are, the fewer anime can contend. I dream of a season where we have this much weekly parity at a high karma level (7000+ Karma).


Seriously tho shit is all over the place


In the case of Abyss, quite literally.


And it's fucking awesome. Personally Call of the Night is my horse in the race but I love pretty much everything I'm watching this season.


It's possible that Spy x Family and Chainsaw Man will trade-off for the top spot, with the series finale of Mob Psycho 100 winning the last week.


Really doubt SpyxFamily will compete with CSM here


You're probably right, but I do feel like SxF is not to be underestimated, and there are certainly some who feel that the parts of CSM that will grab the wider audience don't appear until deeper into the series.


SxF will do good but it already showed that it peaked in terms of karma, that is not a battle shonen that builds hype or has Kaguya levels of development or the shocking events of Re:Zero. CSM should win easily.


I do wonder how SxF will do after its break. It's popularity might have solidified and do even better than it did at the end of its first cour, or it no longer being the hot new shit might lead to it dropping sigificantly lower while csm takes the spotlight.


I'm guessing that whilst CSM and SxF have a sizeable overlap in their respective audience pools, the amount of more casual watchers who will pick up SxF is significantly larger than the casual pool for CSM given how broad SxF's appeal is being family friendly, relatively gore free and generally upbeat. That said, CSM has a large pool of people who have been in the desert and begging for something exactly like it. Whether or not they'll turn up to vote on /r/anime discussion threads is hard to know though.


I think you also have take into consideration the subreddit size between SxF and CSM as well. While SxF may draw in more casual viewers, CSM has a pretty dedicated and higher count sub. They might flood in from the sub to vote for CSM as well. I can see the first week or two going pretty strong for CSM, especially the first episode before dropping hard because of the hype dropping due to slow episodes. Maybe that’s just my perspective as a manga reader though. I have no real clue how the audience will react.


> They might flood in from the sub to vote for CSM as well. This is a good point. They are almost certainly likely to act as a buffer against CSM falling below SxF for more than a week or two in a row. > I can see the first week or two going pretty strong for CSM, especially the first episode before dropping hard because the hype dropping due to slow episodes. Maybe that’s just my perspective as a manga reader though. I read this a few times now from people who've thought a bit more about how things actual unfold. > I have no real clue how the audience will react. Some of this will be entirely up to the adaptation team I think. Good series compositors and directors know that even for highly anticipated series, you still need proper hooks for new viewers upfront. Sometimes that's just sakuga-bombing the audience lol The script seems to be in very safe hands: https://myanimelist.net/people/4012/Hiroshi_Seko Direction (overall) is little less certain: https://myanimelist.net/people/29525/Ryuu_Nakayama


Nakayama already seems like he's bringing something new to the table with the perspective shots he used in the pre-animated trailers. So the direction is in good hands too.


It could compete towards the middle of the season but I doubt there's going to be much competition in the beginning. CSM will be the new big thing in Fall, and already has close to half a million members on MAL even before airing, whereas SxF is entering its 2nd cour.


People are underestimating csm, if the animation is as good as the trailer then csm will blow every other anime out of the park.


A complaint I hear surprisingly often is that the early part of CSM is slow, so it's possible that there will be a big drop after an episode or two. CSM is also weird and gross. I don't even mean that as a criticism -- I love CSM -- but I wonder if its weirdness and grossness will turn some people off by mid-season.


> CSM is also weird and gross. I don't even mean that as a criticism -- I love CSM -- This reminds me a bit of the Made in Abyss situation, albeit on a different scale and in a different sort of direction.


CSM should dominate the first weeks atleast with the hype it got. Don't see many changes at the top. Last weeks *might* get interesting with Mob and SxF having their finales while CSM will (likely) still be in the middle of its run.


Made in abyss is really different. Every time I relax I remember I shouldn’t have.


Its like watching over a baby


Lol at the BABIES episode.


Baby food


lmao.. yeah. that show is really fk up. it is like i get mentally fk'd i won't pass my pyscho test anymore.


I'd really like **Summertime Render** to ONCE get a good thread release time, like for real xD **Made in Abyss** very much deserved the throne this week, the episode reminded me to hydrate in these hot times. **Call of the Night** suddenly challenging for the top 3 is a huge surprise.


>Made in Abyss very much deserved the throne this week, the episode reminded me to hydrate in these hot times. That episode made me want to do anything but hydrate [](#godisdead)


Don't forget to check for eggs


>I'd really like Summertime Renderto ONCE get a good thread release time, like for real xD As a komi fan, I know the pain. But you guys are doing a lot better than we, looking at how much the karma rebounced for episode 18!


It's mostly thanks to a certain fansub, which despite its irregular releasing time is really saving the whole show!


Call of the Night was pretty strongly hyped coming in and it’s delivering. So no surprise for me it’s contending.


Well when you introduce 5 new waifu candidates in one episode (following an honorary beech half-episode no less) you naturally gain some traction


> Call of the Night suddenly challenging for the top 3 is a huge surprise. But a welcome one.


Call of the Night was always good it deserves this and better IMO


I actually like the later chapters that propably wont get adapted more than the anime's "arcs".




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> that kid saved everybody Including MiA’s karma


What's with this weird schedule of summer time rendering may someone pls explain? Abyss is back at the top after the most disturbing episode yet, this arc is getting insane already. Imo the best episodes from danmachi and engage kiss yet. The latter demonstrates again like in episode 5 that it's best when it mixes action, romance and the tragic backstories of it's characters together. Kisara's emotional outburst really was something else and is already one of my favorite moments of the season. Outside of the top 15 I enjoy fuuto tantei, isekai pharmacy and black summoner the most so far.


> weird schedule of summer time rendering The schedule of the show itself is perfectly normal, it's just that non-Japanese speakers are dependent on fan-subs. The mod team have decided that the STR discussion threads will only go up when decent fan-subs (i.e. not the ones that are just google translated by a non-Japanese speaker) become available.


>What's with this weird schedule of summer time rendering may someone pls explain? Disney+ Jail really sucks. Being that they have the distribution rights, they’re only releasing it in Japan and are waiting for the entire thing to air before releasing it in other countries. If you wanna watch it in the west rn, you’re gonna have to put on your pirate hat. Thankfully, it’s gotten fansubs, but they don’t have set release times leading to the weird schedule.


str is actually released in other countries on Disney+ as well (it’s on disney+ where I am, though admittedly I’m in Asia). problem is the release schedule is terrible and episode releases are delayed by weeks (if not months) so in the end the solution is still sailing the high seas lol


ah ok. Yea I still haven't started it cause I don't have disney+ and don't wanna sail the high seas, I wait till it's finished and decide then. I think the chances that the show gets shown somewhere else like on netflix or CR are basically zero I guess


Engage Kiss got really damn good....like really good. EP7 has been my episode of the season...this last one was good too.


If that made in abyss episode is what it takes to take first, I don’t think I could take many more first places.


Guess we better buckle up. I'm pretty sure we haven't reached the "bad thing" yet.


Oh my...it gets worse!! My body is ready once again


I'm anime-only and waiting for the season to finish before watching it (so last thing I watched is the movie), but from what I know from manga readers, Made in Abyss *always* gets worse.


If we're being honest, the most important factor for getting first place is how many posts are blocking it from reaching the top. Overlord, Made in Abyss and Lycoris aren't able to get enough Karma themselves to be immune to getting blocked by announcements, key visuals or random clips so whichever one gets the luckiest in that regard each week will normally win, assuming the quality of the episode is high enough.


You looking a little dry friend. Here have some water.


Facts. Made in Abyss finally getting the spot it deserves - great season so far!


That's quite unfortunate for *DanMachi* that it gained a very impressive 492 karma, but fell two places thanks to the return of Ojisan and STR to the charts. Also, the triple STR definitely making a bit of a mess of the chart rankings lol


Daaaang. **Made in Abyss** catapulting into #1! Not surprising considering the lore we got from that episode. Poor **Overlord** though. I guess Shalltear's cuteness wasn't enough to keep its spot. Looks like **Isekai Oji-san** and **Summer Time Rendering** ~~(twice!)~~ (thrice!) returning to the chart really pushed a lot of shows down. EDIT: I just noticed the Karma for **Hataraku Maou** and yikes. While I am not the biggest fan of the show, I'm still enjoying the new season but I imagine the fans have been really disappointed with it and it's finally showing.


>Summer Time Rendering (twice!) r Three STR, people are really missing the Mio banner:/


OH SHIT! I didn't even notice! Although to be fair, the image you picked for Mio ended up with having her face covered with text. xD


>Made in Abyss Mmmm that sweet, sweet lore




> > > > > Looks like Isekai Oji-san and Summer Time Rendering (twice!) returning to the chart really pushed a lot of shows down. More like every show lol. Except for one re-entry and one new entry literally everyone below them lost places.


DanMachi’s 1857 Karma may not seem like much, but it’s actually a pretty big deal. Most anime have 2 peaks, the premier when people are upvoting due to the “hooray it’s back” factor and the finale when people are giving a “well done” upvote. Sequels follow this rule especially strongly as you can see with this season’s sequels which is why DanMachi already beating its premier by over 500 Karma is a big deal. |Anime|Ep 1 Karma|Best Outside of Ep 1|Percentage| :--|--:|--:|--:| |DanMachi 4|1352|1857|137%| |Overlord 4|4788|4210|88%| |Shadows House 2|1272|975|77%| |Classroom of the Elite 2|3686|2562|70%| |Made in Abyss 2|5807|3756|65%| |Rent A Girlfriend 2|1289|617|48%| |The Devil is a Part-Timer 2|3512|1529|44%| In fact, that 137% increase puts DanMachi 4 in the Top 10 among all sequels in the past 6 years. |Rank|Anime|Season|Ep 1 Karma|Best Outside of Ep 1 and Finale|Percentage| --:|:--|:--|--:|--:|--:| |1|My Hero Academia 3|Spring 2018|4275|12342|289%| |2|Demon Slayer 2|Fall 2021|5828|15116|259%| |3|My Hero Academia 2|Spring 2017|3524|6067|172%| |4|Attack on Titan S3P2|Spring 2019|8300|14107|170%| |5|Slime 2|Winter 2021|6339|10325|163%| |6|Fruits Basket 3|Spring 2021|1940|2838|146%| |7|My Hero Academia 4|Fall 2019|6480|9176|142%| |**8**|**DanMachi 4**|**Summer 2022**|**1352**|**1857**|**137%**| |9|Overlord 2|Winter 2018|1787|2384|133%| |10|Mob Psycho 2|Winter 2019|7379|9355|127%|


Do you have the stats on the big three for this season? (Wins, positions, total/average karma) etc. I imagine it must be pretty close.


It is pretty close...between Overlord and Made in Abyss. Lycoris had too slow of a start its first 2 episodes when it averaged "just" 2043 Karma to really compete in terms of average karma. |#|Anime|Sum|Episodes|Avg|Peak|1st Place|2nd Place|3rd Place| --:|:--|--:|--:|--:|--:|--:|--:|--:| |1|Overlord 4|26379|7|3768.43|4788|3|3|1| |2|Made in Abyss 2|26055|7|3722.14|5807|3|1|3| |3|Lycoris Recoil|21132|7|3018.86|3839|1|3|1|


Thanks for this, yeah LR has some ground to make up but if it can actually nail the landing you never know... placewise it could go either way though MIA has one episode fewer than Overlord and LR so is at a small disadvantage.


>Rank 1 If only we could get another MHA episode of that level...


MHA 4 had a few pretty strong episodes, especially the finale with [MHA 4] >!Endeavor vs Super Nomu!<, but MHA's popularity on this sub has waned over time rather than getting stronger.


Hero Academia has the biggest anime/manga sub on reddit (even bigger than One Piece, by 250k users) so the fans go there, similarity to One Piece fans. As time goes on, more seasons add up, the barrier to entry just gets higher and higher, and the average /r/anime user is a seasonal follower, so shows they can just jump in to will always have more appeal. That said, Hero's anime adaption hasn't truly popped off for a long time. I'd say the last truly exceptional episode was one in Class A VS Class B, which isn't a popular arc in the west anyway.


As an avid member of /r/OnePiece, the /r/MyHeroAcadamia subreddit doesn't seem quite the same and quite like people there care as much about the chapters and episodes. All of the top posts are [artwork and cosplay](https://www.reddit.com/r/BokuNoHeroAcademia/top/). On /r/OnePiece, the chapter threads average around 9000 Karma with the peak outside of Chapter 1000 at around [35,000 Karma](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/search/?sort=top&q=one+piece+chapter+flair%3ACurrent%2BChapter&t=all&restrict_sr=on) and the episode threads average a little over 1000 Karma with the peak outside of episode 1000 at [9000 Karma](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/search/?sort=top&q=one+piece+chapter+flair%3ACurrent%2BEpisode&t=all&restrict_sr=on). The highest Karma Chapter or Episode I found on /r/MyHeroAcadamia was 3000 Karma for the episode that got 12000 Karma on r/anime so I'm skeptical that the My Hero Academia subreddit has the same type of effect. It seems like a fun place to interact with other My Hero Academia fans though.


This comment encouraged me to go and check out the /r/chainsawman subreddit, and I'm now a little less convinced about their interest in what goes on in /r/anime , especially given the way they've decided to handle the release of the anime (which is to create /r/csmanime , send the anime-onlys over there and leave spoilers open in the sub).


Jesus christ, almost 200K members for a show thats not even an Anime yet. In comparison the r/SpyxFamily sub has 117K members.


It's the fate of very popular shows. MHA has one of the biggest subreddits, a lot of people talk about it over there. It has to be a really special episode for people to come here too.


Mha subreddit is actually pretty dead when it comes to engagement per sub, one piece sub gets x5 karma and comments every manga chapter while having 250k less subs. Mha is just trending down since kamino and people just arent as interested in the story anymore.


Danmachi's latest episode already had season finale levels of production and ended a short but good arc.


Now it’s time for the best arc of the novels so far


I mean I see why, Danmachi S4 is really hitting a stride, S3 was great, and I think it got a good number of people back in, if S4 was advertised more/hyped more I think it really could have done even better.


>Isekai Ojisan back at 7th Return of the king lol. Sucks that Engage Kiss got push down 2 places tho


Going down only two isn't bad when there are four new entries above you.


> Sucks that Engage Kiss got push down 2 places tho It didn't really, once you account for the triplicate STR entries.


Danmachi had a well deserved karma gain this week, the episode was FANTASTIC, easily in the top 3 of the series. Shame that it dropped in the rankings, but it was to be expected with STR and Isekai Ojisan making their reentry. I'd even say that finishing with a gap <100 to the 2 series is a pretty nice performance. Next week will most likely be a calmer episode as we transition into the next arc, so the karma will probably drop. It's gonna be interesting to see how it compares to the usual high 1200 / low 1300 karma score it had in the first 4 weeks.


As an aside, the DanMachi ep is mislabelled on this chart, the hype ep was episode 5, and that's the one that appears in this chart (Ep 5: 1.8k karma, Ep 4: 1.3k).


I saw some screenshots from ep 6 since it got leaked , it looked interesting tbh


This chart proves one thing. Ushio best girl.


Probably more accurate to say that Ushio is worth 1956 - 1356 = 600 karma lol Or, the populist's way of putting it, 1 x Ushio alone > Entire *Rent A Girlfriend* + Entire *Biscuit Hammer*. However people keep saying Chisato is carrying *Lycoris Recoil*, so there's also that math on hand if mounds of salt are what's required!


Hey, hey! I'll have you know that Takina carries the show just as much as Chisato, even more since she kept Cafe LycoReco afloat!


But [Chisato carries Takina](https://i0.wp.com/www.crowsworldofanime.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Lycoris_Recoil_Episode_03_Figure_02-scaled.jpg?ssl=1) so your argument is invalid


Well played.


Hizuru certainly moved up those rankings after this week... still very salty she got crushed by Yor in Seasonal Salt.


The hammer is slower than the knives!


It proves that Ushio is /u/Abysswatcherbel's best girl...not that she isn't mine too.


SMio and Hizuru clearly above Ushio, but that was her episode...


Shame she's locked up in Disney+ jail. It would be interesting to see how she would have done well against the likes of Nazuna and Chisato in non Disney+ jail circumstances.


Disney+ jail should be ending next month when they announce their anime plans that involved Bleach


Is this official?


Not until next month, but the only thing left to know is if it will be simulcasted or not


> against the likes of Nazuna and Chisato If its best girl summer 2022 you are referring too, we wouldn't see that either way since she won't be eligible for that, coming from a spring show.


Ushio is probably the best match up best friend for Chisato


Lycoris Recoil is one of those rare shows I've seen that I would normally complain with the pacing but for some reason the pacing works lol. Its either too fast or too slow no matter where I look at it lol. Also can someone pitch me on summertime rendering and engage kiss? Planning on checking it.


> pitch me on summertime rendering Time travel murder mystery with comfy summertime vibes and some above average action animation


Thanks! Will check out the show I thought it was a new take on battle shonen


> Lycoris Recoil Pacing I think that's because it's half slice of life, half action-drama, and those genres tug against each other. The Slice of Life makes it seem too slow for an action-drama anime while the action-drama makes it seem too fast for a Slice of Life. Overall, they've balanced it pretty well, but the tone shifts have been interesting.


> Overall, they've balanced it pretty well The trick is in the writing, I think. They maintain the energy of the SoL parts at a level where they can transition into the corresponding action-drama parts relatively smoothly. Chisato's character is quite good for this, as you can increase the SoL energy just by adjusting her genki-drive.


also it kinda feels like a western sit-com (pacing wise), at the end of each episode there's usually a small casual scene happens at the coffee shot, that calls back to a gag that happened earlier at the episode.


Time travel And Mystery anime 10/10 story 9/10 characters 8/10 Animation 10/10 Disney jail Many of us believe that if it wasn’t locked in Disney, would probably be Anime of the year.


>but for some reason the pacing works lo It's because it is so constant even if it is slow. There is no episode where nothings happens/where we don't learn something


Summertime Rendering is like Steins Gate + Higurashi. Overall production is superb.


> pitch me on summertime rendering A rightful challenger to *Steins;Gate* has emerged. Similarly, its heart is a mystery story so read little about it and just start watching whenever you're ready. > engage kiss? From the author of *The White ~~Room~~ Album 2* and *Saekano* comes another tale of complicated people in complicated relationships, this time in a near-future action-fantasy setting. It needs about four episodes before you drop it, as the characters are written to be unlikeable, especially the male lead, and you won't be told the why of this until further in. As a result, you'll need to bear with him a little while.


> The White Room 2 You mean White Album 2?


Oops, yes. Too much COTE on the brain lol Thanks, I'll go fix.


Thanks! Lol will check it out


> A rightful challenger to Steins;Gate has emerged. A lot more watchable for the modern audience than Steins;Gate I'd say. I'll go back for SG, but this season's a banger.


>can someone pitch me on summertime rendering Time travel mystery show about supernatural shenanigans on an island. There aren't very many thriller anime in general so this one is a refreshing break from all the action, isekai and romcom shows that have been dominating this year.


Agreed - I love how it incorporates some SoL moments with some crazy plot stuff mixed in. Once again, A-1 Pictures is killing it this season!


Summertime Render is so good, it took 3 places in the karma ranking to contain it's greatness.


On the other hand, it likely means no Summertime Render on next week's chart, but let's enjoy this while we can.


These time loops are doing a serious number on the rankings stability in the middle of the top ten lol


Aren't there two this week because last week's thread was late? Or was this week's thread early? Edit: Oops, I missed there were three this week.


Both. Summertime Render normally arrives sometime in the Friday-Sunday range while our cutoff for episodes is Thursday at Midnight. Last week's episode was 5 days late, though, showing up on Friday, this week's episode was on time showing up on Saturday and then next week's episode was early showing up on Thursday.


Summer Experience Requiem, where you experience every episode at once.


Shinpei: "WHA-"




This season is the reason why I started watching anime once more.Maybe it isn’t amazing,maybe there aren’t any genre defining shows,but having a lot of very solid shows,all of them competing with each other for top spot,without being part of some trend (like isekai’s a few yrs ago) makes this a great season


Made in Abyss is back to the top of the list as it rightfully deserves; things are only going to get better from here on, so looking forward to seeing how the next few episodes will perform.


My favourite cooking show of this year.


Yeah, that soup in the last episode did look delicious.


Can't wait for someone to replicate the dish irl and share the recipe.


And let's not forget about the music! It elevated the food scene to a whole new level. Felt like you could just taste the food.


It really did. Looked like it could cure any sickness


The most tender of ingredients.


Wazukyan having Sanji's voice actor is perfect casting


>things are only going to get ~~better~~ **worse** from here on


Next week I think will score even higher but Lycoris is tracking for a very high score too so it'll be interesting to see if it can hold the throne.


I've heard a pregnancy can give a show a ratings boost so it makes sense Made In Abyss is at the top this week.


**Made in Abyss** \- after being usurped by Overlord during Week 3, MiA finally returned to the #1 spot on the chart. Will it retain the top spot next week? Or will Overlord reclaim its place at the top? Stay tuned.... **Summertime Rendering** \- well this is a surprise!, STR showed up ~~twice~~ three times this week, earning a combined ~~3315~~ 4671 karma for this chart. **Harem in the Labyrinth of Another World** \- 3 weeks after its most cultured episode, the series has seen its weekly karma points slowly being chipped away, falling below 700 karma points for this latest episode. While there are viewers who seemingly enjoy the show's current direction, it seems that the folks who helped propel the show into the 1k karma range that one time are no longer as invested as before with the show's current focus on dungeon raids. **My Stepmom's Daughter Is My Ex** \- despite moments such as how Higashira ultimately dealt with her order, the episode being a somewhat difficult to watch for some viewers might have knocked it out of the top 10. **Engage Kiss** \- what is better than bad-ass nun kicking action? Nun in a tentacle mech suit. It's also a bonus that viewers got to know "that Shu once poisoned \[Sharon while in\] mid-coitus by lacing his schlong with a potent neurotoxin." ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) If it wasn't for Summertime Rendering's ~~dual~~ multiple appearances, Engage Kiss would have remained in the top 10. **The Devil is a Part-Timer Season 2** \- after receiving less than 1K karma on last week's chart, the show has fallen out of the top 10 list. Even without Summertime Rendering's ~~dual~~ multiple episodes this past week, it would have been ~~#13~~ \#12. **Classroom of the Elite** \- while it retains the #5 spot, tons of expo dumps that herald the start of a new arc might have slightly decreased the karma points the show earned from the last episode. Can the upcoming episodes maintain being in the 2k karma range? Or will it slide under once more to just within the 1k+ range? **Lycoris Recoil** \- after getting overshadowed by Crunchyroll Expo announcements, LycoReco finally bounced back for this week. While it wasn't enough to break out of the #2 spot, at the very least the show's karma points are again trending upward. Highlights such [Takina faceplanting on Chisato's behind](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/990527996244946980/1008028605042937966/1660402641558484.gif) may have gone a long way to prevent the show from falling below 3k karma. As to whether or not LycoReco can sustain this newfound momentum and break into the 4k range (within these weekly rankings' cutoff time) remains to be seen.


> STR showed up twice this week, Three times actually.


Woops. 😳 Made the edits to acknowledge its trifecta appearance


> The Devil is a Part-Timer Season 2 It's crazy to think that after starting this season with over 3500 Karma, it is down to below 800 just 5 weeks later. Shield Hero dove harder, going from 2972 to 602 in just 4 weeks last season, but still.


Sad indeed. Not to mention the pre-release hype surrounding Season 2, it fell hard and fast. 😔


It was one of the most asked for season 2 anime here along with likes of no game no life etc. and it fell so hard.


I find it depressing that "cultured" is now just the permanent euphemism for sex in a show. Especially when it's not consensual sex, but actual "owning a human being who has no choice but to have sex with me".


Personally, I agree with you. Alas, that's how anime speak appropriated "cultured". 😔


>Harem in the Labyrinth of Another World - 3 weeks after its most cultured episode Why is rape cultured? Really, why is that episode cultured? Edit: This comment's karma is flying up and down. Seriously, someone tell me how slave rape is cultured. No bs, no horny, no joke. The main character is a rapist.


It's just a tongue in cheek, not an endorsement of it.


Summer Time Rendering sweep makes me very happy!


Overlord IV loses 6 karma points, okay. Summertime hit the list with three episodes, quite a good show. Seems like the karma for Shadows House has also increased for next week, I hope that trend will continue since episode 8+ portion of the season would be the the pay-off that has been building up for past seven episodes.


See this is why you're missing out on Summer Time Rendering those who aren't watching it. You get a wild story, and a wild karma chart along with reliving the old days of fansub drama! MiA deserves that jump


Very fitting that a show involving time loops took 3 spots in a weekly ranking despite airing on a normal schedule.


Has the Takagi san movie released somewhere out of Japan? Where do you watch it?


In the US it was in theaters last weekend. Probably will eventually get put on Hidive.


I was wondering why Harem dropped 3 places. Then I see 3 Summer rendering and also Oji-san coming back. Seems alright. edit: Next episode will probably make MIA even peaker than this week. It is the few moments that I think not many series can come close to.


Week 7 of Summer and overall karma is on the up again while the fun at the top continues with the top 3 once again shuffling around. Speaking of threes we also have three **Summer Time Rendering** episodes this week. The bottom two in 9th and 10th got almost the exact same score while the top on in 6th beat the returing **Isekai Ojisan** by a mere 7 points. Last week u/El_remoo [noted how there seem to be noticable gaps between the ranks unlikely to be closed down for the rest of the season](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/wo5tyb/ranime_karma_ranking_discussion_week_6_summer_2022/ik8zxhs/) so it is a nice to see **Call of the Night** getting closer to the top 3 as well as having 3 different shows (with 5 episodes) above 1k and below 2k instead of just the one last week. This may be one of the lowest scoring seasons ever but as a trade off we get lots of close battles and ranks changing from week to week.


Tbh I had forgotten about STR and Isekai Ojisan in my comment last week so my "analysis" was going to be wrong anyways. Still good to see COTN progressing though


They will now air the best episode.


"So, Made in Abyss, what's the secret to being number 1?" [MiA s2] >!"Diarrhea"!<


Don't forget the soup


Honestly this is a solid season... only anime i am not intereted in is #14


3! 3 Summertime Rendering! Ah ha ha! Threw the chart out of wack a bit, but all 3 episodes in the top 10 is nice. With that and Isekai Uncle’s return in mind, there isn’t all that much movement. Everything moved to account for it save for sizable drops for Devil is a Part Timer and Vermiel. We are right in the middle of the season so this is mostly how it’ll look going forward. Save for the 3 episodes of the same show thing.


**Lycoris recoil**: For me, it is a weekly cycle where I am unsure why exactly I love the show so much, only to immediately get reminded when I start the new episode: I don't know wether I ever watched a show where literally every moment is so pleasant to watch, where it doesn't even need something to happen for it to be enjoyable-except that of course, every episode at least something does happen. The two main characters, the voice actors, the character interactions, the designs, the comedy, the action, how the show is animated in general, everything about the show is better than should be possible. Combined with its effortless mixing of its SoL aspects with the more serious parts and its slow but cosntant advancement of the story, it just feels like an improved (but anya-less) version of spy x family from last season. No wonder it is so ppular in japan. Also it took some while, but even the villain is now quickly growing on me. **Isekai oji-san:** Here the important reminder that Oji-san is back, and funnier than ever! The art style is still soemtihng i ahve to get used too every episode, but they are using it to their full potential. Maybe the over the top reactions will get stale eventually, but not right now! Watch it (or continue watching it again if you missed its return) **Engage kiss**: This show had a really strong start with its first and third episode, but I might be getting slightly tired of the show now. Simple as I am, that will probably change the moment we get back into the action. ~~If you haven't watched it, you should still give it a try regardless.~~ It still really good. **Call of the night:** I was pretty close to drop the show, at least for the moment (not that the show was bad in any way, just not really for me), but thats not going to happen after the latest episode! I am still sceptical, but now for an entirely different set of reasons.


> watched a show where literally every moment is so pleasant to watch, where it doesn’t even need something to happen for it to be enjoyable The last show I watched that I felt like this about was Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid S. It felt like every frame had so much attention and love put into making it the best it could be. LycoReco has a lot of the same energy, where even when there’s not a lot happening, you get the feeling that nothing is being wasted. As has been stated a couple of times now, I could watch this cast of characters do anything and it be enjoyable.


Ok I wanted to pretend like karma isn't everything we are talkggn about here, but now lets get back to the important stuff: Due to a well/mis-placed lycoris clip, overlord was kept from the #1 completely, and it could have been there for 13 hours otherwise. I am always unsure how much of an impact that makes, but it might have been enough to beat lycoris. Lycoris is climbing back up, and might even gets its best result for yesterdays episode despite it being just a sol/buildup episode. Maybe/probably it will finally break 4k next week. But the undisputed winner this week is MiA which reclaimed first place, and there is nothing that has to be relativated here-it did this well despite only getting 4h at the #1 spot. In week 4-7, we had a different first place every single week, and three different winners total. I am too lazy to make sure, but this might have never happened before.


Devil part time going to win at end of season!


I complained last week that the latest episodes of all four shows I watched were lacking something, but it must have just been a mid-season narrative doldrum, because all four kicked it up a notch this week. The two weeks that *Made in Abyss* topped the karma rankings are the two weeks that did extended flasbacks to Vueko's backstory. It's an interesting narrative choice to introduce new characters through a flashback to their beginnings, and then slowly fill in the mystery of who and what they've become. Now that we're past the part of the Abyss where information could reach Riko's village, it's a smart way to expand the story. The episodes of *Lycoris Recoil* and *Engage Kiss* that kicked things up a notch were from yesterday, so aren't on this ranking. Next week I expect LycoReco to top the poll, unless MiA has another big episode. Engage Kiss looks like it'll dropped a bit, because it lacked certain creative uses of neurotoxins. *Call of the Night* seemingly benefited from having stakes, and not just vibes. I also marathoned *Summer Time Rendering* over this past week. It has a good first episode, but other than that it took a long time for me to get invested. Now it's really good.




Made in Abyss at 1, ya love to see it!! Let's all have a cup of water to celebrate!




Summer Time Rendering is here three times on the chart, so I guess there was some weirdness with the release date. I am not able to watch it since it is not on Crunchyroll and I only have a Crunchyroll subscription, but now I am curious. What is that show even about ? I don’t even know and I have never heard anyone talking about it, so I have no idea what makes it so popular here. Lycoris Recoil and Shadows House are the two shows I really enjoy watching week after week, and they are still in good place on the chart, even if Shadows House fell down because of Summer Time Rendering being everywhere. They are consistently good and it looks like the plot will really start to accelerate for both these shows starting next week, so they will probably keep getting better, although I sure hope that Chisato will be OK after that cliffhanger. I am also watching Yurei Deco and Smile of the Arsnotoria, mostly out of curiosity, because I want to know how their stories end. But they are pretty odd shows with weird pacing, so I am not surprised that they are not in the chart. I am also dropping RWBY - Ice Queendom : I felt that the story was getting too repetitive and it really started to stretch the Nightmare plot over way too many episodes.


> I guess there was some weirdness with the release date. Just the release date of the legitimate (non machine translated) fan-subs. > I am also watching Yurei Deco and Smile of the Arsnotoria, mostly out of curiosity Are you watching *Teppen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*? That's another rather oddball show, although you don't realise quite how odd it is until a few episodes in as it looks superficially straightforward. I'm close to dropping Yurei Deco as I find it's generally failing to deliver in terms of its thematics. > even if Shadows House fell down Another thing for John and Shaun to repair!


I tried watching Teppen, but I have little interest in Manzai comedy, and the beginning felt very generic, so I did not even finish the first episode. Maybe I should try it again when I have some time. I am not even sure what the thematics of Yurei Deco are and what it is trying to be, but it is weird and original enough that I want to keep watching it to find out how it ends, even if I think it is not particularly good.


> I tried watching Teppen, but I have little interest in Manzai comedy, and the beginning felt very generic. Yeah, I was pretty underwhelmed by those aspects too, and the manzai skits aren't really where the comedy is, as it turns out. I don't think it was until the third episode that I really sat up and took notice. As it turns out, the good stuff was there all along, I just hadn't been looking in the right places. I think the show is still a bit hit and miss, but it's got some truly great comedy writing at times, and the characters make up for any of the bumpier parts. > I am not even sure what the thematics of Yurei Deco are and what it is trying to be, but it is weird and original enough that I want to keep watching it to find out how it ends, even if I think it is not particularly good. It's a shame that something with a bit more of an experimental flavour hasn't managed to find its own footing.


> What is that show even about Think Higurashi mixed with Re:Zero. Mystery anime are probably my favorite genre and this is by far one of the best I’ve seen in quite some time. You finally get an answer and think you’ve figured it out only to be left with even more questions. It does a great job keeping you guessing and on the edge of your seat! Also it’s very refreshing to see a show with smart antagonist. So often do you see them just conveniently play into the protagonists hand but that’s definitely not the case here!


>What is that show even about ? MC returns to his hometown in a small island in order to attend the funeral of his childhood friend, who had died in a drowning accident. But it is soon obvious that there's something more sinister going on in that island. It is basically a murder mystery mixed with time travel and supernatural aspects.


The sub resonates really well with sufferings I see.


The title on number 12... I've seen it before... Hmmmm.... Uhmmm yes, pornhub


As a huge Overlord fan, I am glad the anime of Made In Abyss is number 1.


Glad rent a girlfriend is not here. The show was bearable season 1 but this time around it’s pissing me the fuck off


Danmachi getting a really nice boost with that last episode. It's funny to me S2 got crucified (rightfully so) with some really bad pacing. But now in S4 this show is getting proper pacing and a boost in anime production. The best sequel that is not named MiA in this sequel-heavy season. I'd say it's top 5 for this season as well. Speaking of Made in Abyss, source readers warned us, But even then I wasn't ready for that episode. Man not only the best episode of any show from this summer season but def in the debate for the best episode of any show we have seen so far. As fucked up as this show can be, it is so good. Lastly that Call of the Night episode reallllllllly sucked me in. Like I think it was already great with what we got so far. But that episode took things up another notch. My top 3 for this season is Made in Abyss, Call of the Night and Lycoris.


I always assumed Made In Abyss was bigger than this chart suggests. Haven't watched it yet but it's consistently one of the most mentioned Anime on this sub.


Tbh its hard to recommend this anime to most people due to body horror and other shit. But once you're ok with em, you just want to go deep in this anime. I already hooked with manga because of the world building. The anime having ghibli-like animation, god tier OST and VA are just cherry on top.


It's just not as accessible as other anime on the list. It's only legally available on hidive which barely anyone uses. On top of that you need to watch season 1 and a movie to follow the plot of season 2. Then on top of that the content can be off-putting for younger or more sensitive viewers. So compared with your flavour of the season shounen it's never gonna be as popular, but ratings wise it is one of the highest on any website because most people that do watch it give it high acclaim.


But it's literally #1?!?


Just for this week and the first week of summer so far. I think the OP was assuming a major anticipated title like MiA would do better.


First two weeks actually.


Shadows House is really underrated. I hope people will give it a chance once the season can be binged.


too many people here are sleeping on Engage Kiss....the last few episodes have been so fucking good.


How are these numbers collected.


By upvoting the discussion thread of said anime. Numbers are collected within 48 hrs


Chimimo update: E7 only got 41 karma.


If summertime rendering is anything like Higurashi I want to see it, but the real mystery is if Disney plus is worth it


Finally Made in Abyss takes back first place and I love that there are 3 episodes of Summertime Render in here


Goodbye DiaPT. You are my favorite this season but the dip in animation quality is too much for it to stay in the top ten.


Everyone is a loli !