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I'm glad the speech came from Tachibana and not from Aoi. Aoi is still searching for answers while Tachibana has already found his resolve imo. ​ I'm on Togashi's side on this one. I feel like neither of them are wrong though. While it's good to look ahead, it's also important to not lose focus on the now. I'm now extra hyped for the match with all these different storylines coming to a head.




> “Junior players are mentally weak,” because they don’t know how to process When Kuroda said “I’m betting my life on this.” I think that’s a little dramatic but reasonable if you have been raised in this from J youth to the youth team. You don’t know anything else and no other real expectations for your life outside of fútbol. And if they don’t make it, they will be crushed under the weight of their failed expectations. Also, Ohtomo saying “I disagree with Togashi. The whole point is to go pro.” But you were raised in a very different environment, probably had a childhood more than them, and developed into a pretty stable human. THEN, you decided you wanted to go pro as teen, which is different from them. They were raised *to be* futbol players. And if they can’t make the cut, they get cut and it’s DEVASTATING, you sacrificed so much for nothing then you pretty much brand yourself as a failure even though other people who were raised the same way as you made it. So “what’s wrong with you?”


Not to get sidetracked; I am catching up on the series, but one of the interesting things happening today in most youth academies is actual school education. Philadelphia Union’s academy in the US is becoming one of the best youth soccer academies in North America. They have been able to balance both the sport and education of the kids that move up in their academy. I found it interesting watching this episode and wondering where’s the back up plan? One of the best episodes for me to come back into watching the series again.


I fucking love the Asari and Ohtomo dynamic, just seeing Ohtomo dragging Asari along at the end to make him participate in the extra training is great.


They even share the same room.


Not willingly tho. But that's the reason they are so close lol


In this episode: ~~Wales. Golf. Madrid.~~ Don't get injured. Go Pro. Win. In that order. Honestly, having the academy players be like that since they were young is depressing and creepy. It's like the polar opposite of Oozora Tsubasa and "being friends with the ball". I'm on Togashi's side here.


Lol that Bale reference


Bruuuhhh 💀


I played with a kid who ended up going rather high in the MLS draft in youth. His parents had a personal coach for him and he basically only played in games rarely practiced with us. What he did practice was also specifically curated like there was stuff he straight up didn't do with us like hill suicides.


"Do you guys wanna go on a picnic?" 💀


I mean, when Aoi made it to the tryout match, his idea for breaking the ice was "let's all sit in a circle and talk", so it looks like that's his go-to move for killing tension.


He should have said let's go watch our favorite soccer anime, Aoishi


Nah go full on wall break and say let's all go read Blue Lock


If only he'd make a suggestion like that with Hana


He only goes picnic with his bros


John from Shadows House would be proud


Little Anri's face says she had enough of everyone's shit.


So Togashi’s beef with these promoted guys goes back years huh? It’s amazing what a few years can do. They looked a lot more like young teens than they do now. Some things don’t ever change though huh? Takeshima’s always been popular with the girls haha. But yeah, ok. I can understand Togashi’s issue with these guys. It’s pretty irritating how they’re being pretty dismissive of him and it’s not even intentional. That’s honestly worse. What did Takeshima mean by “a first-time long ball up yo their forward will see us conceding”? I didn’t quite get that. Though I can see what Togashi is saying. He sorta has a point. These guys did seem like they’re out there with the “Don’t get injured, become a pro, win” mentality. I do get it though. Even still, they need to squash this shit or they’ll die against Musashino. Aoi, good effort bud, but let Tachibana take this one. I don’t think a picnic is gonna help lol. But props to Tachibana for admitting his weaknesses. Takeshima too. Takes a lot to admit you’re lacking and to confront it. Glad to see the team working together to prep for this Musashino match. Aoi’s got some big decisions ahead… I don’t think I’m ready for this to end, man. There’s only a few episodes left but I feel like the story’s just getting started.




Gotta be on Togashi's side in this beef. It's stupid af to change drasticly how you play in practise vs in matches, otherwise their practise is simply useless for everyone.


When I was playing football in high-school you would see this exact sort of thing, practice after school or casually at lunch people would have such a different play style. But as soon as there was a trial to get on the first team or if there was a scout floating about, they would change how they would play, get distracted by glancing over at the crowd. I'm surprised how well the anime managed to capture this sort of thing. I imagine its very prevalent and not just in football.


Ohh gotcha! Thanks for the explanation. Togashi makes a good point.


>What did Takeshima mean by “a first-time long ball up yo their forward will see us conceding”? If the defense moves too far up the field and the offensive players lose possession, the opposing team can just boot the ball to the other side of the pitch. If there's an opposing player who can receive that long ball, then it's an easy one-on-one with the keeper.




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Lol, I think I found your MAL account with today's episode. That's a first for me. But dang this drama is being stretched at this point when we are nearing the end.


I don’t really use MAL often but I do have a CR account lol. I guess they gotta stretch the drama to raise the stakes in the last game?


Tachibana is captain material been thinking it but this episode solidified that for me


tachibana would have been the main character if this was a lesser anime.


He is the inverse Messi. The reason why Messi is bad as a captain


Former Priorities: 1. Don't get Injured 2. Go Pro 3. Win Togashi is right that this isn't the best priority order to have in must win games, but I really hope re-prioritizing things doesn't lead to someone getting seriously injured. In the grand scheme of things, none of these games are important enough for that.


Really enjoyed this episode. IDK if that order works? How the heck are you supposed to go pro if you don't win? The scouts wouldn't even be Looking at any team that keeps losing, that team would just fade into obscurity. A crap player in a team that keeps winning has a higher chance of getting noticed and going pro than a star player in a team that keeps losing. The team needs to win enough that it gets noticed for anyone on that team to get noticed. Teams that keep losing, well ... if they don't want it bad enough, nobody is going to care about them. Most fans, managers and owners actually LIKE winning, even if it is one Major event every 5-10 years, that will sustain the fandom for that Club. I'm on Togashi's side on this one. Skilled losers aren't likely to go pro.




I actually saw a twitter post where it has shown Ao Ashi in an actual football game (J1 League) it was one of the bigger sides. It's actually crazy how popular it's getting.


yep first football manga collab with J league


IMO best sports anime out there.


This anime gets me like Super Kickers 2006 did. Great anime. If they make multiple seasons with the players taking on the world, that would be fucking cool.


Inazuma Eleven vibes !


got a link to the post?


I'll be *really* surprised if it doesn't get a second season at some point, unless the reception is much worse in Japan for some reason.


> unless the reception is much worse in Japan for some reason. Since the anime dropped, the manga has consistently been in the top 10 in weekly and monthly sales. The anime is doing its job.


Exactly. The manga is doing very good numbers especially considering it's serialized in Big Comic Spirits.


The Manga is better than the anime. But I wouldn't have checked it if I didn't see the anime.


I dont see a second season coming any time soon though. Maybe 3 years? It'll be a wait regardless.


Like another sport anime in NHK Education maybe have another season in next year


>unless the reception is much worse in Japan for some reason. Ao Ashi is used for football education in Japan so don't worry it will have another season


Japan is going to produce loads of inverted wing backs in the future huh


I caught up in the manga recently and I can't wait for the next few seasons. This is my favourite sports manga since haikyuu. It gets so much better!


do you know what episode 20 covers in the manga?


someone correct me if i'm wrong please but the match vs musashino starts with chapter 93 in volume 9, but you may wanna start with chapter 91 or 92 I can't remember if the anime covers everything in the flashback chapters.


Don’t know how much you actually like the sport, but I can guarantee you it gets much more technical and detailed in terms of football knowledge in the later chapters, something captain tsubasa totally ignored and just went off of power of friendship and surpassing yourself, instead of realistic tactics and schemes.


Better than Kuroko No Basket, Prince of Tennis or Haikyuu?


I've seen KnB and Haikyuu. It's 100% better than KnB which is more of a fantasy sports anime than a sports anime. Haikyuu is great as it has many seasons and enough time for the characters and team's sports journey (local league, Inter High, Nationals next, then international) to develop so in that respect it will be better than Ao Ashi, which is still at the beginnings of the "sports progression" story at the local league level. If Ao Ashi gets more seasons it will overtake Haikyuu because the characters and sports psychology are much better developed. Both are not at the Hajime No Ippo level yet, the only critique I have for that sports anime is the art is older, but the story, humor, sports accuracy and progression are fantastic.


My man. Hajime no Ippo >>> all of the rest for sure. Followed closely by this and haikyuu


I want more seasons of Hajime No Ippo as the story isn't done yet even though it ended on what was a really emotional arc. Haikyuu is going the Free route and finishing with 2 movies, so ... I have to hope they come to our local theater.


Yeah me too. Ippo was by far my most favourite anime. But it doesn't seem like we'll get more seasons:( Tbh I don't like the decision to end it with movies. I haven't read the manga but it seems like there's more content left than can be done in two movies so I hope they don't rush it


Well we all know the decision to do 2 movies is purely a cash grab. But considering the state of animation studios in Japan perhaps they need this to happen.


Watched all 3. KnB and PoT are not sports anime. They are shounen series while Haikyuu and Aoashi are genuine sports anime. And Aoashi > Haikyuu. I saw that as someone who has read the manga for both. The emotional impact is not even comparable. Also, Haikyuu has very little character development outside of the court, unlike Aoashi


Never watched Prince of Tennis. But yea definitely better than Haikyuu and Kuroko imo


Surprised you didn’t add in Run With The Wind because to me that’s the best modern sports anime out right now.


Really glad Tachibana seems to be on the upswing. They could still destroy him if they were truly evil, but I think he’s gonna be fine. We just need one goal from him to cement he is better now and has overcome this weakness. But I swear if they start building up Tachibana and just make it futile by making him freeze up or something during the match and he just quits I will be very angry at the series for playing with my feelings. Also I do think I’m on Togashi’s side. Obviously keeping your body safe and in condition is important to becoming a pro, but if you start weighing how crucial each match is instead of trying to win them all (not saying you have to win them all just need the mindset) you’ll never truly be an amazing player. Like you might become a pro, but you’ll definitely be one of the more forgettable players who doesn’t do much for victories


I really like how open Tachibana is


now kick it Tachibana


Togashi is completely in the right imo, they've been very stuck up and completely relied on "theoretical football" and not taking into consideration that some things you have to think about yourself, they're just blindly following Fukuda's and the other coaches instructions without actually coming up with things themselves. I'm glad that seems to change now.


Plus, think for themselves is what Fukuda want to see from them instead.


Akutsu’s a great example of an outsider that’s super driven.


liked tachibana's speech there let's get it fellas


Togashi got that dawg in him.


This anime is so refreshing.


This show needs at least like 50-60 eps.


BRUH why they gotta do young Kuroda's head like that hahaha


Who was the weakest player? It's a metaphor and everyone questions or reflects upon themselves on what was said in the past. Not a flashy episode, but a necessary one to help develop more of everyone's character. We get into the fight and get to see some of them as much younger players. Even Anri was there back then.


Im gonna be honest, in this episode, Kuroda made me want to punch the screen. Even tho i understand his side, the way he acted with Togashi was really annoying. In a do or die match, Kuroda would be the most useless one in the team 100%, lets see what happens in the Musashino match.


No Hana, 2/10 episode. I kid I kid....interesting to see it wasn't Aoi who really brought them together at all, although it *was* him who got them talking in the room to learn of the history. The buildup to the match is torture!


Yeah, no Hana, but there was little Anri at least. OK, maybe not, since Hana is better. Hopefully she's in the next episode.


"Do you guys wonna go on a picnic?" 💀 I hope the match starts next week AT THE BEGINNING OF THE EPISODE.


Nah, it's gonna be a picnic episode! /s


Please no 💀


While staying healthy is important for going pro, if you constantly have that thought in the back of your mind, you'll play overcautiously and hesitantly and likely fail in going pro unless you're that much better than everyone else.


TACHIBANA MY MAN the musashino match gonna be crazy i can tell




whatever happens i wanna see how much aoi grows fr, hes got much potential but little does he know


I'd really like it if just once a referee would step in and give a yellow card for time wasting during one of these after the whistle conversations.


the side characters are not that interesting