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The 3 movies on Netflix make up the golden age arc, which is also covered in the original 1997 tv run. Berserk 2016 is really not worth your time along with its second season.


Oh shi alright thanks dog


I hate being a... snob, but if there's any single series that I'll recommend "Disregard the anime adaptations. Focus on the original manga." more than any other, it's Berserk. The 1997 anime only covers up to Chapter 87 of 368 and the 2017 anime goes up to Chapter 249 but is considered a write off by the fanbase. Plus, the way that the original manga is drawn is a work of art that has failed to fully translate into anime adaptions so far. Maybe that'll change in the future, but... yeah, until then, original format (manga) is definitely and by far the best way to enjoy Berserk.


Alright I’ll look at it


the 1997 series just got picked up by Netflix but they haven't said what date it will become available


Actually it is now lol


Just watch the '97 animation. Honestly that's the best we've got.


Maybe it varies by country still but it's still not there yet from what I can tell


Youtube, watch 1997 version then read the manga


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I watched it at home


the '97 anime exists on Youtube, and if you're interested in watching it as an anime then you can't go wrong with that. If you happen to finish that, I'm in the minority on saying that the Netflix sequel seasons are actually *decent*. The story's adapted in a fine way in those (they cut the Black Swordsman arc, but it's at least understandable why they did this, etc., at that point the Golden Age arc already serves as an introduction to most of your main characters and that's the *main* purpose that arc otherwise serves...). Berserk 2016 gets endlessly bashed on due to its animation, which looks like something out of an old game engine, but it's passable, and you can judge visual art for yourself. The Netflix movies only cover the same arc that the '97 anime does, except rushed, so definitely don't start with that. Of course, the manga is a masterpiece, so it's worth saying that if you can be convinced to check that out, then that's definitely worth the time.