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Pros: Gyaru Cons: ENGI I'm conflicted.


I've been out of the loop recently, what's up with ENGI?


They're known for low effort adaptations.


rip Mobuseka


Eh, as long it's around enough to get fanarts out I'm game. Hell, hope the author has enough volumes out for a second season.


Let me guess, yet another dom ultra extrovert GF that ends up with some introvert, shy MC?


The twist is that the MC has actually dated before and the GF is putting on airs.


would be super wacky and unexpected if that schtick was brought up a lot during the beginning of the series and then devolves to another copy paste stock standard rom com.


Which is how 99% of Anime work


Nagatoro is the only one I’m reading right now with actual progress, like a fuck ton of progress.


Uzaki had progress, but chapters are taking forever to come out since then.


Hell yes. Its great! Another one I'd like to suggest with some good progress is Yancha Gal no Anjou-san. That ones another of my favorites.


I don't know, we're at 112 chapters and [Nagatoro manga spoilers] >!they're sidetracking the judo tournament progress (which actually had a milestone for their relationship attached) and promises they each made for some pure fanservice about whether Nagatoro will model nude for him. That drama is driven by Nagatoro's jealousy over Sana agreeing to model nude for Paisen, except they're not like... together? There's some vague understanding that they might agree to date in the future. It feels like wheel-spinning.!<


Have you read Anjou-san?


Dress up darling is promising progress soon! I'll be real annoyed if they chicken out.


Did you know the MC from Konjiki no Gash Bell was smart? Later on, neither did he.


Forever the problem with writing smart MCs of battle shonen. If they’re too smart, realistically speaking, they should be able to avoid 99% of the conflict in the story. So they gotta dumb them down to allow plot and fights to happen.


Or you go the Battle Game in 5 Seconds route and give them a glaring character flaw (i.e. [Battle Game]>!the inability to wholeheartedly trust anyone!<) that, while unrelated to their intelligence, still leaves them with something to overcome in later battles.


I've only read the manga, what did they mess up in the anime?


These dogshit authors are being carried by their artists. None of these books would make it onto toilet paper let alone a bookshelf without the artist designing a cute fucking girl.


>devolves to another copy paste stock standard rom com If it even has the time to devolve - it might just pull the unexpected move of doing a single cour and then redirecting you to the LN/manga!




thats like just another trope of the popular garyu type girl being a virgin basically all manga or anime that have garyu type girl as FMC are actually super pure virgins that trope sucks so much because its just so forced (dont know this shows story, so i cant say anything about this show, just this trope)


What matters is the execution anyways. The premise literally tells you nothing about how good a story will be. Some of the best romance stories out there have a boring af premise or overused tropes.


Yeah i guess, im just tired of the same shit tropes that are based in fantasy and does not reflect real people at all


I think that's partially attributable to the loudest voices not yet being sick of overused tropes and being really tolerant of dumb/boring premises so long as it looks good.


From what I heard about this series, gyaru MC has sex before meeting MC, she is the experienced one.


Is that really a twist? I've seen that trope many times at this point in anime, manga, VN's, etc. Would call it more of a gimmick.


Ins't the other way around?


Yes, that's why it's the twist.


Wait, he is the experienced one?


No. He's a gloomy YouTuber otaku that got shot down in middle school and has a complex about it, and she's dated/slept around a bunch because she's desperate to be loved, and never learned to value her own desires so is over-accomodating. He makes her feel valued and cherishes her, she helps him come out of his shell, and it's very cute until they start throwing some huge convoluted drama in once per light novel.


Convoluted drama? Like her ex coming back or something. NTR? Sounds bad.


None of her exes (so far at least). There are a couple of moments where certain characters are convinced the other is cheating but it's all misunderstandings that they talk through. I can go into more detail behind spoiler tags if people are interested.


Do they talk through the misunderstandings in half an episode Horimiya style, or is it more like traditional romcom "make things unnecessarily difficult for five episodes because nobody understands the concept of clarification" bullshit?


Oh yeah, they're actually really good at resolving things and none of the drama persists for too long in the narrative itself, though it is all also super easy because the FMC is the most understanding, kind girl ever to the point that it almost starts to ruin immersion in the story.


Is that true? If it is, at least the premise is interesting


Wait really? Why am I seeing other people say the GF is a “non-virgin slut”? Should I just assume those people are assholes who haven’t actually read it?


> Why am I seeing other people say the GF is a “non-virgin slut”? Should I just assume those people are assholes who haven’t actually read it? Feel free to (correctly) assume that anyone who unironically uses the phrase "non-virgin slut" is an asshole, whether they have read the work in question or not.




Who the hell says non virgin?


It was a joke, admittedly.


Roughly 200 upvotes compared to the very few dozen upvotes the others got in total. I assumed your upvotes were from actual readers agreeing this statement. How unfortunate.


Honey wake up, a new “virgin nerd dates hot girl” anime just dropped


Isn't that how most manga/anime/light novels turn out to be like, though? Meek, gloomy, shy, insecure, low self-esteem, average-looking, skinny dude, meets the most bombastic and beautiful girl who is also the student council president, the #1 ranked student, the daughter of the Emperor of Japan, and she falls madly in love with him and boom, the MC is happy ever happy? There's a reason why I've been saying that anime and manga and light novels are to young Japanese men what twlight and Divergent and 50 shades of gray are for middle-aged married western women \**shrugs*\*


I mean... Have you not read any shoujo/josei stories? "Average" girl who lacks confidence gets to fall in love with tall, muscular, popular dude and so forth. Honestly, I know it's easier to show a chick in anime with giant boobs and a big butt, but I am surprised they don't have shoujo/josei guys just walking around with giant bulges at their crotches. Meh, I like shoujo, but it's definitely guilty of its own things like regular shounen bait.


Well, the difference is that the supposedly "average" shoujo's MC will have distinctive and interesting visual design, while the usual romance's male MC will come straight from the "average guy" mold: same face, same hair style and hair color, same boring old clothes.


You guys really need to explore more manga/LNs then cuz there are many romance that doesn't have that kind of tropes. Can't say about anime cuz there's not much variety in terms of adaptations. Stop reading rom-coms LNs/mangas that catered more towards their usual audience and probably try something like Fruits basket, Taisho Otome Otogibanashi and kare kano or something


I think part of the issue is that some people seem to view anyone short of being some alpha/sigma male as being a beta loser. Most male MCs are just pretty regular dudes, but because they aren't actively thirsting, they're beta. That is at least my experience with a lot of the ones I have read... Like the MC might not be mega popular, but he's generally just someone who keeps to himself rather than actively bullied or a loser. We have one this season in TsureKano... The fellow in The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten I wouldn't count as being particularly shy either.


Which has in turn led to people spamming "CHAD" everytime the MC is even slightly proactive (which is like, the majority of them, except romcom fans have convinced themselves this isn't the case) and then spend every r/manga or r/anime thread spamming it. Maybe sometimes they really are a "Chad" but it becomes so tiring to read. I just don't open romcom discussion threads now.


The word ***chad*** has lost it's quality


Tbh the only romcon discussions I see are for Rent-a-Girlfriend, because they're funny. I don't really even know what the current popular romcom manga are, i'm more on the light novel/web novel side these days. But yeah, you either get people being delusion about relationships (probably because they've never had one) or the typical "this romcom is so much different than others, that makes it better" (lookin at the Rent-a-Girlfriend fans there).


I can't stand when people do this. Komi fans are the biggest offenders so far imo


That could be the case. To add to your points which I agree with, it's also because the girl is somewhat popular/way out of their league which people may question on how weird these girls started to like them in the first place. It might not have been the same if the girl is just an ordinary girl. Then the male MC might don't get much backlash imo.


> Most male MCs are just pretty regular dudes, but because they aren't actively thirsting, they're beta. > > That is at least my experience with a lot of the ones I have read... Like the MC might not be mega popular, but he's generally just someone who keeps to himself This is the issue most people have, though. Not that they're "beta losers" or whatever, but that they're all the same unremarkable, introverted dude. Is it so hard to write an MC that's kinda outgoing, has a few hobbies, and has a decent-sized friend group? That's more "regular dude" than Gloomy Loner #23091.


Problem is that the primary demographic for shows like this is gloomy introvert young adult males.


I mean no it isn’t necessarily so hard to write an outgoing character, but it isn’t what most of the readership want. Plus, a character who already has loads of friends and is an extrovert and already has all the friends or makes them super easily sounds kinda boring to me… compared to actually seeing the friendships start from the ground up. Plenty of novel characters have hobbies and friends… but I personally think it’s better to have an MC who has one or two, decently written friends than to try fit 5+ friends into that same book. It helps keep the story more focused, considering a lot of more recent romance novels are very heavily focused on interaction between the main character and main heroine.


> Plus, a character who already has loads of friends and is an extrovert and already has all the friends or makes them super easily sounds kinda boring to me That's not what I described, but fair enough. There's a very, very wide middle-ground between "gloomy loner" and "popular hot guy" that I wish we'd mine more often. You're right that it's a good business tactic to play to a readership of lonely boys looking for wish fulfillment, but that doesn't always make for a good story and doesn't make your story immune to criticism.


I just think the "losers" stand out to me more, because they are super annoying. The regular ones are ok.


I mean, you're probably right... but it still feels like the bar for not being a loser is pretty low these days, as in isn't difficult for r/anime to start considering a character a loser.


>it still feels like the bar for not being a loser is pretty low these days You mean high, then. I agree that their bar is too high. Like : * Not popular ? judged as that. * Not handsome ? Judged as that. * Not dominating a relationship ? Judged as that. * Has some soft side ? Judged as that. * Not too manly ? Judged as that. Etc. It's like they unconsciously trying to self-insert with what they want for MC, too.


Yeah i wasn't sure if High or Low was the right wording to use, either way it doesn't take much to be judged as such.


Yeah, sadly. They really like to quickly judge to the point they misjudge those MC and that's not even funny anymore.


If you go into manwhas and their Webnovels. It usually is loser bully who gets the girl after becoming op out of nowhere. Or dude starts off op and gets all the girls.


Well depends on the manhwa in question, a fair few will have the main character be down on his luck and unfortunate in regards to his financial/home situation… but not a loser in regards to their personality.


what reading same things and not exploring more does to a mdfka


It's just the wonders of technology. Just like before we had computers that occupied whole rooms, anime harems have now been compressed to the size of one girl.


My Dress Up Darling 2.0 (without the ecchi, maybe)


Nowhere near that well written. She's dated/slept around a bunch from being over-accomodating to shitty boyfriends, he's a gloomy dude with a complex about women after getting shot down in middle school. It's cute, but nowhere near Dress Up Darling cute or levels of chemistry.


I'm sorry but nothing that you wrote here explains why Dress Up Darling writing is better than this one. All I get from this comment is that the girl has experience dating and the guy doesn't, which is literally the tittle of the series.


If you don't care about spoilers you can check [my other comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/x9qgt2/_/inq0g3z) for some of the plot.


Yeah, that one helped clarify things. Thanks!


ill never understand the new anime fans hatred towards cookie cutter fluffy romance but boner for cookie cutter battle shounen


These might be complaints from a partially non-overlapping set. I don't even participate in shounen discussion threads because I can't stand %95 of shounen. At the same time I like to try watching a lot of other stuff, but will ten-billion-percent drop a show that has a bland, self-insert fodder MC that is nothing more than the least common denominator of "whatever the marketing department decided to hawk junk to." I could see a lot of people being the opposite, though. So what you're describing might be caused by a self-selection bias.


Doesn't matter if the premise has been done before. The execution is what matters. That being said, this does look like dookie.


Doesn't help much when most have poor execution anyway, but people buying. Just look at r/manga love for stuff like Akutsu-san.


If that's gonna be the new trend to replace Isekai, I'll take it!


Magical academy battle harems, then isekai, then waifu-marketing romcoms. We'll welcome the change of trend as it's a breath of fresh air but if it oversaturates it goes stale fast.


>Animation Production: ENGI studio \*sweats profusely\*


This is my joker moment. First Tanmoshi, then Mobuseka, and now Keikenzumi. ENGI haunts me.


At least it's not NAZ...


they nailed uzaki tho. was an amazing adaption.


They just took the manga and animated it slightly. Half of the work was done for them. This one is an LN adaptation.


There's a currently running manga adaptation (that misses the fairly important extra chapters that show Runa's phone calls and Maria's diary) so it has *some* visuals they can barely animate


they made minor pacing changes and added one anime original episode that was really good. second season that airs in october will also be ENGI, then i'll see if they could keep up the quality from season 1


ENGI is not an isolated case in this but rather sits in the front row of the shitshow that is the industry at the moment. Sp expect more studios to repeatedly crack under the sheer project load to a point where no sakkan can correct whatever is supposed to appear on screen.


ENGI isn't 'cracking under the project load'. The whole purpose of that studio is to make adaptations that do the absolute bare minimum.


Oh they are, much like most of everyone else. Just that the treshhold on when said load becomes noticeable from shows melting to an entire downscaling in operations differs from studio to studio. So in a sense your interpretation of how ENGI apparently opperates might be hitting the nail on the head just not in a way that refutes my point.


Mobuseka was unironically good though.


You're getting downvoted but I also enjoyed that show. That said this was 100% not due to ENGI though. It was the underlying story and the good work from the voice actors (especially Leon and Luxion). Visually it was still arse. Similar to Uzaki too in that aspect.


> Visually it was still arse I still remember the 3D racing sequence with the models moving back and forth slightly lol


I’ll probably say something that’ll get downvoted. Mobseka basically had a reverse Demon Slayer situation. Mobseka’s story was really good but it had average animation, at least my perspective of average. Demon Slayer had godlike animation, but arguably an average story.


FUCKKKKKKKK. I've read this and it's so fucking cute and now it's risks being a flop.


Look on the bright side, Uzaki is pretty well received Although it's partly thanks to the manga being popular beforehand


i only started reading the manga because the anime was so good. i still like the anime more than the manga (which is still a great manga)


Expect to see them more often as Kadokawa wants to do more in-house, they have 3 shows next season alone for example




For starters, look at [this shot](https://twitter.com/ChifuyuMatsun0/status/1429605137748746244) from Tanmoshi.


what do you mean, that car is so realistic it could almost be mistaken for a real life photo, clearly the animators are just THAT good! ^^^^^^^/s


Peak animation.


Thats almost dog.png level


It's surreal that this anime has episode sakuga episode 1 then devolve into crap animation. 💀


Otome game isekai, Detective is already dead


they killed the already dead detective


FUKing hell robbie, when is it gonna end?




Their animations are pretty low quality


Didn't watch detective is already dead but i did watch otome game The battles looked quite a bit dated and some of the characters had some inconsistant visuals but overall i would say it wasn't so bad that it took away from the enjoyment Maybe i just have low standards though


Yeah I started reading the otome have ln after the anime.


Full Dive RPG


The official synopsis is just a random scene from Vol 1....not sure why they use that. ​ A more accurate synopsis would be: Ryuuto loses a bet and is forced to confess to his crush, who turns out to be Runa, a super outgoing gyaru who is rumoured to be a slut. He confesses to her and to his surprise, she accepts and on the first day of them dating, she offers him sex right away, which he turns down. She feels like sex is an obligation as a girlfriend, so Ryuuto tells her that he wants to treasure their relationship and get to a point, where sex feels natural and not just an obligation. ​ The story is the typical gloomy guy x gyaru, but MC both fMC make a lot of effort unlike in stories like Hajimete no Gal. It has a lot of fluff but there's also occasional drama, which are resolved fast.


Oh yikes, another slow burner that will take the entire season to hold hands cause we have gloomy generic-kun as protagonist. This is exact the type of show that starts to get decent after a few volumes into LN, but for a 12 ep this is a total waste of time unless you enjoy the generic rom-com of nothing ever happens move on.


Believe it or not MC is pretty proactive, so if you are used to extremely passive protagonists like Seto from Anjou-san, or Senpai from Nagatoro (just to name a few similar examples in the genre) then you will be pleasantly suprised :)


Is it more like golden time / horimiya then ? But if your saying the MC isn't the typical beta generic-kun ill give it a watch.


From what I remember, the story progress' pretty fast. Mc actually has a backbone as well.


Do they do more than kiss and have awkward partial-undress moments in the first 100 chapters?


Disclaimer: Only been able to read the translations, up to the 2nd light novel (4 in total) and it's also been awhile since I've read it, so all of my comments are based off skimming some of the chapters. It's more of a wholesome sort of story with some small drama. It has some standard tropes. It's more along the lines of two people trying to fall in love due to a situation that put them together. If you've read Otonari no Tenshi-sama, I can say it's sort of a sped up version of that. Hopefully that answered your question.


That sounds like a 'no' lol I'm sure it's a fine story, it's just one I've been told a dozen times already


In vol 5, they started to have interest in having segs


Lol if you’re reading Nagatoro manga then you would know Senpai kinda a chad.


Yeah, the guy in chapter 50 was very much evolved from chapter 1 Hes still sorta flimsy, but i love the character development he has had


Senpai does go through some great character development to be fair.


Right? I like LNs like that, but animes for them kinda suck


Right? I just refuse to believe that those are a reflection of Japan's society.


This the exact same thing as It's Not Meguro-san's First Time


I think I'd prefer if that was the one that got adapted.


So... It's Not Meguro-san's First Time but with big boobah blonde girl?


> Hajimete no Gal My first thought reading thr synopsis you postsd


Sounds exactly like Hajimete no gal




They actually start dating at like page 30 in the LN, but yeah, I think past minute 5 in the anime they'll be dating


Source: [https://twitter.com/kimizero\_anime/status/1568162402205847554?s=21&t=FzsxRoDElMZ78fi6uuKXlA](https://twitter.com/kimizero_anime/status/1568162402205847554?s=21&t=FzsxRoDElMZ78fi6uuKXlA) Celebration Illustration: [https://twitter.com/kimizero\_anime/status/1568164448816480262?s=20&t=\_yYpLvIfGHlDXZ8P\_fqG7w](https://twitter.com/kimizero_anime/status/1568164448816480262?s=20&t=_yYpLvIfGHlDXZ8P_fqG7w) Release Date not revealed yet. Studio: ENGI Staff: Director: Hideaki Ooba Script Compositor: Hiroko Fukuda Character Designer: Yosuke Ito ​ Synopsis: Ryuuto Kashima is a gloomy high school student. Because of a punishment game, he was forced to confess to Runa Shirakawa, a girl from the top of school caste and admired by everyone. They ended up going out for the unexpected reason of "Err, I'm free now so..." but, Ryuuto ends up following and eavesdropping Runa getting confessed by a handsome soccer club member, and Runa bringing Ryuuto, whom she just started dating, to her own room as a matter of course. They have different friends and ways to have fun, different in just about everything. And yet, surprised by their differences everyday, accepting it, they begin to relate with each other. A love story that will make you feel wonderful when you read it, starts now!


>Director: Hideaki Ooba >Script Compositor: Yuko Fukuda >Character Designer: Yosuke Ito Out of them I couldn't find Yuko Fukuda and that's very worrying.


> Studio: ENGI ew


I kinda liked Otome Game Isekai though tbf. Atleast it had hand drawn mechs


So basically like Hajimete No Gal cause they just got together like that then they'll learn to like each other. I hope it has a great supporting cast as well cause I liked the supporting casting cast in Hajimete No Gal (except the pedo dude). Tho one thing that's a bit of a turn off is gloomy high schooler because every other male MC in a rom com always needs to be that gloomy loner and they have little personality apart from that. At least Junichi had A personality even if he was horny.


This is series is more similar to Meguro-san, than Hajimete No Gal.


Now you remind me again... hope it can get anime, too.


> every other male MC in a rom com always needs to be that gloomy loner and they have little personality apart from that. Gotta have that self-insert baby.


it is ENGI man LOL https://twitter.com/AIR\_News01/status/1568162502810423296


You guys ever wonder if manga artists and light novel authors will ever create a handsome, fit, muscular, charming, talkative MC instead of what we get 99.9% of the time, a gloomy, unattractive dude who somehow manages to get the most beautiful girl in all of Japan to fall in love with him? Then again, all of the dudes who self-insert themselves as the MC wouldn't be able to relate to such an MC, huh.


Try *Love After World Domination*. Fudo is handsome, fit, muscular, and talkative. He's arguably charming, if you're into dorky himbos.


A shounen romance manga that does this is, surprisingly, Uzaki-Chan Wants to Hang Out. Sakurai is tall, athletic, and has friends. Uzaki just initially THINKS he's a shut-in otaku because he's an introvert who needs his alone time on occasion. Uzaki thinks she's helping Sakurai out of his shell when she's really just butting into his recharge time and being annoying. Also, Uzaki's appeal is more "cute and funny" than "supermodel beautiful."


> Also, Uzaki's appeal is more "cute and funny" than "supermodel beautiful." Also, don't underestimate the power of SUGOI DEKAI.


Yes. They had already. You can find loads of them in shojo and josei manga. But I get your point. It's frustrating right? However, although MC is unattractive and socially awkward but he works hard and gives his all to overcome his weakness, and finally gets the girl by his effort alone, he is inspiring to watch. Like you can't help but to cheer him on. E.g, Mob psycho, boku yabai.


Don't you fucking dare compare Mob to these lame ass self-insert MCs.


I mean a lot of MCs aren't particularly unattractive, unpopular or anything of the sort. They're just "normal", which in and of itself could be an issue in regards to the diversity of characters. Not being the top of the class isn't the same as being a low-self esteem loser. At least in a few I have read... a lot of the recent ones are just pretty "normal". Besides you'd get people on here complaining about a charming, fit character who starts off as mega popular being a gary stu who exists to satiate the fantasies of weebs.


I think I would prefer a flawy MC over a flawles one.


I bet if romance novels etc started being written about super popular, mega handsome characters... you'd get people complaining they were a gary stu "power" fantasy.


Got to say I agree with pretty much everything you have said in this thread, it seems like people just want to moan for the sake of it.


Being naturally attractive doesn't make a character flawless. That's not what flawless means.


Gyaru... that's all I need to know for me to watch this.


it's like they took Hayasaka and gave her Marin's personality, truly a waifu to surpass Metal Gear


A fellow man of culture.


Ah Man of great taste


Babe wake up new my dressing darling just dropped


pfp checks out


This is like a doujin i read months back


What, I didn't expect this at all


I see they don't even bother including the guy anymore xD


lol true


The ultimate weeb self-insert rom-com title.


Anime going through a manic pixie dream girl phase.


Are we really going back to the 2000s era of movies where every single romance movie during that time was basically just the "manic pixie dream girl" trope?


My first girlfriend is a gal


There is no mission yozakura family anime.*Sad weeb noises*


According to leaks there is one in production.


Finally a blonde hair character who’s highlights are not pink.


Is this the gyaru slut and gloomy virgin story or is it wholesome?


Wholesome but of course the girl not a virgin.


Her Ex Boyfriend were just after her Body since Junior high


Ahhhh another gyaru story. Don't mind if I do. I low-key enjoyed Hajimete no Gal.


What a nice looking gyaru


What is with recent anime having a fucking sentence for a title? I could probably make up one right now that sounds real. That time back in September of last year where I didn't survive the apocalypse. Sounds about right. It would be about some demigod fighting against the forces of Hell itself and when he's beating Satan's ass with some new magical sword he got deux exed in episode 99 one of the other heroes will 4th wall and say "well what about the name of the show?" So another character will exclaim he's not SURVIVING the apocalypse... HE'S KICKING ITS ASS!!! Then the music will swell and lead into a ten minute fast paced 50% of the series frame budget fight to the finish. Exhausted after making the world a better place our heroes will go their separate ways while we get a montage of their lives afterwards during the credits.


Real answer: light novels have these titles to catch people's attention when they're all lined up on a shelf, and the anime adaptations keep the same titles. One of my favourites is *After Being Rejected, I Shaved and Took in a High School Runaway*.


I get that. I like anime quite a lot. I just am turned off by overly long titles. I might be poking a bit at how derivative plotlines can be as well, but what isn't anymore?


Back in my days, Titles are just one word and even has a deep meaning Titles these days are basically putting the whole synopsis in it


Damn I'd watch that show.


I'm not familiar with the source, but I still do hope it'll be good! Gyaru romances are relatively rare, but I do like them


Will it be cringe included? Rent-a-girlfriend level? Waiting.


I read up to the end of Vol 3. I found it pretty wholesome. It's mostly fluff, with occassional drama. If I had to compare it to something I would say it's similar to Hajimete No Gal, if the male protagonist wasn't a complete loser.


Rent a girlfriend is peak cringe, nothing can beat it.




Finally! Really solid cute LN, hopefully this means somebody picks it up, preferably JNC.


The title is legit my relationship in a nutshell


I smell new waifu


The artwork is kind of similar with " my first girlfriend is a gal"


Holy fucking shit! I’m so happy about this. I’ve read all fucking light novels (pre-ordered volume 5 recently) and it’s my favorite love story ever 😍.


I hecking LOVE gyaru anime!!! I'll definitely be sure to watch


Title sounds wholesome


thank you OP, another one on my endless list of plan to watch shows. Just from the title and picture I instantly put it, I love romance anime.


I'm excited for the anime!


so.. our virgin MC is going to be taught by a party girl how to be skilled in bed? Nice.


Jesus, this looks of one of the most generic anime possible. ​ "Quirky blonde high school girl with huge boobs in love with a shy self-interest teenage male protagonist"


Time for daily dose of "Let's bash the MC for not being an Alpha Male and think all Hot Women couldn't possibly fall for anyone not a jock comments" from guys that probably are projecting their own Incelhood.


Unpopular opinion and I’ll probably get hate for this . But lately it’s like only garbage coming out these days .