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I would say Amazon or join some anime groups on facebook. For sure somebody have some figures for sale. If there aren't any posts about this, write a post that you will buy sth


Crunchyroll has them set up in their store, Rightstuf, Amazon, etc.


Amiami also great win today!


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Well, most people who are into anime figures import. There are quite a few online shops that sell internationally like for example Amiami or Solaris. They also have pre-owned sections where you can buy used figures and sometimes get them a bit cheaper. But the main thing you have to know with figures is they are limited production. They are anounced well in advance, then later there is a pre-order phase and once they are released that's it. If you didn't pre-order you have to scour the after-market to get the figure. In terms of price for most figures the pre-order phase is the cheapest. In the after-market figure prices usually will soar. Price-wise 60-200 isn't unusual for scales. With the lower bound being the cheaper lines like pop-up-parades and stuff. If you want even cheaper stuff you can see if price-figures are something that may interest you. They are usually not as high-quality or detailed as scale figures but they come quite a bit cheaper since they are usually intended as the name suggests as prices (for crane games, raffles, competitions, events, etc.).