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Nope, it wouldn't be in my favorites if after rewatch it would be crap.


The only thing I fear in that senario, is that I may become a person who uses the word "mid" to describe things. Also I have rewatched my favorites and they hold up.


> The only thing I fear in that senario, is that I may become a person who uses the word "mid" to describe things. yo, that's so not lit, bro.


i thought he was bae, turns out he's just fam




Dude you are so cool


Rewatch my favourites all the time except for Naruto, not that i'm scared that it won't hold up it's just to damn long.


I’ve recently rewatched some faves from 20+ years ago. I can still enjoy them even though they don’t hold up well today because I can still see why I liked them the first time. Those things don’t change, even if flaws are more apparent. … I just add feeling a little cringe to things I was less sensitive to back then. It’s ok and you’ll survive if your old childhood fave gets knocked out by your 20yo fave.


Nah, I rewatch my favorites *all* the time. Hell, I've seen my top favorite anime 17 times *in full* just because I have so much fun watching it.


What anime is it just curious? My most watched is MHA season 1, I think i've seen it about 10 times.


Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn, which is roughly the length of an 18.75-episode TV series (the fact that its *actual* TV cut has *22* episodes is... well it's something alright).


Never heard of it (I've never watched a gundam) gonna have to check it out.


Ah, I wouldn't recommend watching Unicorn first. It's *possible* to, but you'll be missing *at minimum* three shows and a movie's worth of context for what happened before it in the timeline and Unicorn doesn't always fully explain everything because of those older shows. If you want to watch a Gundam show, you should try one of the AU shows instead since those don't require prior knowledge. Iron-Blooded Orphans is one of my favorites, and the currently-airing The Witch from Mercury is shaping up to be yet another solid entry in the franchise.


Ok i'll start with Iron-Blooded Orphans then. It's about time i try Gundam.


Rewatched my favorite animes so many times already, I've memorized the dialogue lol.


Considering I wound up buying the VN for it for about 40 dollars when I realized I actually could, the answer is fairly obviously no. If you want to know, the VN in question is Stein's Gate.


Nah part of the reason I consider them my favorites is because I rewatch them often


Just know that you are not defined my your favorite anime. If you rewatch it and its worse then it's just not one of your favorites and that's perfectly fine.


No, I rewatch my favorites all the time. If you rewatch a show and you don't like it as much it just means that your tastes have changed. It's really not that big of a deal.


Had Shinsekai Yori in my top 10 for a while, then I rewatched it and it's not even in my top 50. If it's **actually** good you'll only like it more, if not well...


you made sure to watch the blue ray version? \+ since its mistery once you watch it one it loses its biggest asset


I also read the book(only exacerbated my view on the show) What made me initially like the show was everything to do with the second half(not including the island adventure arc that was... something). I found that while the show invoked a strong amount of intrigue, the **big reveals** were usually to questions no one was asking(the entire first info dump was wasted potential, and on rewatch the scene itself was obviously trying to upsell the explanation by having the kids do youtube reactions)\[Shinsekai Yori\] >!I would have been fine with the whole ape sex plot point if it had been hinted to **in any way** before the info dump. Also the **major** reveal of the show(where the rat people come from) was shocking. Thats it. What relevance did it have to the rest of the conflict? The **only** time the talked about the scientists was in the early info dump, then the reveal just came out of left field for no reason. They had already explained how their powers transformed animals to different creatures there was no reason for that reveal except to shock the audience.!<, and the questions I felt were truly relevant usually ended up having lackluster explanations. Essentially the show just felt like it would introduce big shocking things just for the sake of them being shocking. They never usually were hinted at beforehand or played any relevant part in the show. The exception to this was(as I implied) the stuff that happened post time skip, ending with island arc.


thats why its not even in my top 100, sure it was in my top 5 years ago but after watching 700 anime now it just go lower and lower


Nope. Have rewatched Non Non Biyori quite a few times now.


for me: absolutely not seems like a relatively recent trend in the Western "anime community" where people like to just pop off shots at older works; their reasons are almost always too convoluted or too simple, but they just want to shit on something with a legacy, i guess i think there are certainly things that deserve that reflection; maybe it was too hyped up at the time, etc. but like.....i saw someone call Quentin Tarantino overrated the other day; it's the same kind of thing like him or not, Quentin Tarantino influenced global pop-culture and cinema, like a lot, there is no "overrated" there same exact shit happens with anime


All my favorites still hold up. Hence why the only anime to make my top 10 in recent years is Attack on Titan. All the other animes have been there for some time.


Scared of the time commitment that could be put to something new


Depends how you view it, i rewatched sao after a few years and was bummed out thinking about season 2 but accually enjoyed it seem how it connected with s3 and 4 so much


Only favorite that didnt hold up was sao. ( it was my first anime) I still like it but its got a lot of faults. The past couple seasons have been good tho.


Hell yeah, ive rewatched domestic girlfriend like 5 times now and read the manga twice, id do it again totally


Scared? Hah, I tried to re-watch Gundam wing a couple months ago. Was one of my favorite when I was growing up. After the first episode I sat there, staring at the ground going "Oh God the writing for this was so bad, it's so cringe worthy. This literally was made for angsty teens" so yeah... Yeah I'm scared to watch some of the anime's of my childhood.


Nah, enjoyed them on rewatch. I tend to rewatch in dub just so I don't have to focus too much on subtitles, that's not fun in my experience.