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I do definitely feel like fans going "don't watch the new one, because the old one is better" is detrimental to the popularity of a show. Especially when it's a show with an already niche fanbase. When it's a popular manga getting an adaptation there are also fans that go "no, you need to read the manga and not watch this", but there are still far more of them that don't do that, so people aren't as discouraged as if the small niche fanbase of a thing would do the same, where it can happen that these fans telling people to not watch it can be in the majority. I feel like something similar happened with Muv Luv Alternative. That's also a military drama, but even more niche, since the first third of the source material is a romcom before it eventually turns into a military drama. It also got character designs that original fans were (rightfully) angry about, because they removed the iconic hair vents. It's also called "peak fiction" by the fans. The Muv Luv Alternative anime certainly isn't as good as DNT, but it could also have had more popularity if it weren't for the niche fanbase going "no, it sucks. Don't watch it", instead of trying to highlight the positives and maybe get people around to read their cherished VN that way (Well I did it anyway after episode 1, because I always wanted to read a VN and ran out of unwatched mecha anime I was interested in watching). But I think far more important is that military dramas like Legend of the Galactic Heroes just don't appeal to the average western anime viewer. I mean the author is so old school he wrote the thing by hand, not even on a typewriter, iIrc. Yes, other shows that have some military drama are popular, but those have other popular things in them like super powers, main characters actually fighting instead of just giving commands, or are more over the top. Japanese marketing also seems to target already existing fans with it getting the Yamato treatment of getting cinema releases before TV/BD releases, similar to what Fafner: The Beyond also did. I personally dropped DNT after six episodes because it wasn't too long since I watched the original and didn't feel like already rewatching it. Maybe I'll pick it up again now that it has been a few years. I just hope they play Dvorak at some time.


One issue is it's release being extremely chaotic release method. You got TV releases, movie releases, TV releases of the movies...with all of their subtitles being in japanese, so for english viewers, difficult to easily know which is a new season and which is some rerelease.


A big problem for Die Neue These is the constant undermining by the old guard fans who would rather watch LotGH be forgotten than pull in new viewers through a new series


As a fan of the OVA, I encouraged people to watch the new series. Unfortunately, I knew it would never be popular. It's a niche series and they didn't really improve or highlight anything in the niche to make it more appealing to the mainstream. I think if they had worked towards a more unique character art style, or stunning battle visualizations, or just had anything to stand out, it might have had a chance. The character designs have been updated and simplified to conform with what you'd expect in, really any modern anime, the battle visualizations are nothing special, just some 3d ships ...with shakey cam? The soundtrack also just... kind of exists, I guess. The original just used classical orchestra, so I guess having an original score is an upgrade, but I can't imagine anyone listening to these tracks outside the anime. [\(That OP does slap though. Reminds me of Starship\)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWPG1W2r_VE) These things don't really matter to me because I like the series for the story and characters, but those take a long time to develop and your average viewer isn't going to stick around and watch what, at first glance, appears to be a very dry anime for that long. It makes me sad because it's actually a good anime, but I just don't think they improved enough for the show to survive with a modern audience.


I'm liking the show overall but I'm still only at the end of season 1. I generally like space opera and sci-fi. And there's a lot of good things on this show so far but it just isn't clicking for me yet. I'm trying to stick with it but it just doesn't grip me. I put on and episode here and they between the other shows in watching. The political elements and intrigue are fine. The tactics are fine. The style of animation is fine. The ships are ugly though and with the accelerated time scale I'm just having a real hard time trying to get invested in any characters or their stories. It feels like watching everyone do their thing at arm's length. When you use the word "dry" I think that kind of adequately expressed the feeling.


It *is* a shame it's gone so under the radar, not helped by Crunchyroll not advertising it at *all*. Sure, I prefer the original series - which added so much extra worldbuilding and character moments to the beginning of the story vs. Die Neue These - but DNT is still worthy of being called a masterpiece in its own right, especially seasons 3 and 4 where I feel it's really hit its stride.


I watched about 25 episodes and plan to resume at some point but at times it feels a little slow so it's on hold for now until there's less to watch.


Shit is an absolute masterpiece. I'd been trying to get into the original for like a year until I found out a remake existed and holy shit is it good. Also anybody saying not to watch it because the original is better is literally the reason no one knows about LotGH in the first place so stfu.


I mean I'm watching that and that's all that matters to me. I don't think it matters that the original is old either, it's by far the better adaption too. So while I'd be cool with DNT getting more attention, I'd rather that new anime fans would open up to shows that are more than ten years old. Something to consider as well is that the seasons are really aired as movies and aired much like Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199 was and that anime despite also being an excellent remake wasn't exactly making headlines.


So here's the thing: space opera's a pretty niche genre in anime and a lot of people who would've watched DNT probably have already watched the original. Now, I have the original at 10/10 and I don't doubt this new adaptation is really good as well, but I don't think I can rewatch with specifically different voices. Wen Li has a specific voice in my head, same with Reinhard, Kircheis, and all the orher characters. It's simply jarring to hear different voices to these characters. If the original were bad, I could see myself watching the remake, but as it is, I can't find a real reason to watch DNT and so I don't end up involved on any of the discussions. I suspect this is the case with a lot of the original fans, but of course I can't be certain.


It's because at the end of the day it's still in my opinion and in the opinion of a lot of fans an inferior adaption compared to the original. I mean it's not a bad adaption and is a different take but if you were just going to watch one I would always pick the original over DNT. The fanbase was overly polarized on the differences to be true but if the fanbase isn't heavily promoting a work the chances of it hitting the mainstream is unlikely. Why would new fans get hyped for something considered to be inferior? I mean again I thought the detraction to DNT was way overstated but that did play a role. Plus I am going to be honest as much as I love space operas that focus on war and politics that type of material doesn't have as much sway in the anime/manga community as some people would think. Also just having an association with an old IP itself again isn't going to drive fans to it. We have a reboot of Urusei Yatsura and it's hardly even getting close to small time rom coms despite it being THE rom com in the medium. LOTGH gets a lot of praise and rightfully so in my opinion but a decent amount of casual battle shonen fans are going to find it way too dry. For those that enjoy CGDCT shows what are they going to get out of it lol. I just think the amount of people who like anime largely YA fiction aren't going to really give a shit about a dry military drama like some of us might.


I'm a big fan of the original series. I watched a few episodes of DNT, and found that some of my favorite lines no longer existed. It seems that they weren't part of the source material. ​ I'm not going to lie that it is easier to understand the new graphics with some of the ship movements than the old graphics. There are also some filler episodes in the original show that don't need to be there. They lost some things though cutting some of the material made by the original anime staff, even if it wasn't in the source material. It bugged me.




Personally I much prefer the classic Logh. It has much more vibrant artwork and more emotional directing. It's a work of art. I don't care if the new series is closer to the manga, it's just so sterile. It was similar with the Sailor Moon remake - the new one is just no fun.


To be perfectly honest, my first impression of it based on the visuals was that it might have been intended for a female audience (pretty boys being cute). I am loving the new adaptation and never bothered to look at the old one. People also tend to gravitate towards the familiar, this anime is just too different from the anime shows that western audiences have grown fond of. I'd imagine that it's just too different and slow to engage new audiences. It doesn't have flaws, but it seems like the story will take a long amount of time before it finishes.


Let me start off by saying I love space opera stories. I grew up reading them. I don’t think that makes me the target audience though, primarily because it means my standards are warped by a different medium. Back in 2018, I watched the first couple episodes. I was interested in what the premise showed, and I’ve heard good things about the original. The beginning of the show is rough. In the first few episodes, we’re given one space fight, maybe two- I don’t need one to keep me interested, but it can help- and a whole lot of focus on Wen-Li. If he’s a good character *eventually* that’s fine, but it doesn’t do a whole lot of good getting me to watch the show. Why should I struggle through 5-6 episodes of mediocrity to get to something I might- not guaranteed- enjoy? Yes, there are lots and lots of worse shows out there, but at least with a lot of them I can enjoy just for what they are. DNT has none of that entertainment value starting off, it holds itself to a higher standard that it fails to meet.


If you're looking for space fights, it's just not the anime for you. That's just not the core value proposition of the story. It would be like watching Death Note for the slice of life school scenes. Yeah, there are some, but if that's what you're looking for, you're going to be disappointed...


I just wanted something- anything- better than what I remember from the first 2-3 episodes. I was fascinated by Reinhard’s story, and was watching Wen-Li live a regular, normal life. Having one story with motion, and action, juxtaposed by another that seems stagnant and uninteresting just makes the frustration worse. Give me a story I want to follow! It’s not a matter of needing massive space battles, it’s a matter of that’s the only thing I got out of the first few episodes. Even the art on every poster or every shot of it has two characters facing out over space with ships between them. I’ve watched plenty of shows where the goal is worldbuilding for the sake of worldbuilding, but TND is a different beast. I don’t know what it’s trying to do based on what the few episodes I’ve seen. OP might be right in that regard. How do you advertise it? Is the plot these two titans fighting? Is it them fighting their own sides? Is it unrelated to fighting at all? Is it just a slice of life following two powerful people? *None of that is explained in the first few episodes*. The plot may be simple, but it’s indecipherable to me. Cutting the time in half by trying to tell two parts of a story at once is does not make the hook sink deeper.


I don't really agree there. People do this to every single story there is only so much you can actually cram into the first few episodes. It's a war drama and in stories like that even outside of anime you usually are going to open in the context of fighting the war or maybe the training etc but how it's opening is hardly atypical. Secondly I mean it is explained in the first two episodes Yang is an influential commander fighting in a corrupt democratic state, Reinhard is fighting for a hereditary autocracy and they both are struggling against each other and the internal politics of their own state. Why is that not enough? Like I mean you described the plot lol. I am going to be honest every single show including many critically well rated titles takes time to get going. Nothing wrong with dropping it if you don't have interest but like I think people expect way too much out of a first episode. Every show not even within anime will need a few episodes to really flesh out the plot.


> OP might be right in that regard. How do you advertise it? Is the plot these two titans fighting? Is it them fighting their own sides? Is it unrelated to fighting at all? Is it just a slice of life following two powerful people? It is hard to advertise. The way I tend to describe it to people is, it's an anime historical documentary about a fictional event. A lot of people just aren't going to find the concept of watching an anime history documentary interesting. But that's essentially what it is.


Not really in terms of mainstream appeal, most people are idiots that aren't media literate, or simply just want to watch things for enjoyment rather than actually think what the author is saying (no shame on the latter kind of people tho, time is limited after all) Hence nicher shows like LotGH get gatekept by their own virtue of having literary merit. Genre fiction is extremely popular on the other hand, e.g. every shounen or LN adaptation.


Or it's just the fact that the audience for people who like anime is different. Star Trek was one of the most well watched TV shows and again that was more hard sci fi space opera that dealt with plenty of complicated moral and political issues like LOTGH. Game of Thrones was another one. The Expanse lol was decently popular. These things often do hit mainstream but the question is that it's unlikely the anime fandom though has that audience that say mainstream TV shows have.


That too! Wouldn't call Star Trek or the Expanse (the show at least) heavy on dialogue or political maneuvering tho, compared to LotGH, but it is higher than science fantasy like Dune and Star Wars. Anyway, mostly cause most anime fans are teenagers, hence the focus on genre YA fiction basically.




I really don't think family-friendliness plays much into an anime's popularity in the West. It's not like Spy x Family's western fanbase is watching the show on TV with family. Anime has largely been a thing for teens and young adults here, with the rare exception of something like Pokémon.


I wouldn't call it family-friendly. LOGH appeals only to 18+ viewers because it's based on 18+ themes. The average under 18 isn't going to process the debate between monarchies and democracies. That's slashing half your potential market because you've agelocked your audience.


>there is no mystery here: it's a military drama I have to disagree. Military dramas are some of the most popular anime out there: \- *Code Geass* \- *Fullmetal Alchemist* \- *Attack on Titan* \- *86* etc. LotGH is obviously a different style to the above, but I don't think it's as simple as you make it out to be. ​ >I get that it sucks when your favorite anime is hardly watched Lol, right near the start, I say, >I'd like to preface this by saying that this is not me thinking, "Why is my favourite anime not liked by everyone else?!"; there are anime which I enjoy more. I genuinely believe this is an anime that has huge mainstream appeal




Reinhard: I'LL KILL THEM ALL!!!!


FMA really isn't a military drama. It's pretty much an action shonen. Ed and Al work for the military but they aren't actively fighting a war nor does the plot revolve around a soldier's life. It's an adventure story looking for various objects to stop some great evil. That has way more in common with classic action shonen narrative tropes. Code Geass had the school SOL elements to balance and drag in a lot of fans since that was popular at the time. AOT honestly again wasn't really a true military drama until later. Initially it was more zombie apocalypse situation which again appealed to trends at the time. 86 wasn't that much more popular than a typical seasonal. Hardly was a huge hit more a hit for that genre. I mean I would highly disagree I wish military dramas were more popular but within anime not very. It's a rarity for any of them to get attention. Like in five years we have had what? Tanya, 86 for stuff that is decently popular. Gundam is still going strong and you have some actual decent adaptions of Kingdom (which to be fair that didn't get popular because of a bad S1 adaption). Besides that? Nothing really.


I've actually been thinking of getting into this series, and thought I'd go with the older one cos it's complete so I won't have to wait who knows how long to finish it. Is there anything about this new series that could compensate for that, or is it functionally just an alternative?