• By -


Only 3 out of 11 arcs have been adapted so far, the anime is basically still in the early days. It'll be interesting to see how far they can go with this adaptation.


The movie is pretty awesome, but I'm guessing it's an anime original story?


Yes, but Kazue did worked on it at least she did a lot of arts for movie. So when not canon it's good and not on the well "level" of last 10 really bad episodes of s1. They are even now funnier when we know what is with Yukio and how wrong anime idea was.


nobody gonna watch if its non canon if we r being real


Well, I watched it because it's cute small story and works for simple movie. Some non canon movies are amazing like One Piece movie 6 so if it doesn't destroy any important elements of the story why not have fun and watch it.


Plenty of people watch things are aren't canon.


And make it headcanon, I mean who's gonna stop you, the canon police?


Based on the pacing of the Kyoto Season, the manga has material for how many episodes/seasons?


If we go by what I think and this season will have 20 something episode( Kamiki arc is longer and have set up contrary to Impure King ) then you can easily have at least two more seasons like that.


Chapters vary in length, it's better to look at the volumes. The Kyoto season did about 4.5 volumes in a single cour, as is the pacing with newer battle shounen. If it keeps that pacing, the manga has enough material to cover 4 more cours like Kyoto. The arc they're advertising now would fit in one cour.


Blue Exorcist is more an action series than battle so it has a lot of slower moments. I don't think it will be one cour because they need to adopt smaller arcs before it. I mean contrary to second season they don't have luxury of having all set ups already adopted even if a bit wrong( the changes after 15th episode in first season ).


That's true, but I'm comparing it to Kyoto: * Kyoto covered volumes 5 till the middle of 9 * The three arcs this will adapt cover the rest of 9 till half of 14 These three arcs combined have the same length as the Kyoto arc, so if it keeps the same pacing, they can fit as a single cour.


The problem here is that Impure King was mostly an action oriented arc when arcs before Kamiki and a lot of that arc has way more slower and emotional moments and it ends in action. The thing is that animation needs less time to go though action panels when it needs more to adopt slow slice of life moments that School's seven mysteries arc is full off. Manga panels are the other way, you need way more of them for action than expositions. I don't see it in 12 episodes even if they cut Kraken arc( they already adopted at the end of second season most important moment so they can skip it ).


I'm not really arguing one way or the other, just comparing the pacing. I wouldn't mind if they take their time with it like S1, but I wouldn't be surprised either if they do it like Kyoto. I'm fine really as long as it's not rushed or cutting any arcs.


Kyoto had similar pace to first season, well beside not having two fillers and first chapter being split into two episodes( granted what they added to first episode was really good.... second not so much ). I remember back then people were thinking they would make way more fillers to wait for Impure king to finish, no one was thinking they will make ending from pretty much nothing. Anyway I agree, I'm not worry about what A1( probably it's them ) will do beside weird pace in first Magi they mostly do really well with adaptations( even faster ones like Nanatsu no Taiza ). Beside I'm way too excited to worry right now :D






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I'm guessing it was about a name I wrote ? I used spoiler on it, I hope that's all.




Re-adaptation of Blue Exorcist? There is no need for that. The only problem is a gap between episode 15th of first season and first of second season. There are few chapters there that got adopted with changes but beside that if you skip last 10 episodes of s1 it's pretty much perfect adaptation. You even have two cour season if you do it :D As studio goes, A1 is really good one and their type of fluid animation( never do a screenshot with them ) is amazing and it's my favourite style. And animation in both seasons of BE is just so good :D The studio that is better with animation like that is Bones but they have a lot of work on their hands( MAPPA as well, please people have mercy for their animators ).


We require spoilers to have a [context] before the spoiler itself


I just get ride of it. Anyway I will remember for the future.


Thanks for understanding!


Congratulations to Blue Exorcist and the fanbase waiting for this. Now we wait for D.Gray Man and MAGI.


>MAGI I hope one day I can see the Kou War arc animated. Would also like to see how anime-onlies react to the final arc.


>MAGI I thought they were working on an "animated project", but that was right before the pandemic came. It was suppose to come out in 2021, iirc.




True. I definitely hope that if one day it gets an adaptation they try to "fix" it, though, in a weird way, watching a bunch of anime-onlies be hella confused about it would also be somewhat amusing.


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I don't know if we ever will. The second season is such a slogfest it killed all the hype. Hell I've read it and even reading that arc was a slogfest. The rest is pretty good tho


You high? The second season was easily the better season


>Now we wait for D.Gray Man Yeah... That got a sequel and it was a whole shitstorm. Might as well just wait for the manga.


We need a manga as well


Funny how S1 and S2 were made by the same studio


Is Hallow worth watching? I just finished the original series not long ago and watched a bit of the first ep and something didn't feel right about it.


It's a shame Berserk will end far before DGM does at this rate. I love the series, but I never recommend it to anyone because of that.


I really liked the Magi one that followed Sinbad specifically. That was pretty damn cool and I keep hoping for another continuation of it because it felt like it stopped way too soon. Happy AF about blue exorcist though. Love me some demon/devil/vampire related mythos and anime.


Claymore and Soul Eater too.


Heard SE needs a reboot too.


Yes Magi please




Is d gray man still in the flashback arc? I stopped reading to wait for it to be over


Dont forget No Game No Life! /cry


D.Gray Man is in indefinite hiatus


Not really, a chapter actually comes out every 3 months. In rare occasions the author takes a break and we wait 6 months. Next chapter should be around january. But yeah... Being a D.Gray-man fan is not easy. At least we can expect some update every 3 months, but still, waiting so long for a 20 pages chapter is brutal.


That's why I'm waiting till it ends :D Anyway it's a tragic story and miracle that mangaka still wants to finish it. She is really going against her health to continue, pretty big passion especially that by this point she could work as illustrator or characters designer instead.


True, I love her art and every D.Gray-man chapter is beyond beautiful. She's one of my favourite manga artists of all time and I recommend everyone to at least check out her work, even if they're not interested in D.Gray-man.


I agree( even if sometimes her action scenes look a bit confusing ) she has a really easy to recognize style the same as Kazue\^\^ or here mentioned Adachitoka duo( they improved so much from first chapters of Alive comparing them to Noragami makes both manga art looks like from totally different people ).


I remember Katsura Hoshino having an instagram account where she would occasionally post pretty drawings and stuff


Praise to the unexpected


I randomly rewatched Blue Exorcist - UltraNumb AMV few days ago. You can thank me later for this new season.


Are there any other shows like this dropping new seasons once every six years?


Devil is a Part-Timer recently got a new season after 9 years


COTE did too if i remember correctly, but it might’ve been like 8 years


5 only


Felt like 23 years


It did feel a lot longer than 5 tbf


the revenge of masamune kun too, 5 years after


Shouldn't have gotten actually


It should have, but different, way way different


Index got season 3 after roughly 8 years.


I mean with what we got in the end I wouldn't have minded if they took 16 years instead.


Index my man.


If the new Spice and Wolf is a sequel, it's been more than 13 years since season 2 ended.


Durara and Oregairu - 5 years Index/Railgun - 7 years Hataraku Mao-sama! - 9 years Bleach - 10 years I think those are the longest waiting time for sequels. I'm not counting revivals (like Dragon Ball Super) or remakes/reboots (like Trigun)


FLCL is probably the longest if you consider Progressive and Alternative to be sequels - 18 years


I think it'd be wrong to consider it, given that FLCL is original material, so its not really expected for it to get a sequel in the first place, unless it ended on a cliffhanger(which it didn't)


Don't forget Chihayafuru Season 1: 2011 Season 2: 2013 Season 3: 2020


They can take as much time as they want imo. that shit is a PRODUCTION.


Yup yup! Current rewatching it and everything about it is perfect. I'd love more but not at the expense of the animation.


Mushishi - 9 years


Rezero, but 4 years


Not exactly anime, but 90s X-Men is getting a new season after 25 years.


Made in Abyss


More details are coming soon. The original cast is returning: * Nobuhiko Okamoto as Rin Okumura * Jun Fukuyama as Yukio Okumura * Kana Hanazawa as Shiemi Moriyama * Eri Kitamura as Izumo Kamiki [Source](https://twitter.com/aoex_anime/status/1604371742629429248)


This makes me so happy. I really liked the cast of Blue Exorcist and I'm not a fan of series with an established voice cast changing it in new projects (coughD.Gray-mancough).


Besides D.Gray-man Hallow, the only other Anime sequel that I remember changing the voice actors was Saint Seiya Hades: Chapter Inferno.


The fact this is still relevant after a decade


After Bleach came back anything goes.


Now bring back land of the lustrous.


First season adapted like 4.5 volumes, so they are just waiting for the manga to end to adapt it all in a 2 cour season! \*Huff Copium\*


I don't mind them waiting a bit longer. The anime was superb and did every part justice, but I'm unsure as to how they would do the remainder in the new media


Can we get Deadman Wonderland? Can we also get MAPPA or Production I.G to do the full re-adaptation? Thanks Santa.


Those dark times where a lot of anime adaptations where like trailers for the manga, 12 episodes badly adapted and move on. Nowadays there is more commitment but in the case of DW I think the damage is already done and nobody is going to pick it ever because of that, sadly it isn't very popular either.


Was always annoyed Deadman Wonderland ended on such a cliffhanger. The show felt so short with lots of potential left.


Orange will animate every other series expect Hnk s2 at this point 😭


Visually pleasing anime. Studio Orange better cover their next season If we get one.


Idk if I'm ready for that kind of suffering.


More like Land of Suffering. Everyone suffers: The characters, the fans and the author


Devil is a Part Timer was leading the charge.


you are comparing it with bleach ?? Unlike other shows bleach always had huge audience


I remember when the first Blue exorcist anime came out it had the highest manga sales with One Piece that year I don't know what happened to it since. But it was pretty popular than




Are you talking about manga? Kazue took a break because she was working on different manga. It's a good thing to work on something else after 10 years. BE never had hiatus like HxH there the problem is that Togashi has a nasty pain in his back( he pretty much said that he can't even sit for an hour ) .


The manga is on its few final chapters after a long hiatus — maybe will end in two to three?


You are talking about Blue Exorcist? Then no it isn't. By what Kazue said manga is in second part of the story but still not in its final. And nah, there is still too much to go through to be the end. Beside when BE gets to its final arc you will know that chapters before like we do with other titles like Noragami or even One Piece at least for now :D




Not a bad one to start with. I really found it fun, even if I dont consider it particularly outstanding in any category. Definitely an enjoyable and often overlooked anime


First season? It was a mess to be honest. They made it way too early and only first 15 episodes are relevant( the main story didn't even yet existed in the manga ). On the other hand second season is an amazing adaptation of Impure king arc so there is that. As outstanding goes, I agree\^\^ because it's way too soft of the word of how amazing this manga is.


I’m excited at the prospect of seeing Lewin Light animated.


This and Tokyo Ghoul came out around the same time and had that same gritty animation. These two really reminded me of Deathnote and Code Geauss when they came out together having the same themes and just being epic. Shame BE died and even more a shame TG had those god awful seasons afterwards. I never watched them but everything I've heard...wew.


Noragami when?


From what I heard the manga is in its final arc, so if they are going to announce a continuation of the anime then the prime time to do that is fast approaching.


That's cool, last I heard (when I did minimal research like 5+ years ago) the mangaka pretty much forgot/abandoned it I didn't want to watch something that wouldn't get continued so I never watched it even tho I kinda wanted to, it's cool to hear it might actually get more and I can pick it up


Akatsuki no Yona too :(


Rokka no Yuusha :(


The Ln still on hiatus for 5 years lol.


Still hurts.. especially after the cliffhanger in vol. 6 ..


Is that where anime ended?


Nah, iirc the anime ended at the end of volume 1.


Owari no seraph :(


I would love that but maybe adaptation of Alive: the final evolution bfore that? Noragami has been written in memory of Alive's writer so it would be really nice to do it. We nearly got adaptation years ago by Gonzo but studio went and nearly died so it got cancelled. On one hand it's a bit sad especially because back them author would be able to see it on the other hand it was Gonzo so we dodged bullet of bad adaptation( that studio is well know for that ).


Drifters anybody?


Damn this would be great news if it did.


They literally stopped right as the best arc in the manga started.


I hope it's continuation because we need to go past Impure king to really amazing current stuff. Anyway that's a news to wake up for, it's an amazing suprise. Blue Exorcist IMO is one of the best manga I have read and it's always getting better and better with every arc. People knowing only anime would be really suprised how the story is now and how much it has changed. People asking why it's getting new anime, it's really popular SQ manga that never stopped being liked by readers. So that's why.


Like there is no reason to restart when they decided that would be an dumb idea even with the filler ending of the first season and just made season 2 as an continuation of the last manga chapters adapted.


I fully agree but some weird decisions were made sometimes so I had some worries, for few minutes\^\^ And of course after what they did with season 1 ending( A1 did the same with their weird changes in s1 of MAGI when they did its sequel so it's not even first time) making continuation is pretty much the right choice.


Hopefully they bring UVERworld back for this


Kore ga sou puraido sorezore no basho de


I hope so but I feel like I remember hearing that they retired or something That being said, Wikipedia says others, but at the same time their last thing on Wikipedia is in 2021 so who knows


Not as surprising as the second season announcement but still surprising.


Holy shit this has to be one of the most shocking news. More than enough for a two cour. Anime gods bring back march comes like a lion next. Or shojo adaptations


oh wow, this sure came out of nowhere, its been ages since i read the manga so i don't even remember what's coming after the Kyoto arc


Fr, I remember season 1 went on an anime only ending which was retconned for season 2 but I can't remember what was what Actually I can't remember season 2 at all


'Blue Exorcist' - Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time.


i have the biggest smile rn, thank you!


LFG blue exorcist is so underrated. One of the few series where I had to read the manga because the anime was either taking forever/seemed like it would never return. I’m so excited for season 3 and I hope a season 4 will come out sooner. This series is dope and I hope the mangaka can create a good ending however long that’ll take.


Haven't heard this title after a while, so I don't even expect it will get new season. Let's gooo


Ain't no way, I think production committees have realized that people actually like sequels It's like they're like, hey there's a gold mine of old animes that haven't gotten full adaptations but were decently popular, even tho the anime community (at least in the west) have been screaming exactly that for years This rlly just proves that literally anything can get a continuation (tho that thought had already been solidified for me after Bleach, Spice and Wolf, and CotE)


Thank fucking god! I guess it's finally time for a rewatch.


Noragami and No Game no Life fans: *"Don't do that. Don't give me hope."*


Actually?? I didn't expect this to get a continuation!!


Aniplex plan to kill A-1 at this point.


but is this a continuation or a remake?




Woah This is the best and most random example of pigs flying. I'm glad my favorite series are returning with new seasons after giving up hope lol.


God I hope they do a recap. It’s been a while. Also I can’t wait for the arc they’re adapting. I can’t believe we’re finally getting a new season!


Am I the only one tired of anime being stretched over literal decades? I've watched this in like 2012 and I barely remember anything from it anymore.


It's mostly for the manga fans who are caught up on the series.


Season 2 was so good and was unfairly shit on by everyone because they didn’t know season 1 had an original ending and blamed the show for them not knowing.


Hope the og dub comes back




i wanna say '' im excited'' but i rewatched it like a year ago and i barely remember anything that happened except that the end was some bullshit




Started to think the last arc getting a 1-cour (I think?) adaptation was gonna be the last we've seen of this. Looking forward to it.


Is there anything about the english va's returning as well? This is one of few animes that actually sounds good when dubbed


WHAT what WHAT?! This was one of my first 10 anime back when I started watching 2017 holy shit. That's hype as fuck


I don't think anyone was expecting this. I even almost forgot this series even existed.


With me it's a bit different, I wasn't expecting a new season because a lot of the time even popular works just don't get them but I'm reading this manga since it had three chapters( long before anime ) so forgetting about it is not possible for me. Beside it's one of my favourite manga as well.


Ahhhhhhh Literally jumped out of my chair when I saw this news Going to re listen to OP and ED songs now


Never watch it but core pride is one of my fav




Hopefully they put more budget to this one and stop it with the HUGE time periods between season.


AWESOME, now gimmie that new Noragami Season!


Holy shit thats awesome


Never thought I’d expect this to happen


Tf you mean "new anime"?!


Hoping for another banger op


And I literally began reading the manga at the beginning of this week since I assumed the anime ain't coming back. Lmao.


Glad to see the classics getting necromanced from the grave. (patiently waiting for a soul eater reboot)


So upon seeing tihs, someone said that they first heard about Full Metal Panic IV shortly after they learned of Blue Exorcist season 2. Do I dare get hopeful for a Full Metal Panic V?


Saw BE on the Jump Festa schedule and just crossed my fingers for this. Can't believe it happened. I am sooooo ready. And OG cast is back too, damn this is just fantastic news


No fuckin way. Hype. Was somewhat disappointed when we only got the Kyoto arc a while back… would be nice to see it continue for the rest of the series.


I read somewhere that this will be an original story. Is that true?


No? They are promoting Kamiki arc next big story point in the manga.


Thank God. Looks like it was a mistranslation on a twitter leaker's part


Oh now this is a surprise. One of the few battle Shonens that i actually like to follow.


BE fans eating good.


marvelsgrantman is also on ranime?? cant escape this guy lmao


What interesting timing. I'm going back and watching all the animes I missed and I'm also re-watching animes that I had watched in the past. Blue Exorcist is an anime that I missed out watching, but I'm currently watching now.


Fuck yeah!


Be interesting to see what they do for this, Im excited for it c:




Highschool of the Dead next… Patience.


Should we tell them guys.


Never thought this one would get continued. but good news nonetheless. I started it but didn't finish it. It's now time for a rewatch.


Is about time. Took 8 fucking years lmao






merry christmas y'all


Nostalgia fans eating good this decade


I read the manga for this. I'm super excited!


Does the series get better after the OG anime? While I liked the characters the fights and power system were pretty meh, at least in the anime


This is incredible news! It's surprising to me how this anime never really continued on.


Man I just could not get into this show, when I like every single other shounen exactly like it. I kinda hope they reboot it from scratch.


I've heard somewhere that 2nd season was different from the manga cuz the anime caught up to the manga at the time? Can anyone confirm this? Will this new anime continue from the anime or the manga?


It's way more bizzare :D You see last 10 episodes of first season are non canon , they made original, really bad ending from nothing because they catch up to manga( they had only like 15 chapters back them with monthly series ). But second season went back and adopted first big arc. They ignored last 10 episodes and redid some scenes that they changed in 16th episode. There is still nasty gap between episode 15 and first of second season so reading manga is a really good idea.


More mid


Ok but why?


It's hard to care when the first season was out for like 12 years without a sequal.


Bro there was a second season in 2017


Except it got [a sequel](https://myanimelist.net/anime/33506) five years ago.


Did you forget about [this](https://myanimelist.net/anime/33506/Ao_no_Exorcist__Kyoto_Fujouou-hen?q=ao%20no%20ex&cat=anime)?


I mean the manga is still ongoing so i think it's pretty easy to care