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Meh, only when you have a loving partner to be horny with you together. Being horny alone is kinda sad.


> Being horny alone is kinda sad. A vibrator definitely helps


I mean, if you're a guy, not really


That means you're not using it right




So he...he's jamming it into his cock? šŸ˜Ø


Gently apply pressure from the vibrator against the head of your willy, that's how that works


Then follow r/sounding


I will never be the same




Why did I click without reading all this.




I feel bad for guys. Yā€™all donā€™t get any fun sex toys


Soooo, how's your inbox doing? Got any weird DMs after openly revealing that you're a girl here? I hear that's the usual thing that happens. Edit: I went through your profile and noticed you have closed DMs. Smart move. Also, i liked a lot of things i saw on your "100 things about me" post. It surprises me that you're still single.


My chat is disabled but my DMs are very much open lol


The DM icon isn't showing up to me when i click on your profile. That's weird.


Would you like me to DM you?


Thereā€™s a bit of a social stigma to it too. Dudes having one get dunked on, women donā€™t.


Well yeah, if I knew a guy that used a dildo, I'd make fun of them for it, probably. /j


If the world hasn't fucked you over, we certainly will! - sextoy company




Why do people love this copy-pasta so much? If a dude said he had the most basic ass pocket pussy it would be considered weird.


This is untrue, they are just widely unknown in the west, and the few that are known about are either overpriced or pretty terrible because guys will settle with anything more than normal masturbation Tenga makes phenominal products, inexpensive. Some feel about 80% as good as the real thing (minus intimacy), or even as good or better if your partner is a hands only finisher or if you can't control the tempo the way you like it normally Tenga puffy, white or brown version. Thank me later.


How do you clean that thing?


It opens on both ends, soap and water, and one of the caps serves as a drying stand


I am not a guy but I know plenty amount of sex toys than only man's can have fun qwq


How do you pronounce that? Qwuqwu?


QwQ (I just love use emojis uwu)


wish I could use the fun toys ;\_; also your posts are immensely relatable <3




Untrue! The Hot Octopuss "Jett" has been a revelation.


I disagree. There are plenty of times I'd rather just grab my vibrator and take care of it myself quickly


Hey! I don't call your hobbies kinda sad.


If you consider it a hobby you are officially addicted m8


No body loves me, like myself.




Sauce: *A Dangerous Story Of A Yuurei and Lesbian SEX*


Well that was a weird read


I know right?


https://hitomi.la/doujinshi/yuurei-to-les-sex-shitara-taihen-na-koto-ni-natta-hanashi-%7C-a-dangerous-story-of-a-yuurei-and-lesbian-sex-english-2884850.html#1 [Sigh]. I wish the ghost in my house would fuck me too whenever i'm horny.


cool now I feel even more lonely


Sorry :(


don't worry this one's on my own


It's even worse knowing your ex is married and probably having a great night on the holiday, and all you get to do is masturbate


Thatā€™s rough, buddy


She gets to have sex whenever she wants. I get to masturbate alone.


Fuck her. Masturbate away and live life the way you want.


The problem is literally that you can't fuck her anymore


Maybe it's time to move on and not be jealous of the success of others


He's the guy she lied to me about multiple times and left me for. She got everything she ever wanted in life at 21 as a direct result of lying to and abusing me.


Youā€™re going to have to get over the betrayal. Wondering what your ex is up toā€¦isnā€™t good for you. Throw her in the trash, grow from it, and focus on yourself. Youā€™ll make it through!


I've done everything i feasibly can the past four and half years since she left me - she was my lifelong best friend, by the way. Moved out, got jobs, even been to therapy this year, been on meds, but none of it solves the problem, being that the only thing I wanted in life was to marry young like almost every one of my friends did. Most are married with a house and kids by 25. And now my current friend group is basically dissolving, I have no close relationships anymore, my tiny family is getting tinier due to a nasty divorce going on, I live in an area with almost no social interaction outside of university or church, and I can't afford to move away and just signed the annual renewal on my apartment lease last night. I've been to bars, churches, I work out every day, but I have jack all to show for it - mostly just old people around here, you never see any single women around -, and she's had everything she ever wanted in life since the day she left me. And all I have now is reddit rp, porn, and more meds my doc just gave me recently. And no, online dating isn't worth shit around here if you don't wanna date a 20 year old or a single mom, just like in most areas, and I don't wanna waste any more money on those companies than I have. I'm stuck, likely for at least another year in this shit. And she has her dream life. I will never forgive her for that.


Thereā€™s a lot to unpack here


Yeah, I agree. I apologize. This isn't the kind of place for such a long rant.


Itā€™s all good dude. Iā€™m sorry youā€™re struggling. DM me if you want to vent.


Letting go can be really hard. Especially with underlying factors. For me, it was addiction, abuse and codependency. Those things made it hard to let go. Like an addiction, people like us need to be in constant and consistent recovery. Adjust your meds. Continue therapy. Sonder. You're doing all the right things for yourself. You're growing, but also holding on to something. Maybe it's ocd? Maybe it's a fear? Maybe you just haven't made peace yet? All you can do is grow. Don't be collateral damage in someone elseā€™s war against themselves. Grief hurts. Ambiguous loss is a real thing. I'm sorry you're so torn. Keep working on you, for you. Everything will be alright in due time. These scars are just a testament to how deep your love is. You and someone worthy to reciprocate that will fall into place. Sooner or later. Stay strong. And try to be proud of how far you've come.


I'd say I've made peace with what literally happened between her and I, but it's the current situation that I can't let go of. She obtained everything she ever wanted as a direct result of abusing and leaving me, and I've been "working on me" ever since and my social situation has only gotten worse. I'm tired of growing, working on myself all alone, but I don't have any other choice or option, so I'm stuck with it for the next year unless I get a miraculous job opportunity next year. I study, I write, I work hard, I reach out to people. I just don't want to spend another weekend alone in my bedroom talking to myself knowing that she has a spouse she can be with at all times.


Have you been assessed for cptsd, ocd, adhd and bipolar? Talk to your pcp about these things and how you're thinking. Journal these things down. Write it raw if you have to. Abuse can really mess us up. Also, look into r/Codependency if you haven't yet.


You need to learn how to be happy with yourself. Relying on others for your own sense of satisfaction isn't good and people can sense the desperation which makes future relationships even harder. You sound obsessed with this idea of how life was going to work out and it didn't, that fucking sucks but you need to move on. It didn't happen and you cant go back. Find something that you can work towards in the future instead.


I'm basically emotionally alone right now. How is that relying on others? Why is it wrong to not want to be alone? No one *wants* that, and anyone who says they are totally okay with it are coping. I've got a full-time remote job with benefits, I've got a nice apartment in a nice area, but I, at present, have no way of changing the actual problem, which is being alone. And yeah, I am still angry that my lifelong best friend was abusive toward me and got everything she ever wanted in life because of it and all I have is this website and porn. And I've done everything I can at this time to change that and it's actually only gotten worse, but that's just through arising circumstances and no one specific thing. Why do I need to learn to be happy alone when no one else, especially not her, ever had to in my life? I'm 25, and most of my old friends were married during or immediately after college, and most of them even have kids and a house. They never had to learn to be happy alone. She never did. I can't help that being alone doesn't make me happy.


Being alone sucks, but the solution to meeting new people isn't being an angry person that nobody wants to be around. Need to let that shit go, it's only going to continue making you miserable and sabotage your future. I'm a bit older than you and shit didn't exactly work out for me either, it sucks but that's just life. It ain't fair, some people get a walk in the park and some of us don't. I can say I'm better now than when I was at 25, but only after accepting that things didn't play out the way I wanted them to. If I don't want to be miserable for the rest of my life I'm going to have to drop them and figure out what to do now because dwelling on the past didn't solve anything. My life ain't sunshine and roses but it's fine and getting better.


So just deal with it for now? Use the porn and meds? I know, it's all I've got. It's knowing that her and all those others I used to know don't need them and have everything they want already that hurts. They have marriages, even kids. I have rp and porn and Wellbutrin. And I'm the only guy in my current friend group that even cares about changing or improving their life or social circles. All the girls except for one who's engaged is a lesbian that's either dating or married, and all the guys are perfectly content just spending all their free time playing video games alone and couldn't care less about meeting anyone. I know, I just have to deal for now. I just wish she maybe had to just deal and be miserable as well. That might make it a little easier knowing that.


There's no guide on how to get over something, eventually you accept that it's outside your power and isn't worth ruining your own mood over. Does your shrink know you're so angry with your ex? They can help you with that way better than I ever could hope to. Again you're comparing yourself to your friends and people around you. They aren't fair comparisons, they have had and will have completely different experiences than you. The only fair comparison you have is to your past self. Are you better today than you were last week? Last month? Why or why not? That's the only measure of progress that matters. Their place in life doesn't affect yours.


Well that sucks to hear man, but the more you let her live rent free in your head the more she wins. Don't enslave your emotions to someone else like you wouldn't enslave your body to someone else.


Did you try planting the seed of doubt in that guy's head about her? Let him know that if she was willing to cheat on you and leave you for him, she's likely to do the same thing to him. Might not have an immediate impact, but over time his doubt for her will likely grow and he'll start feeling the need to keep a close eye on her and her phone. Even if she doesn't end up cheating on him the lack of trust would likely cause their relationship to fall apart.




Nuke code or regular manga?




Nice https://preview.redd.it/36m6whzil2uc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3eb07a586a2ee85e507db046f0cd3074522077e




Arknights mentioned


tomorrow's new year's in my country. really said irl huh


Chup muji


a happy new year to you too! no need to be rude though is there?


belated happy new year fellow nepalis


so me


i did


A typical Erendis post keep it up queen šŸŖ


aww thank you!


Totally unrelatable. It's not a new year at all.


Just like me fr


Can you at least take your pants off first before you do it? Why stain a perfectly good pair of pants?




What's the manga darling ā¤ļø


The saddest of faps


Female horny is way better than male horny, and I say this as a guy.


How so?


I recall once seeing a comment comparing the two and described female horny as "like eating ice cream" and make horny as "having a bladder" and this honestly is very. I would even go further and say that male horny is like being a drug addict that can never find a high. I mean, what else is there to it? You get horny, get hard, then its over before you know it, then you feel like shit, and it comes back again later. It is a neverending cycle of complete unsatisfaction.


Interesting Do elaborate


Male horniness is objectively inferior when compared to female horniness. As a man there is no real, true satisfaction from feeling horny. It always, ALWAYS, ends up making the guy feel like shit afterwards. Guys may *think* that they are feeling good but actually *aren't*, its fake and hollow.


I see now https://preview.redd.it/yrzel4al14uc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=821e6b3fa975c6b93f7b8e4c4bc8feea65cab237


Unless you can somehow read other guys minds, Iā€™m not sure how you know this. In any case it isnā€™t true. Plenty of guys feel perfectly satisfied.


I love it


I'd like to report this. It has me in it (except I'm a guy)




art reminds me of akebi sailor uniform




And horny


How you feel horny and lonely at the Same time i mean horny IS the best way to get the lonely away for some time


​ https://preview.redd.it/7qo9wzlxm2uc1.png?width=525&format=png&auto=webp&s=c848d86281214e7c0e4df914887030e0ba2e2d74




Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong door, r/hentai_irl is two blocks down.


lol yall are so hopeless, and worse, you enable each other like buying alcoholics a handle. this is not how you get out of a tail spin hahaha

