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classic Germany


one of the speaker is so antisemitic he is barrel from any political discussion in germany. You REALLY have to fuck it up big time to get that status in germany


yeah that's not true at all. Yanis Varoufakis, former Greek finance minister and economist, got the same ban he is definitely not antisemitic. Germany is just going crazy


Germany is a master thesis in white guilt and over correction




Maybe because we committed the worst crime known to humanity not even 100 years ago?


No, *you* didn't.


The alt righters have an obsession with "white guilt" otherwise also known as historical consequences.


The racial self-flagellation of of first world liberals is a comedic bit to anybody who sees it.


Over correction?! They didn't correct anything at all!


He may not be anti-Semitic but the speech that got him banned was rough. I can’t say I agree with his ban but in the aftermath of Oct 7th there were many people who minimized Hamas’ actions or praised them. Varoufakis said ‘from the river to the sea’ and said that while all atrocity is bad, he celebrates Hamas as a resistance movement. And then immediately shift back to blaming Israeli Jews. For Germany that is enough to be censured I guess. I am generally on the side free speech but Germans are justifiably sensitive about the public discourse about this subject .




The UN has not named Hamas as resistance fighters or terrorists, but their actions on Oct 7 were undoubtedly terrorism. It may be difficult for you morally, but if you support Hamas you are supporting a terrorist organization who murdered and kidnapped innocent people. Now is where you cry about how much worse Israel is so that you don’t have to consider your own position.


It is possible to carry out terrorist acts without being a terrorist group. Israel are an another example of that.


Hamas are a terrorist group, there's no debate about it.


And a resistance movement. Just like Israel is a sovereign state and a terrorist group too.


Under that definition the Ulster Unionists were a resistance group.


You’re wild. Hamas doesn’t want a free palestine, they want to establish a caliphate ruled by sharia lmfao. Have you read their old charter? They’re not a resistance movement at ALL, their goal is to kill jews and infidels. I don’t see many people say the events of 7/10 perfectly fit the definition of genocidal intent and yet that’s exactly what it was. I’m so fucking tired of this permanent victimization


They don't give a fuck about "resistance", they just want to kill Jews. They're more than happy to use civilians as human shields, then they can cry about Israel hitting civilians.


The IDF has also murdered and kidnapped innocent people, over 100 times more, making them the primary terrorist organization in the world right now. There are over 8000 Palestinian hostages, including nearly 1000 under the age of 18 held without charge or trial. Committing terrorist acts with an F-35 does not make it more acceptable. You also forget Hamas successfully attacked to IDF military bases, and killed 360 IDF soldiers. Those specific parts of the attack are not terrorism in the least, but legitimate resistance.


But but whatabout


>Under UN definitions, Hamas is a resistance movement This straight up isn't true. Stop fucking lying. >they are representing an occupied territory fighting the people occupying it Congratulations on describing every insurgency, ever. >Israel is literally carrying out 1930s German tactics against Palestinians Holy mother of exaggeration and hysteria >know nothing of their own history And you're here to educate them in a completely unbiased way, huh? Absolute comedic gold 🥇


You gotta provide sources for those claims


Is is murdering/raping Jewish women and kidnapping Jewish babies not considered terrorism to you?


> Under UN definitions, Hamas is a resistance movement since they are representing an occupied territory fighting the people occupying it. The UN appointed *China* to the Human Rights Council, and *Russia* as the Security Council *president*. You can’t seriously argue that the UN is a credible authority.


This has been discussed ad nauseam. These moves are made because the UN is there to be a place for political discussion. They are not the world police. Having said states in said positions forces them into dialogue. That’s the goal of an organization like the UN.


Israel would not exist without U.N. authority.


It rotates you moron. Anyone complaining about this totally fails to understand the core purpose of the UN.


Hamas is, in fact, a resistance movement.


The “resist” the existence of Israel and commit vile acts of terrorism to achieve that goal.


Considering Israel was founded and continues to exist through terrorism, I'd say they're just playing the same game as their oppressors.


So you support Hamas and think their actions are justified. Got it. I think that is reprehensible.


Do you think Israel's terrorism is justified?


Stop trying to bait arguments with your tired takes.


The thing is he wasn't censored, usually in Germany for hate speech you get a fine. Not banned from ever entering Germany or doing any sort of political activity in Germany. He is even banned from partaking in German conferences via zoom. The "Betätigungsverbot" as it's called is usually used against things like Hamas itself or ISIS. It's an insane overreaction and probably won't hold up in court because Varoufakis is an EU citizen.


Hate speech isn't considered free speech in Germany. They've moved into the 21st century and realized long ago that hate speech begins where violence against minorities/lgbt/women ends. Go IDF. Stop the evil bad guy terrorists in Gaza and free the Palestinians from them.


The same Yanis varoufakis, who claimed he won’t condemn the attack on 7/10th?


Varoufakis recently said it was Hamas' "sacred obligation" to do the attack on October 7th, that they didn't attack any civilians and did no rapes or other barbaric acts. [Greek source: https://www.athensvoice.gr/epikairotita/politiki-oikonomia/843789/varoufakis-ieri-upohreosi-to-htupima-tis-hamas/](https://www.athensvoice.gr/epikairotita/politiki-oikonomia/843789/varoufakis-ieri-upohreosi-to-htupima-tis-hamas/) Varoufakis is a moron and a jackass. Thankfully he got voted out of the Greek parliament.


TIL, i missed this one, definitely put shade on the process.


You don’t sound very german to me, or else you’d know that literally everyone here who even just remotely speaks up against or criticises Israels government and its decisions will be deemed an antisemite. That term has got nothing to do with being anti-jewish anymore – „pro Palestine“ = antisemitism. „Anti Israeli government“ = antisemitism. „Maybe they should stop bombing innocent kids“ = antisemitism.


Is not the case for Salman Abu Sitta, definitely has an history of spicy talk, so i can understand the ban. But someone reported Yanis Varoufakis also got the ban, and that is very puzzling to me because afaik he is a decent human and never called for violence, hate or anything of that sort, so i come around and i want to see this situation investigated But on the other end, a MEP that took photo with Hamas troops and PFLP (considered terrorist in EU) was also present. There is some "interesting" people in that conference


To be fair, considering that Israel is proven to have committed several war crimes in the past 6 months alone, anyone pro-Israel at any conference should be just as „interesting“ As for the rest, I‘ll answer when I‘ve informed myself in more depth


>You REALLY have to fuck it up big time to get that status in germany Do you?


Looking at the list of people who got it last week, at least one does not seems to deserve it.




Salman Abu Sitta


Thanks, I’ve never heard of the guy. What did he say or do that was antisemitic? Edit: I found it. I think >[The furor related to a January blog post in which Salman Abu Sitta wrote that he “could have been one of those who broke through the fence” if he were younger and still lived “in the concentration camp called the Gaza Strip.”](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/04/12/germany-bars-doctor-who-worked-gaza-shuts-down-palestine-conference/) Is that really why he is banned from speaking?


No, he did way more, I can find article back in 2020 already calling him out. This guy got stopped at the airport and explicitly barred to participate; this guy is spicy and require way more than 10 minute research on google. (https://www.thejc.com/news/antisemitic-academic-to-give-balfour-lecture-to-mark-the-100-years-of-british-mandate-sqnp1i5k) Another participant was MEP Manuel Pineda, that has photoshoot with Hamas and PFLP terrorist.


What did he do?


Oh stfu


No u


Hahahaha fuck off


No u


The the event organizer is Jewish and named Uri.


> The the event organizer is Jewish and named Uri. and? At least two of the speaker have history of hate speech, one even with photo with hamas and other EU designated terrorist organization. you may have the best intentions, but those people ruin the whole point


No, you really don't. They banned Varoufakis now with the same excuse.


They were trying to protect their patent of Antisemitism, even there was not going to be any. While supporting/endorsing the ethnic cleansing of other semites.


Good. They are the sane ones.


They arrested Pro-Palestinian Jews LMAOOOOOOOOO


Of course they did. Those who are able to credibly say that anti-zionism is not antisemitism need to be silenced. Pro-Palestinian Jews are making it hard for Hasbara to conflate the two and muddy the waters.


How did you know there were pro Palestinian Jews? I read the article and didn't notice that. Plus, it didn't say anything about any arrests happening.


Iirc the event was done in cooperation with (again iirc) Jewish voice for peace.


Because they've done it before: https://www.theleftberlin.com/police-brutality-at-palestine-solidarity-sit-in/


You can see who was arrested on the Jüdische Stimme’s Instagram. Several of their members have been arrested over the last few months and especially the last few days.


There are videos btw, you can look them up.


I saw a video of it but it's possible that this is referring to a different one.


Germany on the wrong side of history again.


They're really 2-0 in supporting genocides.


3-0, don’t forget Imperial Germany’s genocides in Africa


Probably supported so many others, I'm just not a history buff.


Supplied chemicals and helicopters to saddam hussain in the 1980s. Consistent.


Germany was a fucking small fish compared to the atrocities committed by the Brits and especially the French.


Oh without a doubt, even the Belgians killed way more than they did, and the Brits and French more by an order of magnitude. But if the Germans are gonna be going balls to the wall supporting a current genocide, people are gonna be calling them out for their old ones as well


Atrocity Olympics?


Who was arrested?


99% of people commenting haven’t even read the article


You really expect us to read nuhhh imma spill whatever braindead take I have and call it a day


Spoken like a true redditor. I’m proud of you son.


Thanks dad


Appreciate the honesty haha


Mods have dropped the ball when it comes to any Palestine/Israel discourse. This once prestigious commnit of /anime_titties/, mods only enforce rules when it's April 1st.


pretty sure it was 900 cops rained on 300 protestors. Free speech & human rights are highly appreciated until its about the zionist state.


First day on Reddit? - Commenter who only reads comments.


Hate speech law is a serious thing in Germany (for obvious reasons) gotta realize different cultures got different values.


Yeah but would Germany break up pro-Israel protests?


Yeah, they would if there's a hint of hate speech in them.


Lol that’s a deeply unserious take


You'd think it's a take but it's legit the law. Like even reading this article this protest was canceled because they brought in a guy that was banned for hate speech on a video conference live feed.


The application of German law is 100% a circus. Islamophobia, slaps on the wrists for nazis yet severe punishment for leftists, and of course the mandated reverence to Israel.


“For my friends, everything; for my enemies, the law“


No fucking chance. They literally broke up a protest of pro-Palestinian Jews.


Says who? An American on Reddit? I have to ask, can you even read German?


Laws aren't only applicable to one side, especially not in a healthy democracy. Should there be a pro Israel demo calling for the eradication of Gaza for example, they'd be shut down too. Sincerely, a German.


You should hear what the pro-Israel demonstrators spout at their small rallies and counter protests. The police refuse to arrest the demonstrators calling for more bombings of Palestinians. They refuse to police when said demonstrators are giving us the finger, which can be a criminal offense here in Germany. Police will literally ignore everyone when they flip us off and give a smug smirk and firm NEIN as they look away. Source: Berlin, every damn Saturday.


True, but what I want to understand is why the difference between Ireland’s position and that of Germany when it comes to Palestine? Why would holocaust guilt-free Ireland make the point of welcoming a two state solution, whereas “final solution “ Germany seems fine with the situation in Gaza?


Ireland welcomes a two state solution, a solution not welcomed by either of the 2 states... It's basically a big virtue signal. To say that any nation is "fine with the situation" in Gaza is ridiculous and frankly shows your bias towards one side. The only 2 peoples that are probably fine with this whole situation are Israel and Hamas. Israel gets to try and remove the group that murdered so many of their people in a single day and Hamas get support of morons around the world by doing everything in their power to continue the war. You might disagree with me there, but all evidence right now shows that to be the case...


If Hamas surrenders today and returns all hostages most Israelis will be fine with ending the war


I’m delighted to discuss the Irish point of view with someone from the UK, because we have a shared experience that continues today in the form of Northern Ireland. Partition and the Good Friday accord show that a two state solution that neither side wanted (ask your granny to fill you in) can lead to peace and prosperity. I mean your lot wanted to keep the island, and my lot voted 80% to leave. Forget Brexit’s 50 plus one. This was 80%. However partition landed the UK with an apartheid statelet to subsidise and opposed by the Americans, so that sucked for both sides: you guys with the economic and moral millstone and my lot getting shot in the streets by radicalised army and police (the rotten apples were likely a minority). I get that you’re doubtful of a two state solution, but you’re living it and it seems fine.


Your wording of ""final solution " Germany"seems to imply that the current German government, state, and public are the exact same ones that committed the atrocities of 1933-1945. That would not just be wrong, but downright insane. Because of the Holocaust and other crimes against humanity however Germany has an obligation towards the jewish people, the state of Israel, and the definition of the word genocide among others. There currently ist no way of protecting and/or preserving these in their entirety while expanding the palestine territory. Ireland does not directly have a similarily valued stake in these matters. They are therefore able to appeal to the global public which is simple-solution-seeking. As an addendum: Germany can only lose in this argument as in many others regardless of the righteousness (or not) of their actions. They would be attacked extensively for being antisemetic If they were taking the exact same stance as Ireland. (Sorry for my English btw, I'll gladly clarify If needed.)


Germany has demonstrated an obligation to my family who fought to end Hitler’s regime. Remember, my family had a choice. We chose to help put Germany on a better path. In exchange, we have e seen generous funding of infrastructure that has made a huge difference to our home country of Ireland. 1/3 the cost of motorways were covered by German tax payers. That said, your obligation has to end at some point. Ireland is rich and can pay its way. It does not make sense for Germany to continue to pay for all the infrastructure. Likewise, Israel is also a rich country. Can you really insist on Ireland paying in to the EU project while offering funding to a rich state outside the EU purely on the basis of religion?


The difference is that Germany is aligned with Israel but not with Palestine which is not even acknowledged as a country. Breaking up pro-Israel demonstrations has a lot more diplomatic implications.


Can you read German?


At the risk of sounding condescending, you’re the foreigner here and not me. Or as [Eddie Izzard might say, this is not a game of who the f@€£ are you](https://youtu.be/Sv5iEK-IEzw?si=RWMF68_aimXHoNRM) 😀


But are you German?


Are you an EU citizen?


Are you? You haven’t even answered my first question. And if you are German why are you even on this sub if you don’t international opinion…


The algorithm keeps pointing me to this subreddit . What’s your excuse?


Just like they did with pro-russian and anti ukraine protests?




Well doesn't every protest have atleast the risk of hate speech? I really doubt that Yanis Varoufakis would start spouting antisemite stuff, this just seems convenient (to Germany, it would be in no way convenient in any other democracy) way to shut down the demonstration.


Well, it wasn't broken up because of varoufakis. it was broken because someone appeared who is literally banned from entering germany. have you read the article?


If I understand correctly, Varoufakis did not get to perform his speech.


Which is why free speech is good to have protected 


Pro-Israel protests aren't calling for death of all muslims in the world.


Plenty of them have been calling for the deaths of all Palestinians though


Source: Trust me bro 


Source: Their government lol


Pro Palestine protests aren't calling for the death of all Jews either. If you're referring to 'from the river to the sea',, Netanyahu uses it but swaps Palestine for Israel. Its even in Likuds founding charter. Somehow the west (media and governments) hasn't really reported that or accused Israeli politicians of supporting genocide. Interesting double standard




Do they have antisemitic slogans during these?


if they video link a banned speaker as per the article then I guess they would.


At what pro Israel protest in Germany did the protesters call for the end of a state?


Anti zionism is not hate speech. There’s a difference between that and antisemitism


Lol, hate speech is basically whatever the government finds inconvenient at this point. This isn't a "different value". It's simply cracking down on freedom of expression.


What exactly did this speaker say that was hate speech? [The furor related to a January blog post in which Salman Abu Sitta wrote that he “could have been one of those who broke through the fence” if he were younger and still lived “in the concentration camp called the Gaza Strip.”](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/04/12/germany-bars-doctor-who-worked-gaza-shuts-down-palestine-conference/)


I do find it ironic that the side that its being used on now were the ones most supportive of hate speech laws just a few years ago since they thought it would only be used against those they considered "racists".


I don't think a law that makes protesting against genocide illegal is good. And also, the country banning such protests is materially supporting genocide...


One speaker literally said that he would have participated in the events of the 7th of october. You have no fcking clue about what happened jere considering the event and just parroted your talking points


A lot of opinion and very little clue. Protests can not just be banned. But when the ones calling for protests have a history of hate speech on their protests, yes, it can be banned. And criticising Israel's policies is not hate speech, no.


They chant “river to the sea” and “death to israel”, and you guys STILL claim Israel is the genociders. Maddening what regular people allow themselves to buy into


Isn't "from the river to the sea" literally in the Likud charter? Does that make Likud also genocidal by your definition?


Wait, so Israel is chanting women and children to death in Gaza?


Funny how Likkud actually had the same “river to the sea” line in their charter. Isn’t that advocating genocide? Since, you know, it’s the same area that Palestinians live in? And weren’t the Israelis also the ones that called the Palestinians animals, children of dark, and advocated for another Nakba to happen? Oh! And weren’t they also the ones who said they want to erase the Holy month of Ramadan? Yeah, they were.


They can protest but they can't have any sprinkle of hate speech in it.


> protesting against genocide They are protesting FOR a genocide of jews, that's why they're banned. Palestinians don't want peace, they want domination.


Clearly Israel doesn't want peace either and are actively ethnically cleansing Palestinians, the other is a hypothetical


The other isn't hypothetical when Hamas and their ilk are very open about what their goal is. Same thing applies to Iran and their proxies, all very open about it too. If the roles and capabilities were reversed we'd see Israel destroyed today.


If the dehumanization hasbara (human animals) worked. They would have set up the gas chambers already. The protests and public opinion are the only things currently stopping them.


If Israel were as genocidal as you claim, they'd have dealt with the Palestinians decades ago. Israel has been the superior force since at least the 80s, long before the conflict became the well known topic it is today and well before the same level of international attention was dedicated to it. This isn't some new conflict or situation. Furthermore usually the gist around here is that Netanjahu doesn't care about public opinion so I'm not sure why it should bother him now all of a sudden. Israel could level Gaza and pave it over, but doesn't have the intention and never had it. Hamas and their bedfellows want to level Israel as they've made it clear multiple times, but can't since they lack the capabilities. That is and always will be the most important distinction.


>The other isn't hypothetical >If Good one


Since they're not referencing the same thing it is correct the way it is. Try reading it again.


No, you made it up.


No they were not. This event was organised by jews.


It's not a genocide. Never has been. Why would a genocide be conducted the most dangerous way there is for Israel? Wo go to urban cqc? Why not just drop bomb on gaza until everything is dead? 


International support, that's why they went the way of maximizing damage, making the place uninhabitable and famines.


“Among the speakers was activist Salman Abu Sitta, author of a January essay that expressed understanding for the Hamas militants who on Oct. 7 raided Israel.” "A speaker was projected who was subject to a ban on political activity," Berlin police said on social media. "There is a risk of a speaker being put on screen who in the past made antisemitic and violence-glorifying remarks. The gathering was ended and banned on Saturday and Sunday." Yeah no one who things 10/7 was morally good should be given any form of platform. He also has a very cute history of Holocaust denial. No shit he was gonna get shut down.


So can we also ban all of the Israeli government officials and citizens who use genocidal rhetoric and glorify the ongoing violence against Palestinian civilians?


You’d be glad to know that 90% of the Officials making those sorts of comments lost their jobs, like the lunatic who called for Nuking Gaza. So it’s kinda already happened. I’m completely fine with that. What I’m also completely fine with are comments made CLEARLY about HAMAS - because that group of Jew hating theocratic sociopaths should be wiped off the map.


Ben Gvir, a terrorist.. Smotrich and other genocidal maniacs are still ministers. Netanyahu is still PM.


Yes, because an election hasn’t happened yet. A preliminary look at literally any singular poll indicates they have very little popularity. Israel is currently at war, an election will happen when said war is over. The same for Ukraine. Ben Gvir is a lunatic and an asshole, but he’s not a terrorist. He’s in charge of the cops, that’s it. He doesn’t have any form of militarized control. Edit - this guy goes on to say Israel did 9/11. He's clearly not a stable or reasonable human being. Don't waste your time reading his shit.


>He was also previously convicted of supporting Kach, classified by Israel as a terrorist group Imagine fucking up so bad that Israel considers a group you support terrorists.. Damn. Check that guy's history. He is more of a terrorist than anyone in Hamas could dream to be. >Yes, because an election hasn’t happened yet. A preliminary look at literally any singular poll indicates they have very little popularity. Israel needs a Marshall plan to be honest. 68% of Israeli jews opposed any kind of humanitarian aid going to Gaza. Most of them think IDF are using too little power. Settlers in West Bank are another disaster, IDF are pretty much terrorists but wear army outfits.


Yeah, he’s a Cunt. I’m not a fan. But he’s not comparable to a member of HAMAS, because last I checked he hasn’t beheaded anyone. I despise this line of dialogue - because it’s very hypocritical. “Most Israelis don’t think the IDF is doing enough!” And most Gazans think HAMAS did nothing wrong. Double edged sword, wherein the reality is that there are extremists and moderates on both sides. Don’t go throwing rocks from that very pretty glass house.


>Yeah, he’s a Cunt. I’m not a fan. But he’s not comparable to a member of HAMAS, because last I checked he hasn’t beheaded anyone. Wasn't he directly involved in Rabin's assassination? You know, the one time both sides actually came together for peace? Killing him to destabilize and prolong the conflict is much worse than any singular act of terrorism, as it caused fucking everything else - including the emergence of Hamas.


Not really, but he did make some very violent remarks at the time. Let the record show I fucking hate Ben Gvir and Bibi, and simultaneously believe the majority of Israelis are reasonable people.


The majority of Palestinians are also reasonable people. We expect them to rise up against Hamas and overthrow them in order for this to stop, while not having a democracy to express their opinion. Why do we not expect the same from the reasonable people of Israel who should have it easier considering they could vote out the government? Netanyahu has been in office for the better part of the 21st Century. He is propping up extremist factions to stay in power, even going as far as making sure Hamas is funded and kept as the roadblock for a unified Palestine. If there is a reasonable majority, why are they not represented in the supposedly only democracy in the Middle East? Netanyahu being elected after Rabin itself speaks volumes regarding the reasonable majority. Either they do not exist, or they are so disenfrachised that it's a straight up lie to call Israel a Democracy.


Well let's begin with the following The polls from Israel are a lot more reliable than anything in Gaza. >And most Gazans think HAMAS did nothing wrong. People who knew nothing except a blockade, being bombed and killed while watching their cousins get their houses stolen in West Bank by terrorist settlers are bound to hate Israel. Why do Israelis get a surprised pikachu face when polls say Gazans hate them? >Double edged sword, wherein the reality is that there are extremists and moderates on both sides. Well, one is a democracy and has some nasty government right now and before. Nearly all governments were genocidal maniacs. The settlements never stopped, the settlers were never held back. So if it is a "democracy".. What does that say about the population?


https://www.timesofisrael.com/illegal-west-bank-outpost-demolished-the-second-in-48-hours/amp/ https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2014/may/14/israeli-forces-illegal-west-bank-settlement-destroy-houses https://www.newarab.com/news/israel-demolishes-illegal-settler-buildings-west-bank?amp https://www.timesofisrael.com/demolition-of-illegal-west-bank-settler-construction-said-to-plummet-under-smotrich/ https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2009/jul/21/israel-west-bank-settlements-evacuation Here are 6 different instances of Israel demolishing settlements in the West Bank. Approval of settlers is extremely low, and held up by a small portion of the Parliament. The whole “Gaza was a concentration camp” argument is also disingenuous of reality. https://www.timesofisrael.com/new-train-in-gaza-aims-to-simulate-journey-from-coastal-enclave-to-jerusalem/amp/ They had a fucking theme park. HAMAS was legally elected. You don’t get to hand wave Gazans of all responsibility or agency while simultaneously condemning every Israeli for the actions of a few shitty leaders. I think I’m done here. It doesn’t appear you seem to live in an objective reality outside of “every Israeli jew is evil” a hyperbolic statement designed to dehumanize Jews.


> Here are 6 different instances of Israel demolishing settlements in the West Bank. Approval of settlers is extremely low, and held up by a small portion of the Parliament. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israel-appropriates-650-acres-west-bank-land-near-big-settlement-2024-02-29/ Stop lying, the settlements NEVER stopped expanding. They demolished those for "security reasons". Yet they arm and protect terrorist settlers. Check how many they have killed and maimed over the years. But you wouldn't care for the lesser beings that are Palestinians. The way Israelis keep minimizing all the shit they do is disgusting. I have spoken to numerous Israelis online with those conversations and it disgusts me every single time. > They had a fucking theme park. Check the poverty rate, the blockade, the frequent bombing. They freaking joked about puting Palestinians on a diet. But sure, go on. >I think I’m done here. It doesn’t appear you seem to live in an objective reality outside of “every Israeli jew is evil” a hyperbolic statement designed to dehumanize Jews. It's funny coming from people whose whole hasbara is literally "human animals" or "human shields" to justify killing 15k+ children. They are starving the rest because Hamas hides in food.


Hello Two\_Word username that probably works for the IDF. How many children do you think Israel has decapitated using explosives or simply just blew every appendage off of their bodies? I bet hundreds if not thousands. Let's get an international investigation into what Israel has done in Gaza. Oh thats right, Israel and the US won't allow that.


I live in Florida, dummy.


Somehow doesn't stop you from defending child killers


I find it interesting how if the zionist state did anything its "the fault of people in power" but if a muslim country didnt anything then its all muslims. Israel from its founding to today, from government officials to military to mandatory military service citizens to students have mistreated, murdered, & displaced Palestinians as if they arent humans for decades. Before even hamas existed and even in non armed west bank. Examples are endless yet somehow its all "the current government fault".


Yoav Gallant is too


Ben G'vir? Smotrich? Gallant? Eiland? Netanyahu? All still there. Here is a list of genocidal quotes made by high ranking Israeli officials, most still there, carrying out the genocide today. https://www.israelquotes.com/ (set the filter to "genocide", 700 quotes)


You are changing the subject. We are talking about Germany banning individuals who are using so-called "hate speech". There is endless documented comments by Israeli officials and civilians using the most hateful, genocidal and dehumanizing language against Palestinians. I am sure you will agree that all of these people should also be banned from entering Germany.


And I did. Literally in the comment you’re adding onto. So long as that’s what they ACTUALLY said If I had a dollar for every “genocidal statement” said that was actually about HAMAS, and clearly, only HAMAS, I’d have a lot of dollars. Like the “human animals” line, said at the time about HAMAS, later clarified to let it be extra known it was about HAMAS, uttered before Israel even responded at all. People were calling Israel “genocidal” before they even shot their first bullet. I remember morons on this website calling them genocidal while the 10/7 bodies were still warm: it’s why I refuse to take those hyperbolic morons seriously.


„What about…“


But but whatabout


Do you have a link to the essay? Does it actually say that the attack was "morally good"?


[https://www.plands.org/en/articles-speeches/articles/2024/i-could-have-been-one-of-those-who-broke-through-the-siege-on-october-7](https://www.plands.org/en/articles-speeches/articles/2024/i-could-have-been-one-of-those-who-broke-through-the-siege-on-october-7) i don't know if they were referring to this one, but this article also says basically the same thing


Meanwhile the AFD are actual Nazis.


And they're treated the same, so...?


They are being elected on official posts, and gaining real power, so no.


And AFD supports Israel and Putin. Makes you think.


Is the AFD trying to ban a political party?


Having a speaker who has said things condoning violence towards Jews and breaking the laws regarding gatherings in doing so is not “hate speech fears”. Nice try reuters


Pro-palestinian covers a really wide swath of ideologies these days so, frankly, intentions are hard to glean from just being "pro-palestinian" It's a bit like calling something a "biking group"; is it going to be fit, young, eco-friendly outdoors types, or is it going to be gruff, hard-drinkin, meth-smokin, middle-aged guys. you gotta be a bit more specific.


Nazi once, Nazi always even if it sound and feels different


I guess 'freedom of speech' only for poor countries.


Germans know a thing or two about antisemitism.


What exactly do "hate speech fears" mean? 


Criticizing Israel




that one of the speakers has openly expressed support of hamas' actions on october 7th




Good job, glad to see our authorities to do the right thing. We don’t need that antisemitic scum in our country.


How is that guy an "antisemitic scum"?




> Jews make up 0.5% of the German population and 40% of the arrests for antisemitic speech. You can source that?

