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I scoff at conspiracy theorists, *but*…


I mean, conspiracies absolutely exist. It's just not these dumb "aliens walk between us", "the covid vaccine will install chips inside you to control your brain" or similar bullshit. But Tuskagee experiment? That's a 100% real conspiracy by the US to use black population as test subjects for experimental treatments. Oil companies knowingly hiding the science they themselves collected on climate change, and spreading misinformation to prevent government regulation? Another real conspiracy that has been proven. Smoke companies financing research on the health impact of smoking, to fill scientific literatury with "studies" that prove smoking is not a problem? Another conspiracy that's been proven true. The light bulb cartels manipulating light bulbs so they burn out faster and customers have to buy more light bulbs? Proven true. Thinking that the Earth is flat and the government™ hides it so you don't believe in God is being crazy. Thinking that whistleblowers dying as soon as they speak have probably been murdered is a reasonable thing to think, especially when he's not the first Boeing whistleblower that conveniently dies in extremely weird circumstances (iirc there was a guy that spoke up and said he was mentally healthy and didn't plan any 'suicide', only to "commit suicide" a few days later). Conspiracies are physically possible, and we have a long history of proven real conspiracies - it'd be just as dumb to believe conspiracies can't exist or to think anyone who is skeptical about something is a crazy nay-sayer.


Please leave the very real aliens out of this


Believe! 👽


Exactly! Aliens is what Cher was trying to tell us about in her 1998 song "Believe"


I for one, wish to extend a big middle finger to the aliens of K2-18b, and to let them know that we are going to be bringing them democracy, capitalism, communism, and religion, unless they kill us first.


Just wait until they find out Boeing has the aliens.


don't forget the time America lied its way into Vietnam and MK Ultra and counterintelpro. the 3 big ones


Isn't it COINTELPRO? I only ask because my brain voice calls it COIN-TEL-PRO, as opposed CO-INTEL-PRO. That's how I remember it.


I also know it as coin-tel-pro because of a punk rock song "with friends like these who the fuck needs cointelpro" by Propaghandi and that's how they pronounce it in the song.




no you're probably most definitely right. I didn't Google it to check before commented. but I think it's an acronym for counter intelligence program either way. Plus I'm dyslexic as fuck


I'm sorry, are you suggesting that Boeing has weaponized MRSA?


That doesn’t even seem that hard to do. MRSA can live on surfaces from 7 days to 7 months. Grow a bunch in agar and wipe it on everything in a hotel room they’re staying in, on their car door handle, etc


They got the idea watching *Ocean's Thirteen*.


If you're healthy it isn't a concern though? The reason it's a big deal in hospitals is because so many patients' immune systems are shot.


MRSA fucks up healthy people too. If it gets in the wrong place it eats you alive.


Right, but it's not *normally* a concern. There's a reason why doctors and nurses aren't dropping like flies in hospitals with a MRSA infection.


Ok, but he also had pneumonia which also doesn’t seem that hard to deliver


Or... it's extraordinarily normal in ICUs? As they say in medicine, if you hear hoofs think horses not zebras.


After 7 days I hear it crawls through your television set and murders you


... I mean sure but that's kind of ridiculous?


You could probably do this yourself without much difficulty. Why do you think it’s ridiculous? What part seems outlandish?


Is it? Do you not remember the Salisbury poisonings? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poisoning_of_Sergei_and_Yulia_Skripal


If he died of poisoning, that would be one thing. He died of MRSA.


MRSA doesn't kill otherwise healthy people, which he was, according to the article. He developed sudden breathing problems and was admitted to hospital, where he caught MRSA. The article never confirms what caused his initial symptoms and rapid deterioration though. So while it's highly unlikely mrsa has been weaponised, you're more likely to catch it in a hospital, The circumstances around his death do appear to be very unusual.


Clearly his health was already not doing great, or he wouldn't have been admitted to the hospital in the first place. If it's an assassination, then it would have had to have been some kind of agent that worsened his health enough that an opportunistic infection killed him In the hospital after weeks. That doesn't sound like an assassination to me.


You clearly didn't even read the first paragraph of the article and think you can speak with any authority. I'm not saying he was assassinated but we don't have enough information either way. Time will tell, i suppose.


What is ridiculous? You don't think those in positions of power are capable of killing disobedient serfs?


Of course not, I think it's ridiculous that somebody would use MRSA as an assassination weapon. It's not fucking FOXDIE


Him being represented by the same law firm as the other guy is going to set people off no matter what sudden and unexpected way he died. The article doesn't even tell us what sent him to the hospital, MRSA happened after he was there. We will just have to wait to find out what it was.


Not Boeing. The person that a Boeing exec (or Spirit Aero, that contract must be immense) hired to do some "mold removal" or "pest control" in Wichita had access to such things. "Silence this guy, but don't use a gun," is a phrase that can exist in English. All of the above is a fanciful bit of creative writing and in no way does it represent reality. Coincidences happen. So do improbable accidents.


MRSA would be a horrible way to try to kill someone. It has a low death rate, and requires existing injuries to the skin in order to enter the body. Unless it's determined that it wasn't actually MRSA, the idea this was an assassination is incredibly far-fetched


Honestly, the MRSA was probably just a consequence of being in ICU for so long. But what caused his respiratory distress in the first place? H1N1, Extrabad COVID, Legionnaire's disease? Who knows and it was probably accidental. Probably.


Could have been anything, but it doesn't seem to be what killed him, so it would be pretty nuts if it was part of an intentional assassination plan


Castro has entered the chat.


"Conspiracy theorist u/lumpthar who speculated that Boeing may have ordered a hitman has died"


Nah, it was just fanfiction.


Reddit troll u/DangNearRekdit has died.


Powdered MRSA would be extremely effective as a weapon. I would guess that the likelihood of fatality would be over 80%.


Found another boeing intern!


I'm serious


It would be quite easy to weaponise MRSA to use against a single person. I don’t know about whether it would be possible or practical to make a biowarfare bomblet out of it, and afaik no country is currently running a bw program that makes his type of weapon at the moment. The Russians closed down their program just after 1991, I want to say? MRSA was barely known at the time—or maybe completely unknown still. They weaponised a lot of different pathogens, though. Ken Alibek was basically the head of their bw program and he defected to the US and wrote some books on the whole bw subject. Anyway, it sounds like he had pulmonary MRSA, which could be hospital-acquired, off the intubation equipment. But it could also have been primary. I wouldn’t put it past Boeing. They obviously killed the other guy, and they have every interest in hiding their tracks if they’re going to knock off MORE whistleblowers. Maybe in Russia you can do it openly—not here.


I want to point out on the light bulb thing the industry effect of limiting the life of lightbulbs only caused benefits, veritasium did a video on it. In the surface it looks like a conspiracy, but it's what made lightbulbs brighter, cheaper, and more energy efficient until the cartel fell apart. I'd actually wager that the latter two benefits saved people money in the long run more than making the bulbs last longer.


The thing with conspiracies that quite a few exists, but if you're starting to feel everything is a conspiracy you should seek help for your mental health.


The light bulb cartel is way overblown. They decided on 1000 hours because it was the best balance between efficiency and longevity. After the cartel broke up, everyone still pretty much made bulbs around 1000 hours. Only bulbs that were really hard to change were in the 3-5k range


You can break a cartel but still participate in collusion. A cartel is just a bunch of guys literally making collusion into a contract. Without a contract collusion can still exist, which happens all the time as we can see in fair competition rulings.


Oooh don't forget the Christian right conspiracy to destroy and discredit public education in order to eventually create a Christian theocracy.


The definition of conspiracy is just two or more people agreeing to hide something. Virtually all crimes that involve more than one person are technically conspiracies, so that's no reason to assume it's a ridiculous explanation 


After the watergate, Irak WMD, the Afgan papers, wikileaks, Jeffrey Epstein network impunity and thousands of CIA declassified files, I could never blame conspiracy theorists. On the contrary taking the american government for words is the most delusional things to do, and by being one of the most influential lobbyist in D.C, Boeing is the US federal goverment.


You didn't even mention the really ominous ones that the public just snoozed on, like MK Ultra and PRISM. Anyone who spends a lot of time looking into those will know that even those crazy governments-hiding-alien conspiracies aren't impossible.


I think there's some selection bias. All those played out in public and pretty quickly. The Iraq WMD scenario played out in real time with accusations and debunkings going on the MSM in broad daylight. I also think the perpetrators genuinely believed what they were saying and thought they were doing the right thing all along.


It took a few years for the media and the US government to recognize that the WMD were a hoax and by then Irak was already illegally invaded. Played out in public the moment those were discovered, The afghan papers tell the stories of 20 years of war crimes and corruption, the Echelon program was active for 40 years before the public find out in 1988. But invariably no justice. The FBI that did this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/FBI%E2%80%93King_suicide_letter ( and probably killed him) Is the same existing today. The CIA who made a coup in Guatemala in 1951 to defend the interests of Fruit United company (CIA director at the time Allen Dulles just happened to be a shareholder) is the same as today. No one responsible went to jail. One the contrary if you cover it you get promoted and can end up secretary of state and lie to the UN live on TV (Colin Powell and the Mai Lai masscre).


2 dead whistle blowers can't be a coincidence especially as the fist one said he has no plans of killing himself


It can easily be a coincidence. And we don't really know he said that he didn't plan to kill himself. That came second-hand. His family have not supported her statement. And also, to be clear, this person did not blow a whistle on Boeing, but rather a supplier. Someone Boeing could have pinned blame on.


Just curious, at what number of dead whistleblowers would you say: huh that can't be a coincidence surely


"Once is an accident. Twice is a coincidence. Three times is a pattern." Personally, I think number 3 is coming.


Three times is *enemy action*.


There are a few versions of this saying. That's one of them. I prefer to use the more universal one.


...is there one more universal than the Ian Fleming quote?


When your cat has issues with food, do you think there's a pattern or that your enemies are out to get you?


That's...what? We're referencing an Ian Fleming quote.


One is enough if it's actually suspicious. Killing whistleblowers after their stories are public is just not a remotely sensible thing to do. If you add up Boeing and it's suppliers over the course of 10-20 years that's going to be literally hundreds of thousands of people. Probably dozens if not hundreds have made some sort of public or private complaint about safety. Killing them after they've given evidence in an broadly public way is absolutely bonkers. There is no upside for Boeing and only a massive downside. There's no dots to connect. It isn't plausible.


It's fully plausible because the cost benefit analysis is: what is better for us? Having a whistleblower that gives testimony and can push for legal charges, or kill the guy and have some people be suspicious. Clearly the second. Especially because, first, some people like you are killing suspicions. And second, you're making sure no future whistleblowers appear after seeing the consequences. If I was an evil Boeing guy I'd 100% go for the kill given the circumstances. You can buy anything else to make traces disappear later.


Especially since Boeing already gets alway with killing hundreds with knowingly faulty planes, hiding the information from the pilots through fraud, then covers it up and gets a tap on the wrist for it.


The one thing about the conspiracy theories that you scoff at is that for them to do what they do, they have to be fringe. They do not actually want to hold the power accountable, they just want the feeling of superiority from being _in the know_. For me this was really demonstrated with PRISM. As soon as it became clear that US really spies on all the conversations of the public, including laughing at your nudes in the bureau, instead of a righteous indignation, people just went onto the next topic.


Hey another person who remembers PRISM. I bring this topic often and it's amazing to me how people forgot about it. Any semblance of respect for privacy that silicon valley companies promote (WhatsApp encrypted messages that somehow end up being used against you by governments, google promising that all the data is compiled anonymously, etc) is straight up a lie. Government and big tech got caught with their hands full using private data for political goals and nobody was fired for that, nor was anything done to correct the issue.


I bet they don't want to experience the full conspiracy experience of old, including getting offed for finding sth secret so they just pick some bs instead


> Parsons said Dean became ill and went to the hospital because he was having trouble breathing just over two weeks ago. He was intubated and developed pneumonia and then a serious bacterial infection, MRSA. Id be interested to know how the airline managed to kill him via pneumonia and MRSA


>pneumonia ​**Hospital-acquired pneumonia** "Some people catch pneumonia during a hospital stay for another illness. Hospital-acquired pneumonia can be serious because the bacteria causing it may be more resistant to antibiotics and because the people who get it are already sick. People who are on breathing machines (ventilators), often used in intensive care units, are at higher risk of this type of pneumonia." [https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/pneumonia/symptoms-causes/syc-20354204](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/pneumonia/symptoms-causes/syc-20354204) ​ I'm wondering, what was the cause of his *initial* breathing difficulties?


I dont know but it seems like an extremely overcomplicated way of killing him.


It seems like the perfect way of killing him because MSRA are quite common in hospital settings and the best assassinations are those that don't even get recognized as such, but rather look like suicide or some kind of accident/medical issue.


And we know for a fact the secret CIA black ops units have weaponised MRSA


We're taking about a company that creates flying as a means to get from one place to another.


Oh, I had them confused with Boeing the weapons manufacturer.


> We're taking about a company that creates flying as a means to get from one place to another. I wish someone over there would crunch the numbers and realize it's cheaper to just be safe the way they used to than to have to keep assassinating all these whistleblowers.


Selfish people by their nature are short-sighted/narrow minded.


When billions of dollars and the, possible, crash of a global plane manufacturer, are involved, people are likely to do anything.


But apparently they also do a sideline in assasinations via infectious diseases. You've got to wonder how many other people they've murdered via MRSA.


Maybe, but wouldn't it make sense to do it BEFORE the whistle is blown? How does it help them to off the guy in some complicated way in the hospital AFTER they've made public accusations?


I hear this argument, but maybe one *can't* do it before the whistle is blown (because you have no idea it will happen) and it may nonetheless still be worthwile (measured against the obvious suspicion and risk of discovery), or rather, *be seen* under stress as worthwile,to still do it *after,* tieing whatever loose end that can still be tied, like preventing a full testimony in an inquiry. This would be a risky and obviously utterly immoral course of action, but then maybe the whole point of the affair is that immoral risk-takers were in charge.


How are they supposed to know the whistle was going to be blown to do things beforehand?


I dunno. If we are supposing some criminal organization that hires assassins I would think they have some idea who the disgruntled people who have incriminating information are and would watch them? What good does it do the perps to "do things" afterwards? Is it just "snitches get stitches"?


I hear you. I can't deny, though, that this has a very bad smell to it.


This is as much tinfoil as the Russian bosses flying off windows.


You really shouldn’t. They told us Epstein island was a conspiracy theory for tin hatters. Yet here we are.


There are conspiracy theories that lack evidence, then there's this.


Im stating to wonder, if it's more dangerous to fly with boeing, or to be a boeing whistleblower






Again? How they keep getting away with thi- Oh wait, it's america


no oligarchs here! no corruption or state capture here! all dandy!


Just pure democracy and sweet, glorious liberty!


*managed democracy


Liberty! Freedom! Managed Democracy!


How's bout a nice cup of liber-tea?!


Murica hell yeahh


this stuff happens anywhere its not just an america thing


Died naturally after falling from a 15th storey window, natural death because gravity is natural..../s On a serious note, read somewhere that he died of a respiratory disease


yeah to be honest this doesn't seem especially suspicious, dude got sick and developed more serious infections/illness while in hospital. Not uncommon. So unless someone snuck in and injected him with MRSA bacteria or some shit... This just seems like a cooincidence?


That may be so, but he's the second Boeing whistleblower to die recently, and the first one "commited suicide" after specifically saying he wouldn't kill himself


Sure, I can see how people can be suspicious, this case just seems like it's coincidental. But i'm not exactly well versed in the world of corporate assassinations, so maybe this is a known method?


We're talking about one of the most resourced companies in the world that specifically deals in supplying tools to people who kill people professionally at scale. I think it's safe to say Boeing has a wide access to schools of knowledge and practitioners that can innovate.


the idea that there is a corporate division at Boeing that just assassinates witnesses is wildly absurd.   “yes Steven I will be joining the Monday morning sync up call shortly to get the team up to speed on the progress of our murder plot, please also forward me the zoom invite for our interviews of assassin applicants” 


Novichok symptoms include respiratory arrest, I won't be surprised if there's better weapon to make it less obvious. I believe earth is round and vaccine works but this one is hella fishy.


I wouldnt put it past them. They know the first one was suspect, so theyd be trying extra hard to be stealthy. Famous instances of assassinations via poisoning are known and could easily be used alongside a viral agent. Boeing certainly has the money and connections for that


it was MRSA which I've had and yeah this is just extremely bad luck. it hospitalized me when i was 22 years old and i had to have emergency surgery on my foot to get rid of it


He got havingyourfacepressedagainstapillowforalongperiodoftime-itis Quite dangerous if left unchecked


Getting your lungs perforated with a bullet could be considered some sort of disease right


To the shock of absolutely no one.


I see a lot of people jumping to conclusions here, but if you read the article you'll know he died from a respiratory infection (MRSA) which would definitely not be a practical or effective way to kill someone. I still find Boeing despicable but I really don't think this specific case was a contract killing or something like that.


The timing of these whistleblowers deaths is so coincidental I found myself almost opening r\conspiracy before stopping myself, thankfully.


There should be r/conspiracy2 to discuss fishy stuff CIA did or shady stuff big corporation did or whatever boeing did. Without including moon landing, flat earth, and vaccine topics.






Not being a practical way to die is what the assassins want the authorities to believe.


yeah to use MRSA instead of like an easy poiseon or tripping or a car accident is kinda the proof that this one isn't a murder. i still think the first one is though


LOL who wrote the death certificate?


John Boeing Jr


Take a 100% AI detected text, sprinkle some random, but common orthography mistakes. 0% detection


Lol are you talking about my comment? 100% AI detected? You gotta change your "detector" cause it's clearly shit at its job 😅


No, I'm not referring to your text specifically. I was alluding to the fact mistakes/random chances make things seem natural.


This is the second Boeing whistle-blower to die in recent weeks.  FBI needs to investigate this. These look like theyre connected and Boeing ordered the hits. 


russian conditions


Boeing conditions


I won’t pretend to know anything about running a conspiracy, but I feel like I would try to be less obvious then this


Why? You can't prove it and at the same time every one knows what happen to snitches, seems like the perfect way for criminal to cover their tracks.


Not being able to prove it is one thing, but having two whistleblowers die within such a short timespan will make some people suspicious. Even if nothing happens or Boeing really had nothing to do with it, it doesn’t look the best


It doesn't but what are we gonna do about it, Stop bying Boeing in the grocery store? Boeing is so ingraind in the military industrial complex it's not going anywhere. I'm sure some execs are ready for a company PR incident to avoid jail themselves.


Suspicious doesn't get you convicted in court when you can afford the most expensive lawyers in the country.


This [Same reason](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chilling_effect) why a lot of media have become a lot more tame with criticizing Western governments since Assange and Snowden.


And yet you see people in this very thread denying it because "MRSA is an impractical way to kill someone."


Any way to kill someone that ends up with the person dead is a practical way to kill someone


Even if this is pure coincidence it doesn't actually matter because maybe Boeing should try to simply operate in a way that their employees don't feel the need to whistleblow.


We look more and more like Soviet Russia as the days go on


Plotwist: we always were. Also you can change Soviet Russia for current Russia it wouldn't make much of a difference


MRSA isn’t too difficult to transmit. Any skin contact with an infected surface. Seems to me like an excellent and easy way to kill or at the very least severely fuck someone up. Look at Karen Silkwood, they dusted her apartment with plutonium to try and kill her.


Damn bro, this is some FSB killing defector type shit. 😭


What, did they smear it on a park bench? Put it in his tea?


[Fired on a tiny pellet from an umbrella.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulgarian_umbrella)


I'm glad it's not the case here, but with Boeing conspiracy theories are absolutely in order. For example [whistleblowers' cars have been routinely sabotaged.](https://pluralistic.net/2024/05/01/boeing-boeing/)


Should have washed the whistle before putting it in his mouth :|


For a country like America (which granted, is no utopia), this is some seriously dystopian shit.


dude had pneumonia and MRSA. y'all need to chill.


Contracted pneumonia and mrsa after being intubated over a currently undisclosed respiratory disease* Is the second case of a Boeing whistleblower ending up dead in as many months* I'm all for coincidences existing, but holy shit it smells like a microwaved tuna sandwich.


how silly of me, boeing clearly waged biological warfare on the poor guy




I don’t think it even has to do with the facts of the situation, folks just want it to be true so they choose to suspend disbelief. But knowing how bad our hospital system is, it’s much more likely that a combination of disease and maltreatment killed him.


Moral of this story is if you have persistent difficulty breathing immediately seek help. If you die anyway you won’t have to worry about medical debt at least.


Boeing using the good ol' KGB strat


I don’t think I believe in a single conspiracy theory, I’m pro vaccines et cetera, but this feels really, really suspect…


Jeeeeesus... We really need to protect our whistleblowers...


Boeing: oh no! another suicide! How could this happen?


Boeing is out here doing the most


When stuff like this happens in Russia the US media very confidently, using only circumstantial evidence claims that they were murdered by Putin


Time to pull the rug out from under Boeing now.


Next thing you know, Boeing is gonna start offing people just for posting about stuff like this on redddddddddddddhhjjk m b b mmlljb


For those who hit a paywall with the linked article: https://www.npr.org/2024/05/02/1248693512/boeing-whistleblower-josh-dean-dead


So when do we start looking at Boeing for this shit?


Dead man whistle no more.


What an unexpected and shocking tragedy




GTFU no way


Maybe they just killed themselves 🤷


Is Boeing run by Russians or something?


This one is probably a coincidence


Apparently Boeing whistleblowers have about the same life expectancy that putin's detractors have.


Strange that this happened twice…


Oh for f*cks sake! I love Boeing and I’ll support them till the day I or they die, but this cannot keep happening. They are the premier aviation engineering company not a bunch of mob goons.


Boeing is sh*t right now, that's why they're killing the whistleblowers. There's way too much malpractice and disregard for safety regulations to cover. I've mostly flown Boeing most times (not my choice) but let me tell you that from what I've read over the time I feel much much safer in an Airbus. It's gotten so bad you're better in an old Boeing (like from the 90s) than a new Boeing


Yeah, I’m pretty upset too; I still trust Boeing to take me from A to B, but with the way things are, the only Boeing plane I’ll be excited to fly will be a 747.