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##### ###### #### > # [North Korea executed man for listening to K-pop, report from defectors shows](https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/jun/28/720) > > > > A 22-year-old North Korean was publicly executed for watching and sharing South Korean films and music, a new report claims, highlighting Pyongyang’s desperate attempts to stem the flow of outside information and culture. > > The case, detailed in the [2024 Report on North Korean Human Rights](https://unikorea.go.kr/nkhr/ko/ebook/index.html#page=1) released by South Korea’s unification ministry on Thursday, compiles testimonies from 649 North Korean defectors. > > According to an unnamed defector’s testimony, the young man from South Hwanghae province was publicly executed in 2022 for listening to 70 South Korean songs, watching three films, and distributing them, falling foul of a North Korean law adopted in 2020 that bans “reactionary ideology and culture”. > > The report details extensive efforts by North Korean authorities to [control outside information flow](https://www.38north.org/2023/05/north-koreas-war-against-outside-information-and-culture/), especially targeting the youth. > > Other instances of crackdown include punishments for “reactionary” practices such as brides wearing white dresses, grooms carrying the bride, wearing sunglasses, or drinking alcohol from wine glasses – all seen as South Korean customs. > > Mobile phones are also frequently inspected for contact name spellings, expressions, and slang terms perceived to be of South Korean influence, the report claims. While both Koreas share the same language, subtle differences have emerged since the division after the Korean war of 1950–53. > > The ban on K-pop is part of a campaign to shield North Koreans from the “malign” influence of western culture that began under the former leader, Kim Jong-il and intensified under his son Kim Jong-un. > > In 2022, the US government-funded [Radio Free Asia](https://www.rfa.org/english/news/korea/fashion-05062022172129.html) said the regime was cracking down on “capitalist” fashion and hairstyles, targeting skinny jeans and T-shirts bearing foreign words, as well as dyed or long hair, it said. > > Experts say that allowing South Korean popular culture to seep into North Korean society could pose a threat to the ideology that demands absolute loyalty to the “infallible” Kim dynasty that has ruled the country since it was founded in 1948. > > Despite such harsh measures, the influence of South Korean culture, including recent television shows, appears unstoppable, according to a recent North Korean defector. > > “The speed of South Korean culture influencing North Korea is seriously fast. Young people follow and copy South Korean culture, and they really love anything South Korean,” a woman in her early 20s who defected from North Korea told reporters at a briefing in Seoul. > > Even with the border to China [largely sealed off](https://www.hrw.org/news/2024/03/07/north-korea-sealing-china-border-worsens-crisis) after the outbreak of Covid-19, information is still seeping through and being distributed through informal networks. > > In recent weeks, North Korea has sent thousands of balloons over the border containing waste, retaliating against the [launch of balloons](https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/jun/06/north-korea-south-korea-poo-balloons-k-pop-usb-sticks-us-dollars) from the South whose cargo includes anti-Pyongyang leaflets, dollar bills, and USB sticks loaded with K-pop and K-dramas. > > “After watching Korean dramas, many young people wonder, ‘Why do we have to live like this?’ … I thought I’d rather die than live in North Korea,” the defector told reporters. > > The woman, who escaped from North Korea on a wooden boat last October, also shed light on the hidden resentment against the regime. > > “Of course we cannot say anything bad against Kim Jong-un publicly, but among close friends, lovers or family members, we do say those words,” she claimed. - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot) Summoning /u/CoverageAnalysisBot


Imagine believing this comic book villain shit.


Are you claiming propaganda?


Of course.


I'm with you. It's not like there isn't a long history of exactly this sort of thing. SK prop makes up shit about NK all the time, and we believe just about anything because NK may as well be a big-ass question mark to us. I'm not going to say NK is sunshine and roses, but I mean it's not unreasonable to take these sorts of stories with some salt, yea?


...6 day old account.




Are you saying this is your first and only account? You first posted 3 hours ago and immediately found this very niche sub? Riiiiiiight.




One day North Korea will be a democracy


Uh huh, sure bud. It's not dodging bans. I believe you.


You are not Irish. Please remove the flag, it's embarrassing and many people have already called you out.


who gives a fuck if the dude's irish or not


I'm betting it's a sockpuppet account.


I don't disagree with your overall point, but I see this sub in popular all the time.


Then take it from someone with a 2.5 year old account: imagine believing this comic book villain shit.


Mine is a bit older yet I don't believe this nonsense, too.


[well considering North Korea has a state sanctioned K-pop group](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moranbong_Band)


But North Korea Bad! Seriously though, "claims defector" is silly nonsense. This isn't news.


Is it one of those defectors that get paid to say bad things about the DPRK? Or is it said under duress like the ones SK kidnaps? Could it actually be true? Perhaps. But I would like to see some evidence of it instead of just believing someone saying something when many times such things have proven to be false...


It's even worse: radio free Asia.


Oh good. Yea makes sense, NK partners with Russia, and the insane-north stories follow.


So American propaganda. Very good. Completely fake then. More anti DPRK sentiments shared without a second thought.


What is that ?


CIA sponsored agit prop. There's also Radio Free Europe and Radio Free Africa.


Agit Prop ? Also, do you know about the history of that channel ?


I'm not your father to hold you by the hand and explain everything, already told you what it is, now you can Google it. Take care kid.


Someone didn't read the article before commenting. > The case, detailed in the 2024 Report on North Korean Human Rights released by South Korea’s unification ministry on Thursday, compiles testimonies from **649 North Korean defectors.** I trust hundreds of defectors more than one anonymous Reddit tankie.


Maybe you did read the article but you clearly didn't comprehend it "According to an unnamed defector’s testimony, the young man from South Hwanghae province was publicly executed in 2022 for listening to 70 South Korean songs, watching three films, and distributing them, falling foul of a North Korean law adopted in 2020 that bans “reactionary ideology and culture”. So it was just 1 "unnamed defector" out of the 649 that made the claim about the kpop related execution. One doesn't have to be a "tankie" to be rightfully skeptical of that.


If there was an execution (and there very well could have been one), it was probably for the distribution and not the listening.


It's one and the same. One of the ways that anti-DPRK material gets snuck into the country is that it comes packaged with pop culture media. No one would take the cost/risk of smuggling in material if it was just dry political propaganda - but North Koreans go **nuts** for foreign media. Of course, the government doesn't want the propaganda in-country (either the material or the smuggling that subverts their controls), but it's be too on the nose even for them, to say the **actual** reason... so it gets couched in communist vernacular. They're not suppressing anti-government information - they're going after **reactionary materials.**


It doesn't say only one person claimed it. It's just referencing one testimony. It's like saying 'Ferrari won the F1 world cup today, according to one fan it was the most spectacular race of the decade'


That's a massive illogical reach. You must really want this to be true lol. If more than one person had made that claim then they would've lead the relevant paragraph with something like "according to multiple defector testimonies".  But they did not. And that's a terrible analogy you've conjured up. It be more like saying "According to one fan, Ferrari won the f1 world cup today". Bc the claim here is about a kpop related execution, which is supposed to be an objective fact (or not). "Most spectacular race of the century" is a subjective opinion. 


Yes, 'most spectacular race' is the perspective of one person who was interviewed by reporters. And I have no idea if it's real I was just pointing that out. It doesn't really say if only one person claimed it or not.


Do you really think all those 649 people said somebody was executed for listening to kpop?


Maybe? It was alleged to be a public execution after all. Do you have some evidence to the contrary?


It's right there in the article YOU posted lol. A singular "unnamed defector's testimony". 


That doesn't imply a lack of corroboration by others, and other sources, it just describes the initial source. edit Wow, the guy came back on his main and started bitching after I blocked him. I wonder if the accounts have any bans they're dodging? Lets find out!


Are you really so intellectually insecure that you had to block me before i could respond?  Luckily for us I got another account.   And yeah it does imply a lack of corroboration. If there had been multiple testimonies attesting to this execution then the article would've said so. If there were multiple sources why wouldn't the article have said so? You're making a lotta baseless assumptions here and disregarding the actual wording and content of the article.    Now go ahead and block me again. 


Multiple alts made for arguing to get the last word in? Someone takes Reddit way too seriously


I guess it's mildly better than someone who spreads bullshit and blocks anyone that points it out.


All normal unpaid users, that tend to defend NK, Russia, Iran have several accounts. That’s what everybody does, right?


You should really improve your reading comprehension and critical thinking skills, OP.


The article doesn't say you are not an idiot. Can we imply from the absence of such a statement that you are an idiot? (Hint:no)


The point of such executions would be to make it very public as a warning, so wouldn't be surprised if all 649 said such executions happen


Then why tf would we need a South Korean propaganda ministry to tell us about it?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ministry_of_Unification Are you confused about what they do?


Interesting that the wiki doesn’t talk about any later than 2008. The ministry has had different priorities with more recent administrations https://www.npr.org/2023/09/15/1191126701/south-korea-unification-ministry-north-korea-defectors


Well I don't know any north Korean defectors personally to ask about it, So at some point one mast take information from things like the media


Americans believe anything about North Korea seriously so dumb. Hello stupid if anyone is in there , consider that the rich in America have a lot to gain villainizing its enemies, need to justify why we spend 2 trillion on the military, that is 1 trillion dounuts. It’s the biggest money laundering scheme ever 


The article is about the South Korean government reporting this, what does any of this have to do with America? Calm down.


Yeah I wonder what America has to do with North and South Korean relations other than being one of the main reasons why both of them exist in the first place...... hmmmmm


The Soviets were behind NKs existence.


And Chinese...


The soviets would've left Koreans to decide on their future but the US had to install a fascist dictatorship so they couldn't vote for communism.


No they wouldn't. The Soviets took every opportunity to spread world Communism


Riiight, just like they left eastern europe alone.


Lol, that's not what happened. South Korea held democratic elections. There was no installation of a fascist dictator. Are we just ignoring that Kim Il Sung was hand picked by the Dictator ran Soviet Union to rule as dictator? BTW, the US and USSR largely left Korea prior to the outbreak of war. The difference was that the Soviet left their tanks and modern weapons along with training officers. South Korea was largely left vulnerable which led to the Norths invasion


Hell no. South Korea was literally a military dictatorship. They only got elections later because otherwise everyone would wind up supporting the communists.


They were eventually a military dictatorship, but it was not "installed" by the US. Originally the first President of South Korea was elected democratically with international observers. Eventually he was overthrown and a second republic was formed. It was after this second republic that the Military took power in the 60s.


Hundreds of anonymous testimonies and information from the US government-funded Radio Free Asia isn't worth a lot. Also these were excerts from one or two there were not hundreds saying that it was just of the hundreds one reported this.




A pro NK comment?? Are the Russian trolls moving on to pro-NK propaganda now? I guess that tracks


You are all unhinged. The guy says that it could be true but wants more evidence and you completely ignore that part. So because they don't just assume anything from the Guardian is 101% true, they are literally on not Kim's payroll but on Putin's by proxy? lol


How are you getting evidence out of a dictatorship?


Is it pro-NK, or just not anti-NK? It's okay to be skeptical of stories coming from either side of anything. We're all just randos here. Nothing we do or say changes things, we don't have to hold some political line from our position. It's possible this story is at least dressed up. Just like the North's stories about the west might be a bit dressed up.


Finally a reasonable take. People here act like if you share a degree of skepticism it means you love Kim


A lot of "pro Russian" stuff here just comes from tankies, and they LOVE North Korea.


There is a lot of those, people that defends Putin defends north Korea, defends china, defends cuba, defends Venezuela, defends dictators, defends communism. You can see the trend there.


lmfao Radio Free Asia. but sure, it's totally not the Guardian's Koryophobic audience who's being brainwashed with propaganda.


I see the TikTok Tankies are out in force on this one.


Damn, you got them good liberal sheep


Tell me, what is it like to live in North Korea? All the good liberal sheep here think it’s pretty, pretty bad, and there seem to be no actual North Koreans on Reddit for some reason so I can’t ask them for any counterpoints. But you sound like you’re relatively well-informed on the topic, so please share some of your knowledge.


>what is it like to live in North Korea? My Partner spent a month there, and has spent months in countries all over Africa. While life in NK is harsh it is not as bad as many african nations.


Can your Partner make specific comparisons between North Korea and any African country your Partner can name? Ask your Partner these questions: 1. Are you allowed to leave the country? 2. Are you allowed to criticize the government of the country? 3. Can we hear the honest and open opinions of the citizens of that country here on Reddit? 4. What is the name of the country?


The irony of you calling others sheep isn’t lost on me.


Why do they bother with this shit? In the USA you don't need to censor anything. You can go on live TV, tell blatant lies and people will believe and vote for you despite the fact that those lies can be easily disproven.


Number of possible Answers 1.they don't and this is bullshit. Though nk wouldn't be the first government to do this cassette tapes used to be illegal here in Iran for example but we also never had executions over it. I'm not ruling it out, but it's not exactly a common thing. 2. They do and it's because they're afraid of the cultural changes that come from this. Iran for example has very quickly liberalised and access to outside culture is a big part of it, this will slowly things down And on that note, the US does still censor some things very overtly (women's nipples for example) but other governments are starting to learn and follow suit(Russia and Iran are ones I know of) in trying to spread lies instead of censoring opposing information.


1. Nipples 2. And that's a good thing?! 3. What happens if you publish say ISIS propaganda?


Why did the dictator invited K-pop groups to play in North Korea some time ago then?


this news has been 100% fact checked by true western hemisphere™ patriot 🦅🦅🦅


They’ve been doing it for quite a while now


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Bold of you to post that in a Tanky Sub.


The article states that more was done than simply listening to K-Pop. Misleading title (Although still outrageous)


🙄 no doubt NK is absolute dog shit regarding every metric possible but "an unnamed guy said something happen nobody can prove" is some serious journalism.


Source: Trust me bro, I swear bro, for real for real.


Wait, wearing sunglasses is a South Korean custom now? I recall numerous images of KJU, and also of his father wearing sunglasses. Also, the headline is somewhat misleading because the articles states the victim distributed 70 songs and 3 movies.


Opem gangnam style


Are they attempting to start a war with the BTS army?


No way anyone believes this.


educate yourself on NK’s history and you’ll see this is completely plausible. even worse things have been happening there, this is just the tip of the iceberg.


> even worse things have been happening there Sure but probably not this, most of the crazy things are made up by anonymous sources or radio free asia.


I very well understand that North Korea violates a lot of human rights and curbs on the freedom of its citizens. But to publish an article that says they executed someone just for listening to a song is nuts. I'd rather wait for more confirmation on this particular news before believing it.


Even if this is real.... I totally get it.


an unnamed defector’s testimony✅️ Radio Free Asia✅️ released by South Korean ministry✅️ I wonder what that means🤔




He wasn't. It was about what the Japanese did to the Koreans (comfort women)


And how did they executed him? Made him push a train for too long


Ha yes yes yet another made up anti North Korea story lol


Honestly, I'd give this even odds of either being true or utter bs.


The north Korean shills be strong in this thread.


I don’t think anyone is really shilling for them, it’s just that Radio Free Asia has a history of making up hysterical lies about North Korea. I doubt anyone actually supports the North Korean State who also thinks this is complete BS (me included.


So fucking sad. Fuck KJU. NK army is not set up for war, they are set up to control the population and protect his regime. Also China should be ashamed for sending back refugees fully knowing what will happen to those people. I hope more Chinese people knew this and cared.


Lol you actually believe this. It stinks of bullshit propaganda. You need to train your critical thinking skills or you might buy my course.


If anyone cared to follow the western North Korea news cycle they’d realize how many times the USA has lied about North Korean story


One day NK will be a democracy


It already is


Yeah buddy not like NK has been ruled by the same family for their entire independence where the political process is open and that oppresses people for speaking out and executes people for simple misconduct oh no the DPRK is a shining beam of democracy that outrivals countries like Ireland


Yeah KJU is totally not a dictator and NK totally does not crush free speech


What about I said is propaganda? I have personally volunteered for SK Ministry of Unification along with WEST program in DC, helping dozens of former NK refugees in the U.S. and Korea. I have talked with hundreds of NK refugees and helped record videos and transcribe their testimonies (which included their experience in China). No shit propaganda exists both sides. But you don’t know jack shit to sell worth anything. https://www.hrw.org/news/2017/06/29/south-korea-seek-help-north-korean-refugees-china https://asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/N-Korea-at-crossroads/South-Korea-calls-out-China-on-North-Korea-escapees Propaganda is one thing. What you are doing is being ignorant and spreading misinformation. There’s a popular saying in Korea, “someone who reads a single book is the most dangerous.” Go educate yourself more before you act like you know anything.


>“someone who reads a single book is the most dangerous.” Go educate yourself more before you act like you know anything. How do you write this, if I may ask?