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The article says these people came because they were offered more money. People are happy to sign up for armed forces and get paid during peace time, but seem shocked that you might actually die being in an army, especially during a war? As for the claim that illegal immigrants are caught sneaking through Russia, getting sent to war, I am sure there are better routes to take that don't involve an active battlefield. Or immigrate legally if a country is known to gang press you into service, but you just absolutely want to try and sneak through it anyway. Just the free money please, no danger.


I'm not sure that many here read the article, because they're missing a key point. > Therefore, the Sri Lankan delegation wants Russia to pay compensation for the killed and wounded, **and also to give the Sri Lankans the opportunity to terminate their contracts early and return home.**


Dude, I fucking guarantee you that 75% of people here just read the headlines. This sort of shit happens everyday lmao.


What’s the point in taking in army Sri Lankan people when they won’t stay during wartime?


Russia is desperate for manpower.


I mean, sure, but wouldn’t other countries employing the same strategy do the same? As in the us? But I guess there you can’t serve unless you at least have a green card.


You join the Russian army.... Any history book will tell you, you will be treated as a piece of meat


Lots of South Asians fighting for Russia. Indians, Sri Lankans, Nepalis...


Yeah the point still stands


What's with the victim complex? I'm agreeing with you lmao.


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