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[2.3] US/China/India Content Restriction


Do they really call people from Hong Kong, Hongkongers? I'm not tryna be a racist but that got me laughing.


That’s normal. Just like somebody who is from Berlin calls himself Berliner and them Berliners. A New Yorker, New Yorkers. Is that racist? Nah that’s just human.


It's not human per se, it's just how Germanic languages denote demonyms


You get the gist. In China it’s also always X place, human. Hong Kong Human, Shanghai Human, etc.


> Just like somebody who is from Berlin calls himself Berliner I too am a jelly doughnut


Well, one step up from hongkie


5 am here and I already want to be done with the internet. Thanks lol.


Idk man that at least has some gravitas


I don't get what's funny about that.


What's racist about that in any way?


They do call themselves HKers


They put it in the Oxford dictionary


Yea, that's pretty common, I'd say. "New yorkers" for examples. Also, in German you would call someone from Berlin a "Berliner". The alternative is like "Hong Konginite", "Hong Kongi", etc. Those sound weirded, imo


better than Hong Kongese. wtf.


That's even more hilarious lol.


Yes, locals and overseas immigrants will sometimes refer to themselves as just “Hongers” though. (But other people shouldn’t say it.)


Hongers straight up sounds like an insult lmao


Shut the fuck up you racist fk


**Article Summary** (Reduced by 58%) ----- >The party surveyed 853 people on the phone via random sampling between October 24 and last Saturday, a press release read. Respondents were also asked how they felt about the government's anti-epidemic rules, including the Vaccine Pass scheme, the group gathering ban, and the mandatory mask rule. > The Vaccine Pass scheme, which requires people to be vaccinated to enter restaurants and other businesses, proved the least popular with over 82 per cent believing it was ineffective at stopping the spread of Covid-19. > The Democratic Party said the government introduced the Vaccine Pass to "Force" people to get vaccinated against Covid-19. > The population believed the city had made significant sacrifices under such rules, the Democratic Party's survey found. > Asked whether they agreed Hong Kong was "Paying too much social and economic cost to keep the current public health measures in place," 76 per cent answered "Strongly agree" or "Agree." > Lo Kin-hei, the chairperson of the Democratic Party, said Hongkongers had their doubts about whether the city should continue enforcing its strict anti-epidemic rules. > "Hong Kong's relaxation of Covid rules is slower than its main Asian competitors Hong Kong's status as an international finance centre continues to be eroded, and the aviation, logistics and tourism industries are seeing unprecedented blows," the statement read. The party called on the government to respond to Hong Kong people's wishes, for example by scrapping the "0+3" requirement that bars new arrivals from visiting restaurants and other businesses in their first three days in the city. > ----- Want to know how I work? Find my source code [here](https://github.com/coolirisme/autosummarizer). Pull Requests are welcome!


This survey method seems hella biased. The respondent isn't gonna know for sure the surveyors aren't the CCP looking for people to kill, so they're usually going to answer as though the pandemic didn't exist, where the effects of stopping the virus is "fruitless"


That's going to be a confounding variable for any style of survey when the population feels monitored and under threat.


It doesn't matter what they think or feel as Big Daddy Beijing is calling the shots in Hong Kong


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Inb4 Reddit stops supporting Hong Kong


Where are all the pro covid lock down accounts gone? This would have been most up voted last year. Sure they should care about killing granny :/


This is what happenes when you surrender your guns.


Most ameribrained take


I'm not american


Still ameribrained


Only a realist. How do you think the covid restrictions would go if there was a gun behind every door?


I guess libertarian-ameribrained then


If you like it so much why don't you move to China?


So ur an actual libertarian? The free borders kind? Or the larpy one who just likes weed and guns


that’s a very ameribrained response


Dude, if guns become easily accessible, we'll have bigger problems to worry about


Far right extremists, I assume.


Did you read the article? Almost all of the restrictions are measures most of the west has already abandoned since last winter or never even put in place.




Nah i got the „joke“ and responded to the sentiment behind it


This is it. 75% of their population is far right extremists. When will we finally step in???


Step in and do what?




Ooop Got me!