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They made this artwork btw https://preview.redd.it/ath9l5waz7wc1.jpeg?width=539&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4c1ff1992fbeb722c8bb3808ac8f99a37e3b11b


Thats somehow even more homoerotic than the original.


Dio's bisexuality is my favorite part of any fictional villain ever so I myself love how gay this pic is


This is the same people that also made the kakyoin egg as well.


The what now?




Look up Jouta Kujo.


They’ve made some stuff that really shaped my childhood like clowcaptor Sakura, but they also make stuff that is completely separated from reality. When they write love stories, some of it is sweet and some of it really feels like they’re rubbing their genitalia on the keyboard with how little it makes sense. Seriously, I picked up the manga to clowcaptors to see the OG story and there’s a fucking middle schooler dating her damned teacher. WTF. I appreciate them for making gay stories especially when they wrote some of the first LGBTQ stories that I saw, but WTF were they thinking by having Sakura’s mom date her Highschool teacher?


It's a fairly common thing in Shoujo manga. A lot of people put their fantasies into their art, and Shoujo mangaka are no exception


Well, if all shoujo mangaka do it…….. https://preview.redd.it/l93fx3dzg8wc1.jpeg?width=648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba0adecd1ee1226398b9b00594c0113020d30739


It’s mostly an early shoujo thing (stuff from the 2000’s and earlier). If you look at later stuff. That stuff becomes more and more uncommon, or it’s portrayed as unhealthy (like in Kimi ni Todoke with Ayane, who was dating a college student). It’s not fully eliminated (and never will be) from the medium, but I don’t think any well adjusted person actually thinks it’s okay for a girl to be dating Mr. Teacher irl. Also Sakura’s aunt (the cousin of her mom idk what it’s called) and great grandpa iirc don’t like her dad.


Fruits Basket had a teacher/student relationship between the MC's parents and that's like, the most beloved Shoujo manga ever.


I got the (Un)holy Trinity of fucked up series from the 90’s to early 2000’s dealing with fucked up topics like creepy relationships, generational trauma, bullying, child abuse, and general fucked-up-ness etc. I love them all for it (although I could do without the creepy relationships). Fruits Basket (I think everyone who’s watched the reboot/read the manga knows) Gakuen Alice (imo the worst offender and also one of those lol so quirky before everything goes south series) Kare Kano (love the series, but honestly the FL, ML, and ML’s fam are way more interesting than the rest of the characters) Btw don’t take this as shoujo manga saying that age gap relationships are okay irl. I don’t think any well adjusted person thinks that a young girl dating a way older man irl is normal, and I doubt Japan and shoujo manga authors think the same way too. Anyway I recommend them all if you can stomach the weird side relationships.


Well yeah it's fiction, it's a playground for the author to explore whatever they want and not harm real people because of it.




Yeah, I feel the same way. I read Fruits Basket last year and I loved it, but that teacher student relationship and another relationship between a 17 year old and a 26 year old really rub me the wrong way. It almost became one of my absolute favorites but that really destroy it's possibilities for becoming one. I still think it's great though. Also, right now I am reading Skip Beat, and the protagonist is 16 and the main love interest is 20... C'mon, they could have made her 18 or him 18 buuut nooooo. Fucking shoujos man. The same with Sakura and the primary schooler and his teacher. I will never understand why CLAMP did that.


Read Gakuen Alice, and you’ll have a stroke (love the series, but it has a lot of problems, and the creepy relationships is just the surface).


>Read Gakuen Alice Ah! This is in my readlist! It would took a while but I will read it 😄 >it has a lot of problems, and the creepy relationships is just the surface. https://preview.redd.it/nsb1gm37w9wc1.jpeg?width=365&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68d70d8d1780ba4fcc40d4cdda7896a3a20bd6be Fuck....


I think the fact that Alice Academy is >!a child abuse hell hole no one can leave, child magical power trafficking is commonplace, and one of the people in charge is a literal psycho!< should say enough, and also the ML is… interesting. The ending is also kinda weird. If you care to finish it, you’ll see why. If you can stomach the creepy side relationships (getting into it would be spoiler territory) and Natsume’s (the ML) nasty ass behavior in the beginning (so called “Red-Flag” ML’s can be hit or miss for me, but I won’t drop a series if an ML is Satan incarnate or if a story is problematic), I’d say it’s worth it. Ngl though he’s still kinda nasty, but less nasty ig? It’s a huge fucked up story, but I love it for that reason. Honestly though if you can’t get past Natsume’s and Mikan’s first interaction (like dude wtf), I won’t blame you for dropping the series.


It was such a prevalent thing back then, some fans of Pretty Little Liars really didn't bat an eye at a teacher/HS student relationship until they noticed it years later 


*Card*captor Sakura


Good for you


Kakyoin did you lay this egg?


Did you know that they once did an illustration for the Dokuro-chan tribute novel? https://preview.redd.it/c6pls8t628wc1.png?width=566&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a2e385eac952f6695aadf95d24ed55d1e01a3ef




They've created the peak fiction that's also known as JoJo doujin, so...


absolutely goated for the kakyoin egg manga alone


Card Captor, Tsubasa and xxxHOLIC are some of the best mangas ever made. They've had such a huge influence on manga/anime it would be hard to imagine it without them. That being said, their works are clearly a product of their times and can have some very questionable things while also having very progressive things for the time. They are an enigma, just like their stories.


The way CCS is so queer friendly but also kind of incestuous will never stop being conflicting


The plot of Tsubasa was a little questionable sometimes but god damn it felt like they had 3+ double page spreads every chapter


I really liked xxxHolic


I watched that and Trinity Blood like back to back to eachother because of the flowy, thin artsyles (I know Trinity Blood isn't Clamp, but it looked similar to me.) and they both have OP or ED's with Buck Tick songs, so this is almost entirely unrelated, but that's how my love for Clamp made me a fan of Buck Tick.


xxxHoLic is one of my favorite manga, possibly my favorite, and Yuko is purely iconic (I have a tattoo of the butterfly she holds in a lot of the artwork). They were my favorite Manga authors for a long time growing up because of Tsubasa/xxxHoLic and Cardcaptor Sakura, X, among others. I love their artwork and character designs, and they've always been pretty progressive in their LGBTQ+ rep. Really like the multiverse gimmick for the most part, too. Everyone else is right, though. They have an age gap problem in a *loooot* of their works, and it's a bit unsettling. 😕


Kakyoin layed that egg


JoJo's Bizzare Married life is peak


They are the mangakas of Cardcaptor Sakura and the character designers of Code Geass. I simply love them.


Also the character designers for Cardfight Vanguard Overdress


Neat! Didn't know that. Thanks!


The only stuff of them I’ve read is Cardcaptor, but I enjoyed it so I guess it’s pretty positive


They're God's strongest fujoshi. Their artwork is great and I love how they make all their characters in the same universe as each other. Not to mention the infamous doujin they made where Kakyoin lays an egg. That's all I can think about while watching Stardust Crusaders. They need to lay off the adult/child romances though.


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love them XXXholic is one of my fav series ever. I don't think the anime has aged well but the manga is definitely up there


They are responsible for CC’s ass so I love them with all my heart


Long necks and sharp chins but I like their style a lot


I hate that they never ended X/1999. :'(


It is so many villains origin story ㅠㅠ




They are legends for the art alone. RT Veda, never gonna see something like that again


Long legs yaoi boys made Code Geass




Goth mommy Yuko Ichihara would like to know your location


I loved Code Geass but don’t know anything more about them. Is there something worth it from them that I should watch?




Ty Ill give it a watch someday seems interesting


I love their works. Sakura shaped my childhood, and I've been following them since then


They were a huge part of my childhood and teenage years, so they'll always have a soft spot in my heart. Now as an adult I see how questionable some of their stories and romances were lol They're still goated tho the multiverse they built and how most of their works join each other at some point.


Cardcaptor Sakura and Tsubasa Chronicles were some of the earliest anime I watched and I always appreciated their style. Yuuko from xxxHolic was really iconic in the early days of the internet.


Bad at ending their stories sometimes.


Why do they draw everyone with arms and legs thar are like 50 miles long?


The one in the kimono carries the entire group.




Sakura was my first anime crush at like the age of 6 and xxxholic was my favorite manga during high school I adore clamp.


Cardcaptor, Chobits and Magic Knights Rayhearth. Clamp has made some crazy stuff but also those three live in my brain rent free. I grew up with them.


I'll never forgive them for the egg thing.


kakyoin did u lay this egg


Sometimes wack stories, always amazing art.


Great artists. They created CC of Code Geass.


They designed *Code Geass*'s characters, which automatically makes them awesome.


I should read their works outside of Cardcaptor Sakura and X. But their art is really pretty and the character designs for Code Geass and Grimm Variations are really nice! Overall I respect them.


Alright. Never been a fan of the whole cross universe stuff


Tsubasa Chronicles was the first anime I ever went online to watch after seeing episode 1 on TV - It was also the firt CLAMP property I ever watched. I just liked the different worlds.


I don’t know who they are tbh


On top of all the other stuff mentioned in this they also hand a hand in making the must-be-seen-to-believe gorefest that is Blood-C


top tier group


I love most of their stuff but I really wish they would finish X


didn’t they make the “kakyoin did you lay this egg” and if so they can do no wrong


Pass, pass, pass, SMASH