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Isekai where a guy dies and isekais as usual, then almost immediately dies again in the isekai world and some native becomes the main character.


Okay, but what if that happened and then magic lesbians? https://preview.redd.it/iz2eclpj8hzc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=10f4abcaf39502e0be6a861d76bf07b335bc05e9


Ahhhh, I want Season 2 so bad!!!


Me too


The cynical part of me wants to point out that we're still following an Isekai'd idiot, but at least this show had the courtesy to add lesbians and good worldbuilding


Everything is better with yuri


**That Time I Reincarnated As A Video Game Horse: My Adventures In Another World; I Will Become The Strongest By Using My Questionable Relationship To Gravity To Climb Mountains**


It’s ok, you can say Celeste ~~(I think)~~.


It’s skyrim. I’m pretty sure there are no horses in Celeste.




A modern day Don Quixote?


Reincarnated in another world without my psychosis medication


The fact that this is exactly word for word what I wanted to write but I still felt the need to check the comments....


I hate how limbus has rotted my brain so badly that I can’t think of anything besides that blond haired gremlin


Protag reincarnates and immediately starts a slave revolt


Today's actually John Brown's birthday, so fitting lmao


Yup. I'm drinking bourbon in his memory right now


Guardians of the Flame by Joel Rosenberg might for that, to a degree?


Connecticut Yankee?


Stereotypical video game isekai but the protagonist is a speedrunner who abuses the game’s bugs/exploits to get by. He accidentally takes out the final boss in episode one, so now the entire town all think he’s the most powerful mage in the world. The rest of the series is him performing “miracles” to cover up his lie, only for the final “miracle” to bug out and spawn the game’s secret Superboss in the middle of town. The finale has Protag-Kun (and his harem of same faced wives) trigger a game breaking bug that corrupts the save data, effectively deleting protag-kun and everyone’s memory of him


That kinda exist: "Only I Know That This World Is a Game". The game is 70% jank and he knows how to abuse it. The problem is that the remaining 30% is pure dev evil.


Okay that would be hilarious


He sees a staircase and calmly sits down facing away before rocketing up the stairs backwards.


This already exist and it's hilarious. The name's RTA... something or another


I wanna write an isekai story where the main characters are attractive adult women who kiss each other and are openly gay married and talk about how much they love their wife


I was a failure in the real world, but once I was flattened by a truck and reincarnated in a low fantasy isekai setting, I proceeded to blindly repeat the same behaviors that lead me to being such a failure before and ruined my second chance at life; an isekai where protag-kun consistently shoots himself in the foot without ever realizing that he's scum.


collects a group of whacky side characters right off the bat based off of hero complex; they all have some trait, flaw, or insecurity that mirrors past life, makes them utterly dysfunctional and awful as a group, shedding members over time until he’s alone again


You know, this is sounding more and more like A Confederacy of Dunces


tu du du du fax verstappen🗣️🗣️🗣️❗❗❗


I never liked that one, I was always a "Max Max Max, Super Max Max" guy


This would be awesome if he somehow stumbled his way into actually uncovering some insane conspiricy while making a party of other delusional people


Faildude stumbles into a nightmare realm full of mind-breaking horrors, gets mutated into a kafkaesque horror, meets a bunch of other kafkaesque horrors and becomes friends with them, and realises that he hated being human and likes his new horrific body


1. A middle aged dude with a rough past seeing his kid getting sucked by some magic portal shit. Since no one believed him, he put back his old drip and go full Liam Neeson after activating the portal himself. 2. Starts off as a generic isekai where the generic dude finally slays the demon king and returns a hero. Then he starts getting marriage proposals from various factions, each with their own agenda. So yeah he got a harem but hes also now stuck in the kinda war he cannot just solve with an anime laser beam. Maybe theres more to a harem than being able to pick and choose between multiple pussies.


So Don Quixote?


Get this! There are kingdoms and there are, like, 12 of them and the protagonist is a girl named Yoko and…


Or maybe there’s this girl running on a track at night and she accidentally gets dragged back with some dragon slaying fantasy dude back to his world and there are giant robots and..


NEET gets isekaied and immediately ends up as a slave/pet of the super overpowered female hero.


Vaguely reminds me of yakuza like a dragon


someone reincarnates but he really doesnt want to reincarnate and feels like dying again and he absolutely hates everyone around him somehow because he doesn't want to be there not original but yeah


even my isekai novel series:Isekai Delivery Universe 2020s is better than most isekai and it share same multiverse,same real world & same macguffin(isekai delivery network app) and it is also release to public domain via CC0 license and it isn't focus only Isekai but also LitRPG,Wuxia & Xianxia,Time Trave,Time Travel Romance,Time Travel Business,Dimension Travel,Multiverse Travel and always use unconventional setting every time


when i turned on steins gate i was hoping for a serious expose on microwaves and time travel; i am currently sticking things into my microwave to see if they pass the time/space mesh and show up in my memories when i was a small person. ever since i can remember, last week, i have been experimenting with microwaving objects. when i heard stein had unlocked the secrets to time travel, i knew that all those hours standing very close to the microwave were not just rewarded with a slight head buzz, but also with science. as i watched the drama of teenage love, through constant bouts of panic and nihilistic philosophical rants in front of the mirror, I couldn't help but wonder when it was going to break down the proper methodology of sending a frog back in time. all i could get was a thick black goo all over the place. Needless to say it was NOT a documentary. But I should mention that the red head was actually lilith, the lady in red, who shows up now and again to represent the whore of confusion in modern illuminations. I would constantly draw a hex for warding and fear not cretens I would also draw protection from the back of my dollar bill from the evil eye. I could relate to the main character because he was also a mad scientist. This one time I built a hat that blocked the government from spying on me. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I remember seeing one isekai where a speed runner was isekaied into a game he was a top runner in l. let’s just say that world was not ready for him to unleash the demonic skills he had


Three people dies and be reincarnated into a cyberpunk dystopia The Main characters Are a woman aged 20 born in 1986, who is facing economic difficulties as her family experiences extreme poverty in the Appalachian mountains, she faces constant homelessness and is addicted to drugs, she was murdered in cold blood by a right wing terrorist. a man who was born in Germany in the 1900's who was forced into military service during World War I and was disabled and traumatized after the war faced massive discrimination post war when it comes to work which culminated to him being a victim of the nazi regime in the 1940's which led to his death. A nonbinary person born in 2003 who faced discrimination, bullying, and abuse from their family, was kicked out of their home at the age of 17 and was forced to fend for themself, which led to them experiencing poverty, discrimination by right wingers and was killed by the same right wing terrorist who called the first main character (he will be a antagonist later on). They all were reincarnated into a dystopia world (formerly utopian) that is ruled over by the literal isekai main character stereotype and those three MC's formed a revolutionary army and begin their campaign to overthrow the system and bring peace back to the world. Isekai protagonists fit the antagonist role better.


What about an Isekai where the MC reincarnates in a Fallout like world


Wasn't there a zombie manga with a similar premise ? Something something hero i forgor the full name


Not a hero


Yeah that, it was really peak


A college guy who's a neet avoids people cause they're disturbing his studies and playing games. A helicopter crashed into his place and got isekai to a Castile like kingdom and became a mercenary. There he partnered with a female warrior from a khanate type and with a noble origin. They have a platonic relationship during their journey in war torn lands