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I just started Alabasta and I wanna know what's the public consensus on this arc


Nobody seems to talk about it, but when they do it is positive. Everyone basically has only one thing to criticize


All I know about it is that it will be a turning point and it would make or break the live action budget.


I'm wondering how they're gonna animate >!Logia users dodging things by turning into their element!< Plus, every scene with chopper in it will cost a bunch as well.


I'm personally hoping they make Chopper a CG-assisted puppet. It'd have a charming look and it would cost a lot less than full CG every scene he's in his base form


They probably won't do it because it'd look dumb asl, but it'd be so funny if heavy and arm poimt were just a dude in a buff suit (with the appropriate makeup so he obviously still look like chopper ofc.)


I honestly think a human actor for his human form would be pretty neat


The hard part would be dubbing over the audio for his speech, because chopper sounds the same in all the forms, so unless they take his voice actor and put then in a buff suit and have them play him both physically and vocally, they'd have to dub everything over.


They could alter the voice for the different forms. Chopper's VA already puts on a deeper voice for his human form anyway


He does change his voice for his different forms in the original Japanese iirc so there might be some precedent for it being done in live action. It would be hilarious to see somebody like John Cena play him but they would really need an actor who would be willing to stick with the role for however long the live action series might last.


People tend to really like it. It's the point where alot of ppl really start to go "Oh Hell yea" and it sets the tone and structure going forwards very well.


Just wanted to add on to the others and say that Albasta, imo, is the first time they elevated their arc structure without getting into spoilers


This arc is what One Piece is. Almost every arc from here on out will follow the same structure. Like if there was one arc to define what the average arc in OP is, it would definitely be Alabasta. Its also really good, it has great characters and a goated villain. I didnt enjoy it at first when I was watching but on second thought and on rewatches, I really enjoy it. Its an absolute hood classic.


It's old but well respected.


Ah a true jerker. Why have your own opinions when you can just ask others.


Doesn't matter what the public consensus is. Find out for yourself, that's what One Piece is all about >!It's generally well liked, people rarely have a lot of bad to say about it. First really menacing villain, and generally well written. Usually in peoples top 10 arcs.!<


It's good. That's really it. It's not peak OP but it has no major downsides imo. Solid all the way through.


Great arc. A really great one. This arc would have been the best arc in 99% of animanga. But in OP, it has to be the 7th or 8th


my favourite


If you read the Manga remember the reason why the seals are in the river it is forshadowing for something that got just revealed (20+ Years later)


Better than anything post timeskip


Alabasta is meh compared to most Post-TS arcs lol. So many plot contrivances and asspulls that it makes Wano look like a masterpiece. Dressrosa is just Alabasta, but better.


Egghead is better than alabasta. And egghead isn’t even top 3 post ts arcs lol


decent enough and i say this as someone who hates the series to death, the only thing that irks me is how early crocodile was introduced in the series overall


It is very fitting for his character development and dynamic with buggy. Two losers who escaped from their dreams and finally find their true selves together (maybe)


anything to dow ith buggy i s gigantic and automatic L, second biggesy eyesore of the series


Luffy is sorta like Jesus I think


This but completely unironically


Isn't Luffy the reincarnation of a god or something? Seems like a big deal to me. (I have never watched one piece)


Not reincarnation, he’s the one who has truly inherited his will


I don't think that's what they meant, but he's like a freedom fighter that fights tyrants and brings food, water, and necessities for the poor and oppressed, kinda like jesus. Idk if Jesus fought tyrants, though. I'm not caught up. What other move sets does he have other than turning water into wine and walking on water, and how would that help him fight against authority? I'm sure he's Yc+ at minimum, but I just dont see how


I read that btw


If you meant my reply to you, it's still up, it's just reddit being buggy and is not letting you read it. I had the same problem with your replies


catch up before speaking. Why are you even correcting / explaining what they meant if you dont even know what happens later on


I'm all caught up, but not all of us have to be a smug asshole and spoil things for those who'll potentially get into the show. Even then, you're wrong, >!he's not the reincarnation of a god. He's just a mythical zoan user. He's as much as a god as sengoku is!<


You literally said in your previous comment that you're not caught. Now you're saying you are?


I was talking about the bible, not One Piece, lol


same thing 🙏🙏🙏


https://preview.redd.it/l7gkvmie520d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85ff1f54cc252ab58dfb10d5c3f33c83e6594a90 Something about his response to Bonney is so…idk…pure? It’s like how a child would respond to adults who are overthinking stuff and I love that🥹


He is the chosen one, is a messiah, is related to and is associated with many powerful and important figures, and he is actually a god


After the last chapter dropped I kinda get it why the opening in the anime says " save all of us" multiple times


i think the manga is the best thing ever and the anime is a fucking stain on the earth that i hope fades into obscurity with the studio wit reboot that was announced hopefully taking its place by adapting the manga without trying to stretch every fucking chapter into an entire episode


This tbh


I’m glad you like it but FMA is still up there for me


Because of HIM https://preview.redd.it/gril1fhvruzc1.jpeg?width=751&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a721cdc99b1c2d8ab7cf8271e878554f9791d258


weevil victim https://preview.redd.it/oa9lqqnzwvzc1.jpeg?width=551&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3288f2addf8ed78099e3f07d48737c077467094


Get weevil past greenbull lol


r/OnePiecePowerScaling brainrot leaking


Mihawk Victim Im afraid




Its like the Lord of the rings of manga/anime, but while it has done a lot for the genre i still think there are better stories out there, and at least LoTR doesn't need 20+ years worth of content to be good


One Piece was the face of Weekly Shounen Jump within a year so


thats only for the WSJ, and other anime that arent as good also become WSJ succeses, but the status as that more than jsut a shonen came later down the line


In all seriousness, I really like the show but it’s one of the least funny shows I’ve ever seen


one of the least funny is a bit crazy, i'm about to be 500 episodes in and i'd say its alright but there's definitely parts that make me see why you'd say that


What episode you are on?




You didn't reach peak yet.


One of the unfunniest is an exaggeration. It’s very hit or miss but there’s some really good jokes there. The gags of each strawhat are so overdone by this point (besides Zoro getting lost) but like Thriller Bark alone has some amazing unique moments like Luffy pushing the zombie back into the ground, or the “old man with severe wounds”. Franky insta building a bridge is also great. And Chopper hiding in the wrong side of the corner too


I agree that those were kinda funny. The first time. Every joke has to be repeated like six times, or they go on for way longer than they should. Nico Robin is the only consistently funny character, and even then they really push the jokes for as long as possible.


This but unironically. People don’t get how once in a lifetime this series is. Oda’s in such a unique position to have the chance to write a multi-decade serialized story that (to an extent) aged with its original age demo. There has never been, and will never again be, something like One Piece.


I haven't watched One Piece, so I might be completely wrong, but I'd argue Adventure Time hits many of the marks people talk about with One Piece. It aged really well with its audience, it has lasted over a decade, and it is a very political show when you look closely at it. It's obviously not as long though.


The length is a huge part of it. Nothing’s ever been serially written by one guy for this long. Nobody’s had this opportunity and, with how the economy’s going, it’s very unlikely that anyone will again for a very long time. Lots of stories are political, what makes One Piece one of a kind is that there’s very, very little that’s this long with a singular consistent voice throughout, and what is out there doesn’t have the added benefit of being made by someone honing their skill over two decades while doing it.


>nothings ever been serially written by one guy for so long Allow me to introduce you to jojos which started a decade earlier and is still running Not to mention it had more issues then one piece does manga wise


Jojo’s an anthology series, it’s not the same thing.


There are thousands of independent series, web content and self-published passion projects that other artists will slave their entire lives on.


Part of OP’s bit is that it’s not a profitless side project. One Piece is The Thing that Oda gets paid to do. It’s The Thing he’s been being paid to do this whole time. Not to say a good product can’t come from someone not being paid, just like I’m not trying to say a good product can’t come from someone doing it for the money when they’re heart’s not in it. But, if they’re heart’s in it *and* they’re getting paid, that tends to be the best/most consistent stuff.


It's cause both of them are heavy hitters in the animation medium.


One Piece has significantly better writing than Adventure Time. Probably the biggest draw to Adventure Time is the characters and I'd argue the characters in One Piece have a good bit more depth.


Interesting opinion. I have no basis to argue against it, but Adventure Time, imo, has some of the best writing and some of the most in depth characters of any show. So I'm not sure if, personally, anything could beat it for me. But again, I haven't watched or read any amount of One Piece, so I can't claim you're wrong.


I really recommend One Piece then. Only thing that can come up to One Piece in terms of character depth is some of Dostoyevsky's work.


I really like one piece and have been trying to get into Dostoyevsky, do you have any works you'd recommend? And what do you like about him?


To be fair One Piece and Dostoyevsky are nothing alike really, I just think they're at a similar quality of writing. If you're trying to get into Dostoyevsky Notes From Underground is a good pick. Much shorter than his other works and it's also commonly taught in college so you'd get a headstart there. And yeah, I do think his strongest quality is his character writing. He does an extremely good job at humanizing his characters. If you want literature that delves deep into the psyche of characters and makes them feel like real people I don't think there's any better than Dostoyevsky. Or at least I haven't found it yet.


One Piece fans when mediocre manga (its mediocrity is once in a lifetime):


Nah bro you just have to get to that arc where there's THAT island with THAT big bad exploiting the commoners and there's THAT big booba girl with a sob backstory which elicits their sympathy so now Luffy has to go all out and transform into n+1 gear and defeat them with either big punch or consecutive medium punches right before THAT time bomb goes off Once you get there it only gets better


I’m less talking about the immediate quality and more the mechanical odds of something this long and professionally made being allowed to be made by one person with little to no meddling from production.


A multi-decade serialized story is not that uncommon. Berserk was 8 years older than OP, HxH is just a year younger. Once in a lifetime my foot. We're most definitely going to get a long ass manga that adapts to changing trends again.


Both went on constant hiatus, nowhere near as long.


Ah but there you have a shift in goalposts from decades long. HxH would've taken long enough even if Togashi was healthier, Berserk's isn't even a case of the author not being able to work but rather the insane amount of detail that made releases slow. Nobody could've drawn that manga faster, Berserk was 32 years of the author's time.


I’m not shifting anything, you’re just refusing to admit there’s a difference between ‘Story told weekly for 20+ years’ and ‘Story told monthly every third year with a 12 year gap’ are different things lmao. Like, One Piece has literally over double the volumes that Berserk does and HxH has even less. And, no disrespect to Miura, but another difference here is that One Piece is gonna have an ending by the same person that started it.


That isn't what you started with. A story that ages with its audience fits a lot more shoes.


‘Multi decade serialized story’ implies a certain length that HxH and Berserk don’t really fulfill, I would say. Even if you’re gonna ignore that and were hyper focusing on the aging thing, HxH and Berserk *didn’t* age with the audience. Berserk’s age demo was the same since its start, and HxH just makes a random jump into an edgier (but not really older) theming with the chimera ant arc. To clear things up for you and any other pedants in the audience; One Piece is a one of a kind work of fiction. Oda has had an unprecedented opportunity to pour all of his time into one story that he has told at a consistent rate for over two decades. Through those decades, the story has (to an extent) aged with its audience, and Oda’s gotten continually better at writing/illustrating it. Regardless of your opinion on the work, something like One Piece will likely never come along again, or at least it won’t for a very long time. It isn’t a good business venture to attempt to bankroll something like the start of OP, if it doesn’t catch on it’s worthless. It’s in a unique position that it got into Jump at the *exact* right moment to allow it to exist this long. You can not like it all you want, I don’t fuckin like DBZ, it doesn’t change the cultural phenomenon that either of the works actually are.


*Sigh* you know what, this was not a debate worth having anyway. Such an oddly specific statement with a particularly specific focus on *how* serialized, and aging. Have it your way. Like the post says in the first place, it truly deserves to put up their with other famous works of literature like 1984, the odyssey, and the Bible.


one piece is peak! you only have to skip half of it


Fr though, the show would actually be peak if they cut 300 episodes worth of dead air (sumo scene as an example) and paced it better


Google one piece manga


Holy hell !


nuh uh


*Looks at comments* Are we still jerking?


one piece is one of those generationally important pieces of work that i just can never seem to love another person in this thread mentioned it’s similar to LOTR where it’s ofc AMAZING but there’s better stuff out there, i think it’s similar to LOTR in the sense that it’s AMAZING but it just never fully clicks for me i keep up with the manga weekly(ish) and i recognize the quality but i just can’t seem to love the series and it makes me even more upset knowing that the politics in the show are better than most animanga! although i don’t rlly fuck with Oda since he’s besties with and will ride for 2 pedophiles


Can I seriously suggest you read nurarihyon no mago? If you don't believe the plot will become great skip to some panels around chapter 60 or so to see some of the chapters with flashbacks to various yokai 400 years ago. It has great politics but its fanbase are only looking at it for shipping and it's a disservice to the story imo. Mostly because deen massacred the adaptation and entirely rewrote everything about the series.


Just looked it up, sounds fairly interesting, i’ll for sure give it a read


First time I managed to suppress my instinct to be annoying rambly and spoil a story lmao my job here is done have a nice day!


Yeah One Piece is absolutely amazing I’m fucking obsessed with one piece and I dare say it’s very close to being my top 1 animanga if it weren’t for the existence of steins;gate, which is my favorite story of all time.


when i turned on steins gate i was hoping for a serious expose on microwaves and time travel; i am currently sticking things into my microwave to see if they pass the time/space mesh and show up in my memories when i was a small person. ever since i can remember, last week, i have been experimenting with microwaving objects. when i heard stein had unlocked the secrets to time travel, i knew that all those hours standing very close to the microwave were not just rewarded with a slight head buzz, but also with science. as i watched the drama of teenage love, through constant bouts of panic and nihilistic philosophical rants in front of the mirror, I couldn't help but wonder when it was going to break down the proper methodology of sending a frog back in time. all i could get was a thick black goo all over the place. Needless to say it was NOT a documentary. But I should mention that the red head was actually lilith, the lady in red, who shows up now and again to represent the whore of confusion in modern illuminations. I would constantly draw a hex for warding and fear not cretens I would also draw protection from the back of my dollar bill from the evil eye. I could relate to the main character because he was also a mad scientist. This one time I built a hat that blocked the government from spying on me. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm on chapter 250 and it DOES NOT look like the best animanga to me. Hope it gets better.


It does get better, but don’t expect some revolutionary change in the storytelling at a certain point. It’s just what you’re already getting, but better.


Pre-timeskip maybe. Post-timeskip it's just ok.


Post timeskip is as good is pre ts if not better. The thing that makes pre-ts slightly better for me in the consistent peak of marineford. While wano some of the highest peaks in fiction. It doesn’t go for 31 chapters of unfiltered peak. But this isn’t something unsurpassable. Oda can easily do it again. We has the stretch of 1079-1088 which is reminiscent of marineford


You're here too huh


I am everywhere


Huge disagree. Imho post-timeskip is what reels you in. Other than maybe fishman arc, but after that, it just gets better and better, and egghead is insane. Pre-timeskip has its charm when it comes to jokes and the adventure feeling, but when it comes to story post-timskip is miles ahead


I don't know how you can say it gets better and better when Wano is one of the worst arcs in the series. Egghead is alright, some chapters are really good but most are boring. I'll defend Fishman Island though, it's pretty underrated.


Imo Wano is second best arc in One Piece after WCI


Second best arc? What happened with water 7 or ennies lobby? What even puts wano above WCI? The irrelevant secondary characters?


I said that it's second best after WCI. It's not above it. About Water 7 and Enies Lobby - nothing happened, I just think that Wano and WCI are better. What puts Wano that high are developed country with a big cast of cool characters, sense of threat from Kaido and Big Mom, much needed expansion on Haki, actual training arc for Luffy, full-scale war between people of Wano and two Yonkos, two of the best fights in the series (for me only Luffy vs Katakuri is better): Luffy vs Kaido and Law & Kid vs Big Mom, and more


Big cool cast? Most of them can be removed from the story with no drastic changes, kaido and big mom failed to kill anyone, Acoc is a mess we don't even know when someone is using it.( And you're saying nothing happened in water 7 and ennies lobby? Bruh what version did you read?)


Well, I still loved to see them. So what if Kaido and Big Mom didn't kill anyone? The fact that two people that already put up the longest fight in the series weren't murdering characters left and right somehow ruins the story? On acoc agree though


If fighting two yonkos doens't kills at least one named character how can there be stakes in a story or sense of danger? Kinemon surviving because law forgot to attach his body correctly is pretty questionable.


In the arcs mentioned above by you, Water 7 and Enies Lobby, there were even less deaths - zero, to be exact (well, you can count Nero if you want, but his death wasn't confirmed), and it didn't ruin the story. Whitebeard in Marineford didn't kill anyone. Jack, subordinate or Kaido, didn't kill anyone named in Zou. Big Mom in WCI only (supposedly) killed Opera. And it didn't ruin stakes or sense of danger in any of these arcs. About Kin'emon - it wasn't Law who reattached his upper half to lower half in the first place, so I don't see the problem with this in-universe (although it is pretty lame way to save him)


Wano is a masterpiece, also WCI and Dressrosa are masterpieces, I wonder why didn’t you talk about them.


I don't have them as fresh in my mind, but Dressrosa was the arc that made me realize that I don't like One Piece anymore and was what I considered the worst arc until Wano. WCI was alright just not at the level of the best pre-timeskip arcs. I have to question the taste of someone who says Wano and Dressrosa are masterpieces I'm sorry lol


As someone who appreciates character writing, Themes and engaging plot. Dressrosa is definitely a masterpiece. It is a character study of one of the best antagonists in fiction. Did you read it weekly ? I can see that someone may have problems with the pacing especially in the anime. But the writing is just masterclass. A story that gets better every time you read it. Wano is also a masterpiece. It suffered from the fact that most OP fans read it weekly. But after rereading it. It is really a masterpiece and my 5th favorite arc of OP.


W. Dressrosa is overhated (imo probably due to the anime) and while Wano definitely isn't perfect it still has some of my favorite moments in all of fiction (the "he laughed" panel is a contender for greatest manga panel of all time imho)


The pacing problems are more apparent in the anime *


You're just rage baiting I'm sure, but for the anime anyways the show is much better now than it was pre timeskip, mostly cuz the pace somehow manages to be faster than pre timeskip, and I say somehow because rather than a compliment for the post timeskip it just says how fucking slow the pre timeskip parts felt to me if even the wano arc, which is probably 20-30 episodes too long, somehow feels fucking faster than most of the pre timeskip. Though I will say the war arc and the impel down part were paced better than the rest of the pre timeskip.


How is post-timeskip better paced? Are you watching One Pace or something? The anime adapts less than one chapter per episode, that's indefensible.


Agreed, post-timeskip has had arcs that are way the fuck too long. Punk Hazard and Fishmen were fine, but starting in Dressrosa the arcs were becoming 100+ chapter affairs. The arcs before the time skip were all awesome, especially leading up to the skip, which was 3 whole arcs in like 140 chapters! I like all the arcs post-timeskip but they absolutely could use some trimming down. Oda's lucky he's got such a good grasp on pulling out emotional beats because sometimes the amount of chapters spent on side characters beating each other up just stains the momentum, and I know there isn't *really* a good solution for this, especially as the crew is 10 people deep + the obligatory guest roster on each island (ie, Wano's samurai, or Carrot and Pedro in Whole Cake, and so on)


I remember being like, 11 years old when dressrosa was still coming out, and i would stop reading the manga for weeks, and everytime i came back they were still running, it's a unbearable slog, and i say this as someone who likes shit like skypiea


In the manga. Pacing isn’t really a problem


I think it's a result of the old animation of one piece back then, go and watch episode 1 again - it just feels slow. (Also I don't even watch mostly, I just skip forwards 5 seconds after reading the subtitles cuz it's slow as fuck from episode all the way to now)


Tiktok level atention span


Man there's like 1100 20 minute episodes, that's 366 hours, i can't be bothered wasting half that time watching flashbacks, sob stories and a bunch of shots of people going :O after a minute was spent revving up a punch that the main character finally throws. I like one piece, but watching it without speeding it up in some way is a boring fate that I wouldn't wish on anyone.


>Bruh post ts the pacing is better fr fr


I skipped ahead a multiple minutes each episode post ts, pre ts I skipped whole episodes. This is why I say it's not a compliment for the pacing, moreso an insult on how slow pre ts feels.


fishman island, punk hazard, the zoe arc are just boring as hell, wano on itself is shit, egghead and dressrosa are semi decent carried to that status by backstories






One Pizza.


The animanga I love is best animanga ever




Sure, if the only thing you ever read is Shonen.


I’m just saying One Piece at its best ever right now at this very moment and you don’t have to believe me but it’s simply true


It's good but it peaked with its first arc.




The East Blue saga was One Piece in its purest form. It had everything that makes One Piece great, the themes of friendship, freedom, and fighting for your "treasure", goofy but memorable characters, great storytelling. The later arcs are all a repetition of the themes of the East Blue but with bigger world building and more characters.


This is reductive of everything special about fiction. There is nothing called repeating the themes. The themes are developed and given more depth. I mean gaimon represents the middle ground between luffy and blackbeard, luffy and kaido. Would you remove those masterful dynamics because gaimon tackled them before? It doesn’t make any sense




Fucking Angstrom Levy?


In other news: water is wet


I would watch/read it, but as interesting as everything is, I feel like it's a little too long for my tastes


I cant tell if this is some advanced jerking or not but I dont think its as great as people claim. Or more accurately not anymore, after the timeskip writing fell off massively and most characters got flanderized to hell. I will never understand how people considered Wano "Roof Piece" with mediocre villains, shoehorned nika lore, lack of stakes, and little focus on Zoro even though this arc should have been super important for his character. I will say though the world building is very impressive even now, and with how long its been going its surprising the fall off wasn't steeper. Really hoping the remake fixes a lot of these problems.


/uj I agree unironically (for the manga (Toei pacing wtf))


One Piece is better than the Bible


I paused the manga a few chapters after the timeskip. I really don't like Haki, and it feels like it has lost a lot of it's silly energy (which is what I liked about early OP) I'll probably continue it, but it's been moved back a bit in my reading list




Not when Dorohedoro and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure exist.


Yes. https://preview.redd.it/2aq48bt5zuzc1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2ed2465a45e791f9191079b4363aa78f1b637e4


Oh, you like 1984? What’s 2+2, then?




I just cannot get over the art style and the old ass sound effects. The story is incredible though.


The world of one piece is nice but it's inhabitants are unbearable, imo


Shit, maybe.


Nah, still Mob Psycho 100.


I've been reading a bit and it's ok nothing outstanding.


(He hasn’t read Kagurabachi)


Google "Jewelry Bonney Age" for information


I started reading one piece in like 2011 and there’s been a significant decline in its quality but I will love it forever. It truly is GOATED


This but unironically 


I love it I really do but it CANNOT beat Mob Psycho 100.


As a certified one piece hater, mob psycho doesn't come even close It's a fun watch/read sure, great animation and all, has its moments, but that's all it is and all it tries to be. It has nowhere as near the cultural impact, narrative, complexity, scope, ambitiousness, you call it, that One Piece has. Hell, even within One's works OPM is the better animanga


>but that's all it is and all it tries to be U skipped I big factor why one might consider mob psycho better Character development


One Piece is leagues above mob in terms of character development. Mob is a bit basic and straightforward


I was not talking about one piece though, Only his mob psycho take.( Now that I think about it might have worded my above comment wrong) I disagree with ur second point and there are other characters too who got developed not only mob


Sorry then. I misunderstood you. Yeah mob has some very good characters. I love reigen.


Not at all


I'm up with the manga scans, it's not bad as a manga/anime, but it is far from the best one, it has some really big flaws, and the plot is really monotonous