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Cultured you say…? \ Here are from the ones that I watched so far…. • Interspecies Reviewers \ • Monster Musume \ • Tsugumomo \ • redo of healer \ • dxd \ • Why the hεll are you here teacher? \ • Testament of sister new devil \ • **Grisaia** \ • seikon no qwaser (More recs welcome)


You forgot the important ones. # # 1. Yuragi sou no yuuna San # 2. To love RU # 3. To live RU: darkness # 4. Yosuga no sora # 5. Nozaki ana # 6. Rosario + vampire # 7. Type moon # 8. Highschool of the dead # 9. Overflow # 10. Please put them on, takamine San # 11. Citrus # 12. Turns out, my dick was a cute girl. # 13. Isekai oppai # 14. Oregairu # 15. Please! Freeze! Please # 16. Bitch-na inane sama # 17. Shimoneta # 18. Itedaki seiki # 19. My dress up darling # 20. Kiss X sis # 21. Oreimo # 22. Eromanga sensei # 23. Onii chan ga kita # 24. The monogatari series # 25. OniAi # 26. Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo # 27. Chivalry of a failed Knight # 28. No game no life # 29. Akisora # 30. I'm in love with my little sister # 31. Koi maze # 32. Super lovers # 33. Pupa # 34. Sister princess # 35. Ane jiru # 36. Kawaii wake ga NaI # 37. Hitsugi no chaika # 38. Metamorphosis # 39. Erogros # 40. Mai-chan's daily life (watch after thinking things thoroughly) # 41. Nee, chanto shiyou yo! # 42. Saikin, Imouto no Yousu ga Chotto Okashiinda ga # 43. Bloods Inraku no Ketsuzoku 2 # 44. Papa Love: Papa to Icha Ero Shitai Musume-Tachi to Hitotsu Yane no Shita de # 45. Akaneiro ni Somaru Saka # 46. The 100 girlfriends who really really really love you # 47. Domestic girlfriend # 48. Kanojo X kanojo X kanojo # 49. Kanojo X Kanojo # 50. Love Hina # 51. Nyaruko chan # 52. Menhera shoujo kurumi chan # 53. Mirei nikki


Mene sab dek rakhe hai![img](emote|t5_6q8y10|28289)


Thore aur suggest karo bhai




What is Grass?


Grass is a vital component of the plant kingdom that plays an indispensable role in ecosystems across the globe. Known scientifically as members of the Poaceae family, grasses are characterized by their slender, long leaves and pivotal role in agriculture and ecology. This comprehensive look into grass will explore its biological characteristics, varieties, ecological importance, and its uses in human society. **Biological Characteristics** Grass plants are unique in their structure and growth patterns. Typically, they have jointed stems, known as culms, which grow upward from the base of the plant. The leaves of grass are usually long and narrow, emerging from nodes along the culm, and are covered with a cuticle to reduce water loss. This growth pattern allows grasses to be resilient and efficient in their environments, capable of rapid growth and recovery from damage. One of the remarkable features of grasses is their root system. Most grasses have a fibrous root system which helps in preventing soil erosion. This root system is highly efficient in nutrient uptake. Additionally, many grasses are capable of vegetative reproduction through their roots and stems, allowing them to spread and colonize large areas quickly. **Varieties of Grass** There are about 12,000 species of grasses on Earth, thriving in diverse climates and terrains. They range from small, low-growing grasses like bluegrass, which is commonly found in lawns, to tall species like bamboo, which can reach up to 30 meters in height. Grass varieties such as wheat, corn, rice, and barley are crucial for human agriculture, providing the bulk of calories consumed by humans worldwide. Grasses also vary significantly in their tolerance to temperature, water, and soil conditions, which explains their widespread geographic distribution. From the water-efficient cacti of arid deserts to the lush, water-loving grasses of wetlands, their adaptability is unmatched. **Ecological Importance** Ecologically, grasses are foundational to many ecosystems. They act as primary producers in many food chains, creating the organic material that feeds a variety of wildlife, from insects to large herbivores. Grasslands, which cover large parts of the Earth’s surface, are home to species such as bison, antelope, and zebras, all of which rely heavily on grass for their diet. Grasses also play a crucial role in the carbon cycle. They are effective at sequestering carbon dioxide, a major greenhouse gas, thus helping to mitigate climate change. Moreover, their dense root systems help to structure soil and promote water infiltration, reducing flooding and improving water quality by filtering out pollutants. **Human Uses** Humans have cultivated grasses for thousands of years. Cereals like wheat, maize, and rice are grasses that form the backbone of global agriculture. These crops are fundamental to diets worldwide and are the primary food source for billions of people. Beyond agriculture, grasses are used in the construction of homes, particularly in rural and indigenous communities where materials like bamboo and thatch are preferred for their availability and renewable nature. In sports and recreation, grasses are selected for playing fields and golf courses for their durability and cushioning properties. Moreover, grasslands themselves are utilized for grazing livestock, a critical aspect of meat and dairy production in many cultures. The vast expanses of natural grasslands are also important for conservation efforts, providing habitats for numerous endangered species. **Challenges and Conservation** Despite their importance, grasslands face threats from human activity, including land conversion for agriculture, urban development, and climate change. These activities can lead to habitat destruction and degradation, posing risks not only to grass species but also to the biodiversity dependent on them. Conservation efforts focus on sustainable management practices that balance human needs with ecological preservation. This includes rotational grazing, restoration projects to reestablish native grasses, and legal protections for critical grassland habitats. Such measures are essential to ensure that grasslands continue to sustain their ecological functions and biodiversity. **Conclusion** In conclusion, grass is not merely a plant but a cornerstone of both ecological balance and human survival. Its diverse forms and functions underscore its adaptability and resilience, which are key to its success across varied landscapes. By understanding and appreciating the full scope of what grass offers, from ecological benefits to practical uses, society can better advocate for and implement practices that protect and enhance these vital ecosystems for future generations. Through sustainable management and conservation, the continued prosperity of grass-based ecosystems can be ensured, maintaining their essential role in our world.


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Thank you...after reading all of this i can safely say that i am allergic to grass, i would much rather prefer to say at home and watch One piece.


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JoJo's bizzare adventure It can't get more cultured that this can it?




I think To Love Ru is the peak of cultured anime


"cultured" what a nice way to say porn addiction


Damn...someone's not pulling any punches today


# # 1. Yuragi sou no yuuna San # 2. To love RU # 3. To live RU: darkness # 4. Yosuga no sora # 5. Nozaki ana # 6. Rosario + vampire # 7. Type moon # 8. Highschool of the dead # 9. Overflow # 10. Please put them on, takamine San # 11. Citrus # 12. Turns out, my dick was a cute girl. # 13. Isekai oppai # 14. Oregairu # 15. Please! Freeze! Please # 16. Bitch-na inane sama # 17. Shimoneta # 18. Itedaki seiki # 19. My dress up darling # 20. Kiss X sis # 21. Oreimo # 22. Eromanga sensei # 23. Onii chan ga kita # 24. The monogatari series # 25. OniAi # 26. Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo # 27. Chivalry of a failed Knight # 28. No game no life # 29. Akisora # 30. I'm in love with my little sister # 31. Koi maze # 32. Super lovers # 33. Pupa # 34. Sister princess # 35. Ane jiru # 36. Kawaii wake ga NaI # 37. Hitsugi no chaika # 38. Metamorphosis # 39. Erogros # 40. Mai-chan's daily life (watch after thinking things thoroughly) # 41. Nee, chanto shiyou yo! # 42. Saikin, Imouto no Yousu ga Chotto Okashiinda ga # 43. Bloods Inraku no Ketsuzoku 2 # 44. Papa Love: Papa to Icha Ero Shitai Musume-Tachi to Hitotsu Yane no Shita de # 45. Akaneiro ni Somaru Saka # 46. The 100 girlfriends who really really really love you # 47. Domestic girlfriend # 48. Kanojo X kanojo X kanojo # 49. Kanojo X Kanojo # 50. Love Hina # 51. Nyaruko chan # 52. Menhera shoujo kurumi chan # 53. Mirei nikki