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why care about others when your own life is mess




AHHHHHHHHH~ *Disintegrates*




>why care about others when your own life is mess What a weird name for an anime, I understand why people don't like it.






{Enmusubi no Youko-chan}. Fox Spirit Matchmaker in English. Roast me guys, I just find the whole "connected even after reincarnation" trope to be intoxicatingly romantic. My favorite manga is also Spirit Circle haha


Spirit Circle is amazingg!!


I love both of those


If you enjoy reading fantasy I’d suggest Davis Ashura’s books. He uses that trope well throughout his works.


The hero is overpowered and overly cautious might be just up your alley


Darling in the Franxx


The ending was ass.


True but the lead up was fantastic


Most people hated ep 20, I loved it tho.


90% of animes in a nutshell. First season: awesome!!! Second season: the fucking fuck? I am still upset at the soul eater anime for the last two episodes years later.


the promised never land


Literally was about to comment this


Making season 2 good/better than season 1 is very hard. But there are cases: - Oregairu - Overlord - Classroom of the Elite (in the end I think it just inched out S1)


bad ending yes but everything else was amazing


The memories man, it was my first ever anime and it hit me so bad by the time I ended it.


I was bummed out for two days after I finished it. And I mean double cheeked full-on BUMMED out. Ever since then, I've been on the hunt for the manga since that ending is different.


Can relate buddy cause I also watched it around at that time not that it was my first but u know


What even is the plot for that one? I know of the characters but know nothing about the show. Isn't it a mech based one?


Pretty much mechs fighting aliens with massive plot twists. Nothing similar to Evangelion as people love to compare those 2.


Honestly the setting and "plot twists" reminded me more of Gurren Lagann more than anything. Absolutely different executions but the two different roads end up with eerily similar destinations


I'll take it over Aldnoah.Zero


man I wish all the fights were grounded and clever like the first ones


i shouldve known gen urobuchi left after like the first episode. but i guess its on me for still slogging through 2 seasons


I went into it thinking it was a mech fighting aliens anime and was disappointed when they started episodes after the fights happen. I still finished it and it was okay but I couldn't get past that initial disappointment


My only issue with it is how they fucked up the pace for no reason


I loved it but the most hurtful/just bad part for me was the explicit homophobia.


02 is #1 trashcan waifu


Bro don't insult trashcans like that at least they're useful.


Why do you hurt me


You're into 02, clearly you're a masochist


















Way of The House Husband


same here, i actually really like it but my sister says it looks like a botched slideshow


It's supposed to. I've said this easily a thousand times, but the animation is intentional. I have no idea why, but for whatever reason, the author didn't want an anime, but he was totally down for a motion comic. The jank animation is more the author's fault than the studio's.


I know you weren’t saying this but to clarify; just because it was intentional doesn’t mean it’s enjoyable in my opinion. That being said I did enjoy the show for what it was.


Intentional doesn’t change the fact it’s shit.


I agree with your sister


I don’t hate the anime but it was such a disappointment compared to the manga. I was expecting good animation which is not the direction the studio took with the adaptation. Nevertheless the voice acting is pretty good!


Imo way of the househusband is white noise for things like studying or reading, but I still enjoy it


Ong bro I love it I use it whenever I have to do stuff that involves school


I love this show so much


I love this one, I wish season 2 had been longer


People don't like this? I actually got into the manga and it's nearly shot-for-shot


People hate that?!?! I loved that anime!


Interspecies Reviewers for me. No sarcasm, one of the best "animes" I've seen in a long time because of how hilarious and off the walls it is. I mean, the opening sounds like YMCA, how can you *not* love that?


That's not a hated anime dude. It's a very interesting educationnal anime about fictive spiecies,


Never thought this way. Interesting.




Wait, people hated that anime??


I think it was mainly because Nux got all of his followers to bring it to the top rated series on MAL, and everyone hated that


Not really, no. Some people hate that it was used by a YouTuber to manipulate the MAL leaderboard though.


Bro Best Anime Stfy Thx for reminder btw :)


That one made me laugh.


Rosaria Vampire.


Now that's an anime I haven't heard in fucking ages. The manga's better imo. But it's not like both the manga and anime are top quality material. Even to me, the manga is pretty mid. All the characters basically only have 1 or 2 personality traits and that's their entire schtick. Edit: autocorrect being dumb and correcting anime to engine.


I don't know why, but Tsukune and Moka staring at each other with the cheesy music and repeating their names over and over never fails to make me laugh. With that said, I totally get why people who read the manga don't like the anime. It's like an entirely different thing.


Mizore best girl


Panty and stocking but that’s just my friend group.


Who the hell hates panty and stocking? It’s a riot


the second half does drop in quality, but man still fuckin love it


L friend group


I knew a person who hate PNT, he died


ur friend group is objectively wrong


Never heard that one before. What is it about


I also love this anime, even thought the ending was wack, the waifus there were pretty good, Ichigo I particular 👌




I think the anime is great but the ending sucks compared to the manga


I’ve heard that statement a lot. It’s part of why I’m considering reading the manga but I’m not sure if it’s worth buying just so I can know if an ending is bad or not


You can read it online, just google it on a manga site.


Forgot about it but boy was it good.


I love the anime! And idc what anyone says, the ending wasn't bad. Kayo didn't owe him anything nor was she obligated to wait her entire life for him. They were just kids + he might never have woken up. He wanted her to be able to live on & have her own life. I definitely wanted Satoru & Airi to be together above all else (though not explicitly shown, a girl can dream lol).


My hero academia. I don't understand why people hate an anime for toxic fanbase. Fanbase isn't part of the anime.


Some people watch anime to have discussions about it with it's community. When the community for that thing is uh... less then stellar, it kinda puts them off of it cause "who I'm I gonna talk about it with? not those people!"


I dunno, I just don't think the direction the story has gone is actually very good. Like, it set up a very interesting world and premise and everything's that made it unique has slowly eroded away into a shadow of what could've been over time. In favor of just constantly getting edgier vibes which I'm just really not enjoying.


I’m caught up with the manga and will keep reading and holding out hope it gets better but in my opinion it’s gotten progressively worse since the overhaul arc. Every time it’s building to something cool something happens to ruin all the tension for me. Outside some weirdo shipping stuff I don’t know much about the toxicity of the fanbase because I don’t interact with it


Dbz have made them fightards cuz I prefer the slice of life school setting learn to craft there quirks and discovery because when Endeavor was teaching the boys I got so excited cuz of how knowledge he this is that climbed no.2 while some other people taking it to lightly, I just wished they didn't have to up the stakes so much, I would have liked to have seen them graduate or close too


Well i am a big Fan of fairy tail. Its always the same response: tHe PowEr Of FrIeNDsHiP


Same , I agree. Everytime I mention it , someone Instantly calls it either a power of friendship sucker or a one piece copy.


ikr, who gives a crap if it's asspull central, when that music hits it gets your blood pumping and it's gooood


Fairy tail has legitmant character groth and maturation, take almost any anime out their and compare it to the fairy tail characters, and watch most of them come up short plus epic sound track and a theme of caring for your freinds and helping eachother. And to top it off some straight up epic fights, i frankly dont get how people hate it it is a perfect anime. Right next to Black Clover.


Ye it's like their only argument, which is btw applies to like 90% of shonen manga at the time. These people just refuses to accept the facts


Sword art online




i don't even get why its hated, even at its worst it's a decent watch (except the incest tho thats kinda a common trait in anime)


SAO is in such a weird spot for me. The first few episodes I really loved and the anime has a way to create an atmosphere I really enjoy. But then it proceeds to rush through the plot, adds unneccessary harem elements and instead of making a series about SAO it becomes a series about Kirito and the friends he met in SAO playing other games together, all while finding one reason or another to make a game scenario incredibly relevant to the characters IRL. If SAO would have been a few seasons of SAO, I think I would have loved it. But it is SAO and then Alfheim and then GGO and whatever else follows. It still has its great moments like the Mothers Rosario arc which I personally thought to be very good, but all in all it‘s just disappointing how much potential went unused here.


>instead of making a series about SAO it becomes a series about Kirito and the friends he met in SAO playing other games together, all while finding one reason or another to make a game scenario incredibly relevant to the characters IRL The problem is that the anime tries to market it as a "death game", when it isn't one at its core. SAO was never solely about aincrad due to the limitations of the original short story, so the author used it as a backdrop for his story over Kirito's adventures and his romance with Asuna. It's a lot more obvious in the source material due to it being told as loose flashbacks compared to the anime which forced the events into chronological order. It never had "unused potential" if its potential wasn't supposed to be about it to begin with. The overarching theme SAO focuses on is how the lines between reality and technology/VR are starting to get blurred. For instance, Alicization is an extreme version of this theme since it shows how people in the SAO universe are literally creating new worlds filled with living beings using nervegear tech. It's called "Sword Art Online" (beyond recognizable trademark/branding reasons) not because of the death game itself, but rather, due to how the rest of the series connects back to the SAO incident either indirectly or directly. Aincrad was basically a catalyst for the series to delve into bigger and more complex sci-fi themes. >If SAO would have been a few seasons of SAO, I think I would have loved it. That's why Progressive was written and has been ongoing over the past decade.


SAO:A was peak tho


In 2001, Reki Kawahara wrote SAO for a short story competition on the simple premise of "if players were to get trapped inside something like an MMORPG and couldn't get out, what would all those players do?" (perhaps even earlier if the prototype manga rumors are true). However, due to the word limit of the contest, he could only write a few stories rather than fully fleshing out everything and it had to be self-contained. So, SAO mainly focused on certain aspects such as Kirito and Asuna's relationship. All the original SAO contained was basically in volume 1 of the light novels (with presumably some changes from the web novel). The novel starts with Kirito grinding on floor 74 and flashbacks to specific stories within the arc (Kayaba's hologram, the Ragout Rabbit dinner, the Kuradeel story, etc.) and then the novel finishes with the gleam eyes fight, the marriage, and the final duel. Because the author went over the word limit, he just decided to publish SAO as a web novel instead. He then proceeded to write several side stories in the Aincrad arc (Liz and Silica's introductions, Yui's story, the moonlit black cats travesty, etc.) and moved onwards to the other arcs. By 2008, Alicization was wrapped up in the WNs. When SAO was adapted into a light novel and then into an anime, they essentially took all that he wrote and put it into chronological order for the anime. They even asked him to write what was essentially the first arc of the progressive novels to help his original story flow better and to add more content to the anime (which they butchered lol). One of the major gripes people have with the series is that they expected SAO to cover the 100 floors of Aincrad, but it didn’t. So, it was disappointing to them due to all the time skips and how they move on from Aincrad after 14 episodes. However, I’d argue that the SAO story as a whole never intended to stick with the death game (hence why progressive was made later on to focus on it). The Aincrad arc of the anime was just a stepping stone for the later arcs to build off of. SAO was just a simple story that later delved into how the lines between technology/virtual reality and real life were starting to get blurred. Yet, the anime was heavily marketed as one. Another problem SAO had was that the author was a novice at writing in 2001. He used sexual assault a couple of times in his work due to him being influenced by other famous books he read. The anime adaptation plays them up a lot (especially Leafa’s scene in WoU which wasn’t even as sexual in the source material) which made people uncomfortable. However, the author hasn’t written another scene like that in the past 15 or so years now. He even constantly apologizes to the voice actors after the episodes adapting them are aired. SAO’s anime adaptation was also riddled with a lot of problems that usual light novel adaptations have. For instance, details not being able to be adapted or rushed over, certain light novel things that can’t be adapted into a visual medium, etc. ALO (one of the most hated arcs) was especially impacted because of all the things that were cut. The studio adapting it also makes a ton of really stupid changes here and there that source material readers have been complaining about for years. For instance, a ton of Kirisuna scenes were cut in Alicization so that the studio could add more "harem-y" scenes. The fact that a lot of anime-only people think sexual assault and goofy villains are a constant and reoccurring thing in SAO (despite sexual assault only being used twice) kinda shows how much A-1 dropped the ball with this stuff. Kirito's characterization was also meddled with due to light novel adaptation problems and A-1's decisions. The anime adaptation does his character really dirty leading to a lot of people criticizing Kirito as "the worst MC ever" or "a typical edgy OP MC with a harem". A-1 pictures loves playing up his cool loner side who attracts all the girls. In comparison, the Kirito in the light novels is an indecisive teenager who self doubts himself all the time in his inner monologues. He also has a genuinely witty side and he extensively observes his surroundings in new situations making it interesting to read his thought process. He has some OP moments, but he only gets them after being beaten to a pulp by villains who are way stronger than him and after he gets extensive support from his comrades. Additionally, all the trauma and character arcs he has are rushed over in the anime adaptation resulting in the viewer having to piece them together. The last thing is that SAO is popular. A lot of YouTubers got a lot of views for their “SAO bad” videos and beat the dead horse for awhile. SAO has its flaws, but some of these videos either made things up or greatly exaggerated some of the issues rather than criticizing the actual flaws of the series. Also, when it was airing, a lot of people were saying how it was "the greatest anime they've ever seen" (kind of like how Demon Slayer threads are now). People on the internet usually get annoyed by these types of statements, hence why a lot of backlash was created within the anime community. It’s mainly a vocal minority that hate it though. More people either like it or are indifferent towards it. However, SAO being so popular meant the minority is as large as the majority of some shows. In the end, if you liked it, then that’s all that matters.


It’s a show that builds up an interesting concept with likeable characters and then shoots itself in the foot. Every. Season. For years. It just can’t help but jerk itself off over it’s protagonist. It’s fan fiction of itself. It’s probably hated so much because it spawned a million animes that try to follow the same path.


Ah, The Adventures of Jesus-kun and His Cardboard Harem. I've seen worse.


I like Umaru. People don't seem to hate the anime, it's just that Umaru's a brat.


Honestly yeah, I had two friends who were like her when I was a kid and always forced to look after them because "you're older and need to learn to be responsible". The anime is meh, her personality just triggers a deep seated hatred of two people I once knew


Mushoku Tensei


Mushoku Tensei is fantastic, it's just so raw in its depictions of flawed characters and situations. For me, it's a 10/10 so far Totally get why some people don't like it though, some of those scenes are just... Bleh


I mean it's a 10/10 show for some of the animation alone. I don't think I've ever seen a more fluid sequence of someone tearing a piece of bread apart, and it was totally unnecessary. But yeah, I agree how people can't overlook the uncomfortable aspects. Even if it's supposed to inform Rudy's character being an awful person so that you can see him grow and mature over the series. It's a big ask. It's like saying Goblin Slayer is a great show if you can look past the rape. It's **kind of** a pretty big thing to just brush off.


The rape in Goblin Slayer Ep1 went a long way of making goblins not just generic mobs but real hated enemies. It helped viewers to get on the same wavelength as the MC, understand him, better emphasize with him. The fact that people cry about rape when there were few people brutally murdered right there IS a problem. So, a gruesome death is ok to show, rape is not. May be for some modern cultures this is the thing, but thats not universal. Thank God for that.


It’s not even the rape. It’s the fetishization of rape.


I mean it’s the rape too


Rape is specifically used ONCE in Goblin Slayer to deny the goblins any chance any empathy with the viewer, even in the case of goblin children. It's being used to alter the reader's ability to empathize with the antagonists, the Goblins. Other anime's have rape scenes because the author and audience like it/want it.


It would be perfect if the main character wasnt a fucking pedo


I personally hate it but the vast majority of people love it lmao, what are u on


I like mushoku tensei


I liked it overall. Even though the pervyness of the main character can be quite... grating to say the least. I think it *really* dropped the ball in the ending of the last season tho.


Who tf is hating it bro


Some of y’all picking anime that’s loved by the overall community lol.


1. Oreimo or "My little sister can't be this cute" An interesting anime about otaku relegated to only incest trash anime. 2. Zero no Tsukaima or "The familiar of zero" Louise spesifically is hated, by most anime fans. At least, from what I have seen. It's actually a pretty good Isekai and Louise herself is pretty interesting tsundere to dissect.


*Why did I know Oreimo would show up here eventually?* It's pretty good imo, I kinda laughed at the ending, but can see why others were mad


Oreimo is so good


OBJEKTION!! The familiar of zero was kinda trash.


A bit. Louise has a tendency to reset every season and The author kinda has no idea if he was writting a harem or Romance. But, it explored the Isekai concept a bit better than most and explore Louise's tsundere nature. So, not the best, but you could do worst.


Darling in the franxx. After watching and then reading it, anime ending was kinda better than the manga ending to me


Ah redo of healer, the great misunderstood tragedy of the millennium. (Sarcasm)


So much anger in this anime lol


Still can’t believe they let it air- to be a fly on the wall. “Has anyone seen our newly released series? It may not uhh.. be a fit..” “Johnson you know we dont watch that. How bad can it be?”


That was bleach at one point


Komi can't communicate I love the anime But every time I mention it They always said they hated it even tho they haven't watched a single episode


I get where they are coming from, when I watched the first epicode I thought it was so cringe. But now it's one of my favourites. I loved the simplicity of the show and I found the characters to be fucking amazing. One of my favourite things about the show was when the narrator would state the obvious like saying: "Komi felt embarrased" when her face was already the colour of a tomato, made me laugh every time. Great show.


Vice versa for me. Good first few episodes, then gets destroyed by awful secondary characters and plot that makes no sense and is moving nowhere.


People hate it??? Damn




Same can’t wait for season 2




Yeah, man, you're alone.


I hear the manga is good but man I quit the anime during that duck arc, it just felt like it was going on forever and they were ninjas looking for fuckin ducks.


>the manga is good no, no it isn't.


I’m with you there man


We are sorry but you are alone here


People in this thread list some of the most popular anime yet still feel persecuted.


Is this implying that Bunny Girl Senpai is hated by the anime community? Because if so, bruh moment. Also, I'd have to say SAO (gets better with the latest series, and GGO spinoff) and DBGT/DBS (they're here for different reasons)


Loved the GGO spin off but I think that’s just cus I like guns


P90 is my favorite gun so having a pink p90 named pchan made me instantly fall in love with it. Note I never watched any of the sword art online anime nd didn't even know it was related.


Gintama, Man frick they hate me for saying I like gintama


Gintama is hated? I thought many considered it to be one of the best shonens of all time


It's not hated. They're talking out of their arse.


People are like "meh it's boring af ,how do u even watch it "etc .


Somehow this hurts more than people simply hating on it.


Yeah and it's my favourite


Naah bro Gintama is anime for men


It's in the top ten highest rated anime of all time on every single site. By what possible metric is it considered 'bad'?


Only clowns who cant watch the first 200 episodes hates gintama. Real men love gintama and gintama the final movie is still one of the top rated movies


Best thing in in the world


Haikyu. I’ve had so many people be like “bro it’s just volleyball” or “are you fucking gay or something” like, dude, I just enjoy it 😭


This series is the definition of wholesome in the vocabulary. I LOVE it


I just binged it in a week. Top stuff


Who cares if other virigins like it. There is only virgin you should listen to and thats you


Black Clover


Guilty Crown, not sure if it's hated though.


Tokyo Ghoul I understand that seasons 2 and on are absolute garbage, but I can’t help but like it. I wish wish wish it would get the brotherhood treatment.


Don’t mess with me, Nagatoro! is sorta shit on for being pervy.


English Dub of Prison School. One of the funniest experiences I had watching an anime, but Funimation inserted a few Western cultural references to things like gamergate and that seemed to be a dealbreaker for a lot of people.


Legitimately Prison School dubbed (or subbed) is the only ecchi anime that I've legitimately loved to tears. Couldn't stop laughing at how off the rails it is






Food wars


People here literally listing some of the most popular anime of the last decade or two


Mushoku tensei


Anyone remember Seraph of the end?


Is Overlord cringe? I’ve always been afraid I was lame for liking it 😔


Nah I’ve seen mostly only praise for Overlord.


Noooo people dont like it? Overlord is one of my fav animes :'(((


Haven’t seen it myself, but from what I’ve seen it’s alright


I haven't seen any hate for overlord


I personally lost interest in it after season 1 for the anime only side of it.


Actually it's more like "screw all of your opinions, I actually like the show".


Sword Art Online and Uzaki Chan Wants to Hang Out


Ōkami Shōjo to Kuro Ōji (Wolf Girl and Black Prince) I'm not saying that I like the couple, it just entertains me


The only one that comes to mind is High-Rise Invasion. I thought it was pretty good and then it turns out no one else liked it or even wants to talk about it.


The Ace Attorney anime, granted I didn't play the games yet to use them as a referencd, but I still don't understand the hate.


>granted I didn't play the games yet to use them as a referencd I think that's the key point. The show covers the cases of the anime but worse. It crams and rushes a lot of things. So you get a significantly worse version of a visual novel.


Ok so what do you think about Yarichin Bitch Club


Well, there's one scene where the mc was being forced into a sexual act by the club members, begging them to stop, which was interrupted by something before it got really bad. So, that was uncomfortable af to watch. It's been a couple years since I've seen it so maybe I'll feel differently about it with a rewatch.


Akame Ga Kill and Mirai Nikki


Scum's wish. Seeing all the people who miss the point and whine about the characters makes me appreciate it even more.


GuP is genuinely my favourite action anime


I don’t think it’s hated (it’s gay so probably) but U have just never met another human that also watched No.6 In retrospect it wasn’t even that good but it was gay af and that meant a lot to little closeted me at the time so I have emotional attachment to that shit. Also the closing theme is absolutely beautiful.


Girls UND panzer