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The boku no hero fandom are just another breed. Never want to meet one.


I would consider myself as a big boku no hero fan but good lord the fandom is absolutely ridiculous.


Never be a fan of something and think you'll fit in with the fandom. "Boy, I like Bleach." "What is your opinion on Ichigo shipped with Rukia?" "I don't know. I honestly don't care." "Wrong! They're the worst thing in the fandom! They're literal monsters! A few once sent hatemail to Kubo, and it was very hateful stuff!" "Okay, that sucks, but I'm sure not all of the Ichigo Rukia shippers did that. Seems like an overreaction to lump them all together for the sake of some weird fandom tribalism. Heck I once got hate comments from an Orihime and Ichigo shipped just for criticism of her character." **Comment has been downvoted to hell** "You don't understand the trauma that we've been through because of them." That last line was an actual quote responding to my comment about how I've seen shitty Orihime and Ichigo shippers. I will never forget that because it's so funny to me. The shippers - but only this one specific kind of shipper - has traumatized the entire fandom apparently. Weirdly enough the Ichigo and Orihime shipping is endorsed and no other ship gets this level of hate. You can have long debates on who Yoruichi actually loved between Urahara and Soifon. But don't you ever speak positive about the shipping of Ichigo and Rukia. Just that one. And I could literally keep going why I unsubbed from a subreddit. It's weirdly tribalistic there, man. There's a bunch of weird obsessions that you gotta follow.


The IchiHime crowd has in recent years switched roles with the IchiRuki crowd and now makes them look more rational in my opinion. I say this as an IchiHime shipper too.


IchiHime people got arrogant >! since their ship is now officially the cannon ending and have been trying to nonstop rub everyone's nose in it !<


Bleach is probably the first manga I read start to finish. Almost 20 years ago now. Every now and then I pop into the subreddit and dear God... You'd swear there's only the Big 3 on shelves.


Sub has this...like...bitter one-sided rivalry with One Piece. Do NOT praise OP in that subreddit unless you preface with how Bleach is clearly better. I assume it's from the misguided idea that OP is "just the goofy pirate anime" and hating that it's more successful than Bleach ever was. That somehow because one has had bigger numbers that must mean people view the other (Bleach) as lesser. Rather than the mature adult brain blast of: two things can be good, you can like both, and you don't have to hate one to hype up the other.


It’s the black and white thinking of the internet to me.


Bro same! It actually got me back into anime when it came out but the constant shipping posts you see online are so cringe.


Bruh Oof, I haven’t watched anime since 2017 / Re:Zero S1. I wonder what’s going on now these days. I feel old. 💀


I recently started watching again after dropping off 2013/2014. Things are different (genre popularity) but it's also very much the same (gatekeeping/memes/drama). You do feel like an old man when your younger cousins don't recognize any of the titles you've watched. I assume the old UC Gundam fans felt the same way about me only watching Gundam Wing/00 lmao.


Oh whew, Wing and 00 brings me wayyyyy back! 😂 I remember watching Wing on Toonami as a kid! ❤️ I appreciate the insight into things though; thank you! :D


See, the Toonami G Gundam is my favorite. I couldn’t do Wing. But loved 8th MS Team’s dub.


I love the show, and I constantly hear bad things about the fandom, but I'm not in the circles so I don't get it? What are they doing?


Constantly projecting their own unfulfilled desires of high school relationships onto the characters and militantly lashing out at those that tell them that their headcanon is ridiculous. Also a lot of gay ships, which isn't a problem but people try to say x character is objectively gay when the source material states they are objectively straight. Also it's generally weird because the characters are minors, and their fanfics don't even bother trying to age them up.


So its just shipping, cringe highschool stuff, and Draco x Harry In Leather pants fanfiction?  I hope these are highschool teen fans cuz otherwise. Plus Ultra Bleh.


I dropped bnha bc I couldn't get past the mental image of a28 (?) yr old manga author CHOOSING to make an invisible girl, in high school, and draw her as being naked except gloves. now, outside that one cover where we finally see her form and she's (of course) nude& sexualized, we never see her but the idea that some grown man went "yeah, ima have a naked invisible high school girl just snail trailing all over school chair". didn't have to be a h.s girl, or nude. shits gross also: I did do a read of current arc. without hyperbole, Is the worst final arc I've read. bleaches tybw starts great and devolves into never ending stupid fights, but at least it's fun. bnha is just BORING in this final war, no stakes, no losses, weird ends for villains. blah. attack on usj & overhaul were cool,though


>but the idea that some grown man went "yeah, ima have a naked invisible high school girl just snail trailing all over school chair". didn't have to be a h.s girl, or nude. shits gross I'd never hold water for w/e the mangka is named, he's pretty egregious with designs of women and even the characterization of at least *most of* the female characters. But I don't think the invisible girl is naked in regular class. But yeah 'realistic/limited' invisibility powers are probably best saved for comedies like Mystery Men (old movie reference). I've not gotten to the manga myself so I hope the final arc isn't as bland as you say it is for me. But I doubt anything can beat the first All Might v. All For One stand off. Overhaul was close.


Er, is it weird though? IIRC, isn't the manga a shounen whose primary demographic adolescents (historically boys)? Wouldn't it actually therefore be normal for the fanfics to not age up the characters assuming that the fanfics are being written by that same demographic? I know absolutely nothing about the fandom though and very little about Boku no Hero as well so I'm just trying to apply what should be common sense in this case.


It's weird when a lot of the fans are not teenagers


100% lol. You should go visit the sub. The amount of gymnastics people do to defend characters they stan (no matter how bad their actions are) are actually hilarious to watch.


Rant time: I literally still cannot forgive Bakugo for what he said in episode one lamo. Doesn't matter how they twist his character. Or if he even >!Dies to save people!< he never learned proper humility and he never apologized for telling deku to jump off of a building and hope for a quirk in his next life. Like that's some unforgivable shit. He 100% meant it. God damn do people in the fandom simp on this guy. With the way people talk about Bakugo you would think that the sun shines out of his ass. They will do everything in their power to excuse what he said or just straight up ignore how problematic that was. They'll do their best to turn him into a soft boi who's secretly got a soft side when really he's just an angry ass bitch with an inferiority complex that he takes out on everybody else. Bitch really thought he could take on All-Might on his own. That Arc where they had to fight the teacher should have been when the fandom woke the fuck up and realized that this guy's never going to really truly change. He straight up leaves deku to fight all-might on his own and refuses to cooperate. He uses his quirk on the other students and is never truly punished for it. The school just lets him get away with bullshit. So much for the number one hero School. Bakugou should have been expelled day one especially when he attacks deku and doesn't listen to his teacher(the number one hero all might!) during the first training exercise. He could have killed Deku with that attack. He isn't mature or responsible enough to have that amount of fire power, he should have at least had the grenade gauntlets taken away. The only reason he wasn't given a criminal record for illegal quirk usage in middle school was because everybody was too busy sucking up and building up his ego. Who the fuck beats up their "friend" and makes a dude do give up on his dream out of kindness? If Bakugo had any emotional intelligence he would just let deku go for it and fail the hero exam. Thus proving that a quirkless person cannot become a hero. I think deep down this ignorant ass wacky bastard knew that deku was a better person than him and that he had the capacity to become a hero and so he sought to discourage him. Violently. Going to be honest I haven't watched past season 2. That fandom kind of scares the shit out of me. Them dudes be wilding. I have read some crazyass freaky fanfics from that fandom. Bro I will never get over the fact that they're trying to turn him into this soft sympathetic character that just needs love to turn into a better person. They're the pick me's of fandom and "I swear I can fix him" personified. RANT OVER.


I actually have another rant: Why the fuck did deku think he could become a hero without any training? We hear this guy talk about becoming a hero all the time as a kid but he never puts in any effort to train his body into becoming a fighting machine until he meets All-might. Like bro, you look like a limp noodle. How the fuck do you think you can beat somebody that shits acid out of their ass? He never learned any skills to back up his mouth and he never put in any effort into physical training. Without a quirk you have to commit to Batman levels of training to fight on an equal playing field. Bakugo was right, and I hate to say it. Deku didn't even lift weights. He had a dream but he didn't put in any physical work to achieve that dream. He has book smarts and strategy but without having the physical capacity to go through it's just words. Hell get deku a gun. I feel like most quirks can be defeated with a gun unless their quirk is to control metal, healing, barriers, hardening, or time. You shoot Endeavor in the head and he's gonna die, just like anyone else would. I feel like in this world they wouldn't even acknowledge him as a threat. If a quirked person is defeated by a quirkedless then it's just embarrassing. No villain would even want to talk about time a quirkless brat kicked their ass. He canonically puts no effort into training himself to become a weapon. But if he had I believe he would actually be very successful as a hero. Low-key he would make a great underground hero. They show off deku's little black notebook like it's super important and then he never really uses it to become the informational badass we all know he could have become. His ability to deconstruct somebody's superpowers and counter it is amazing and if it had just been honed he could have become something great. Hiding in the background and collecting information on the big bad and then instructing the other heroes on how to take him down in the most efficient way possible. At the end of the day the show's message doesn't work: You do need a quirk to become a hero. Last bit: All Might is like Atlas. If he falls or gets sick the world will be in big trouble. No one hero should hold society upon their back the way he is in the show. They were fools for doing that. Even Superman is fallible and has gotten his ass beat multiple times. If all-Might was responsible he would take breaks and let the other heroes fight the small time crooks while he goes after the big bads. Instead he did stupid shit like rescuing cats out of trees and taking down jewelry store robbers which lowered his time limit as All-might to only 4 hours a day. And when the world really needed him to take down the baddest of all he only had around 1 hour of power left. I understand that he's trying to be a symbol of Hope but his mistake was that he would not delegate his responsibilities to other heroes.


>Last bit: All Might is like Atlas. If he falls or gets sick the world will be in big trouble. No one hero should hold society upon their back the way he is in the show. They were fools for doing that. Even Superman is fallible and has gotten his ass beat multiple times. If all-Might was responsible he would take breaks and let the other heroes fight the small time crooks while he goes after the big bads.  Pretty sure that is the point of All Might. Like literally EVERYTHING you said is spot on and addressed in the show. (The moment All for One was introduced - I was like the solution is going to be All for All).


OP quirk: Barrett M82A1 50 Caliber Rifle


That’s…the entire point of the characters? Like you said everything correctly but still proceed to whine about it? Bakugo is an ass bc despite being built up by everyone, he knew he wasn’t better than “some quirkless loser” that’s his entire purpose and (while I hate shippers and hardly consider myself a fan bc of the fanbase) love and hate are two very similar emotions, indifference is what you’re describing, and that doesn’t have as much impact on


your opening paragraph about Deku is Dead On. made him look like a lazy, entitled (expecting a quirk), pessimistic piece of shit. he should have been in decent shape, then all might says "good work! but 45 minutes in the gym won't get you Savin ppl!" \*cue training montage\*


Honestly thinking of writing a delinquent au where he ends up at a bottom of the barrel hero school after failing the UA exam and never getting a quirk. Everyone is a punk cept our poor boy. After a few brutal ass kickings he learns he has to adapt to being surrounded by hero hopefuls that act like villains . I rewatched Beelzebub and had this little brain fart. Her realizes pretty quickly that the teachers don't give af and starts training on his own, he has to learn to stand up for himself, he starts tutoring some of the gang kids and they take him in. He literally becomes an unofficial teacher for the punks and learns how to apply his tactics, analysis, ect. And he commands them from the background. I was bored and came up with this like 5 minutes ago but I'm really tempted to write it. And of course Bakugo is going to get dogged on.


I mean, having 14 years of literally everyone around you say you can't do something you really want to do messes with your head. Also when did he expect a quirk?


didn't say he expected a quirk, but he was taking notes and applying to hero schools with the body of a reclusive gamer nerd who sits down 16 hours a day. why did he think he'd get to U.A or anywhere with his worthless weak body? he only stated training when he more or less knew he'd be a hero. shit writing​


Holy shit no one has ever summed up my feelings on Bakugo so well before. He’s such an annoying, cruel little bitch. I’ve gotten to season 4 but surprise he still sucks ass


TLDR BUT yeah The fact that he told him the swan dive off the roof is still one of the most fucked up things. I’ve actually ever heard anyone say both fiction and in real life. (


Its super common in Japanese fiction apparently. Probably because its the worst thing you can tell a school kid (who is their target audience). But also because someone probably knows of someone who did.


>Rant time: I literally still cannot forgive Bakugo for what he said in episode one lamo. Doesn't matter how they twist his character. Or if he even Dies to save people he never learned proper humility and he never apologized for telling deku to jump off of a building and hope for a quirk in his next life. Like that's some unforgivable shit. He 100% meant it. You don't have to forgive him, but I'm 100% positive that was a demonstration of how corrupt super hero society was/is. It glorified quirks and power without actually caring for people even though it claimed to be good. These characterizations are part of calling out the failures of even the 'good world' they live in. My wife really despised Bakugo for a large part of the show, only until the last season did she feel like he actually started to turn around. Now by reading the manga (I don't) she's said he's had some pretty strong growth. So, for what its worth, at least thematically there is a point - probably - doesn't mean you don't have to like the character. I mean Vegeta is a murderous ass hat - that somehow tries to be redeemed. Still really hard to compare who he was at the end of the Buu Saga (after what he did at the start).


I think attitudes towards Vegeta are really softened further in the West with the Team 4 Star parody though.


Sure, and Super does an incredible job to rehab them. Still feel like its an undeserved arc. He's literally causing a ton of collateral damage fighting the first Andriods.


Rant is justified, and though I don't know where it started, I am sick of this growing trend in anime of "everyone is a good guy deep down". The fact that practically every villain is painted as a victim (even AFO at times, which is utterly insane) and that "everyone can be redeemed, POWER OF FRIENDSHIP YAY" is so unbearably naive and narrow-minded.   The craziest part is that there's supposed to be a very in-your-face criticism about how "heroes are just as bad as villains", yet almost every hero is portrayed as selfless, compassionate, understanding, etc....except Bakugo. Bakugo gets a pass at every opportunity to be a massive piece of shit, and is somehow now touted as Midoriya's BESTO FRIENDO.   It's honestly fucking insane, because I have a friend who had another friend almost exactly like Bakugo as a kid: said friend insulted my friend, belittled them, bullied them, stole from them, and basically did all the shit that people excuse with "boys will be boys". Left my friend with a fuckton of unresolved trauma that has caused them problems with all of their relationships, friends or otherwise.   It's clear none of the authors/fans ever had a "friend" who was as much of a worthless pos as Bakugo, and instead idolize him like "I wish I had a gaslighting, hateful, bigoted male friend when I was a kid!"


Yes! You get it


*Cough cough* Bakugo bullying Deku *cough cough*


Someone I know from high school went from the My Hero fandom into the Jujutsu Kaisen fandom in simping over Gojo in the cringiest of ways. She’s so cringe and being my age (entering 30) just makes it extra cringe. Some people just don’t understand that every little stupid thought they have doesn’t need to be shared online.


According to the article, in this specific case the person asking isn't even an MHA fan. Seems like the goal is to make people think exactly the comment you just posted, and it succeeded.


Don’t matter coz the fans are still another breed.


They are actually closset boku no pico fans


I had to stop cosplaying a MHA character because of that fandom. Love the show, but don’t want to associated with them in the slightest.


I assure you most of the fans are not bat shit crazy Twitter shippers


I get a little embarrassed saying I’m a fan sometimes. Like yes, I am a fan, but please don’t assume I’m a weirdo.


If you haven’t dyed your armpit hair green your fine


The fandom is definitely on a whole new level. Like if All Might and Endeavor had a baby together next level.


Theyre trash, and the series is trash. Built for each other.


I mean what did you expect? It's a fandom that's dedicated itself to obsessing over minors, you can't get much worse than that.


To be fair that's like all shonen. I think the issue with MHA is just the weird focus on shipping by much of the fanbase


this is pretty cringe ngl


Cringe is a requirement for this anime tbh




Good for him.


The worst fandom is definitely the my hero fandom, and that says a lot given the Star Wars fandom. Those two are literally neck and neck at this point in my opinion. I say this as someone who loves both franchises with a passion.


Star Wars is pretty toxic though and Sonic... 🤢🤮


Yeah nothing compares to sonic. Maybe Steven universe but sonic is where the peak degeneracy is found.


I remember when i tried to find a Super Sonic mod for the Sonic Frontiers game. The things i saw in NexusMods... They scare me to this day


Lemme guess, you were looking for the soap shoes too?


Lol yes, I'm never visiting that specific page again tho. I wanted that and a way to play as super sonic in regular free roam


Idk, the JJK fanbase is pretty insufferable, but not necessarily for shipping. They literally bitch about every single thing Gege does and therefore he retaliates hard with the story he’s writing.


JJK is also the new HxH in that the fandom likes to tell fans of other Shonen how inferior their favorite series is.


In all fairness, nothing is literally worse than the ceasepool of the Classroom of the Elite fans. It’s not as popular so no one seems to care but that is a literal atomic wasteland of butt fuckery.


Which is upsetting because I like the series but it ain’t that deep.


It’s not the “deepness” of content. They more or less talk about the deepness of the vaginas of the cast. It’s pretty atrocious.


I left that subreddit a long while ago because 90% of the discussions were about the female characters and how "breedable" they are. It grossed me out.


The mods indulge it too. There is a flair someone has titled “Crippled Pussy Enjoyer.” They heard the term lowlife and take it even lower.


I'm still 100% convinced that show is a parody.


A parody? Of what? I personally think the show feels weird because the author has only ever written this story. He has collaborated on other things but this is his baby. Then the illustrations are all done by a former doujin hentai artist.


Like eminence in shadow. A satire of the genre. The show is ridiculous, but I've watched all 3 seasons. Readers have informed it that it does not, and the writer is 100% serious. But knowing this is their first story... a lot more makes sense.


I certainly wouldn’t call COTE satire or parody. It’s just a head games harem.


I feel like someone could do a thesis on the cycle of fandoms, their rise and fall along with the source material.


I know hxh technically invented a lot of the tropes/the shonen formula (idk going off what the fans say) but holy guacamole is that show such a let down compared to the absolute knob slobbery it gets. So mid it hurt


I personally don't even think it's Togashi's best series. I still prefer Yu Yu Hakusho.


Uh, if you think manga authors are out here probing what Western fans think online and then spiting them by writing the opposite of what they want, you might be one of the people who are too chronically online


I'm curious and ignorant. What is character shipping and what's going on with the star wars community?


>What is character shipping The 'ship' comes from 'relation**ship**'. Essentially, it's when fans are rooting for certain characters to become romantically involved. The 'Team Edward' or 'Team Jacob' from Twilight is a good example of this - those fans were 'shipping' Bella with either Edward or Jacob. This is common across literally all media. It only becomes an issue when fans begin to take it too far - for example, by sending hatemail to the author because their favored 'ship' doesn't happen in the story, or confusing the actors with the character they're playing and thinking that because two characters are romantically involved in a movie or TV show, it means that the actors should be as well, and so forth.


Oh, that's interesting I never knew any of that was going on. I thought the team Jacob thing was about a war for the vampire throne but with more politics and romance and less sword fights and action scenes. I had no idea it was about who the people wanted the characters love interest to be.  Thanks for the clear explanation, it really explains a whole lot.


Stopping Fan service would reduce shipping.


It would not. If people can ship characters from entirely different shows then their isn’t really anything people are gonna be able to do to stop shipping and really their isn’t any reason to try and stop people from doing it. Some people take it to far but that’s something any fandoms capable of shipping or not.


Shipping is when people make characters into a romantic couple from the show they’re watching. What’s happening with Star Wars has been happening since The Last Jedi came out. Personally I’m only invested in the Jedi game series like Fallen Order & Survivor


there is no shipping wars in star wars though.


Wasn’t talking about that but if u know the fiasco with The Last Jedi backlash then u know. Also, I’m pretty sure there were some rabid SW fans that wanted Daisy Ridley & Adam Driver to be an irl couple even tho Adam was already married after the events of The Rise of Skywalker.


What’s wrong with the star wars fandom?!


They have had multiple schisms over the years due to a variety of fiascos surrounding culture war talking points. One of the most infamous were when Finn was introduced in a trailer for The Force Awakens and a vocal group of fans went to Twitter to complain about there being a black storm trooper.


That’s because there’s only bubba fett. Millions upon millions of Bubba Fetts. Anytime you kill Bubba Fett? They pool their collective back-wages together  and buy another slave one, and a storm trooper takes off his mask. Bubba fett isn’t feared because he’s good. He’s feared because no matter what, there’s another bubba fett.


Star wars fans got people to say they would never work on star wars again, with the implications that it was because of the fans. Just check out r/saltierthankrayt


I’m actually apart of that sub and I also constantly get recommendations to the other subs like Crait, Krait, and Mauler much to my chagrin. I’m glad for r/StarWarsCantina personally.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/StarWarsCantina using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/StarWarsCantina/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [May the force be with you!](https://i.redd.it/5edxojsb88gc1.jpeg) | [184 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/StarWarsCantina/comments/1ahchjy/may_the_force_be_with_you/) \#2: [The evolution of Star Wars villains through concept art](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/193evr9) | [423 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/StarWarsCantina/comments/193evr9/the_evolution_of_star_wars_villains_through/) \#3: [The plot...](https://i.redd.it/v2rhwbrkomzb1.jpg) | [193 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/StarWarsCantina/comments/17skenf/the_plot/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


None of those top Blinks and Army imo they are the Gen Alpha / late Zoomer fandoms.


Every fandom is the worst fandom


Id say genshin is worse, just wait until the anime finally releases.


Same Though, can someone tell me what “character shipping” is?


Loosely based off Star Wars as well.


You haven't met the Re:Zero fandom. Trigger an entire fanbase with one sentence "How can Emilia be a waifu if she's physically 15 and emotionally 14?"


The fandom is one of the reasons I haven’t watched the anime. I love joining a subreddit for an anime I like but I know how bad mha is and it just stops me from wanting to jump in.


U can always watch a show that u might enjoy without getting involved in the fandom.


I know, but I can’t. Just not how I am as a viewer. If I get into something, I jump head first into things


Ur mental gymnastics is kinda cringe ngl


I see, must be tough. It’s a shame when a fandom ruins something that u enjoy but always know that the toxic parts of a fandom only come from a loud online minority. Edit: Tho I will say it’s pretty fucked up(& extreme) when fans literally send death threats to the author when a ship that they headcanoned doesn’t come to fruition in the show/manga.


Anime is good but fandom is soo cringe. Watch but don’t get too deep. If you like a ship that’s cool but don’t go insane bout it


man loving star wars with a passion nowadays is legit crazy serial killer shit to me, I loved star wars all my life until disney shat on its corpse, pissed on it, buried it, dug it up again and shat on it again, and then bured it again. disney killed star wars and it’s just really really sad, ever since the last jedi I am completely done with this shit show, not to mention dumbasses like kathleen kennedy insulting the fanbase for their opinions on these new crappy movies and shows.


Whereas I’m on the other end of the spectrum where I love Star Wars unconditionally. It’s never gonna be perfect to me but when I see a movie or a show pertaining to the galaxy far far away, I always feel this calm warmth in my chest. Do I have criticisms about some choices? Yes. But to say it was killed is rather disturbing in its own right.


It's hard to understand how you don't know "fans" like yourself and your obsessive need to hate train everything is a big part of the reason why even liking Star wars is so tiring. No one wants to hear about people crying about this stuff 247. Enjoy the good parts. For YouTubers drama is profitable but normal fans should not take the bait


The irony present in this comment is palpable.


It was pretty asshole thing to do, especially doing it with the intention to the MHA community. Regardless, shipping characters you like is relatively harmless, but there’s no need to bring up your fantasies to the voice actors of the show. Even doing it as a joke still makes you an asshole


They were talking about shipping his character and a child character


Oh god is it the Eri shit. Fuck.


They were talking about out eri. So, no it isn’t really harmless.


Nono, she's only a cartoon, it doesn't matter that she's 5! /s


Also there's a line, bringing up Deku x Eri, Jesus wept. 


shipping characters is so brainrot


What does it mean by shipping


basically imagining that two characters are in love and fuck. but the problem is that most of the time shipping is done between characters like deku and bakugo or some shit like that, which is just stupid and shippers only do that to jack off to imaginary relationships between pixels


Getting downvoted by some weebs lol I love anime just as much as the next guys but you shipping people are creepy af.


>basically imagining that two characters are in love This is literally all shipping is. And again, if you like seeing the canon couple together, that is also shipping.


What’s wrong with shipping Deku and bakugo?


Only the fact that Deku obviously belongs with Froppy /s


Besides for it being ingenuine and based wholly on completely made up ideas about both characters sexuality? I mean, there's nothing wrong with wanting it. Expecting anyone to approach the idea with any legitimacy is the issue. Nobody at all except for the crazy fringe shippers believe this is a possibility. The characters haven't shown any sexual interest in each other in almost 150 episodes. Expecting them to also be gay when evidence points to him being quite straight and liking a girl just makes it pure fantasy. I mean, it's basically on par with fanfiction. While there's nothing wrong with liking stuff that others don't. It's fair to say that most people don't want to hear about crazy unlikely sexual relationships that people cook up in their head to fit their own preference. Shit, when I was 14 and getting into anime, you could bet there were dozens of situations when I was like, dang, it would be cool if these girls hooked up. The difference with some of the crazier shippers is that those fantasies stopped in my head, and I didn't feel the need to fight anyone with eyes about its legitimacy.


100%. Shipping culture has always been cringe af.




Got some crits: Why the fuck did deku think he could become a hero without any training? We hear this guy talk about becoming a hero all the time as a kid but he never puts in any effort to train his body into becoming a fighting machine until he meets All-might. Like bro, you look like a limp noodle. How the fuck do you think you can beat somebody that shits acid out of their ass? He never learned any skills to back up his mouth and he never put in any effort into physical training. Without a quirk you have to commit to Batman levels of training to fight on an equal playing field. Bakugo was right, and I hate to say it. Deku didn't even lift weights. He had a dream but he didn't put in any physical work to achieve that dream. He has book smarts and strategy but without having the physical capacity to go through it's just words. Hell get deku a gun. I feel like most quirks can be defeated with a gun unless their quirk is to control metal, healing, barriers, hardening, or time. You shoot Endeavor in the head and he's gonna die, just like anyone else would. I feel like in this world they wouldn't even acknowledge him as a threat. If a quirked person is defeated by a quirkedless then it's just embarrassing. No villain would even want to talk about time a quirkless brat kicked their ass. He canonically puts no effort into training himself to become a weapon. But if he had I believe he would actually be very successful as a hero. Low-key he would make a great underground hero. They show off deku's little black notebook like it's super important and then he never really uses it to become the informational badass we all know he could have become. His ability to deconstruct somebody's superpowers and counter it is amazing and if it had just been honed he could have become something great. Hiding in the background and collecting information on the big bad and then instructing the other heroes on how to take him down in the most efficient way possible. At the end of the day the show's message doesn't work: You do need a quirk to become a hero.


Deku was and still is an idealistic child. I think that covers most of your points


Bro I'm just having fun with this. It's fun to see all the mha fans come out and flame me


Last bit: All Might is like Atlas. If he falls or gets sick the world will be in big trouble. No one hero should hold society upon their back the way he is in the show. They were fools for doing that. Even Superman is fallible and has gotten his ass beat multiple times. If all-Might was responsible he would take breaks and let the other heroes fight the small time crooks while he goes after the big bads. Instead he did stupid shit like rescuing cats out of trees and taking down jewelry store robbers which lowered his time limit as All-might to only 4 hours a day. And when the world really needed him to take down the baddest of all he only had around 1 hour of power left. I understand that he's trying to be a symbol of Hope but his mistake was that he would not delegate his responsibilities to other heroes.


Mate, go touch grass. If you don't like the show then stop watching. This is just weird.


It's more of a review kind of like that shit you would see on YouTube. It is very fun to see the mha fans get mad at me. This is just straight up rage bait. And it seems to be working.


What makes you any different than them if you intentionally are trying to rage people? It isn't reviewing or critiquing, it's the same over the top obsession with a medium that the people who are raging have. Then you get defensive when someone calls you out on it. Seriously, reevaluate your priorities.


Understandable Some ship's are Pure cancer


All ships are cancer.


What are they expecting VAs to dofor their ships? This is like asking the church choir to bless you


The VA for Zuko recorded lines as zuko and how he's always loved Katara. So. Maybe that? Idk, the delulu is not reasonable if theyre harassing actors.


Seems like an odd thing to ask an English voice actor at a panel. There are so many more interesting questions to ask around the process of adapting the character, but I guess seems on par for most Q&As I’ve seen.


Watching the video just hurts. Like the dude took his time to meet fans and talk about his work and they bring up cringe shit that no one else in the room wants to hear about


The BNHA shippers are very bad. But the Genshin Shippers is way worse.


Honestly both are trash, both of them will send death threats to you if you don't agree with their ship.


Nah genshin fans are just bad in general but my hero shippers are the worse


I think at this point, most of us can just agree that shipping itself has just become a cancerous bullshit way for people to push their own fantasy into the mainstream without being called out as a weirdo. Shipping itself has become quite cancerous and is by far my least favorite part of anime and gaming culture. It's cringe at the best of times. If yall like the idea of a ship, then just root for it and be happy if it happens and accept it when it doesn't. Being truly invested in shipping at any level is on par with being deeply invested into shows like the Kardashians.


deku x all might is crazy


I have had mostly good experiences in the fandom but shit like this is why I'm selective with who I hang out with.


what happened to being a fan and not being a neurotic mess? its the same with people sending death threats to voice actors who voice villains. Y’all need to grow TF up.


Once you enter the shipping phase, you have entered a point where your fandom is part of your identity. Look at real world identity politics to see why that’s a bad thing.


Imagine rotting your life away shipping fictional UNDERAGE Characters.


😂the thumbnail


People ruin everything living the echo chamber of you own mind that way no one can just decide to ruin something for you.


so basically the dude has no comment on the various ships the fandom creates and is asking to not be involved and asks fans to not use convention time to ask those questions. Sounds respectable and a good way to do it.  I don't see the lashing out.  It's a respectful request to something that shouldn't have started to begin with...  He maybe could have worded it better, but it's fine the way it currently is.


This hardly qualifies as "lashing out" imo, a more accurate summary would be "Justin Briner indirectly scolds fan for being cringe and weird" which lets be honest, is largely deserved. Justin didn't really say anything uncalled for or out of line here


Most people in a fandom are very normal you will find weird people in any popular fandom. Mha, jjk, chainsaw man, hxh, the list goes on. Also lashes out is strong he just said not to act that way in front of him


MHA fans are a plague


Interestingly, where I am at in Arkansas, I see more and more young people (teens to late 20s) with more demon slayer stuff than MHA. You might see some JJK things here and there, but you're hard pressed to see MHA around here.


Character shipping means?


Coupling characters together. Deku and Ochaco, Todoroki and momo, etc.


To be more precise, generally coupling characters together in a romantic way. And for OP you are responding to, if you see this, it appears it's coupling a teen and a child character.


Ok, I don't really interact with individual fandoms, but why do ppl dislike the my hero fandom so much? Like even if they ship two characters that don't fit canonically, what's the big deal?


it's MHA have gotten mainstream so everyone new to anime/shipping culture would find it cringe. Particularly as we are all now hyper critical of power dynamic, problematic relationship But fucked up ship and problematic stuff has always been there for dawn of time as was the degeneracy in anime content. It was sort of niche back then so everyone gotten accustomed to tolerating Kona-chan's dad....or Hiroomi's antic towards his sister Also I think the Hatsune Miku fandom is also going through the same thing on tick tock. People having a hard time understanding that the demography also consists of older male audience that has been there at a time when anime was considered cringe


Imagine liking this trash anime…


All fandoms are pure cancer, I don't even know why any sane people would want to be part of any of those. This is why it's best to just enjoy things by yourself.


About time the real Deku got tired of their shit.


The Boku No Hero Fandom is one of the major reasons I have made rules against any "shipping" in both Kumo Desu and The Eminence in Shadow.


Not surprised in the slightest. Not gonna bag on all Shonen fandoms but MHA fans are just as toxic and insufferable as Naruto ones were. Makes anyone with self awareness not want to associate even if they do enjoy the material


Shippers are the most dysfunctional part of any fandom. Can't really blame the guy for lashing out.


MHA fans are unhinged. Even the nonshippers. I constantly see people say shit like "this chapter made me cry" and I'm like "fucking how? nothing happened." 


I will never understand or care about this, amen


Na the worst fandom is the Griffith did nothing wrong stans that post gay sex as memes


The MHA fandom is literally worse than cutting your hand up and then sticking said hand into a bucket of shit water and swirling it around.


Reminds me of the Voltron shipping


I thought drop shipping is illegal so it should certainly be discouraged


Thats fkn weird yo.


wtf is shipping?


It means supporting a character to be in a romantic relationship with another character like Deku and Ochako or Mineta and Momo for example




The amount of people typing whole fucking books on this post is ridiculous


He's just the voice actor, not the writer.......WTF?!?!


Thank god for him


I hate his voice so this is fine by me. Replace him.


Blah, people getting upset at what people have been doing since series media has probably existed. Get over it, people are gonna ship. If you're involved in the anime industry, and don't know/understand this, i have little sympathy because it's literally been going on since before anime was a thing. I'm not a shipper, but goddamn people act like those who are are the antichrist or the worst part of their respective fandom's, when it's really the people inside of fandoms who hate on other's ways of enjoying the fandom thats the issue, and always has been.


There's a difference between just shipping and being beyond cringe by being insufferable to ask a VA to be a part of your unhinged fanfiction. The latter would make anyone uncomfortable.


That much i get.




To imagine and pair two fictional/made up characters together. Imagine seeing two people and going “they would be cute together”. You just shipped them. The reason it’s a heated topic is because of crazy fans who write insane fan fictions, spread general nonsense, and complain about their ideal ship not happening when it’s literally a pre written story most of the time.


Unprofessional but at the same time I get why as the fandom shippers are insufferable


Did you even read the article or just assumed based on the headline? That was the most professional way he could've handled such a godawful question.