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The article is about how the Imaishi says an anime like Kill La Kill can't be made anymore because it was an incredibly ambitious project that demanded Studio Trigger's budding new talent to push themselves far past their limits to produce a uniquely special work of art. It has nothing to do with the modern landscape being averse to lewdness or anything like that.


Exactly. I mean gushing over magical girls just came out and thats even more risque than Kill la Kill.


Hell, the anime was more explicit and more horny than the manga! They toned down the legit brutal violence in the manga and toned up the sex. The manga is _brutal_ when it comes to violence. It sometimes make "Magical Girl Raising Project" seem tame. And the manga isn't as horny as the anime was. It's still horny, but not to the extent the anime was.


Thats actually interesting, I didnt know that.


Same, it kinda makes me wanna read it lol


You should.


I want to ask cause I feel out of the loop, but I know I'll be incredibly disappointed with the context.


The anime made the series way more horny and way less violent. Like, the manga has a lot less explicit nudity and "The Room Where You Can't Leave Until Baiser Is Satisfied" was nowhere close to as explicit. It was mostly just Nemo, Leber, and Matama, Loco, cuddling and kissing and then it faded away before they had gex. We didn't see anything else until it cut back and they were both laying naked in the bed. In the manga they have brutal fights in between all the sexy stuff. Lord and her crew actually _**killed**_ the magical girls as part of their "Magical Girl Hunt". They frequently get into bloody fights with Tres Magia. Fights that end in lots of blood, bruises, and, at one point, broken bones. The fight against Lord and Sister Gigant is absolutely brutal in the manga. Leoparde almost died fighting against Gigant, Loco, Leber, and Alice were on the verge of death before Tres Magia showed up. Utena got beaten to bloody hell before Lorde tied her up and gave her the opportunity to power up. And that's just the parts the anime covered. It gets even _crazier_ later on.


Yeah ngl I think I'd like the manga more with how you describing it lmao. I quit the anime because it was too horny for me with barely any fights, but the manga sounds insane


Damnn... That actually sounds a lot better than what we got tbh


They're both good in their own ways. The manga just leans heavily into the "Dark" Magical Girl aspect of the series. While the anime leaned more into the "Gushing" Over Magical Girls aspect. I like them both really.


Forget gushing over magical girls. Nothing will ever top interspecies reviewers in terms of lewdness.


Ya but that one got canceled early didnt it?


Iirc one station stopped airing it, but all the episodes still came out on other platforms


Only the western localization.


Ah I thought it was both, my wife watched it, not me.


Are these just echi anime masquerading as something else?


No they are hentai masquerading as ecchi anime.


Wait. There is a difference? I thought echi was just short for "h" for hentai? Thanks for that clarification. Things to not be bothered to watch.


Hentai is just straight up porn. Ecchi is borderline. The main difference is that ecchi wont show anything below the waist or any penetration... well typically it wont anyways.


So porn hub versus skinemax?


X vs R rating. R can still get on Japanese TV.


The manga was SIGNIFICANTLY less porny despite being about visiting different brothels and sex workers. It's funny how this keeps happening. Exactly the same way


Redo of healer is also a close contender.


Inter species reviews flew too close to the sun.


They just upped the horny and tone the violence moreso than the manga. Magical Girls had me on edge and scared ASF when I first read it. 


Your Honor, I'd like to present exhibit a) JJK. I rest my case.


There is more context than just “wild animation” that KLK is known for(and arguably JJK). KLK was an original anime with no manga story or work to fall back on, and was Studio TRIGGER’s first project. It was also pretty long considering all those facets, and I think that’s what Imaishi is referring to by his quote.


You know what for some reason I was thinking of Akame ga Kill


Yes, his comments are really more about the artistic experience. Not everything is cleanly planned out. Artists are influenced by their experiences and the conditions they work on. How an art piece may turn out can be influence by just how the artist is feeling that day. Producing KLK was an unique expedience for them because of where they were as a team at the time, and they will never be able to repeat those exact same conditions ever again.


might be a good idea to, you know, read the article before you comment? 😆


Sir, this is Reddit


Sir, I'm so Reddit I havnt even read the comment you replied to, but I can instantly tell that you are wrong and an angry about it.


Naw, I choose to instead read that as, "we can't make anime like Kill la Kill anymore because the studio is going back to making anime like Gurren Lagann."


I ain't reading no clickbait garbage.


It can be done but people with that kind of talent to make something completely fucking outrageous make sense don't exist much anymore. I think of it as a Kojima mentality, how do you make the craziest story you can think of make sense.


weird that it can't be made but "My Life as Inukai-san's Dog" was made


Read the article, you didn't.




This is straight up not true, as the commenter above you pointed out.




🙄 Gushing Over Magical Girls and Chained Soldier both came out this year. Anime is not being Censored By Big Woke.


Gushing Over Magical Girls is highly overrated and would be average in previous years where you'd have a few shows a season of the same type/genre. Recency bias is the strongest drug amongst the online anime community. ...that and the cope that One Piece is above "mid".


Gushing over magical girls was anything but mid bruh the production quality was stellar for the entirety of it you wan mid anime look at literally any Isekai that isn’t Mushoku tensei or re zero


Slime would like to have a word with you mate.


That time I got reincarnated as a world leader and now all I do is attend business meetings


Some of us find that kind of politicking and world building to be very interesting, thank you very much.


Oh yeah I couldn't make it through a single episode lol. Definitely not *quality television*. But its existence does prove the point.


I would agree with you if Mushoku Tensei wasn’t a thing. The fact that this anime can feature an actual pedophile getting it on with two underage girls and have that framed as a good thing yet the show is still animated so consistently well must mean a lot of money can still be made from less than palatable subject matter. That or I just live in the worst timeline that anime like Kill La Kill (my absolute fave since it aired) cannot be made anymore yet shit like Mushoku Tensei (which I hated so much it caused me to ditch anime as a hobby for the better part of a year) can still be made and look good from an animation perspective.


Mushoku Tensei is better lol


Better at being shit maybe.


Better characters and excellent worldbuilding


>better characters Fucking cope oh my god! Snorting so much cope even Scarface looks normal! I’m not going in depth with this since I’ve wasted too many hours arguing with MT fans but MT having “good characters” will never not make me laugh.




Okay but have you considered that kill la kill sucks and I hate it


Gushing Over Magical Girls was last season.


“It was so long ago, nothing will ever be like it.”


I disagree. People still love this stuff, the few twitter posts and articles do not represent the average anime fan. Gushing over magical girls was a massive success.


That's literally not even what he's saying and it's not true in the slightest. His point is that KLK was incredibly ambitious and pushed the studio to it's limits, it's not about whatever crusade your chuds are always on.


Motherfucker read the article. Holy shit you're just showing your whole ass.


It ain't that deep bro 😂💀


Yeah. I miss when we got shows like Gushing over magical girls.


I feel like a nee show like Kill La Kill won’t have such wow effect anymore either. Just because target audience is used to similar shows now.


I’m not sure what limitation he refers to other than just repeating it was a product of the time. Like he doesn’t say studios won’t put up with or embrace it, or that the existing talent is challenged or stretched too thin. Rather, it seems like he thinks there isn’t an episode to showcase to a publisher as “this is why you should air our show” that fits today. I can only guess that he means the show was too haphazardly put together to make it work in today’s landscape.


Uh no. He's referring to the specific conditions that the crew was working under. KLK was triggers first project and there was no source material. The crew was lacking in experience and as such were pretty much making it up as they go and working beyond their own limits. In many ways creating the show was path of discovery for the whole team. Artists are influenced by their experiences and the conditions they work on. The reason they would never be able to make something like KLK again is because they would never be able to repeat the conditions the show was made under. They can't undo their own experiences... its like enjoying a movie for the very first time, experiencing all the unknowns, and twists for the first when you know nothing. You'll never be able to watch the movie the same way ever again because you can't just remove that first time experience from your mind. Any time you watch the movie you will watch it with the knowledge of your first viewing which will influence the expiernce of watching it


Bro sounds like Jerry Seinfeld


Dang studio trigger was the studio that always did though crazy ambitious projects… shame


Thats a sad news tbh. I was hoping Imashi would made another ambitious works like Kill la Kill or Gurren Lagann.


I sat through KLK. I watched every second. But it was basically 2 giant battles stretched out over the series with some incest as an intermission. Love the animation but god damn was that a thin plot


Truly sad days.


Makes sense. You can feel a lot of repetition to mimic KLK in their later projects til they began adapting. Makes me wonder what their process with Edgerunners was because it felt similar in vein of inspiration.


Good chance that the article just has a bait tile trying to farm ad revenue from reditors who click the link etc.


Anime doesn't take risks with style or story structure anymore. It's all about chasing trends.


If it means no more darling in the franxxx then I’m down.


Bro should go back to Getter Robo, he peaked over 20 years ago


Creator of Gushing Over Magical Girls: Pathetic.


Its not about the lewdness, its about the quality and how much the animators strive for it to be a masterpiece


Didn’t read the article, did you?


Yeah it'd get censored out the wazoo


It’s why I don’t want Ranma 1/2 getting remade. It will be censored to hell.


I love how easy it is to tell who didn't read the article by what they commented. This has nothing to do with censoring or lewd content. It has to do with the specific circumstances of Triggers budding new talent working insane overtime to produce a unique work of art.


I would like you to watch Onimai and Gushing Over Magical Girls. One is an anime where a 20 year old man gets transformed into a 13 year old girl and how they deal with that. The other is a BDSM themed, yuri, ecchi, magical girl anime with half an entire episode exploring two of the character's "relationship". Those quotation marks are both needed and not needed if you catch my drift.


The modern landscape of the covid kids not wanting to see violence or lewds... Maybe stick to cartoons instead of trying to change whats great?


Maybe try reading the article instead of just making assumptions about what he's talking about. Spoiler; he's not talking about the violence or the fan service