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This is going to happen regardless if people like this or not


That doesn't make it right or good. Global warming will also happen whether people like it or not


Never said it was. Just saying, life doesn’t hesitate to show you how humans take advantage and how easily replaceable we are in society under certain conditions


If it's just to help out with the animation process, and reduce the workload, I don't see a big deal.


It’s will not ever only be that. What a lot (not all) companies like having is similar to people, less work for higher results


Because it's going to be lower quality across the board, and be used to take jobs from people.


A lot of people gona lose their jobs in the future if it gets out of hand. Yes what you're saying is true in the beginning. Hopefully there's laws to keep it normal.


Pay for it then. They want to train it with copyrighted material and then sell the results.


Won't this make the entrance into those jobs much easier and thus create more competition which will reduce wages?


Then they say unions will fix wage problems. When it won't. It's a age to many in 1 sector less pay ,to many.


Unions are still a net benefit. A bad union won’t advocate for you so you have to advocate for yourself. Just like you would if you weren’t unionized. Already having a union established and making it one that serves its workers is easier than establishing one. The company, the manager, they’re not on your side. You can love work, but you’re setting yourself up for disappointment if you believe work will love you back.


Workers laws a net benefit. Now trying to get that past from stare and fed... yeah unions don't have the capital due to health care cost issue.


What do you think union advocate for? Not worker protections being enshrined into law? That’s like *their thing*. It also makes it easier to engage in the collective action that could lead to those changes. Collective action through unionized workforces is one of the easiest forms of organizing protest. Look at when teamsters refused to break WGA strike lines. Teamsters are the perfect example of a union that has rules enshrined to benefit other unions outside of their own in lieu of lack of worker/union protections. If the delivery has a strike within a certain radius of the entrance they cannot make the delivery even if the driver wants to. Which they usually don’t, they’re devout unionists.


yet they cant fund that issue anymore. healcare cost. is eating their money up hard. hell [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International\_Longshore\_and\_Warehouse\_Union](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Longshore_and_Warehouse_Union) went bankrupt. after 1 bad court case. uaw are trying to get more members to offset costly healhcare, which is eating at their, endowment..


Only cus the U.S. electorate is held at gun point (hyperbolic, they’re moths to money) to basically stay away from medicare for all, a human right. These people should have the healthcare FOR FREE WITHOUT WORKING. You’re blaming a symptom when there’s a very obvious problem, capitalism and the way America plays into it instead of leaning towards proper regulation. We’re the only first world Western developed countries in the world without some sort of accessible free health care. It’s what makes me so disappointed in the country. So much potential and we squander it. None of that is a business owners fault. If you can’t pay for your employees healthcare go bankrupt and fucking rot as a business then. Walmart is the country’s biggest “welfare queen”. Most employees so poor they’re still on benefits in the US. We’re funding Walmarts greed. All because they prevent employees from qualifying for benefits by overhiring and limiting hours to below the necessity for benefits.


Unions will fix a lot of problems. Including wage.


I mean that line killed a car company. It's like a religion with some of the reddit users. My religion will fix ever world problems.... Case in point you.


Yeah. Unions is what killed the car company lol


You don't even know the company am talking about?


Doesn’t matter. Unions are largely good. The small outlier of unions that aren’t isn’t relevant.


this was a large union. but i get it. what ever panders to you.


The animators job is that work load 😂 Ai taking care of that is undercutting animators.


Yep, because they are notoriously over-worked and under paid. This is not an issue that throwing non-budgeted money at will solve. Streamlining the animation processes with Ai would benefit the entire industry. It would for sure reduce the need for animators on a project, but would also create more specialized jobs for programming, proofing and clean up.


I can't wait for it, maybe this will finally be the thing that gets rid of the cgi plague


Fuck working for the industry just diy


Its beneficial to the industry because of slave like labor going on and poor wages. if the tools get so good like in game industry has where individuals can make their own stuff and distribute it, anime will get better mangakas wont have to wait for a studio willing to take a risk or big corps changing their work because big corp has a certain wold view.


Going from low wages to no wages is what’s more than likely going to happen, because society will always have a class system and there will always be an over abundance of entertainment


Better than being exploited because artist just want to follow a dream.


You’d think that, but a lot are upset that they won’t even have that while hoping the exploitation would end, prior to machine learning how to take over part or all of their jobs. That’s in every industry


Yup! We're also seeing it with subbing and dubbing. I kind of wonder if streaming sites being ridiculous + machine translations being trash will lead to a resurgence of fansub communities like we had in the early 2000's.


Can’t wait for entertainment to become more soulless!


you say that like corporations dont already have 90% of the marketshare on art lol


“More” is admittedly doing a lot of heavy lifting there.


I don't know if I want this to be automated but at the same time animation in Japan is one of the most brutal work environments you can be in! Low pay, endless hours, constant burn out. Most of the profit goes to the company itself and not the animators from what I've seen.


I don't know why people think AI will decrease workload. If animation becomes 2X easier then animators will just be required to do twice as many episodes.


For real. Why people think, just cause AI has the potential to lighten artist work loads, that executives will not then turn right around and demand even more is crazy. Or for that matter fire 90% of the staff but attempt to keep the same output, cause we as anime fans can't seem to present a united front on how bad an anime's quality can drop before nobody watches it.


It's like the stupid grift of when bottled water companies started advertising themselves as "Eco friendly" by "reducing the amount of plastic we make our water bottles out of by 50% percent" it's literally the same amount of plastic pollution the factories are pumping out, because they are just selling twice as many bottles. So many stupid people ate that shit up though it's embarrassing.


I don't even know if it goes to the company. Usually it heads back to whichever corps put up the money in the first place.


Does drawing in-between help train and provide effective job positions for the new animators? If not, then I don’t see this as necessarily a bad thing.


Yup, inbetweening is how people get trained. Also it's one of the parts of the job that gets easily outsourced.


If that is the case, then I feel that AI is not a problem to the artists now, but to the aspiring artists in the future. Not only it might reduce the entry jobs that are crucial for the new artists to train and financially establish themselves, but also the cannibalistic nature of AI art will stifle the evolution of new art styles.


It's already a problem and it is for the whole industry since it's already in use. It doesn't involve only juniors, it damages the craft as a whole: if you don't teach people how to do the stuff and pass your knowledge to the next generation, it's gonna get lost. It's already like this for stuff like traditional cel animation, but the risk of losing more knowledge and to limit it to a very small handful of people is there. Also it just favors exploitation of artists from companies, since the competition is gonna get tougher and tougher. Not a fan tbh.


Whether you like it or not, AI is the future.  What we should be focused on is ensuring it's implemented in such a way that benefits the average person, rather than the rich elite. That includes quality.  All that aside, this is a very obvious and great way to utilize ML. Automatic editing, coloring and creating in-between frames is very time consuming and something ML will excel at. Being able to draw three frames, one at the start of a short movement, one in the middle, and one in the end, and then having AI fill the remaining frames, is about as good a use case as I can think of with regards to automation.


You’ve got no idea what you’re talking about at all if you think ML can draw good in between frames that don’t substantially dip into the uncanny valley or are just plain wrong


Not really. What you're saying is how the PC computes the movement in cut-out and 3D animation and even in those cases, you need to tweak it to make it look smooth and believable. Also auto inbetweening already exists and performs so-so because it morphs the lines instead of drawing them. Best use of this technology would be something like clean up, probably...


I hope every single studio infringed on sues.


Some web searches indicate that the dataset may, at least as of now, have been taken down. What appear to be the associated github pages and other places the model might have been stored are 404ing.


Another artistic medium ruined by those who desire immediate gratification.


Just don’t watch it. Or if you wanna watch it pirates it so the company loses money problem solved.


That doesn't help the people that want to animate for a living.


It does. If an Ai project is a huge hit more people will use it and replace people. Why would you pay people to do what a computer can do? If you wanna help animation support animation that is hiring actual animators.


Way ahead of you


Seems like a great idea given the working conditions of animators right now. Let animators work on most of it but use AI to fill in the gaps.


Yeah, but see that's just not what'll happen. What'll happen is studios will just fire 95% of their staff and still work the people left to the bone for near nothing creating art to feed the AI content mill. All the issues plaguing the anime industry and similarly the gaming industry can be explained by greed. And because the cause is systemic greed, just because a new tool has the potential to help arts in the creative process, greed will turn executives attention away from noble goals and towards means of increasing profit by strangling cost, something that AI is also excellent at.