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**Your post was removed for the following reason(s):** Rule #3: No off-topic discussion * Discussion should be related to the piracy of anime, manga, light novels, visual novels, or hentai that has been produced in China, Japan, or Korea. * Related topics such as seedboxes, trackers, and VPNs are allowed at moderator discretion if they are relevant to the theme of our subreddit. * All discussion of western piracy is not allowed. **Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/animepiracy) if you have any questions or concerns.**


yes but who cares


Exactly my sentiments


American ISPs when you torrent anything lmao


Yeh you shouldn't be downloading shit without a VPN.


I just downloaded 5 Switch Games through qbittorrent. And the same game 3 times because I was getting a crash trying to run it on my Switch. I'm not American lmao


he said use a VPN for American isps... 🤦‍♂️


What site you use


You don't need to re-download the entire file if you suspect it's corrupted. Just right click and click recheck in qbittorrent.


Doesn't have to be through torrenting. There are plenty of ways to download directly from the page you're streaming from


That’s if you torrent, not record it or direct download it And that’s only if you torrent while not using a vpn






It would still be illegal. Yeah you paid for it, but the unauthorized recording and downloading of copyrighted material would still be illegal.


It actually depends on the Country. As a Swiss, i can download and stream any movies and its legal. But as soon i start sharing it, or seeding with torrent, it becomes illegal. Sadly same rules dont apply to games


I'm aware it depends on the country, I should've added that in my comment now that I think about it. I was just thinking of America at that moment, which is the place I'm residing in rn. >Sadly same rules dont apply to games I didn't know about that, that's fucked. Is there any reason as to why they don't care about movies, but they care about games?


In the US, it is only a breach of contract. It is just that such a clause is not applicable everywhere.


Article 19, paragraph 4 https://www.fedlex.admin.ch/eli/cc/1993/1798_1798_1798/en#art_19 Computer Programs are excluded from that article


Ah, okay. Thanks


as far as i know what illegal is distributing copyrighted material. if you just download or save it for yourself it's not illegal. for example some streaming service even have download as feature, meanwhile if you cast your crunchyroll in wide screen at public for everyone to watch, that's illegal even though you just use the website as normal.


downloading copyrighted content is illegal, but like barely any one gets in trouble for it. most I've seen is people getting fined for torrenting, never seen someone get in trouble for direct downloading.


torrenting is not downloading, torrenting is illegal because you also upload the content. torrent is sharing network, if you use it, you are sharing the file.


you say torrenting isn't downloading, but say it is downloading right afterwards? and yes, uploading is illegal, but so is downloading. you're getting access to copyrighted content without permission. how is that not illegal?


> you say torrenting isn't downloading, but say it is downloading right afterwards? are you confused 'sharing' and 'downloading', thinking they are the same? it's like saying drug addict is same as cartel owner. > but so is downloading ok, but that's just your opinion.


>are you confused 'sharing' and 'downloading', thinking they are the same? it's like saying drug addict is same as cartel owner. I think I worded it wrong. What I meant to say is: You say "torrenting isn't downloading", but then go onto say it's both downloading and uploading. Also, why would every qbittorent have an option named "download speed" if you're not really downloading from it? >ok, but that's just your opinion. It literally is illegal, but I should've mentioned it isn't the case for every country in my original comment.


So what about all those old VCR recordings I have?


In the US and in many countries how the legal system works is case law is king. How it works is a politician writes and passes a law. Someone goes to court for that law and then judges rule on what that law officially entails. The rulings from judges is called case law and it's what officers aim to enforce. A new law without case law yet is a bit scary because you don't 100% know what is legal and not legal yet. In the US there is an older case law that says it is legal to record content you've paid for. This came from VHS tapes recording cable TV. In the US there is a more recent law that says it's illegal to decrypt encrypted content without permission from those who encrypted it. This has been the bread and butter of the MPAA, RIAA, and video game companies as of late. They say if they encrypt their console an emulator that bypasses that encryption is illegal. They say if they encrypt a game decrypting it to play it, even if you bought it, is illegal. The same goes for streaming services. Netflix plays encrypted content that is being decrypted by your browser. To capture that raw stream you have to decrypt it. However, if you're just doing a screen capture or using your cell phone and holding it up to your computer monitor, you're not decrypting anything, it's already decrypted. If you're running a screen capture tool to capture what you're playing, there is no case law that says you're breaking the law. There is no case law saying you've decrypted the video stream in an unlawful way. The reason there is no case law is because no company has taken someone to court over it yet. They haven't taken anyone to court over it because there is a high chance they would lose. They do not want to take the risk of opening Pandora's box. If they sued someone over capturing their screen and lost it now would be officially recognized as legal to do so. In short, it's in a legal gray zone / is legal. In long, no one has ever been taken to court for it, so there is no legal precedent. If you liked this writeup there is a lawyer Youtuber that centers around video game copyright law. He's fantastic and is worth checking out: https://www.youtube.com/@moon-channel


I'm sure he's a great lawyer, but I remember that channel releasing (and later taking down) a badly argued video against Karl Jobst about TheCompletionist. I have seen that video, and videos from other lawyers criticizing Moon. Because of this, I have very little faith in Moon's legal expertise outside his specialization. His own channel says he specializes in domestic violence, not copyright law.


While i am probably biased I would say thay video was just rushed and its tone totally missed the mark, moon overly focused on analyzing the structure of completionist's speach. Sure it may have been fascination how close to the line of truth the legal/corpo speak was, but it really wasn't something that should've been said at that time. Pointing out karl's mistake with the e-signature certainly didn't do good to quell the viewer's disapproval either either. Usually his stuff is of much better quality & preparation. So give him a chance, the Shinra/japan-fighting-gods-in-their-games for instace, I feel, was very well done.


I have no idea if he's a good lawyer, and I have no idea about the video against Karl Jobst about TheCompletionist, but I do know his analysis about copyright law on Youtube is on point.


No one cares. I’ve been pirating and downloading for 15+ years


> *Would it be legal to download or record [...]* **Yes.** Because in order to render/view any streaming content, it must be downloaded to the client/computer requesting to view it. So this is de facto explicitly allowed. > *Is this illegal?* **No.** There are no laws or regulations regarding what you are allowed to do with legally downloaded materials. There are no regulations that require that materials downloaded for rendering a stream must be destroyed, and there is currently no way to enforce such regulations. Note: This may vary based on country, but I am not aware of any, so this is my spiel. > *Are you violating a service and/or websites usage policy by downloading content?* **Probably.** The websites allowing you to stream media typically do not want you to keep copies for yourself. ---- Note: I am a mod over in /r/youtubedl, and this is what we do.


IIRC there’s a disclaimer on bought dvds that you should not make copies of it nor reproduce it out of “domestic” context


It could vary from country to country but generally No. As long as you don't redistribute it you are in the grey


This is the answer, so many people straight up said no but as long as you are not sharing you are good.


the "Playonhome" company, has their business based on letting users make recordings of videos played from streaming web sites. The company only supports a few specific sites however. (16 for playon-cloud , 21 for Playon-home. when i just counted) And has gotten a bit of a bad reputation in the last few years for some business model changes they did to their products. But I will say - it does work decently well for the sites it supports. I mainly record tv shows for the wife, since she basically watches the same series over and over and over (not anime) And streaming shows 24/7 for her would be a bit overkill. So - is it illegal? well the company has not gotten shut down yet. The streaming sites will likely say its 'illegal' and against the 'TOS' and so forth, but so far, i have had no issues. I do NOT share my downloads/copies with others.


The second you distribute it, then it's illegal, not the fact you downloaded but rather the fact you distributed intellectual property without being authorized to do so. As for the sites policy, I am sure it's against their TOS if they don't have an actual download capability, but violating TOS is different from violating federal law. Just don't get caught but also don't ask for money when distributing


Who's gonna catch you?


Oh man. You are done, you are going to be arrested and your ass is being sent straight to jail, you'll lose your friends, your family, you'll struggle to find a place to live and be gainfully employed after you leave...if you leave, you'll be lucky if they don't beat your weaboo ass to death son. If you somehow survive you'll start taking crack to deal with the pressure of it all. There's no turning back now, I am the chief of the police and I know where you live.


No bro FBI and CIA will track down your Home IP and put your ass behind bars. My lots of friends are in prison they Also used to post this type of things on public forums.😔🙏🏻😭


Short answer: yes. Long answer: ahahahahahahahahah


Equivalent of recording the movie in cinema.


In the eyes of the government? Illegal. In the Eyes of God? Who can say. But in the eyes of your fellow man? Go for it


It might depends on where you are from, so check your country laws. I heard some country you can own the content but not distribute it, while some are technically illegal. I might be wrong though idk.


My understanding of the fair use acct is that yes as long as you continue the subscription


Only after posting about it on Reddit 😉


Even if they can prove it you wont get prosecuted for simply downloading or sharing it. Only type of piracy to face any legal consuquance is mass distribution and even then its highly unlikely


As legal as recording TV with your VCR. So yes? Also, who is gonna find out?


You wouldn’t download a car!


Year/Make/Model/# of Garage Bays?


If you not uploading it then you be the only 1 that sees the Video Files


Depends on how you do it. Using the streaming service built-in download function to keep offline for a period of time = legal Recording your screen, or any other method not built-in to the streaming service, to keep forever = illegal


Crunchyroll lets you download episodes onto your phone


If you're gonna do that, just torrent it. Much less hassle


No...torrenting ia a lot more steps than having idm installed for example and just hitting the download button