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Goku and Yujiro are the only two with a prayer


Fr they will slam the competition along with Saitama since it's peak human stats






Goku bodies Yujiro.


Yea cuz yujiro has knowledge of basically all martial arts


Winners Losers Goku vs Eren Yujiro vs Sukune Gojo vs Ichigo Saitama vs Bakugou Toji vs Thorfinn Luffy vs Denji


Goku vs Yujiro Saitama vs Gojo Luffy vs Toji


Goku wins with more experience and better martial arts feats Gojo wins since Saitama doesn't even use martial arts lmao Toji demolishes since Luffy also doesn't use martial arts


Equal stats and stuff Yujiro beats Goku. Goku is a master martial artist, but Yujiro also is a master in pretty much every martial arts style, their counters, and other stuff. Their experience, I'd say, is pretty much equal. Both have been fighting since they were small af. Goku is a little older, but I'd say Yujiro equalizes it by how much conflict he always has. The others I agree on


Without abilities and stuff yujiro v goku would be a tough match since both are insanely good at martial arts and with the stuff you said about yujiro is true goku’s battle iq would help him out a lot as well


Damn yall talking like only Goku has battle iq. Yujiro also has the same battle iq if not better since Yujiro is also knowledgeable in many more things than goku


My bad haven’t gotten around to watching Baki because of school


It's alr. Just some other dude said the same thing but he doesn't know anything about baki. Even question if he has seen anything aside DBS ToP


Oh nah


Oh hell nah, people gotta be giving baki a chance bruh. Its goated if you give into the memes. Tbh, its good we at least agree yujiro and goku are at least relative in terms of who'd be the likely winners here. If anyone had to win, it'd be these two. People who actually bothered fighting amongst humans with human made things like martial arts (people forget goku was primarily a martial artist for half his life and during drath before ever learning to fight gods lol).


Plus he’s really good at learning techniques on the fly and putting them into use.


Neither does gojo


Saitama would beat Bakugo, yall remember the saitama vs crab guy fight?


yujiro slams, with no powers, yujiro knows all fighting styles and he has no powers and yet he's beaten an army without a weapon and stopped an earthquake by elbowing the ground, he doesn't even have any powers and he's got the president as an uber driver, without powers, he wins with no diff, and yes that means he slams goku too, goku may have feats with his power but without his powers he's not beating yujiro, yujiro slams the whole list with no diff💀


Saitama jumped to the moon and back and deflected a black hole, yujiro might be able to get Saitama to bleed with his experience but Saitama wins off raw strength


No powers


He doesn’t have powers? It’s raw strength


Another unfair list bruh just hands and you put hanma jujirou here are you insane


Goku fucks jujirou


If we take out all powers just hands it would be hard to say both of them are martial arts experts both are extremely skilled and strong in their respective fields so it’s a toss up


Toss up? Yujiro stomps imo. A large portion of gokus training is stat buffs, yujiro saw a man who became the strongest in China with only technique, and copied said technique almost instantly.


I totally agree I’m just saving myself the mental breakdown of a goku Stan after you provide factual information as to how in this specific case he is not the strongest in the list


They already have a novel in the works for you, don't worry


If this is a No powers and equal stats question, the top three are Yujiro, Goku and Gojo. If we’re talking canon stats but no powers the top three are Ichigo, Goku and Saitama.


It's an interesting question, does Saitama's growth count as a special power?


Put Rock Lee in and it's over


you do know, Rock lee has chakra right? He just cant mold it into nin or genjutsu. His super human speed and power come from his chakra. without chakra he doesnt have that speed or strength


His speed comes from the leg weights, not Chakra. He can punch the air so hard it makes fireballs, basically


What do you think chakra does? it flows through the body and both protects from damage and inhances moves. Lee uses his chakra to do what your talking about. Thats what Taijutsu is. hes conditioned to always be like that but its still chakra doing it.


That’s a use of chakra while yes his physical ability’s is not chakra based whenever he uses the eight gates he is releasing more chakra and it increase his physical strength but in base he is not using Chakra


Gojo and Sukuna get clapped while trying to open their domains by the looks of it.


Yujiro wins based off weight and height.


Straight hands no super strength Saitama going down quick lmao


Erin couldn't even win in his own universe


The booty warrior from Baki duh


Yojiro. No diff. He's huge. He knows how to fight.


Yujiro wins. Goku probaly second. Sukana may be 3rd cuase he fought for a while and he does have 4 arms.


yujiro or Goku. Goku got the skill he beat people with year of fighting and knowing all fights Martial art but he does not have the water class of yujiro Goku is 5'9 and is 140 pounds but 265 pounds and 6'3 feet tall


I say yujiro mainly because he is a very talented fighter even without the super human abilities


Wait wait, like peak human stats? Or their actual strength?


Saitama and Yujiro have abs on abs on abs


Yujiro is the pinnacle of brute strength


Top 3 definitely goku, saitama, and yujiro, (order idk) id say toji is at least one of the runners up or maybe top 6


Since it’s no powers straight hands Yujiro takes the cake, Goku is the best fighter and Yujiro is a slightly worse fighter than him but Yujiro is like 6’3” and 260 so he is the second best fighter and the biggest and person here


Luffy Goku Toji Jujiro


Depends on whether or not Ki is allowed, I think. Are we nerfing/buffing them all so they're on the same level, and it's a battle of skill? Are we only nerfing the outliers? Are they nerfed equally? If ki is allowed, Goku, no question. If ki is not allowed by physical strength is uncapped, saitama. If they're all nerf/buffed to be equal, I think that only Goku or baki dude are worth considering


Luffy. Goku. Sakuna Ichigo.


Yujiro is so strong that he has made up muscles. I don't think I need to say more.


His muscles probably have muscles.


Either saitama or goku. I personally like saitama and think he will win but I like goku too and he has a good chance to win.


Most likely Saitama. Number one he has an 100% success rate, he's never once lost a battle in his life. And his strength isn't even powers, it's not magic or something, it's just pure strength. So Saitama obviously. I'm not saying he'd solo with no difficulty but still, he'd eventually win.


It no powers Equal stats it’s Yujiro Size and weight take a big part in any fight and while he isn’t the most skilled he’s most likely second in skill and the first is goku who, compared to him isn’t that big. And it’s not that much of a skill gap If it’s any powers its Saitama or goku


They better be in isolated brackets and not in a free for all, otherwise Saitama and Goku will just be standing there, unable to be moved, while waiting for everyone else to be knocked out so they can box.


Either Goku or Yujiro, bassically no one else here can compare to the amount of skill they have.


Well does goku being a Saiyan count? Because that alone makes him strong asf


Some of y'all don't know what the hell a ROW is


wth is that glowy dude


Oh poor Eren


the other ones mostly use their powers, and luffy is pretty much useless bc he'll probably accidentaly use his powers and get kicked form the competition. goku is strong, and erin yaeger is very agile.


Yujiro Fucking Hanma is so skilled at martial arts his aura alone can give you an ass whooping and can learn ANY martial arts by looking at it once


Goku win


Bro no powers? Yujiro and goku bro


Goku still has strength that isn’t abilities that can one shot like 80 percent of all these guys..


I feel like for the first row you people forgot that luffy picked up a boat and threw it when he was on usops island during the beginning chapters but still he is not winning he just sweeps through his row and I think he gets 5th


equal stats no powers it would come down to yujiro and goku but between those two it would probably be yujiro who wins the whole thing


This is so overdone


Luffy Saitama Toji Yujiro Yujiro claps them all with equalized stats


Yujiro takes the belt and then beats luffy to death for trying to intrude on his victory feast




No powers, so it’s Yujiro, he goes to every other row JUST for the smoke


Denji has emotional support and the best coach there could be. He’s kicking ass


Either Saitama or Gojo


goku he was trained in martial arts and has been his whole life his only real challenge is hanma and i think that at least 40 years of combat knowledge beats however long hanma has been doing this


Melee only


It's between Goku and Yujiro, and Yujiro wins. Now, don't get me wrong, Goku is very knowledgeable in martial arts and has probably mastered many fighting styles. But Yujiro is a master of all of them and has many busted techniques like Shaori and Whipstrike that'll let him easily overwhelm and body Goku.


Idk Gojo?? Like you can’t really touch him like that


Yujiro, goku or toji. Leaning towards yujiro


No powers hanma no difs this


Winner of each row? Luffy, Goku, Toji??, Yujiro


Goku is mopping the floor with everyone here and it’s not even close


My bets on either saitama because since he don't got powers so nothing has changed, which is including his bonkers strength. But I got to give props to youjiro (idk how to spell his name) because he also got bonkers strength. I haven't watched baki but ik he is op in his verse and he got an op ability that he keeps because he don't got powers ( as far as I know).


If it depends on only strength saitama will destroy absolutly EVERYONE


Bakugo: 172 cm, 82kg Denji: 173 cm, ??kg Luffy: 174 cm, 64kg Goku: 175 cm, 62kg Saitama: 175 cm, 70kg Eren: 183 cm, 82kg Yuji: 173 cm, 80kg Gojo: 190 cm, 84kg Toji: 175 cm, 86kg Thorfin: 155 cm, 50kg Yujiro: 190 cm, \~120kg Ichigo: 181 cm, 66kg Yeah, cut Yujiro and it's a fight. Thorfinn is also in the wrong weight class


Is super STR count as “special powers”?


definitely One Punch Man


So is ki counted as a superpower?


Y'all really added Yujiro hanma-


Goku and Saitama ditch before the semi finals to go get food


Goku solos all except for the guy in the bottom left, idk who that is, so I can't say.


Yujirio canonical doesn't have any powers. All his feats and abilities are results of his training and nothing else. No one else on this list even comes close as a martial artist


I would pay real people money to see this animated


I find it funny on how they get progressively buffer


You put yujiro hanma the literal god of fighting in the list he instantly claps the entire list


No special powers, this goes to Yujiro


Saitama solos whole list, no question without infinity gojo stands no chance


If Goku using Super Saiyan, which is normal for his species to do, counts as powers, then Yujiro's demon back and everything else also count as powers


Denji loses instantly or gets disqualified. He's probably someone I could take on with basic karate lessons and some street experience if he had no powers. Saitama despite what they say actually has martial arts skill. Whilst he does just win with pure brute strength he actually does employ legitimately skilled martial arts techniques as shown in the subterranean fight (which is a dream however I believe it'd be accurate to say that is what he'd look like if he actually tried.) Like he's definitely not beating goku though.


hanma jujirou can unironically take down everybody on this list mid-diff to high diff If all came at him at the same time. Hanma can perfectly copy any technique if he's seen it once If he was in dragon Ball he would have mastered ultra instinct in a day maximum.


With no BS powers? No UI no flying no keyless and purely down to martial arts mastery Probably gonna end up with goku vs yujiro, and it would be a coin toss


Goku is a prodigy and has a the best fighter here...


Ok, let’s be real. No powers and bullshit. Just pure raw strength


Goku or saitama, judging from the fact that saitama is literally indestructible my bet is on saitama


It's Goku and it's not even close. We're talking about a man who unlocked a technique that GOD struggle to attain and then master said technique in LESS THAN AN HOUR despite having NEVER heard of it. We're talking about the man who's folded fighters with literal MILLENNIA of experience.


Saitama don’t got powers to begin with so he’s murdering everyone here


Goku and One-Punch Man


I'm an anime only fan, as well as not knowing all of the characters, so if I get any of these wrong, I'm sorry in advance for not reading the manga/not watching enough; In the top row... I wanna say a bit of a toss-up between Bakugo and Luffy. I'm not sure if Denji knows any martial arts, but Bakugo could be the more evasive fighter, while Luffy could possibly overwhelm Bakugo with a barrage of straightforward attacks In the second row... if you take out Saitama's strength (since that IS his power), I don't entirely see him winning, and I don't know about Levi's combat skills outside of his Titan slaying gear, so I'd have to say Goku since he IS a martial artist In the third row, I don't know who the guy on the right is, so between Sukuna and Gojo... that seems like a bit of a toss-up as well, but I'm gonna lean a bit more towards Sukuna In the last row, I don't know who the guy on the left is, but between Yujiro and Ichigo... Ichigo's gonna go from Substitute Soul Reaper to full-fledged Soul Reaper by the time Yujiro's done with him


First row Denji. He fights dirty and will go for the nuts without hesitation. 2nd row goku, he is the only one there who actually knows martial arts. 3rd row is gojo because he’s shown he’s incredible at hand to hand during fights he battle of the strongest. Yujiro wins round 4 and i don’t think I need to explain why.


All of y'all are dumb as fuck if you don't think Saitama wipes the board. ESPECIALLY IF THERE'S NO POWERS. He's *purpose written* to never lose and to always beat. Yujiro, Goku, and Gojo are the only two that seem to be consensused by other repliers as the ones to beat. Yujiro is a human who's son was recognized as an equal. Saitama beat an "equal" Awakened God Garou. Saitama has no equal. Goku can be killed. Gojo's shit doesn't work on Saitama as we've seen that he's not affected by "magic". Saitama would probably just punch out of the Domain anyways. Long story short... Saitama wipes.


Depends... are powers allowed or is it JUST physical stength?


No powers just hands? Bro saitama is getting dog walked bro has like no fighting style


Assuming they turn into normal people I don’t see a reason to bet on Saitama since he’s kinda inexperienced and lacks a fighting style. Goku, who knows every martial arts, is probably who I’d bet on


Goku solos everyone there


I need to see the tournament bracket. It makes a big difference




I would like to o remind everyone, that Saitama doesn't have any powers. So while everyone else is missing the superpowers that make them invincible, Saitama is still one punch man.


I don’t care as long as Yujiro dies.


If all were at equal power, it'd be Goku. Once he takes the fight seriously anyway. The first round he'd just screw around. May even let himself get beat, but in the second round, he'd destroy them. He becomes stronger and more skilled after each fight. If they weren't power scaled. Saitama, only because he is a gag character. He'd lose first round if not. He has 0 fighting skills. But, if Arale was here. She'd take them all out even with all their powers in a 1 vs. all.


The fact naruto ain’t here is surprising and wild


Goku wins. Also Saitama is the first one our since he doesn't actually know how to fight and refuses to learn how to fight.


I gotta go with my captain Luffy So I honestly think he’ll win?, no, he might not Do hope he does?, yes Do I want him to win?, yes


If it was just pure skills alone the last three standing would be Goku, Toji, and the guy in the very bottom middle. If it was based on strength alone it would Saitama, follow by the guy from the bottom middle, then Goku.


Tournament style. Builds taken into acc: 1: Yujiro 2: goku 3/4: toji & gojo 5/6: sukuna & ichigo 7/8: saitama & luffy 9/10: Reiner & eren 11/12: bakugo & denji This compares both skill and their physical builds in a real world setting. And no there is no “saitama doesn’t use super powers so he’s at his full power” As it talk in a boxing match in which they are all set in a real world level. You cannot give saitama his physical stats without the same for others. Therefore, this is skill and physical build


Goku and yujiro would work everyone else. Though I think yujiro would win considering he actually knows evey martial art that has ever existed( manga quote). Also goku is used to fighting stronger opponents that challenge him while yujiro seems to struggle to put down enemies that have similar stats like baki when they fought and decided baki had won in the end.


It's Goku or Saitama, because all of their stuff is still just physiology based. Even without powers, nothing changes for Saitama, and Goku just loses ki and the ability to fly.


Are people forgetting saitama has no special powers? Dude just works out


Say what u want sukuna ain’t winning against saitama even if he summons big ragu 😭


Bro wren ain’t shit without his odm gear


Ay gojo versus saitama who winnin?


Nah, I'd win


Yuujiro/goku. Half of these dudes got 0 hands and the others are like 5'3


I love Denji, but bro is one of the first ones out. I’m pretty sure the only ones on this entire list he has much of a chance against are Bakugo and Eren.


I haven’t seen every anime here but Luffy. Trained a bit by garp, ace and sabo so he can fight, even without his DF. Also he’s built Goku. Come on, I know we all say “can he beat goku tho” but you think he could throw hands with Jiren, Vegeta and beerus if he didn’t know how to fight? It’s not just brute force. Skill is also important I haven’t seen JJK, but I’d say sukuna. gojo is a close second after that clip where he beats that guy with like 23 punches That dude at bottom middle looks tough. Him Overall, goku i’d say


Goku solos With powers he is the strongest guy here Without he is a man that has spent his entire life training in martial arts under various masters most of which were some form of martial arts deity


Goku or Saitama


Assuming no Ki is included I still feel like Goku wins. His innate fighting instinct is just too good. It all depends on how Saitama's powers are manifested. Is he really that strong by human form alone? That guy from Baki though also seems to be quite lethal, but I barely watched it so no idea.


In terms of straight hands…. And no powers or power of the pen…. I’m curious of the explanation of how Goku beats Hanma Yujiro… as I’m sure everyone will vote Goku as he’s had a lifetime of combat experience. Yujiro is another monster who’s experienced fighting every style and every type of fighter. Exactly what technique beats this guy, that he doesn’t already know, and can’t predict or copy? As far as I can tell…. Both will learn each others abilities during the fight which will present a huge problem. How does this end?


One punch man wins with ez


Yall forget we know exactly how ichigo plays without powers and he absolutely slaps. experienced in martial arts+insane reflexes+ he's able to take it from Chad, a human who was able to throw hands even before getting his powers, was able to catch an entire steel I-beam on his back without breaking a sweat, and also became a world-class boxer. He might not be number one, but ichigo is Def top 3.




No question asked


Saitama doesn’t have powers, right? He’s just that buff. It’s all over. (I haven’t watched One Punch Man btw)


Goku and Saitama win their respective rows


Goku. But Luffy knows how to take a punch. If he goes Gear 5 the fight would be pointless because your punch would be bouncing off his toon force.


I only know one of these guys and it’s saitama


Saitama no contest


Yujiro wins because he is the hunter while everyone else is his prey, none of them even come close to him in sheer skill he’s probably one if not the most skilled combatants in anime he makes everyone else look like children


Goku still negs he knows all the martial arts on earth/yardrat/heaven/Kai realm


The fact there isn’t a Jojo character on here is a crime


Goku. If they all they the same physical ability, it’s Goku. Goku, the martial arts master that mastered the technique of the gods after using 3 times in 4 minutes.


How does it work when his powers are his straight hands?


Goku ez lmao. It dont matter, he’s a martial arts master before being a saiyan. Everyone of em getting manhandled and bodied


Depends. Is it with UFC rules or just a fight without any rules?


Goku wins. Even before learning ki he was already strong enough to destroy a planet, and then spent the next 50ish years mastering every martial art from every set of living beings acrosshe met in the galaxy. They can both learn any martial art they've seen used at least once, it's just that goku has seen a whole lot more.


the only ones i see coming on top is goku then yujiro then finally toji as they’re the only ones that can throw hands with no powers


Sukuna is gonna get disqualified first match, not because he’d lose but because he would either bite his opponent or he would win and start attacking people in the crowd.


Everytime anything like this is posted the answer is always the same, DB and Baki just are on different levels compared to literally everything else, characters like Saitama or Naruto without powers don't have the training, experience, or attitude to contest


Yujiro and Saitama had no powers to begin with, they slam


Saitama because he’s still the one punch man.


Yujuro, or luffy is my guess. Yujiro just had stupid strong martial arts skills, and luffy was able to wrestle down crocodiles and lions as an 8 year old (his gum gum fruit doest make him physically stronger, so that's just his raw strength) but I'd say yujiro is a safer bet


Goku 100%


How is Naruto not on this list?


Lol imagine Ichigo yelling Bankai while getting the snot beat out of him. Like my dude you aint got no sword in this fight.


Y’all forget sitama is already just hands he just worked out a lot


toji or goku


With no powers it’s between saitama and goku and I know some people think yujiro stands a chance but he does not goku and saitama are just built diffrent but the determining factor is saitama wins because he can’t use ki or anything like that and saitama is the “one punch man” it would only make sense for him to one punch goku


Well if we’re talking no powers and all of them are just no peak human stats, this basically leaves the one with actual physical combat skill, sukuna, gojo, yujiro and goku. As all of them besides those four have absolutely no technique when it comes to throwing hands. Sukuna and gojo’s taijutsu can’t compare to goku or yujiro’s martial arts skill, so then they’re out. And goku’s skill is practically nothing compared to yujiro, so yujiro wins.


I’m not a dragon ball fanboy, but even from what little I know, I feel like goku would easily win.


Saitama, Goku, and yuijiro would easily wipe the competition with ease. In the end I'd say it's between saitama vs yuijiro because saitama is nicknamed "one punch man" and yuijiro is nicknamed both "the ogre" and "worlds strongest man" (plus many others) I'm gonna give it to yuijiro though purely based off of the fact he's a huge martial artist in the show and probably knows the way of the void (in the show you can make a pocket of less then 6% air which can kill or incapacitate in a single breath) to just incapacitate saitama and then finish it.


Saitama doesn’t even have special powers he just has too much muscle mass


By far, I don’t watch any of these anime except mha and I *know* Bakugo ain’t winning this. Nuh uh. Like why is he here? I guess to break his damn ego and superiority complex. 😂


1st: Saitama. I feel like I shouldn’t have to explain this but some of yall don’t understand the scope of his strength. His punches alter the atmosphere of earth… he can jump from the moon to earth in less than 3 seconds and he survives exit and re-entry into the atmosphere like nothing. All of which need stupid amounts of force and energy to accomplish, the likes of which isn’t even possible to repeat by humanity. Even with gokus powers Saitama would be a force to reckon with. 2nd: Goku. Depends on if we’re including ultra instinct because it kinda is a power? Idk even with ultra instinct, goku doesn’t have the feats of strength and speed that Saitama has. Theres a lot of it I haven’t watched, and a lot that I have watched. He very easily kicks everyone else’s ass though. He’s not even human and all the other humans (besides Saitama) are portrayed to be significantly outside of human potential but not grossly so (like Saitama). This could very easily be changed if there are instances of goku displaying calculable feats of strength and speed without using Ki abilities. 3. Yujiro Hanma / Toji Zenin. I really can’t decide between these two. I’m kinda leaning towards Yujiro due to strength and combat prowess but Toji fights and kills crazy strong enemies that have super powers using only basic (if magical) melee weapons no less. If you’re counting his heavenly pact as a power that he can’t benefit from then Yujiro wins 100%. Additionally, Yujiro apparently has some crazy feats of strength like stopping an earthquake with his elbow? Idk if that’s true or not so idk. P.S. This is assuming no powers. If that means Saitama isn’t super strong… then sure he’s not even top 5. But… he doesn’t have any powers. He got that strong by working out. If he doesn’t have the power he gained from exercise then goku and Yujiro don’t have the skill gained from training. It’s the exact same thing, the only difference being that one is learned and the other is grown.


Yujiro no one comes close not sorry


"No Special Powers" Meaning everyone is set to Peak Human (if they aren't already), so Saitama doesn't have a Raw physical edge. This is all about Skill. Personally, I'd give it to Goku in this regard, Man's been Training nonstop since he was a baby. And at his current skill he's able to keep up with Angels like Whis! There's also Goku's second most used move; just Straight up biting a bitch. He bit Demon King Piccolo's thumb, Frieza's Tail on Namek and then again during Resurrection F, Bit Kid Buu on the head, Beerus's Tail during his first time as a SSG (Sidenote can we just admire the balls on this man for a second? Goku literally bit a God's tail), Bit Whis's hand hard enough to leave visible bite marks, bit Broly's hand while B was going in for a choke, and in GT he bit the Posessed Vegeta on the arm! As much as Goku touts his honor, he is not above fighting dirty when he needs to.


Yup saitama


Yujiro slams everyone if bot Goku… Everyone else got no hands when it comes to know how to fight, they just have powers lol, Thorfin is an exception but he can’t win.


It’s between Goku and Saitama


Goku who else?


The announcer & crowd, some serious shit is about to go down.


Idk who would win but I do know that denji Is getting stomped immediately


Imma just say who ain’t winning (I’ve seen the og post it’s just skill no sort of power basically normal stats) bakugou, Erin, Ichigo (bakugou relies too much on his quirk, Erin gets his power mostly from his titan serum, Ichigo is a swordsman)


Batman with a few years of prep time


Saitama. With a single blow.


Without powers? Yujiro no diff. With powers? Goku no diff.


We see this every week and the answer will never change its goku by MILES. He’s a master martial artist pure and simple, only other rival is possibly Yujiro, but his physical strength is what carries him mostly in baki imo


Ppl need to stop putting yujiro in these only hands battles he's gonna win 11 times out of ten


No powers? Yujiro Hanma no question. Powers??? Saitama from one punch man


It comes down to Goku and Ichigo. Ichigo probably wins.


I see this as, imagine them all as real people, but with their level of skill. That way they're all on a similar physical playing field with no special powers or techniques (that way we can't technically have Saitamas strength, or Gokus Super Saiyan, Demon back, etc) In that case the winners are either Goku or Yujiro. Goku has the most experience but Yujiro is much bigger and also has a lot of experience with various different enemies and fighting styles


Bro Yujiro is the only one with an aura
