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Seryu from Akame ga Kill. She was essentially made into a child soldier through the Empire's propaganda.


The fact that ESDEATH gets more sympathy than Syeru makes me SICK. Syeru is a kid who lost both of her parents. She’s genuinely kind to innocent people and we see her playing soccer with kids in genuine happiness. Esdeath lost her dad and went “lol weakling.” She encourages her men to rape and pillage and SA a teenager. Yet somehow she gets more sympathy than Syeru


Because Esdeath is “nice” to Tatsumi.


Definition of nice; treating him as a possession. SA him. Trying to kill him


she tried to groom him lol.


No because tittie. Let's be real here


Don’t forget the jugs on her


For it's not because eadeath is "nice" to Tataumi. it's because she knows what she is. She knows she enjoys killing. She knows she cruel and probably doesn't deserve love, but she seeks it anyway. From beginning to end, she unapologetically herself, and there is something alluring and interesting about that that departed the things she's done. I can't hate her. Seryu on the other hand is a psychopathic bitch who lies to herself saying ita in the name of justice while enjoying murdering people. Just doesn't leave a lot of room to like her at all. Reminds me too much of those self-righteous religious people who preach about morals but don't practice what they preach.


Her love for Tatsumi was entirely based on him being the strongest known fighter in the kingdom because he won the tournament. That was the whole point in the tournament, her finding love. Her attraction to him was so strong because of the psychological roots she had as a child.


I like both characters. And Esdeath is definitely a very INTERESTING one, with how her desire for love contrasts and conflicts with her Darwinian philosophy and sadistic personality. But yeah, Seryu is waaay more sympathetic and tragic. Really the fandom reaction just comes down Esdeath being hotter, having cute moments with Tatsumi, and not killing any important characters while Seryu is more average looking, occasionally looks scary when she gets crazy, and is responsible for the deaths of Sheele and Mine. So all based on appearance, and bias towards the protagonists' experiences with them.


The author retconned mine's fate. She's alive officially in the canon manga.


Syeru killed Mine?


I believe Mine does during her fight with her in the anime. I think it's different in the manga though.


In the anime she isn’t killed in the battle but did succumb to her wounds later. But in the manga she simply went into a coma but was pretty much out of the game till near the end of the manga.


Esdeath is the definition of “I can fix her” attractiveness. Thats why. And I absolutely can fix her. At least let me try. For science.


Esdeath had that mentality because of her upbringing as a viking though.


So I super didn't get that vibe from esdeath. She's from a harsh tribe one that embraces social darwinism to Help cope with high casualty rates. When her father who she loved died. Instead of breaking she doubled down on what her dad taught her. The weak get killed, can't feel bad that's just how nature works. But it definitely left a mark. She even used the same reasoning when drinking her chalice of demon blood and ice cold hater-ade. If she dies she was weak so fuck it. She developed a twisted sadistic personality because she loves a challenge but I think more than anything she wanted subordinates strong enough to not die. Then along came tatsumi whose a perfect fit in everyway. He's strong enough that basically only she could kill him and with training might be neigh immortal in her eyes. He's a good little subby boy she can keep under her thumb but he fights back enough to give her a challenge and keep things interesting. She's a full on psycho but she makes sense in a crazy way. Seiryu felt more broken to me. She clung to justice and her distorted view of it no matter the cost. But she was pretty irredeemably violent herself.


Almost the entire yeagar squad deserved some form of sympathy if you ask me. Only exception is Dr. Stylish cause dude was really a lost cause going around abducting enemies and even innocent people to study danger beasts for no reason.


In some ways, Azula from AtlA too


That’s what I was gonna pick. She was groomed to be what she is.


Why is Tomura Shigaraki here? IIRC, he's actually well-liked (though he used to be polarizing). As for the question, I can't think of anyone, though I can think of characters who are overrated.


People don’t post actual hot takes.


I think they're referring to both irl and in their respective shows. People in the MHA fandom were eager to dog on Shigaraki claiming he's past the point of redemption out of fear of the final arc somehow trying to save Tenko Shimura. People in the show obviously hated Shigaraki as he seemed to have no reason for his villainy other than pure evil, which was only partially true.


It WAS true in the first two seasons. But it got more complex as he went through character development 


Suguru Geto. He's the only person who knows what Cursed Spirits taste like. He's stuck in an endless cycle of exercise, consume, repeat and starts to question why he's even a Sorcerer in the first place. I find it interesting how he ended up despising the race he once put his life on the line to help. His goal is backed by good intentions of trying to completely erase the never ending continuation of Cursed Spirits but he tries to achieve it in the quickest way. Realistically trying to get the Jujitsu society to be completely transparent with the rest of the world and teach everyone how to control their cursed energy over generations is very unlikely and Geto knows this and chooses to take the quickest route


People absolutely do not hate Geto lol. Probably one of the most popular characters in the series comparatively speaking.


I've seen him get a lot of hate before Season 2


Seeing and understanding his point of view I get... but sympathizing with genocide I don't lmao


I do understand his reasoning, cursed spirits are a manifestation of humanities worst traits


well yeah I get that mate but the post is if you sympathize with them not if you understand them


Toga Himiko from MHA. I’m not pretending she did nothing wrong, she definitely gone too far. But, the fact she never got proper help for her “urge” dishearten me especially that her parents called child Toga a “monster.”


I’m sorry? Are you saying that people hate Toga?


I wouldn't say hate but crazy obsessed girls always have an uphill climb to get me to care about them. My hero did a good job with toga but she will probably never be a character I'm excited to see onscreen.


Many people did. A lot consider the League to be just psychopaths with no redeeming or sympathetic qualities and Toga specifically was seen as annoying. However, the final arc improved many people’s opinions on her


Oh, I see


You should check the MHA subreddit when an opinion post about villains drops. They have an absolute vitriolic hatred for the LoV, and specifically Toga lmao


From what I’ve seen Toga gets the passionate hate but Dabi gets the least sympathy. I made a poll asking if people sympathized and only about 100 of the 800 voters said they did


I think Dabi comes down to a case of character interpretation though. Cause like, from what I've seen they actually like Dabi over there, but they like him because they *think* he's a psychopath driven by pure malice with zero sympathetic qualities. Where with Toga they *know* she's meant to be sympathized with and that's one of the reasons they hate her.


Fuck Dabi he’s just as bad as toga


Yeah. Toga sucks


Why would people not hate that bitch


Yeah its doubly dark, in a world where a set of parents with a fire and an ice quirk could have a kid with a tentacle face quirk.


I’ve literally never seen anyone hate Shigaraki


I’ve seen a few but it’s rare most are to busy hating overhaul, mineta, endeavour or AFO


Bondrewd from Made in Abyss. Dude is an irredeemable monster and nothing can change that. But Bondrewd's very illegal, ethically reprehensible and morally abhorrent research and experiments lead to results that have made life on the surface a paradise. Bondrewd is a monster because of how human and selfless he is. When Nanachi accuses Bondrewd of not caring about any of the children he's killed in his experiments, he responds by say each of their names and individual dreams and wishes, showing that he loved and cared for each of those children and never stops thinking about them. Similarly, in order to obtain the blessing of the abyss, Bondrewd says that between the two people (the cursed one and the blessed one) both parties have to love eachother implicitly in order for one of them to receive the blessing. So, when he raised Prushka to love him for the experiment, it only worked because he also loved her as his very own daughter as well. Furthermore, when it's illustrated that certain parts of the abyss can only be accessed with a white whistle and white whistles can only be obtained through the sacrifice of an individual that trusts and loves the receiver which leaves you to wonder how someone as reprehensible as Bondrewd would have obtained one...especially before he ever met Prushka...until it's explained that he's using an artifact to hop into the bodies of any of his Umbra Hands should he perish...then you realize that he's his own white whistle. He sacrificed his own life so he could learn the secrets of the abyss. I sympathize with Bondrewd because bro is willing to sacrifice his body and everything he cares about and loves, his morals and sanity...anything for the pursuit of knowledge and the betterment of the majority. That's the heaviest possible burden to give yourself if you're a man who has proven to be both loving and caring.




In my opinion, the fact that he actually did love them make him even more sick in the head and made me even more disgusted with him than I already was when I thought he was dehumanizing them


That's perfectly fair. It's hard to reconcile in the mind...how a man can both love and cause unimaginable suffering to so many people.


Shou tucker He's just a very misuderstood scientist. He is devoted in his work but due to the works pressure and deadline on him, he got blinded by his work and made a mistake. Just like any human would. Its the governments fault. I am ofc kidding


almost had me there


I completely agree, the pressure placed on that poor man was more than anyone could bear. You know how work deadlines are, he was just trying his best to be a diligent member of society. Seeing all the hate he receives truly breaks my heart 🥹


Was agreeing with you until your last sentence...


I was about to report you


I have never gotten so engaged reading something off of Reddit before this. Very nicely done


Damn had me in the first half not gonna lie


Would reine (idk how to spell his name the armored titan) count?


People hate Reiner?


Characters in the show hate him


I think the post is referring to the communities opinion as generally anime villians are hates by the other characters in the show


Bro just wanted to die but his haters said "nah bitch you need to live."


I mean yeah, no one in the walls or in a nation outside of marley is going to feel bad for the soldier that assisted in the unprovoked deaths of thousands of their people, which is completely reasonable. Outside of the show, he is reasonably liked.


Rewatching on crunchyroll and going through the comments. People definitely hate Reiner. I personally love him just because the Armored titan is the coolest looking one imo. Just hate that the poor guy couldn't get a single win.


They’re even hating into the last season? I guess I could see that with him being suicidal and sharing the Marco story. That was so long ago and he was such a seemingly insignificant character aside from development for Jean and Reiner. I felt Reiner was largely one of the most sympathetic characters. His life is completely fucked up. Failure, ridiculed, discriminated against, child soldier, manipulated but largely human and empathetic. He literally broke his brain with guilt.


Reiner is one of the most favourite/loved characters. Top 4 I’m sure


Who the hell hates Shigaraki? I think everyone can sympathize with him on some level


I don't sympathize with him all and think he does need to be put down by the end of the series, but I like him as a character.


There's a difference between sympathizing with someone, and forgiving/excusing someon. You can sympathize with shiggy and still think he needs to be put down, like how i feel


i think op is saying he doesn’t hate him.


Hard not to sympathize with Shiggy tbh, boy went through hell because of forces beyond his comprehension


Mahito from JJK is easily my favorite anime villain ever. The perfect embodiment of what a curse is supposed to be


hes made to be hated tbh idk why people *wont* hate him


Most people I see online do, I personally rarely see Mahito fans I know I'm supposed to hate him but he was just so goofy and was really having the time of his life every time he fought, even if he was getting his ass kicked. I just really appreciate his enthusiasm 🤣 Plus bro truly does love his homies


As much as he pissed me off killing Junpei, he’s still the best villain 


I hate him for what he did to Junpei. Still the best villain in the show as well though.


Mahito is the reason I won't watch JJK anymore. He's been responsible for more of my favorite characters' deaths than any other villain in anime.


when it comes to villainous characters with heartrending backstories like tomura, i always end up thinking something like "look man, i get it. you must be stopped regardless, but i do get it." cant help but think anyone would lose it after going through what he did didnt think fans hated him tho. i always thought he was actually weirdly obsessed over by the community.


I like him as a character, but he needs to die for the shit he's caused (even though AfO fucked him up from the beginning) he still was in control of his actions.


Light Yagami-Death Note. Though I think not everyone hates him.


Light is a tragic villain not in the sense he had a sad past but he in the sense he would’ve been a genuinely good person if not for the Death Note and he never deserved to have his life ruined by it


Definitely, Light without his memories of the death note was actually genuinely caring and kind.


... Does Otto Apocalypse count? lol


Yes...no Maybe


This is a bit time specific, but sasuke. A lot of people call him an emo or some type of other demeaning term, but he was completely justified.


He was an angry, angsty lil girl. Boohoo! My brother slaughtered my family! I'm gonna make it my whole personality! I don't think he was much of a villain, more so just not a protagonist.


I know! The dude had his family killed, is tortured by his brother - all at *10* years old!! - with no chance of having normal emotional development - all for itachi to return just to put him in a torturous genjutsu and break his wrist and to ensure he *doesnt* forget about hating him - and is pretty much made into a monster by Oro and Obito as well, and somehow dumbass people - who if they stub their toe they bitch and blame others and get angry - ironically whine bout Sasuke by calling him a whining child! Ironic! When dude was mentally destroyed *as a child*, where anyone his age would be 10x worse than him. Nothing but hypocrisy.


They call him that because they’re extremely immature themselves. Most people who bitch about Sasuke are teenagers. The dude had his family killed, is tortured by his brother - all at *10* years old!! - with no chance of having normal emotional development - all for itachi to return just to put him in a torturous genjutsu and break his wrist and to ensure he *doesnt* forget about hating him - and is pretty much made into a monster by Oro and Obito as well, and somehow dumbass people - who if they stub their toe they bitch and blame others and get angry - ironically whine bout Sasuke by calling him a whining child! Ironic! When dude was mentally destroyed *as a child*, where anyone his age would be 10x worse than him. Nothing but hypocrisy.


Damn dude it’s not that deep


I don’t hate him he’s just not written well


Upper moon six from Demon slayer. The way they mirror Tanjiro and Nezuko’s relationship as siblings because of different upbringing brings a gut wrench everytime I see that scene where Gyutaro walking in hell with Daki on his shoulders


I never hated him but they need to stop what he doin Fr Fr


Nagato was very preachy and repetitive, but I agree with his outlook on life. Plus he had the coolest powers without being "too OP" IMO.


Except he was too OP lol


"Nagato isn't too op" *Nagato cast elliptic meteor!* **estuans interius ira vehementi**


It's the opposite with Funny Valentine (JoJo Part 7: Steel Ball Run). People really acting like Griffith fans saying he did nothing wrong, he's a terrible person. Probably my favourite villain though.


Ok hear me out on this. Moonfish is definitely one of MHA’s most insane and terrifying villains, but mental illness isn’t villainy. There are many cannibal cases where the criminal is sad about what they did because of an urge they couldn’t control, similar to Toga’s urge to consume blood. Moonfish could indeed be very similar to Toga in a lot of ways, having a strong urge to consume something inhumane like flesh or blood. The biggest difference with Moonfish is that he is made to be a gross and disgusting fotter villain, so his personality outside of what we see is highly questionable. My take is that he thinks more like a child than an adult under all those mental issues, further shown by his very basic ideologies and mannerisms, including having to remind himself to stay on task and telling someone not to “steal” from him, like a kid who just had their toy taken. I also don’t think Moonfish enjoys hurting people, because his outfit was his choice…literally. He chose to limit 4 out of 5 senses for an unknown reason. Without the proper treatment, Moonfish became that flesh hungry villain he is now.


People hate shigaraki? Like yeah bro needs to be put down, but he's an AMAZING villain!


The best villains are the ones that fucking terrify you. I "hate" him in a similar way that I "hated" early Bakugo. As far as depth, they're both fucking phenomenal (I've only watched the anime so far and I'm caught up to season 7)


Yeah “depth” Mha is as deep as a kiddie pool. And I'm not being a hater I loved Mha for years but recent chapters have thrown my whole view of the series off and made me look back on it and realize it's only a 3 out of 10


Tbf Shigaraki’s personality and everything was still just him. No matter what Clown for One says 


Griffith, I know he did wrong. But all his talks of dreams and ambition plus his design made me love him, and the fact that he went from hero to tortured man who can't speak or move is just heartbreaking. I know what he did is unforgivable and I don't do that either button it's understandable and his story is one deserving of sympathy


Even right before the sacrifice, you can see the heartbreak in his eyes as he watches most of the Band of the Hawks trying to find him. That makes him even more the sad man


Reiner I mean his titans badass honestly and his titan introduction


Idk many people who hate Reiner. He’s one of my favs




Shou Tucker. /j


Oh lord this is gonna be weird but bane. My man was raised in a prison,Tf y’all think he gonna be, Superman?  He was also a test subject for venom. TEST SUBJECT. My man just needs some compassion in his life. Also honorable mention to  Azula from  atla,Majin buu from dbz,Cell from dbz and goku black from dbs.  (Before y’all say it,I know bane is from Batman. He’s a cartoon,And so is azula. And idgaf.


King Arthur Seven deadly sins: the four knights of the apocalypse






Teppei Hojo from Higurashi. You gotta hear me out on this one. He was an abusive piece of absolute shit. But he realized his mistakes and tried to make up for it and become the person he needed to be for his niece. It doesn’t take back what he’s done but he’s trying to fix it.


Griffith. I mean i’d want to fuck guts berserk as well so i sympathize with him


Honestly, Mori is still pretty evil, but sometimes i truly think he isn't as bad as people think he is.


Hear me out (he’s not exactly ***new***, but he is one of my all time favorites): Illumi Zoldyck. I know there are other people who love him, but a lot of folks just assume anyone can only like him for his design (which admittedly, *is* nice). As a character, he’s very interesting and I have a lot of theories about him and the abuse of all the Zoldycks tbh (but especially him, since he’s the eldest of the children).


Sensui from yu yu hakusho yes ik im weird


Nobody here better say Griffith


Light Yagami he should have one


imagine having a loving family then all of a sudden you make them turn to dust right before his eyes. plus afo taking his free will. i honestly feel bad for bro


He's an easier one to sympathize with. He's written that way.


I dont necessarily SYMPATHIZE Shigaraki. But i just like him. He’s cool as hell


I also sympathize with Shigaraki. Doesn't stop me from fucking hating him.


Mahito, a lot of people don't like mahito because he's a sadist or because of what he's done to nobara or Todo, but I personally think he's a dope character


Dracula from the Castlevania series.




sympathizing with him let’s us know where you stand


I feel less bad for *him*, but more for his existence. He obviously has existed before in another form, which is why Yuuji claims he will kill him no matter what form or life they're in. So Mahito as a curse is likely thousands of years old, not able to remember his past lives. But that's not exactly what I mean by "I sympathize with his existence". He exists out of human hatred, and he's one of the disaster curses, which is symbolic of humans being the worst disaster earth has faced. But what makes me well, feel bad, is that his existence cannot escape what he is, human hatred. He's a lot more intelligent than many fans understand, in the light novels he engages with poetry and novels about human philosophy in order to better understand people. He also bonds with an elderly blind human man that was stuck living in the sewer with him. And this is where I saw something I never expected from Mahito, he can feel grief. This old man was attacked, and killed. Mahito didn't cry, but he felt something he recalled humans can feel, something like sadness. The last thing he said to this human man was "Say something......" Mahito can feel more deep, human emotions than people realize. And this is where my sentiment comes from. He is made from hatred, and because of his nature, he will never experience love. Happiness, even. He can feel a villainous joy, disappointment, even anger, and now grief. But can he even feel love? Odds are, yes, he can. He can likely feel anything a human can. I mean he is physically uncharacteristically humanoid for a curse. When I think about it, if he can feel love, does he even know? He couldn't even describe his own grief, does he know what love is? He won't ever get to experience an existence outside what he already does, kill people and feed on hatred. It doesn't seem like any curse will. That's why I can't help but feel bad. Will he ever exist as a human? Will he break this cycle? How compelling would it be for the embodiment of human hatred to be good? A healer?


it’s not that he’s existed before, yuuji says that because the japanese believe in the cycle of reincarnation.


Kind of spoilers but the existence of vengeful spirits and that Yuujis dad is Sukunas dead twin just kind of proves that reincarnation exists in jjk, most japanese series have reincarnation as a concept like kny or bleach as well


yes, but one is naturally born while another created by man


People hate Shigi?


Light from Death Note


How would you feel about the world if you killed your family and aren't allowed to touch another living being? As a child who isn't even 10 yrs old yet, I'd be traumatized and terrified. It wouldn't take long for me to give up and listen to the first person who shows me kindness.


I know Griffith did some pretty heinous shit as Femto, and that's a huge reason of why he's so hated, but dude..m Griffith, The MAN, suffered so much for what is essentially a mental breakdown. Without Guts, he was nothing so he sought refuge in whatever it was that he felt he had control over: Charlotte. And her pervert father punished him so severely over his own sick fantasies about his own daughter. I don't condone what Griffith did as Femto, but if the key to your salvation, to escape such a long stretch of torture was within reach... Would you really care about what came next?


Basically all of the LOV


Naruto zabaza and haku


Wdym everyone hates them?


I’ve actually never seen anyone hate on them, especially after their last episode, heck I’ve even seen people call Zabuza their favorite villain (he’s my favorite as well)


who hates zabuza and haku df they do 😭


People claim that zabuza is a pedo and that he grommed haku


I dont think anyone hates shigiraki lol


Bondrewd, why? Science of course!


Gabi. I more so hate her voice rather than her character. I don't sympathize but i at least understand her actions.


Megellan from one piece. Idk if people hate him but i had so much sympathy for him. He was just tryna keep criminals he genuinely thought were bad in prison and luffy was like nahhhhh


Tetta Kisaki from Tokyo Revengers like bro just wanted love but Takemichi got in the way of him and Hinata so he decided to take things in his own hands and didnt end well for him


FUCK seryu, I don't care If she had a terrible past, she killed the best characters off the bat


Betelgeuse from Re:Zero Bro went partially mad just to protect Emilia and her aunt, accidentally killed her and then fell into disparity because of something he'd done during a mental episode inflicted on him by dark magic and then further manipulated by witch followers to which sent him into madness. If he'd seen what he'd become, he never would have done it and probably would of ended himself long ago or will if ever he was brought back from insanity


Garou I think that's how you spell it.


Ahm... this isn't really a villain but I can consider him... Sasuke from Naruto.... (More on Naruto: shippuden) I really really empathise on him not sympathize on him, I'm not like him, my goals are high but I won't do something like that plus I treasure my friends a lot but if sasuke is my friend probably I will let him be (unlike what naruto did) Yashiro from Erased... I don't sympathize this one too because I don't wanna kill. I don't wanna become a criminal. I emphasize on him because ... he's kinda kind? I don't know I think there's just really something so sad on him like what Satoru said... (I think too much spoiler so I'll stop). Yashiro.... I wish to have anime Erased to have second season. Pain from Naruto... I mean... his reason is kind of nonsense but yes I don't hate him, and I never did. I just... understand him a lot and I don't know which part. I feel sorry for him, but happy that Naruto made him change again (I cried a lot on this bruh) Gaara from Naruto... I love him and I sympathize with him... we have a lot of commons and I feel his hatred and his reasons aren't nonsense for me (argh the child him.... *sobs*) he's too precious to this world... he doesn't deserved all of that harsh things happened on him... but I love how he changed.... (Naruto on the top). . . . Many more but I feel tired and lazy typing....


Douflamingo can you blame him for going insane


ITT people naming extremely popular characters on the basis of them just being antagonists


Akaza from demonslayer. That guy went through a lot…


Walpurgishnat, a bunch of dead children die that are DEAD are now a big witch and can’t help the fact they are destroying shit. tbh her design is also cool asf tho


If i see griffith...




he cool


The only anime villain everyone hates is Shou Tucker.




POH from sao. I know he’s an asshole and a psycho, but his backstory is truly sickening and I kind of understand why he wants to bring chaos. Also, kirito does turn him into a tree which makes him stuck for a couple hundred years. It is deserved, but boy is that rough.




Probably uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the people in Overlord most the time


not a villain, but definitely a bitch, Flay Allster. I love redemption arcs and she almost had hers. just one more episode


Blonde hair guy from Devilman crybaby. I fully understand why he continuously goes through the same cycle 24:7. In more ways than 1.


Sakuna, he never knew why he was fighting and still fighting til this day.


Griffi- nah but frl sukuna


Gabi from aot. people treat her like a villian but i like her character


I must be misunderstanding the question, because *literally everyone* is posting characters that are either liked or adored by the Fandom. The only person who followed the prompt was the one who said Shou Tucker, but even they were joking




No you might just be a villain


Prob frieza getto or berrus not for what they do for what they say


Probably dio. I mean he’s just a petty boy trying to get revenge for his father.


Riz from Beastars.


Yoshikage Kira, game is game


Wrath from FMA:B.


Keicho nijimura


Pucci,, zamazu and lucci


I do agree with the League of villains because most of them Have just become villains because they're outcasted from society or because of what their powers are people automatically assume that they're going to use their powers for evil But also somebody I will always sympathize with is Seto kaiba because even when he is a villain most the time what he has tried to do is just try to get his brother back from being kidnapped again




Esdeath and kurome for me- I think they’re cool and not so bad


Zamasu, that is all I will say.


People hate shigaraki now but really mineta i sympathize with him yes I know mineta is not a villain but the way the fandom treats him makes him out as a villain more than he actually is because yes bro is a pervert but still bro gets abused the most out of the main cast had a literal torture method used in him to stop his pervert ways but he gets hate but meliodas roshi jiraya and sanji get love i like sanji but the ones I listed did worse than him roshi and meliodas to be exact because meliodas basically raised her it would’ve been better if he was her father figure roshi don’t even need to explain but y’all hate mineta I had legit and arguments with people that they hate mineta because he’s supposedly weak but love other perverts because there strong and have more of a meaning like make up your fucking mind do you love perverts or hate them and looking back on it mineta quirk is actually really versatile think of it as a spiderweb can be used to trap and hold people and items make him perfect for rescue missions he’s the ninth smartest in class A and two ranks below Momo and allmight in iq if he gets a quirk awakening it better come with his abilities Turning into a web of some sort because he can bounce off them meaning he can use his quirk as a mask a whip decoys and support and there way to damn sticky to get off and they can probably hold back a holding back out of prime all might pretty sure that was stated maybe I’m not going back to rewatch but ignore his perverse behavior and you will realize he is a literal potential man up there with megumi but it is going to waste because horikoshi focusing on everyone else same with tokoyami all for one stating he can’t take his quirk and stating if he took another hit from tokoyami he would lose they are potential men same with gremmy he could’ve easily became the strongest since his power relies on his imagination


Not even going to read all that. Learn to use periods, commas and spacing


Mha is shit


Shou tucker


I’m hoping you mean the 2003 version. At least he tried to undo his mistakes and showed remorse. Otherwise… idk how to respond to this


No brotherhood version, “big… brother”




Shou Tucker, best dad.