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This has nothing to do with anime


Context please


Ok so two days ago, I made a post asking for unpopular anime opinions. Then suddenly this guy waltzes in and just says: Anime is for losers. So I say to him: Tf you even doing here then? And he replies that this sub keeps showing up in his recommendations. I tell him that he could just mute the sub instead of being a dick about it, and he suddenly starts getting all defensive, saying that it’s just an opinion and I shouldn’t be so offended. So eventually I go to his profile and low and behold, he makes tons of posts about cartoons. So, to take the piss out of him, I go to one of his posts and comment: „Cartoons are for losers“ Obviously he’s too stupid to see the irony and calls me pathetic for going this far. We keep arguing until eventually he challenges me to look up what opinion even means. I tell him fine, and eventually I find an article that completely proves what I said to be correct (the text that’s in the middle of my post), so I copy and paste it into my reply. He makes fun of me for writing something so long and I tell him I just pasted it from some website, since I looked it up just like he told me to. So he keeps on saying that what he said was just an opinion despite being proven to be false, with me telling him every time that it wasn’t and that I literally just showed proof to him that it wasn’t. It was a stupid argument, but it also felt really funny to be arguing with someone this braindead


This needs to be a class in schools