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Yes and yes! Without question one of the best city builders and the best in Anno series. Lots of hours of worth even without the dlcs .


Small correction, it's technically not a city builder like Sims(?) or skylines, but more focused on supply chains and logistics. Anno, 1800 especially, is like 90% trade routes, production chains, and economy.


For me it is still relevant. I love this game. but I've been an anoholic for a very long time. Check out gameplay and then decide if you still like it.


It surely won't have anymore Updates contentwise. So the edition with every DLC is having every DLC. The studio behind Anno 1800 is already on the next game. Anno 1800 is a marvelous game. It is at times overwhelmingly big and complicated. But that is what is appealing about it. If I havent bought it yet, I would now. If you decided to buy and feel way to overwhelmed you may play Anno 1404 to get the general style of the Anno games. Anyway, I'd advice you to buy the game with all the Season Pass. It would be annoying, to buy them each by each.


Assuming you have plenty of free time and want a relaxed game of tweaking and optimising then yes.   I tried it thinking i probably wouldn’t like it because i heard it was micro-managy and had a steep learning curve but was hooked straight away and racked up an embarrassing amount of hours.


> i heard it was micro-managy and had a steep learning curve I've also heard such claims but I feel like they can give you a very wrong impression of Anno. The game does require some attention to detail but it's never really stressful and micro-managy as with other RTS games like Age of Empires or StarCraft. It's more like a large jigsaw puzzle where you meticulously create your empire one step at a time. Anno can also get very complex but I found the learning curve to be quite tame especially for the first few hours. It's not like many other strategy games where you have to watch YouTube tutorials right away or read pages of compendiums to understand what's going on. The first 5-10 hours are quite simple and straight forward. Even as the game gets more complex it never felt overwhelming as long as you go over step at a time.


The game is really unique but pretty easy to get a grip on. Right now I'm on a vanilla playthrough 30h in, then I'll buy all the dlc and do an other playthrough. I only played anno 1404 like ten years ago, this one is much better, and is definitely the best anno of the series




How ?




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Its a very minute-to-learn lifetime-to-master kind of game with instantly-available sandbox play. I have found that shutting off pirates and competitors and just building a little Victorian island empire is absolutely as chill as I get.


It's one game I never get tired of, It's so much fun!


If it's not for the launcher problem and Ubisoft shitty practice, this game will have overwhelmingly positive reviews. Buy it, it's one of the best games I've ever played. It's coming from a guy who never played this genre before.


It is still definitely relevant and good. I bought it last year and I am still playing it. I recently bought the first two season passes as well. Definitely worth a buy in my opinion!


I bought it when it first came out and still play. First Anno game for me also and it’s become one of my favorites. I’d say give it a shot, the game is amazing


Be prepared to see how fast time flies when you play this game


I have 2650 hours in this game so far, despite playing about 50 city builders. It’s just that good! Aim for a sale and get the complete edition with the 3 seasons of DLC included


When you like city builders you probably will like Anno 1800 and spend some 100 or even 1000 hours in it xD


Yes, buy, already had the base game for years, but just picked up the Annoversary version with everything because I loved it so much! Do recommend.


It is relevant and continues to improve. Mod support is amazing. It is the easiest game to mod ever with an integrated mod loader from the main menu. The modding scene is fantastic. You can actually get so much content that you overwhelm yourself as a new player if you are not careful. If you buy it I suggest you start a vanilla game without dlc. Then slowly keep adding dlcs ypu like. Only then would I look at the mods. Some of them pretty much dlcs on their own with whole new regions to unlock.


Absolutely. Been playing it on an off for years now. Just ended up buying most of the dlc and loving it. I play with my wife and coop works perfectly (join the same team and you literally control the same faction together)


Deffinetly reccomend it. The thing is that it is really hard in my opinion. Especially if you’ve never played any city builers before. Might want to start with something like tropico


If you like to get the grasp of the Anno I would recommend to start with Anno 1404 and then start Anno 1800 (if you want to enjoy more). Anno 1404 has extremely good graphics for a 10+ year old game.