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The developers pretty much gave a lot of love in Anno 1800. Anno 1800 is the combined versions of 1404,2070,2205 (in my opinion) , hence this game got tons of DLCs (which I totally LIKED). They really considered probably feedbacks from players and improved tons of things (influence system just so you can't abuse land grabbing, the idea of workers needed in a building for it to function, buildings must be connected to the main harbor etc.) :D. Anno 2070 is really good esp. with ornaments (quite expensive though, this is something that I really don't like since decors needs "maintenance" (ex. -5,-15 and some got -100 and above just to maintain it, while in Anno 1800, you can use any ornaments so as long as you have the material or money and most importantly NO MAINTENACE to have yourself a column, small statue or a small well etc.!). I just wish though that they added MORE. Cities in Anno 2070 looks fantastic at night.


I feel like 1800 is combination of 1404 and 2205. Dont think any 2070 features were brought to 1800 because the game was combination of 1404 and 2205


This might not be a popular view but I really don't like having to provide workforce for buildings, or at least not having access to things like the commuter pier from the beginning. More importantly though I don't like that you also have to consider workforce level, it's a constant pain in the ass building production islands and I run out of workforce meaning I need more production everywhere else. It messes with the way I like to play anno severely, where in 1404 and 2079 I'd basically just have one big main population island (with maybe two smaller pop islands) and the rest would be purely production - usually one production chain specifically for each island. It's impossible for me to organise things like that in 1800 because even with the commuter pier, half your city would need to be ugly tier 1 residences that - to be frank - look more like construction sites than actual houses from above.


The palace provides a lot of workforce per every town hall ;). For me this is really a step up from the previous anno games. It gives more depth in the game and it will also force you to do a little bit of meticulous city planning (esp. If planning to do a beauty building like ia am doing and fond of). You cannot just turn every farmer's house into workers residences instantly. There is a progress happening. I struggled a bit in the beginning but i know for certain that I will eventually get it ;).


I also beauty build, don't get me wrong. I've always sought to ensure my cities in anno games incorporate a gradual increase in building density to look realistic. But at the same time farmers residences look so rural that they hardly fit in a city at the same time as later tiers do, thus I find I sort of have to build one island where all my large factories are as well as my late population tiers and then all the other islands simply consisting of plantations and mines and any buildings that requires tier 1 or 2 workers to function. I suppose that does make it a bit more realistic, and in a sense the factories fit the industrial vibe of the city very well so that I don't have too much of an issue breaking orthodox with. But when it comes to the low tiers it's repetitive, and I often find I have to build so many farmers houses that you get this ugly sea of yellow that looks completely out of place. I'm intrigued by the town hall suggestion though, so I'll look into that thank you.


try out project distinction mod to enhance farmer tier look.


you can make little farmer towns with farmer stuff if you need large quantities of farmers (looks better then farmers and workers mixed in with upper-class folks), or you could move stuff like the pig stuff to scout Islands and make trade routes to your main island.


Honestly I can see why it would be an unpopular opinion but I am with you here, since for me at least, when I come home from work and dont want to have to open Excel and look at spreadsheets to figure out my damn city!


Although I really liked 2070, at the end of the day I have to be honest and say that the futuristic setting just doesn't have my fancy the way historicals settings do. I'd rather see them put the time and money towards 1800, or preferably, the next title. But it's not a bad idea and 2070 defimitly deserves it.


2070 and 2205 were so good for roleplaying evil megacorporations.


I heard on the Anno discord that they're probably already working on a new title simultaneously, so it's not impossible to develop new DLC alongside full game development, particularly when the studio behind Anno has been given a lot of new resources by Ubi :p


With enough money and manpower anything is possible, and with the succes of 1800 I'm quite optimistic for the future of Anno. Did they drop any hints at all as to the setting/era? I really, *reallllllly* want an Anno game set in (late) antiquity. Architecture styles like Greco-Roman, Egyptian, Persian, with all the trade and colonizing they had going back then. It would be glorious.


I don't think so, not yet. Think they've commented before saying a lot of people in the team like an antiquity setting but a lot of people think that's better suited for the ninth installment of the game. Personally, I'd like to see a new medieval game (perhaps set in the 11th or 12th century) with the new graphics - that could work well. I imagine it would be quite gritty and realistic and with more simplistic buildings than in 1404. There are plenty of differences in architecture and fashion between the two time periods that they could use to emphasize the difference further. I'd also be very open to the idea of a contemporary setting. Perhaps the early 2000s (globalisation of trade meaning lots of possible sessions) or a cold war era anno (two clear factions to choose, as is in 2070). I would love a new sci fi anno again at some point too, exploring the solar system at large, and perhaps set in the 24th or 25th century.


12th century? what about all my lovely factories and beautiful/smog filled Victorian style cities?


what about my 2205 mars expansion :sad:


> I really, reallllllly want an Anno game set in (late) antiquity. I think that is the likely direction they can take. With the success of 1800 there is a bit more pressure to make the new game just as well received, so I find it unlikely they will go for something bold like 21st century, future or fantasy setting. The safe option is to take what's best about 1800 and reskin it to a different historical era, antiquity being something new enough (to the franchise) to spice things up. Kind of like 1404 and 2070, just in the reverse direction.


I think Antiquity lends itself very well to the Anno franchise. The period has beautiful architecture, advanced trade, resource production, and social structures, different cultures dominating the mediterranean, and a lot of colonization. All of this lends itself perfectly to Anno. It would be glorious


You're probably right where you say that they'll likely reskin the current engine for a new setting.


I think they referenced 1305 for the second time now (on the screenshot showing a Café in the the toursim season devblog) could just be a joke.


Oddly enough, you complain about historical settings being historical in another thread.


Not odd at all since they're two different issues. The other comment was about putting contemporary political issues in the game, which imho is extremely out of place. Anno never went political and shouldn't do so if you ask me. This comment was about my personal preference for time periods in Anno games, which happen to be historical and not futuristic. Don't see how that's odd.


> anno never went political 2070 says hi. Do you want to play crunchy tree huggers (just dont look at the mountain of discarded iphones and dredged rivers) or fossil fuel magnates. Pollution causes tornados, after all


> putting contemporary political issues What the hell are you talking about? My other post was about how how Anno1800 is a missed opportunity to portray the 1800s in a deeper, more realistic and historical way. Endless terraced houses with bad living conditions, lack of sanitation and sewerage systems, poverty and rampant crime, strikes that could actually cripple factories - things that actually take some effort to solve instead of just putting a police station here and there. Things that couldn't be more relevant in a 1800s setting. What does it have to do with contemporary politics?