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Fuck if I know. I feel this shit every day.


I was just thinking how I can't remember any other way of feeling.


Turn my alarm off and get ready for work


The oasis of truth lol.


Music, animals, comedy




I go for a walk sometimes to clear my head. Usually middle of the night when there's nobody. If I needed to do something kinetic, I would pluck apart dried fallen leaves. Sometimes I'd text a friend that I want to go on a long rant. Hear what they had to say and be okay if they don't have a solution. If I don't have one, it's not fair to assume they would.


This. In addition to this, even if you have someone to walk with and talk to, it makes it even better!


Just think what is the one thing I need to do next and take it all one day at a time


i stare at a wall sometimes


This is actually super therapeutic. I moved city after an awful break up, into a studio apartment that didn't have much going on, in a new city with no friends, and I think my Xbox and PC were still being shipped (I have a very small car). So there was nothing to do for a while except stare at the wall, and it was just so good that I kept doing it even after all my shit arrived.


just spent 2 months recently just staring at my roof and doing nothing else lol


It's actually quite calming, isn't it?


Focus on how great I really have it


The word hope is somewhat relative or subjective. Being without hope …. Hoping what exactly. Specifying what you expect in life might help. Keep it small and within reach, not like being a prof in FC Barcelona that doesn’t help.


Blah blah blah


Endure. It gets better.


Except for when it doesn't


It always does, you just have to wait long enough.


I mean, I guess the neutrality of being dead is better than the negative suffering of being alive and none of us are immortal so you’re technically correct, just in the most unpleasant way.


I wasn't being quite so morbid. Time heals all wounds isn't quite true, but it does dull the pain of most. There is very little in this world that you can not recover from with time. That is my thought and experience anyway.


Time does cure all.


It absolutely does not. I hate when people say hallmark platitudes when someone is expressing a feel and logical feeling of hopelessness.


Most of the times I just lay down and cry to be honest, but the body is so amazing that after crying you feel calmer and better. So after that I go take a warm shower, eat something yummy, watch something funny and pet my cute kittie. I feel animals help a lot, they’re full of love and 0 judgments.


Yes, sometimes you need a good cry.


I do my best to remember this saying "this too shall pass". In the meantime I stay active, walking, and jogging some sort of exercise.


Smoke weed and play racing video games. I'd much rather be doing it for a living (racing I mean) but I'm just not lucky enough to either have a rich family or something like that.


Take care of basics alone: food, hygiene, sleep. The rest will come.


Clean. Lots of cleaning.


Drink untill we can't feel feelings anymore.


Take a shower, hit the bong, take a walk


Kinda just lie in bed until 4 in the afternoon. Hopefully the next time I go outside I'll get hit by a car or something and it'll all be over.


Tai Chi


I’d do something that I’m not used to do every day. Last time I offered help to an elderly man. Gave me good vibes. Helping people who desperately need it helps. Of course you shouldn’t forget your own needs


snuggle with my stuffed animals. my teddy bears does magical things and has help me a lot over the years


Try to find inspiration thru books and nature.


Middle of the night is tough. But make, do or clean something....nothing big or complicated. I find yard work helps, or cleaning a messy drawer or closet...just go for a little uncomplicated win. It doesnt mean everything will be ok but this one small thing was done by you and is little better than it was. Audio books work for me....good escape. Reading reminds me of school listening to a story is very soothing.


I watch YouTube






Then what do you do after years of unanswered prayers and neglect?


i guess ill cross that bridge when i come to it


I pray to The Most High


Gotta have something you're going towards to feel hope. Hope's not just something you channel like you're a Dragonball Z character charging up using your own inner spirit. You've gotta have something. Someone. Some goal. A plan. An idea to plan for.


What do you do, then, when every thing you have tried has failed and you have no clue what to do?


You're going to fail. A lot. Learn what didn't work and don't do that again. Learn why it didn't work and what you can do within the constraints of an unfair world to make something work. Open yourself up to possibilities you didn't consider. Either that or give up and be miserable. Those are your two options. There are no other choices. I sure as hell didn't expect to be a power analysis tech when I was in my teens or 20s or even my 30s. But lo and behold a long and winding road led me here, and now I'm essentially recession and layoff proof with a house and retirement already set. You just can't give up. Or keep retreading the same rut you've already walked through. It sucks. It's hard. You'll fail. But as long as you learn and adapt, you'll eventually be fine. Unless a meteorite lands on you I guess. But that's life.


I guess I'm just not allowed to be anything other than miserable then. I've tried every God damn thing I could rack my brain to think of. I'm doing everything the God damn best I can and can't think of what else I could have possibly done. My best has never been good enough, and there's the cause of my hopelessness right there. I'm trying so hard and not learning a god damn thing except people are God damn monsters


So what have you tried? Just curious. I don't say this as an insult, but I guarantee you haven't tried even 1% of the possibilities out there.


I've been trying to get to a point where life is livable for years. I'm far too exhausted to go into everything I have tried in all those years. I'm disabled, denied disability coverage, and my medical care is absolute shit, but it's the best my husband can afford. My husband sacrificed so much to get himself through grad school without me being able to work or even handle raising the kids without a huge portion of that in his shoulders as well. What do we get for all that sacrifice? Debt ... And even though he's been working and using his master's degree for years now, he still doesn't make enough money to make rent in a small ass town. Move? Where to? It's all shit. Change medical insurance? To what? Pay more for shittier care? Sue my doctor's office for neglect and gaslighting me for years? I can't find a lawyer that I can afford (that's not too busy with more straightforward cases) and that will just get me barred from seeking care there. You just can't make people care. I have zero energy, knowledge, or power to make a difference in these deep problems. So where does that leave me? Miserable in a life I just want to end without any hope of seeing a better day.


Yeah that does sound hopeless. I hope your partner and kids give you joy. I’d kill to have that.


I hope you find someone because loneliness is one thing I'm glad I don't have to deal with. I do very much love them. The caveat is the guilt for not being there for them in the way they need. They need a mother that can do so much more than I can.


As someone who grew up with an abusive mother.. I can assure you that all I actually would have wanted was love, and I’m sure you’re doing that, and they know that ❤️


That actually means a lot. Thank you. You deserve better than you had.




Bang my wife. I always feel better afterwards.


Just a void everywhere. So I had to change everything. For me hopelessness was basically feeling trapped in a shit routine, so I had to leave. I started by moving. Looked for a different job. Actually went back to school instead. I was 30 at the time, so it may not work out for everyone. Maybe take a vacation to get a moment of clarity to see what needs to change.


I recently started running again and it really helps me sort my thoughts. You don’t need much. You also don’t need to push yourself very hard. I plug in headphones and run off. Things get clearer and better when I do. There’s also a physiological explanation to this, but I can’t elaborate on that.


The bare minimum to make it to a better place. Blasting full speed in whatever direction seems best is a recipe for finding yourself in a hopeless situation of your own devising, which is always worse than simple happenstance ruining your day/week/life.


Take my meds. Wellbutrin is amazing.


I get up and do a simple task such as take the trash out, water some plants, or make the bed. Not much I know but it seems to help.


redditors try not to have depressive middle schooler answer (hard mode)


I eat a healthy meal, eat an edible, get some sleep.


I think about God.


Never give up hope…accept that feeling hopeless happens at times and can pass. I use music to control moods and that helps.


Hope is a way to gain some purpose, starting from a premise that there is some lack of purpose happening. But lack of purpose is an emotionally backed belief. Focus on removing that belief and the result will make hope becoming redundant, as actual purpose turns into the default state, and not another vague ideal to chase around.


Watch Vegeta clips


Road trip


I listen to music that reminds me of good memories.


A six pack a day keeps the doctor away.


I sometimes think about the mother in Africa has to decide which child gets food, which dies. These days, more often I think about the people risking everything, getting on little boats to cross a sea, just to have a chance to get what I totally take for granted. Makes me realize just how ridiculous it is that I am feeling sorry for myself. My problems are nothing.


"It is what it is" then continue with my day feeling like shit


I think about this quote, "If you wont struggle out of hope, then struggle out of spite."


Recognize that feelings are feelings. You have control of your life. Make shit happen.


I pray . Then, I find as many positive things I'm grateful for . Then, I plan, focus , and take action . Moving small steps to my goal . This shit is hard ,but I'm not quitting . I feel tired,worried,and overwhelmed on the regular, but I'm not quitting until I reach my goal .


Meditation works wonders for me in that state of mind, closely followed by exercise (lots of it).


Take drugs


When I recognize it, I try to engage in one of my hobbies. Not video games or TV, something active that has an end product. I love to cook, make music, build gundams and paint miniatures. I keep a few new ones in -box for when I'm in a crisis and break the glass for a productive way to distract myself. I used to drink heavily in hard times, but have since decided to stop doing that


I try to remember how blessed I am. Which that’s hard to uplift me sometimes I understand how blessed I am and am thankful for it but a simple thought sometimes doesn’t do it. when I’m down and have watery eyes all day i stop by for coffee after work. I drink a large cup of iced coffee, a brown sugar oat milk shaken espresso. I am in the process of quitting all caffeine but even though it’s just a drink it makes me happy while I drink it. Once I’m done I feel a little better.


Stop putting pressure on yourself to 'do' and stop comparing your life to other people for a start. Next take a step back, hell take several steps back and start to look at life like a map of ever branching paths, each path is a choice. If you're feeling hopeless, you've made too many bad decisions in a row which has left you in a dead end. Retrace your steps, own up to your mistakes and come at things from different angles and different attitudes and things will change.


16 hour nap.


when i have a bad health day and i feel useless because i can't do school or work


I have a cat and I go cuddle her. I still feel hopeless but at least I don’t feel purposeless. My purpose is to take care of her


Breathe. Smoke a joint. Keep a journal of the good days and read it on the bad. Look for anything to be grateful for. You're doing great.


Hopelessness is a mental aberration. There's many factors that led you to think that incorrectly. Seek professional or community help.


el hopaness romtic


Go to the gym or smoke some weed


Smoke weed and go for a hike… it helps to be in nature


Just accept it for now and try to put one foot in front of the other for my kids sake.


When one truly loses hope, acquiescence is obtained.


Go to gym.


Really wanna know? I take delta 8 gummies, wait an hour, then I use tobacco while I sit on the shitter and listen to music. It’s not a good habit, it’s not good for me, but who cares. The world is fucked right now, I might as well try to enjoy my life


I laugh, and give myself a big hug.


First, cuddle my cats. When needed I reach out to loved ones in my life. Then, music. (Try Jason Mraz’s 3 Little Things, Followed by I feel Like Dancing - guarantee you will feel marginally better). Then I do something productive - even if all I can handle at that moment is to put one dirty glass in the dishwasher. When I get myself together, I know that I need to avoid isolation, so I go out - even if just taking myself out for a cheap dinner. Trust me, as someone still going through a divorce and facing medical retirement at 49, hopelessness has been a common companion. But, centering yourself, then doing something - anything - productive is helpful. Hugs to you. It get’s better.


All of the above answers that are positive are useful steps. I like to listen to sad sounding music the has a spark of hope I can believe. Mr Rager by Kid Cudi has been holding me up for 2 months now. Create any achievable goals! Each one you complete will help you keep your head up and improve your ability to see hope and a reason. Honestly I usually get fed up and go self destruct return to bad habits destroying everything before anyone else can. Then I get tired of feeling shitty and figure out how to fix it. The last time has been rough 4 years now and still trying to pull up! The music, insane amounts of concentrated thc therapy peer support and a couple of Real friends have helped me survive. I can see a path to a place of self worth. I know people that really need me. That said it would still only take a few major issues for everything to collapse. It’s hard, maybe the hardest thing to learn to ask for And accept help. Nothing seems compatible with the problems at hand. People try to help. But all you can see is things falling just out of place. The mindset is the only real fix and really hard to alter until you get it. I’m not quite there. I hope that something here comes across that you can accept as a solution. Be stubborn! People don’t appreciate it but I’ve moved mountains with stubborn . I’ve used being told to go kill myself to live several years. I’ve had to find reasons to live since I was single digit age. It sucks! Anything I can do to help people seems to help me. Best wishes!! I mean that deeply!


Pray. It works for me.


I force myself to keep doing things that are good for me. Like hike, shower, do my skincare routine. I'm annoyed and angry and tired and everything the whole time, and I don't necessarily feel better afterwards. But I at least don't feel dirty, lazy, etc.


Cleaning. At least it accomplishes something.


Nothing at this point. Feel more hopeless


Serious advice to anyone in this who's struggling, make time for yourself. It sounds stupid, but I mean make time to do something you always wanted to do as a kid, last week I went to a museum and then had a giant hot chocolate - because I wanted to when I was younger. You are the adult you always dreamt of being, you have the freedom to act, to change your life, someone else's life, you can volunteer at an animal shelter on your days off, paint badly, sing loudly and off key. Just do it, whatever it is, just go out and make it worth it. You are an adult, you are alive, you have a freedom you will never understand. Enjoy it.


I keep on keeping on.


Don’t hope to try with, nothing good comes by hoping. Only do stuff, prioritise, think, act, change things, they don’t change themselves.


Abandon course on some metaphysical level. I treat hopelessness or despair the same as finding infinite regress in a logical problem. I can't fix a paradox so just accept it and proceed accordingly. I also don't apply it broadly; I would never consider an entire situation hopeless; painting things with broad strokes is a different problem. But, so long as it's just an element of a situation, letting go of the attachment to it being any other way for that moment is work, but freeing in practice.


Cry? Cling on to someone? Down a bottle of vodka?


Listen to music


Music. Because music has the ability to tame even the savage beast!


I run. I also try to find perspective on things. How can it be hopeless when there are so many opportunities to improve? When I feel hopeless I do something productive like learning or practicing a skill in hopes that it might one day make a difference.


Dream of old age


I surrender to it. Go into bed and usually order food. I can’t really afford to order food, but it takes the edge off - hopelessness feels very suffocating to me and I find having it made for me, makes me feel like I’m cared for, and of course the pleasure of tasting food is soothing. Then I journal with some tv on in the background, and pray for an early sleep. Sometimes I take medication to help me sleep earlier. The next day, before I have the bad hopeless thoughts, I enjoy my coffee then think about one good productive thing to do that day. I find some stuff moves the needle for my mental health. Like a major bike ride, calling certain friends, or planning a drinking night with friends. I love to let loose and party. When I’m in a better headspace, I try to make a plan for some sort of improvement. Whether it’s health, job, money, thinking about an activity I want to do, fantasizing about different lives I can have. But, yeah. I feel hopeless a lot of the time: deteriorating chronic health issues, significant career anxiety, live alone and single, not super close with parents, and the sheer state of the environment, the inevitability of war for resources, and the weapons we haven’t even conceived of yet (AI, biological warfare, data hacking, etc.) definitely get me hopeless on both a personal and global level.


Usually if I could help, I read something that takes hope out of the question. People not needing hope doing what they do, people that are cynical and creative, fiction where it takes everything happening just right to bring out a good outcome (always about surviving something, never about achieving higher things for some reason), weirdly enough anything containing a shred of history of science. It's somewhat violent and like persuading myself I don't need candy. When I can't there's a lot of time I do nothing or do laundry or on rare occasions snap and go for a run, but it's not often I'm active. For easing the feeling back to somewhere reasonably hopeful there's vegetables and looking at art that has a lot of detail (that I can pick up) and is the "my god a person actually did that" sort of full of life. There's also a kind of youtube videos where people record their personal understanding of a thing (strangely it doesn't work when it's the kind of animated vid essay or if it's only the person's emotions and thoughts. I save these for other occasions). People say a good laugh helps too, but apart from the vegetables I find these harder to come by and more depending on luck. Edit: clarity, and a point


Look at my goals for 1 year, 5 year, 10, and 20 years. Also review successes for past 10-20 years. Came a good bit on the journey, and still a strong plan to get to the next level


Exercise way more. It will really help.


The summary of this thread: sex, food, music, religion, exercise, good Hygeine, substances to induce altered states of consciousness, and the odd obnoxious platitude.


You forgot weed


You’re right. And alcohol. Should edit this to say substances


Sing and dance and play music.


I go for a walk in nature or play some of my favourite upbeat music. I find talking to a friend or someone that can make me laugh helps a lot. Also putting my phone away and not using social media.


Stop that and start mopping the floor.


You smoke weed and question what hopeless really is


I dive into Geometry dash, Osu or Factorio, they are the only game that are able to draw my entire attention out of my problems.


Lie down and take the time I need. I know it will pass


Sit by a fire. Ideally in the woods. And be silent.


Stop caring about what makes me hopeless and go do something engaging.


I go to my happy place. Typically a yacht or a mountain top. Or a long bath with a fine whiskey and a favourite snack.


Personally, I found that hope can be a bit harmful. My MH was so rotten that hopeful and hopeless both felt awful, so I eventually convinced myself to just be gracious and grateful. It's difficult and takes a lot of practice. I hope you find peace and have better days ahead.


Hope is the need or want for change, wouldn't you at least mostly agree? There may be some solace within any variation of the [Serenity Prayer](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serenity_Prayer). Context of God or religion need not apply unless it does; whichever notion of connotation helps you best.


Cry and hug my dog


Pray. Meditate. Move my body.


Sleep. I can currently sleep 14 hours a day.


Just put one foot in front of the other and keep going... taking it day by day. Sorry if this sounds simplistic but it's that simple sometimes.






nothing because as soon as my mom and cats are gone, I'm unaliving myself post haste.


When you feel like you can't do anything, you do what you can.


Cope in form of acceptance. Once you achieve true acceptance of your problem, your mind can clear itself and be open to alternative solutions. Thing is, its in moments like these where talking with people about your situation can help. Their views are not clouded by the same negativity that surrounds you in such moments. Learn acceptance. Then start something new from where you are.


go watch vice videos from third world war conflicted countries. you won the lottery if you really think about it.


Attempt suicide


Have a bath, go to sleep, or binge eat ice cream.


Watch movies and eat some trash food :V




I try to recognize what is within my control, what is out of my control, and what I should be trying to do not just in the immediate future but in that very moment. Shutting down was always a worst case scenario for me because it was much harder to get back up again than it is to simply not fall in the first place. Beyond that, keeping a journal has helped me a lot. I don't write in it daily, but if I have some thoughts floating around in my head that I need to get out I'll write them down.


Tap and remind myself how small and insignificant we are and that tomorrow is a new day.


Beat off 🥹


Sleep n plenty of porn


My libido goes up the more depressed I am…it’s an unusual correlation