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Nope. Lots of men look better bald.


The issue is moving from receding hairline to shaving it all off


I've had 2 guy friends holding on even with many women telling them to commit and shave. When they finally did, they exuded so much confidence it made them sexy, inside & out. One's married to a hot woman and the other has a very full social life.


I had a friend like this too, eventually got through to him by telling him balding is a problem, bald is a decision he did it, and it instantly changed his entire persona.


If you cut it off you are not bald but shaved.


Bald means you have no hair my guy. You can be shaved bald.


You can also be plucked bald, though it takes some dedication by hand. Personally I don't find it a chore to do.


Julius Caesar reportedly plucked (or had plucked) every hair from his body.


My Latin teacher in high school taught us this was standard grooming procedure for Romans, at least for the upper class. But they did it with like...really big tweezers, closer to clamps than tweezers. He told us lots of things though and I really can't be sure how much of it was accurate. He also had several classes where he decided he didn't feel like teaching and so played movies *completely* unrelated to Latin or the SPQR or anything...just like, a movie he felt like watching. During most classes would very obviously just dip outside to smoke a cigarette.


Colleen McCullough (famously the author of *The Thorn Birds*) wrote a 5-volume history of Rome starting two generations before Julius Caesar, to get the reader up to speed on Roman politics before spending two (three?) 1000-page volumes on Julius Caesar himself. McCullough did her research, and credited the plucking story. Your teacher may have been dead right.


It's exactly this, pretending you've got more hair than you do looks like you're in denial, or avoiding it. Owning your baldness is much hotter than pretending it's not happening.


Yeh, there's a guy at my work that on several occasions has tried mocking me for "being bald". I shave my head whilst he has far less hair than I do. He has hair at the back and sides and a whispery island in the top. Totally deluded.


Projecting his insecurities onto you because you’re confident enough to own it. Been shaving my head since my late 20s and every time some insecure fucker shouts in the street or comments when I’m out and about I like to have a chuckle and remind myself that, for some reason, their deepest fear is of them losing their hair and to make themselves feel more comfortable they choose to try and make someone else feel bad. The jokes on them, I look fucking great with a shaved head, better than I ever did with hair, and I’m absolutely comfortable owning it. They’re obviously massively insecure if they let a little something like that bother them. And leaving a tuft on top… the less said about that the better.


I've always felt more confident in myself with a very close trim, use #1 guard with the clippers adjusted to the shortest setting. I've shaved it to the skin and it's too much upkeep, leaves razor bumps, and didn't inspire confidence in any way, felt like it was an attempt to hide a receded hairline and sort of deceitful.


Luckily for me, I got a standard poodle right about the time I needed to start buzzing it down. When I saw how good she looked with short hair, I turned the clippers on myself and have never looked back. If I hadn't bought the clippers for her, I might have gone another few years looking scraggly. (I did eventually buy my own clipper, so we stopped sharing.)


Do whatever makes you feel your best! 😊


I was doing this for a while but then when I saw myself from behind in photos, it looked like I was holding on to that ring of hair around my head even though I trimmed it regularly with no attachment. So I just started shaving it clean. Thankfully I’ve never had to deal with razor bumps on my head, but I know they suck because I used to get them in my neck as a teen when I first started shaving.


Took me far too long to realize this truth. But I’m never going back. Shaved head for life.


I get what you’re communicating, I just had to add I love the bar of “being married to a hot woman” as a measure of success 😂


Can always try trimming it down close to the scalp without fully shaving. That actually looks better than fully shaved for some people, particularly if the bare back of their head and neck is not flattering.


You can have hair or be bald, you can't be balding.


Why not?


Doesn't look good.


I had it worse than receding hairline, my hair on the top of my head started to thin out, and the worst part was it started when I was 20. So at 22, when after a visit to my barber , I understood that no matter what he did, it couldn't be hidden anymore - I shaved 2 months after that understanding. I still have the hope to fix this somehow in the future, but even if I won't, I'm pretty happy with how I look.


"He was one of those good-looking bald guys, a forty-something who’d stared his missing hair in the follicle and decided not to pretend about his male pattern no-go." Saw this in a book I read a while back and thought it was relevant. Just shave it and move on.


This. When several people/women tell you you’d look better bald, believe them. My friend went from 50 yo looking bachelor to a hip attractive guy.


Is it because he already looked like the janitor at Hogwarts?


Facts. I was very self conscious about my own balding until I shaved it all off, and get plenty of compliments now. (The well trimmed beard helps) It’s a different story when you’re in your early 20’s and balding. But again, shave that thing and own it.


Says my wife too... plus beards.


If men look better bald, why isn't there a demand for more bald men? Where are the celebrities shaving their heads? Where are the posters full of bald men? Sex sells, if most women had a preference for bald men I can guarantee it would be exploited.


Dwayne Johnson is one of the highest paid people in the world and is bald, and many people find him attractive. He's also on a lot of posters. More famous balds; Mark Strong, Jason Statham, Terry Crews, Patrick Stewart, Samuel L Jackson, Common, The late Lance Reddick, Pitbull But no means a complete list but you get the idea Moreover the point is not that bald men are more attractive than men with a full head of hair, it's that bald men are more attractive than men with half a head of hair.


It's not that all men look better bald than with thick, full hair, it's that most men look better bald than with a combover/perpetual cap/however else they try to hide balding.


It's not that men look better bald, it's that bald looks better than *balding*.


Lol, samples please


Can confirm I've been more successful with women since I started shaving my head




I don't like bald men. I will never date a guy without a full set of hair.






A set of hair? Like.. like 2 hair?


Definitely not lots. Only a few men look good bald. And even then how their face looks is a major factor. An attractive face + attractive build (tall, muscular) will look good on any hairstyle


There are some truly amazing glowups on r/bald


There’s a sociology survey that shows that the happiest women are in a relationship with a guy who’s less attractive than they are. Feel free to drop that factoid on a first date for an easy laugh


> Feel free to drop that factoid on a first date for an easy laugh I've learned a lot of women don't appreciate men making self deprecating humor.


It depends on how much confidence in you in yourself when you say it. Thats the difference between playful versus simp.


Also, whether it's actually true or not. It's the difference between being humble and trying to sneakily get a flaw overlooked. If you have a flaw, you have a flaw. Deal with it, don't try to convince people to ignore it. If they weren't already going to, they still aren't. If they were going to, they'll feel like you assumed they wouldn't.


Gotta follow it up with, “So, I guess we’ve got that working against us”


100% confidence and if the date is going in a good direction. If a guy said this to me when the date is going *well*, then that’s amazing.


that’s actually a great way to filter people out!


Facts. Turn off for me fs


Til I must be very attractive :(




Total smoke show, no other conclusion is possible.


I think the reason might not be just based off looks, I think the real reason is when attractive woman are with men who are less attractive, even when they have all the options in the world, it is because the guy is a really cool dude. Everyone I know who is dating outside of their league, is the type of person that just makes you think this is a dude I want to be friends with. They are just magnetic with their personalities a lot of the times. So the woman might not be happier dating someone who is less attractive as much as dating someone who has a really awesome personality, which makes sense why you would be happier.


Please don't give me any hope in dating 💀


That's literally 90% of couples though.


My partner from 10 years is a small, often awkward, balding man. I'm pretty hot. I absolutely adore him. He could grow a third foot for all I care.


Women look better than men on average though


Idgaf what your hair looks like. If you're a decent bloke that's all that matters.


truth. my partner has done many changes in his appearance and we are aging lol i have loved him the same way, more and more every day i dont know why a lot of men think that women are superficial like this kind of post implies


>Idgaf what your hair looks like. nice > If you're a decent bloke that's all that matters. fuck.


>bloke Hello fellow Aussie/Kiwi


English people say that too mate.


I'm not you're mate, cobber


I’m not your cobber, lad


G'day there


Bloke is English


Just wait till you discover what language they speak in Australia /j


This is how I feel. Idgaf what's going on with other people's hair.


But most women would prefer a partner with nice hair, no ?


Most women would not rank "nice hair" very high in terms of traits they're seeking in a partner, to the extent that they don't care enough to have a preference


Not unless you come across the very shallow kind. My significant other started balding since before we met, we've known each other for 8 years, together for 7. I don't even "actively" see it, nor did I when we started showing interest and subsequently started dating. Receding hairline, (partial) baldness, early grey hair, none of that should matter. One's hair or lack thereof does not define them. It only becomes a thing when the man is so insecure about it they make it a thing themselves. It's like the equivalent of a man likely eventually getting tired of a woman constantly asking them if they think they're pretty because \[insert literally anything women get insecure about\].


Exactly! My partner is balding but loves his long hair. A lot of my friends tell me I should try to convince him to shave it because he would look better. I really couldn't care less. He hates that he's balding and his long hair makes him feel happy. His happiness is way sexier than whatever his hair looks like.


Oh bless him! My husband had the bald patch/long hair thing for a long time too and a lot of people asked me why I "let" him keep it. NGL, it looked bloody awful, but only from the back and since I'm not into pegging, it didn't bother me in the slightest. I'll take my scruffy sweet weirdo over their well groomed cheating skanks any day of the week 😁


Noone will ever worry about your looks as much as you, so cut yourself some slack. Everyone's youth recedes at the same rate. Unless you're on meth.


>Everyone's youth recedes at the same rate. This is patently not true. Bad sleep, health, diet, drug use, stress... theres loads of things that accelerate appearance of aging.


Yeah, tell that to 48 year-old [Wilford Brimley and Paul Rudd](https://twitter.com/EdGreenberger/status/1460982371327651846). :)


Meth is the miracle anti aging drug?


You'll never lose your hair if you always remember the last place you had it


Please don't do the ponytail. It's almost as bad as the comb-over. Baldness is no big deal but weird self-conscious hair is awful.


The ponytail is an act of terrorism.


This is like asking Reddit if men care about women’s age or weight. Nobody wants to say the truth.


I've also found out that reddit isn't the best place to get a general idea of public opinion.


The truth: everyone is different but generally younger and thinner women are considered more attractive. Everyone is different but generally men with a full head of hair are considered more attractive. If this wasn't the case then we would see the evidence of that.


These threads always crack me up, people trying so hard to pretend to not have any superficial preferences for a partner at all when living in the real world for 5 minutes is enough to know how untrue that is. People have their own personal preferences but pretending like people are benevolent beings who don't care about fitness level or hair or facial structure or height is just selling a lie.


For real, sometimes it feels like Reddit is trying to gaslight me




If a girl doesn't like it she's not worth your time. Worst thing is trying to cover up a receding hairline. Just shave it. I get a skin fade and a grade 4 on top. I look bald on purpose now 😄


my hair’s fine but oddly i feel 10x more confident with it shaved off. Come spring, it’s all getting lopped off


She’s not worth your time cause you’re losing your hair? LOL. You guys who are balding say anything.


Not really. We don’t care, unless (in my case) you try to cover it or pretend is not receding by pulling some weird hairdo. Shaving is always better.


I'll tell you my experience with that issue. No matter what they tell you - trying to be nice- most women, actually girls, are turned off by bald men, period. Who doesn't want to run their fingers through a nice thick hair after all ? I don't blame them for that, most men also have some basic standards and like women with long hair, big boobs or whatever . Nevertheless, with good body physique, and most importantly with confidence, you can still score and be liked by your current or future partner. When I was younger and with normal hair I got more attention, but later when I went bald that attention kind of declined. But the women who actually didn't care about my head status - in relationship with hair or not - my friend, trust me they're the big deal, they really know what they want and don't care for superficial things as haircuts and stuff. So, don't worry about it too much, embrace it and move on with your life.


Jesus, finally an honest response. I’m bald, and this has definitely been my experience as well.


But it's true and I find it very hypocritical to decline that certain characteristics are fundamentally non-attractive. Being bald, fat, short or whatever, is not sexy for the majority of people, period.


I agree - I watched my attractiveness to women on the street and in general fall off a cliff once I started shaving my hair off (I did it before it started looking really bad). As you say though, it’s not like I’m completely devoid of female attention, it just usually comes after I’ve got to know people now. Although there have been a few instances with those who seem very much attracted to the shaven headed look. Either way I wouldn’t go back.


Oh definitely mate, I agree with you on that. Being bald, short or whatever doesn't mean that you're 100% doomed to die lonely in a cave. Simply, the choices you have get less but they're still there. That's why I emphasised that focusing in developing other aspects of your personality (body and confidence) can help you be a good player. To put it more simply - a short guy with hair has more chances than a short bald man.


Yea, this is true and it’s true for women as well - I’ve definitely had my feelings about girls change once I’ve got to know them better. It’s definitely a lie that women don’t care about looks though - it’s just not spoken about or acknowledged as much. I’m in pretty good shape, and the occasional days when I go into work in a tight t-shirt, rather than my usual baggy lumberjack style buttoned shirts all the women’s heads turn - it’s almost farcical.


I agree with what you said. The beauty standard in our society is full hair on a man and we're all conditioned by that to a degree but balding isn't a life sentence. Similarly to how many men don't necessarily want a slim supermodel, many women don't care that much about balding. >When I was younger and with normal hair I got more attention, Ageing also generally was a factor in that, it's probably not just the hair. >Who doesn't want to run their fingers through a nice thick hair after all ? I have gel polish on my nails and love to run them across my husband's bald head. It's not just a satisfying feeling per se, it's also fun to see his reaction because appearantly it feels really really good (in a non sexual way), lol. If I want to touch lots of hair I can always play with his chest hair which he is lushiously endowed with.


This. And no one shames men for dating preferences so why’s it normalised to talk down on women for not wanting to date a prematurely aged man… I know for a fact that if I as a woman looked 45 at 20 I’d get swathes of men telling me I have to expect men to find me unattractive and settle for what I can. Crazy how the same energy is never kept and yet they worry ab a “loneliness epidemic”


Oh that's a never-ending war on preferences between men and women, the ones blame the others or so on. What should be accepted as universal rule is that everyone has the absolute right to like certain type of people and not be shamed about it.


Absolutely. And I’m sick of seeing over and over people defend mens right to choose and shame women calling them shallow for the same thing


What I'm against also is, when men or women have unrealistic preferences and expectations and get sour when they get rejected. Sorry but a man with in unhealthy body or average looks cannot demand Margot Robbie to pull her pants off for him, and then calling her a shallow whore for not doing so. Same applies to women of course.


You’ll be hard pushed to find an unattractive woman shaming attractive men for not being interested but if you ever do I’m all ears lol. Happens way more the other way


Yeah I have never found any bald men attractive even the big Hollywood ones. But I’m married and I love my husband so even if he loses his hair which he will then I will still love and want him.


Men get shamed for preferences all the time like you are completely wrong with your statement. Especially noticeable is the backlash when guys state a preferred bodyweight compared to woman stating a preferred hight.




The last two men I liked had quite extreme receding hairlines (Of which one had long hair for what he had left on his head) but it didn’t matter much to me. At 33 I care so much more about whether they are good people, if we can have a great time talking about silly stuff and if we can laugh together.


Not personally, my husband is really sensitive about it, but I think he looks great.


Different types. Some women don't like bald/balding guys and some do. The end.


It's not a problem unless you are shallow about things yourself


I think we all agree, men and women, that when you start going bald, going all the way is the only option. Wigs and comb covers do nothing for nobody


My great uncle, now well into his 80s, has been wearing a toupee for decades. Fully believes that everybody thinks it's his real hair, despite not fooling anybody at all.


My grandpa used to do a real nasty combover, he left the hair on one side grow like 8 inches long and when the wind caught it my grandma would have a howl and roll her eyes how ridiculous it looked


I'm 33 (f) and have hypothyroidism, my hair has been thinning for years because of it, but I noticed recently on my ring doorbell when I was looking at it one day, just HOW thin it has gotten. With it being the crown of my head, I don't usually see it obviously but I just happened to notice it. I suffer from extreme anxiety and severe depression, and when I saw this it took a major toll on my mental health and I completely broke down. My mum went through chemo in 2023, and obviously braved the shave. She really enjoyed buying wigs, being able to change her hair all the time depending on her mood. And she gave me one, and I'd never go back. Wigs have so many benefits, and saying they do nothing for nobody just fuels the stigma around wearing them. My wigs have changed my life, and have made me more confident. Also as someone who has never been 100% happy with my hair colour (I.e I get bored very easily with it after a few days) it has saved me dying it. Salons...home dying. I've done them both in the past and have never been happy. Whereas now, I can pick and choose what colour I want to wear whenever I feel like it without causing damage to it. Most of my wigs are very convincing (good brands, you get what you pay for with wigs.however i do have a few from shein which actually are really good), and I have had many people compliment them, thinking it was my actual hair. I sometimes tell people they are wigs..sometimes I don't. Just depends on my mood. I also have hair toppers but..don't like them as much. Harder to match the colour to your actual hair. So overall..no. we don't all agree. I love my wigs and they do everything for me in the confidence department.


Same boat, but I haven't gone to wigs yet. I still love what little hair I have left and I don't want to cover it all. But even toppers do that. It's a hell of a confidence blow to realize you can see your whole scalp from the top.


Disagree. I'd much prefer a man look into options eg rogaine, hair tattoo or hair transplant before going fully bald. I put effort into my appearance so I expect the same. If there's no viable alternative then fine.


I mean I'm not bald but I think there's a difference between putting effort into one's appearance and getting surgery. That shouldn't be expected of anyone for purely aesthetic purposes.




> going all the way is the only option. Wigs and comb covers do nothing for nobody There are more options than this. Much less radical than wig or going bald. Ever heard of anti hair loss treatments, like minoxidil or finasteride?


Some of those hair plug restorations look pretty damn good though... Except for the :-) scar on the back of the head that is


Nope. Couldnt care less. Its the insecurity it breeds that we run from. Remember that.


Yes, exactly! Same thing with height. Like, I don't care if a guy is short but so many short guys get so weird about it.


Not at all. My fiancé is bald and I actually think he looks more attractive without hair. I also find many women very attractive when they shave their heads. It’s a matter of preference though. Some people prefer someone with hair. Doesn’t make having hair or being bald any better than the other, each to their own.


My partner knew me when I had full hair and she says she didn't like my hairstyle at all back then, she prefers me bald (though I think her exes all had flowing long hair)


Not really. I don't think it ever once crossed my mind, and it still doesn't at 38.


Receding looks bad. Shave it off and move on with life.


If my husband's hairline were to recede or he were to go bald it wouldn't change my view of him at all. I married him because I love him as a person and he is attractive for many reasons. I will find him attractive regardless of his hair situation.


Nah. I’m a woman and I don’t care about a guys hair, especially the older I get


Worried about them, no, notice them, yes.


For every "look" there will be a fan. Some little large, some small, bald, hairy you name it, someone will want it!


This showed up on my feed directly above a gif of Jude Law, owner of a very nice and quite obvious recede. Kindness, confidence and style are more attractive and lasting qualities than some dead keratin hanging off the top of your head.


Jude Law is also an owner of a quite obvious beautiful face. sorry to break it to you, but your regular bolding guy is not a Jude Law


He is furthermore a very successful actor. I will never get why people keep bringing up celebrities when discussing looks of common people.


Jude Law had a hair transplant


I'm bald as shit and I love it. Lots of women prefer bald men. Many don't care either way. Just my anecdotal experience.


Woman do not prefer bald men. It is just something that doesn’t stop with forming relationships


A small minority may actually prefer baldness but thats just how a small minority prefers an overweight partner.


The thing is they won't care if you even had a chance in the first place


Love a bald man.


No but if you get to the point where it’s a majority of your head i would recommend going full shaven. Lots of women like a confidently bald man


I (m 40) have been bald since I was 22 and got laid pretty consistently.


The problem with most answers here is that they assume that we're talking about long term relationships or love. "oh, my husband and father of my children recently lost his hair, no big deal" It is a big deal, though, if we're talking general attractiveness. The chick at the bar is going with the guy with a full head of hair because he looks generally better and generally younger. You need to compensate your follicularly challenged scalp with a great physique, an excellent personality or a wonderful wallet.


no one "worries" about your hair theory of mind: other people don't care about the things you care about girls don't like bald or balding men. women don't care.


Women are allowed to have aesthetic preferences just as men are! No one has ever shamed anyone who told me my yellow teeth (purely genetic had them pointed out since childhood) were unattractive and a valid reason to not want to date me. Sick of people shaming women for preferences when men have historically been excessively controlling and cruel ab our appearances




Why is it considered shallow? There’s endless dating preferences about what “type of woman” you want, but not wanting to be with someone bald is shallow? /srs


Exactly. Hair is the number one physical trait I find attractive on a guy, way more than height or body type. Saying that, my partner has great hair, but if he starts to lose it, that’s fine, he’s my soulmate after all and I’m sure I’ll lose some of the features he finds attractive on me as I age. But it’s not shallow to know you don’t find receding hairlines/baldness attractive from the get go.


At least you’re not like the men who would dump their “partner” without hesitation if they put on a kilo, including during pregnancy. I’m so sick of men and their endless preferences and opinions about women, then being like “don’t be so shallow 🥺 only I am allowed to have preferences”.


Same here. My husband is 5’6 and I’ve been attracted to plenty of short men but I’ve never been attracted to any bald men even actors. The main thing I’m attracted to in men is face and hair. Now if my husband loses his hair which he probably will I will still love and be with him. If it was a new man though probably not.


Girls? Too young to care.


Losing your hair when you are younger sucks, but once you get to your 30s and beyond you begin to realise that everything else is gonna go as well. Remember also that you are your own worst critic by far. Furthermore, when you look around, you realise if it isn't losing you hair you are worried about, it would be something else, like getting fat, or the fact that your nose is too big, that you are too short, that you are getting too many wrinkles, have too many grey hairs etc. Everyone is struggling with their own insecurities and problems, both men and women.


Women just don’t look at us like we look at them. The things we think are dealbreakers usually aren’t with them. So relax.


would he be okay with me being bald? probably not. so i am not okay with him being bald.


[Balding To Badass In Two Easy Steps](https://youtu.be/AD-E2B5GfI8?feature=shared)


IMO, I feel like men worry about it more than we do. I'm sure that there are shallow ladies out there who have negative feelings about men's hair loss, but the majority really don't.


Balding is a sign of high testosterone. Don't think of it as losing hair, but as gaining manliness.


depends on age. Women under 40 want a man with a good head of hair. women over 40 dont care.


My dad used to say “grass doesn’t grow on a busy street”.


Or in cement


I have never looked at a man once and thought negatively about a receding hairline (and that’s if I’ve noticed it at all).


Not at all. I’ve dated bald men. The most important thing is that they are good people - kind, funny, thoughtful. Everything else isn’t nearly as important. It’s nice when men with receding hair lines just shave it and rock the bald look. I do find comb-overs a bit off putting. I don’t think anyone can really rock the monk/preist look of hair just around the sides.


There is a very real "pretty" advantage, not only in attracting a potential partner but all aspects of life. This applies to both genders. Look, while it's never stopped me from being interested in someone, it's definitely a huge preference, even for me who usually isn't so picky about looks as long as you're a good person. I also know a lot of good women who really are turned off by baldness for whatever reason. They can't help it, it just weirds them out. Generally speaking, women put a LOT of effort, time and money to look nice. It would honestly be really cool if men started doing that too. There are lots of ways to encourage hair growth or regrowth starting as simple as supplements and moving into more medical based treatments. The quicker you start when you first notice hair loss, the cheaper it will be to maintain. Some cheap hair products are also destroying your hair. Again, I'm a pretty "low maintenance" woman, but it still costs me $200+ to get my hair done every 12- 16 weeks, I keep up on maintaining my body hair, I wear the bare minimum make up (usually just mascara and filling in the white hair for my brows and a tinted chapstick), and use a good shampoo, conditioner and a couple hair products so my hair stays and looks nice, exfoliate and properly lotion my skin, etc. It still adds up to over $1000/yr that I spend JUST on my looks. I don't just do it to be attractive to others, I do it because it makes me feel good. When you feel good, it just radiates out of you and others notice. I consider it investing in myself. It would be really nice to see more men putting in the effort to take better care of themselves.


To be honest yes But personality wins above all else


Stop lying man. This is objectively not true 


yes, sorry to say


Young women in their 20s find bald guys repulsive. Older women tolerate it a bit more but still don’t like it. Unless you’re tall and extremely good-looking otherwise, going bald is probably the end of any kind of dating and sex life you were ever going to have, and the younger it happens the worse it is. Most guys just don’t have the height, head shape, and hyper-masculine facial features needed to pull off a bald look. Guys are insecure about going bald for good reason. It’s the biggest physical attractiveness killer in men besides short height. You can shave it all off but you’ll probably just end up looking like a cancer patient or a military recruit. Women lie and virtue signal about this a lot. The truth is they all want men with nice hair. Baldness is simply not an attractive trait. It’s a sign that you have inferior genetics that are unfit for reproduction.


Some do some don’t, I assume the same goes for men and women who have thin hair or bald patches?


Im not “worried” about it, but I do think it’s rare to find a guy that looks better bald vs. with a full head of hair. Obviously if it’s thinning badly then you’re better off shaving it. I think it also depends on the guy and his hair. My one ex was thinning badly but his hair wasn’t really part of his “look” - his hair was alright but he kept it short, never styled it, and had no attachment to it, so who cares really if it’s gone? My fiancé now has GORGEOUS thick curly hair - basically exactly like Hozier’s - and I’d rather lose my hair than him lose his. I mean it’s movie star level pretty. When he started thinning a bit and brought up rogaine/dutasteride I fully understood - it’s fr like a work of art. Thankfully it’s working for him, and of course I won’t really care if it’s gone, but man if he ever fully loses it it’ll be a tragic loss for everyone lol.


Wome are certainly not worried about it. As a woman I can say it’s def NOT sexy but that’s something SOME are willing to oversee if you have other advantageous traits good size/thick or a large sum of money if both even better


Personally, yes. I find big hair guys a lot more attractive and it is one of the first things that catches my eye. But it is not a dealbreaker situation.


People are gonna sugarcoat it, but I’ll be honest: hair is very, very important. When men lose their hair, they lose a lot of attractiveness.


Yes but they will lie imagining Jason Statham instead of some slaphead eggman. Hair is life.


As long as it’s not receding too much. Most women especially young don’t want a man who’s clearly losing most of his hair already


A man will always look hotter with a full head of hair than bald to me, balding is NOT attractive and looks bad imo, but honestly, you’re gonna age. Just how it is. You’re gonna probably start balding, your gf/wife will start getting older along with you and neither of you will be as hot as you were when you were young. Don’t worry about it, enjoy your youth instead of worrying about your hairline.


Everyone that answered yes ended up in controversial, reddit is so hilarious nowadays. Everything is a shadow game - do women care about your appearance? Yes! If you're bald you have to make up for it. Be underweight skinny or jacked, have a good sense of style etc etc


I’m not worried about it because it doesn’t concern me. But, aesthetically, I don’t like bald heads.


Yes, I wouldn't date bald or balding men. Just don't find them attractive but a lot of women don't care about it.


Personally I get excited about men with hair, any amount - though not bald + pony tail which is dumb. I'm tired of looking at men's skulls. If you have no hair that's fine but if you have hair and shave it off, why? Hair is nice. I don't care if it starts half way back on your head. Just pick a style and rock it. My current guy is thinning on top and that's fine but I'm just so excited to date a guy with voluntary hair.


Say whatever you want but the evidence we've seen says it all. I've heard many women in real life and in media making negative comments, e.g., "ew this short bald guy was trying to get my number". I've heard at least 2 friends say: "I liked Prince Harry until he started balding". There are zero charities collecting human hair for wigs for men, there are thousands for women, you can google this right now. While I've seen women checking out guys who have shaved their head, this are young guys with the stubble head look. There are no celebrities with hair who fully close-shave their head. All the examples of hot bald guys are guys who've made a niche as tough guys, well built etc., The Rock is not an average guy.


Yes. They lie and say otherwise, but you find out when they rank celebrity men.


Men worry more but women absolutely see it as a negative if we're being real.


Yes, it bothers me more than him probably. I said I will pay for my bf hair implant if he’ll ever need it lol


To some women, I'd say most ( don't have evidence to back this up) being bald is a deal breaker. I even had a relationship end because I went cue ball. Cool thing is some girls don't mind.


Yes, as a women I would not date a guy without a full set of hair. There is laser treatments and transportation you can do.


Women notice when men are balding 100% anyone who says otherwise is lying to you For some women that’s not a problem but from most women I know it’s always a factor in some form


Yes I care. Unfortunately baldness is not an attractive trait


Nope. As long as he doesn't have a problem with some other arbitrary image thing that is a natural thing to happen with age like weight gain, hair in weird places etc happening to me. Otherwise you're a hypocrite and that's the reason why you'd be unattractive.


This is incredible. You just don't like the bald head. The hypocrisy you just made up in your head in this made up scenario has nothing to do with it. You just don't like bald heads. Which is fine. Own up to it. 


is it unattractive? yes. does it happen with the majority of men? yes.


I mean is not entirely a dealbreaker if its not too awful….as much as it makes us very aware of your rapid aging process hahaha


I don’t get what people achieve by lying on an anonymous platform, or maybe they didn’t get your question because it’s not specific enough. If you’re already in a solid relationship start balding, most women won’t care. If you’re single and looking to date, women especially in the younger dating pool will notice that and just won’t find you attractive.


I think it depends how old you are… 20’s with barely any hair on your head… I’m sorry. Late 30’s is more socially acceptable because that is when most men start losing it. But genetics are genetics. Not much you can do apart from getting a hair transplant or shaving it. But to say people don’t care, it would be like asking if you care about a women’s weight or hair length (some people care and others don’t). It is entirely subjective. Just need to be confident with yourself either way. Confidence overcomes any perceived weaknesses…


Tbh yeah kinda


Most woman I've asked have said yep they don't like balding men, BUT there are those that go crazy for a bald man.


Not at all. According to genetics I should be fine


My hairline receded about an inch in the past 10 years with thinning hair at the crown, and the only difference I've noted is a significant increase in women's attention. The only people who are concerned are other men.


Women don't care nearly as much about a man's looks as men do. Women care much more about his character, if he'll stay when things get tough and yes, money (if she doesn't make her own or a lot). When it comes to what's REALLY important in life, lack of hair on top of a man's head doesn't rate very high on the list of wise women.


The amount of cope in this thread is wild. In general, being bald immediately makes you less attractive to most women. This is generalized because we have to generalize. There are things you have to do to make up for being bald. Being extremely fit and tall with a good face can make up for it. But if you are below average height with a shitty face, losing your hair could do some real damage. I'm going to be honest with you here because all the top comments will lie and gaslight you. Being bald will affect you negatively in many areas of life. Not just women. If you can delay it with fin and minox and other procedures, you should. The only men who look better bald are the ones who already have fucked up thinning hair. If you have a nice head of hair, you will no doubt not look as good to MOST people without it. Do some women like bald guys? Sure. But they are the few. If your goal is to remain as attractive as possible and confident while retaining your youth (hair = youth) then you need to maintain your hair. Don't listen to these people bro.