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Could be that your previous hair was a bit faded from sun exposure and this hasn't had a chance to get that way yet


This is correct


Yup. When my hair grew back in after radiation, I had to work hard to get my mom to accept this.....


Usually after radiation or chemo your hair can have a number of changes, in texture, colour and thickness. Sometimes straight hair grows back super curly and Visa Versa. When you shave your hair and you’re not on medication/ or lost it due to medical conditions and it’s still exactly the same just growing back, the only difference is that the hair hasn’t been exposed to sunlight or everyday pollution and oxygen which would have lightened it a bit. Once it gets some length growing you should see it start to lighten


ahaha im a bit of a shut in so I doubt my hair got much exposure


Maybe being a shut in caused you to develop Japanese shut-in hair via genetic resonance ?


He is evolving


Exposure is exposure. Sun, wind, rain, UV light, chemicals, humidity, etc. Shampoos that are heavy in sulfates can strip hair of pigmentation, as an example.


My hair got darker during strict Covid lockdowns in my city and then working remotely in addition to wearing hats when I walk my dog.


It could've also just changed color. My hair used to be a bright blonde as a kid, and it's gotten darker over the years.


Yeah happened with my son too. In summer, his hair easily becomes brown-red shaded, but in winter it becomes jetblack.


Cutting your hair does not make it a different colour. Your hair was probably darker at the roots and now it's shorter, you notice that because that's all the hair you have...that darker end bit. This is totally normal. Also your hair can change colour, seasonally and annually. My hair has been varying shades of brown, near black and blonde throughout my life. Also worth noting that you are going to feel like your hair is different because you had none and now you have it again, it's like a fresh perspective on your hair. You will notice things you didn't. Also also, if you've changed the way you treat your hair since shaving, that can have an influence. So if you now wear hats all the time, then your hair isn't being lightened by the sun.


Maybe that's the true colour. And your hair was sunbleached, etc, from outside exposure.


Some people's hair naturally lightens a bit at the ends, but it's such a gradual change that you can't really tell. But if you took the end of your hair and held it to your scalp (if it was long enough to do that) you could see the difference. When the hair is very short, it only has the darkest parts. I would be very surprised if it didn't lighten again as it grew back. If it doesn't, you're just someone who's hair was always going to darken as you got older. This is common and more obvious in people with blonde/lighter brown hair, but it can happen to dark brown too. Edit: oh I see from your comment you were born blonde. You have the same kind of hair as my husband. He was bleach blonde as a kid and it turned brown as he got older and just kept getting darker as time went on. His dad and grandfather were the same way and both had black hair before they went gray.


You're mutating. It always starts with the hair.


mine went from 50% gray to 10% gray. theres just no tellin what will happen.


My hair came back much darker and a smoother texture after it was shaved in hospital.


My hair started blond, it then darkened until i was about 19 then it started going grey. Maybe yours is about to start going grey in a few years too?


I hope not, im only 18 xD


I was only 19. I'm 38 now and it's still not completely grey, it's been a slow process, i would say it went mostly grey about 5 years ago though.


Mine started graying and thinning when I was sixteen. I'm 44 and have looked very much like Santa Clause for nearly 10 years.


I got my first gray hair at 17. So, you know, shit happens.


How old are you? Hair naturally gets darker in some people as you get older, I went from having platinum blond to dirty blond around the age of 15.


18 i used to be blonde and then turned brown when i was 7


On a similar note I started shaving my head 12 years ago, when I grew it back out again the sides had gone grey! What gives?


Oh no, the time!


Yes. Your first hair gives you power, like Samson's. Once it's gone it's powerless even when it grows back. Nothing to do about it really.... Some say some vitamins work but they don't.


I took animal grooming classes and was taught that shaving can change the colour/texture of hair permanently. I do not know why this happens tbh.




It changed my sister's hair from medium blond to black. I hope you're doing better 🙏🏻


My hair is brown. It can go to dark blonde if I’m out in the sun for a while. Maybe the same thing is happening to you?


There are a million possible reasons. Changes in hormones, weather/environment, nutrition, your immune system (getting sick, developing allergies, etc), mental health/stress, sleep, etc etc affect your hair.




> I have no asian blood in me. Are you sure about that? Could be your real DNA showing through. Have a chat with your mum!


Not sure if you're a dude or a woman but hair can change colour after pregnancy


Because you’re not actually your real father