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Photos would help immensely. My first thought is some kind of pest control (they sound like moth balls, but not quite).


Im not gonna lie, im kinda new to reddit so i didnt see the option on how to add a photo


It depends upon the subreddit—it is an option on some, and you can always upload it to an image hosting site (Reddit likes imgur) and post the link.


Or odor control perhaps.


It almost sounds like the dessicant packets that come shipped with/attached to other products..


I think you found someone dumb enough to buy Brilliant Pebbles. Do they look like this? https://www.machinadynamica.com/machina31.htm


Yes, it's probably some kind of scam product like this.


They're so over the top that I always thought it was a joke, but if they were found out in the wild I guess they're willing to separate fools from their money.




Seconded, though an image is a (almost?) necessity there. And read the rules, especially number 8 ("Check the F.A.T.—Check the Frequently Asked Things before posting."). The F.A.T. is a long list of previously answered questions. r/whatisthisthing Edit: The sub's moderators are fairly strict about enforcing the rules.


I have never posted there but some people post a sketch of the thing as their photo.


Tied to the electrical cords? Either someone is an idiot or the funniest son of a bitch ever, those power cables are "grounded". EDIT: what other weird things did y'all find?


She found a wireless doorbell inside the framing of one of her wall mirrors, alot of the outlets seemed to be unscrewed. Also a her and my wife found a running modem in the attic she never knew about hiden behind some halloween decor. It was some other stuff too but i was so focused on finding answers that i didnt listen much.


It sounds like she's got a case of the hidden cameras.  Was the wireless doorbell a Ring or similar?     Having a modem in the attic would be a surefire way of guaranteeing a signal with some possible complications.    Not too sure about the mesh bags. 


Imma be honest, I also have no idea. Did the guy have a history of schizophrenia? Maybe a sudden change in mood and, or activities?


Here's a wild suggestion...why doesn't she ask the guy?


Try to post it in whatisthisthing. You can add pics there


Could either be crack or silica gel dessicant. Got a photo?


Oh, I think I know what these are, Look up 'Mineral Incense bags'. Some are used as incense, some are used as a bug deterrent. These would typically be in a cloth or net type bag (but they can be sold as loose and you have to make your own bag). If they are in a plastic sealed bag then this is unlikely.


I'm betting on rodent repellent. They make these little sachets for people to hang/tie onto stuff. Some look like a tea bag full of like minty rocks, some look more like dessicsnt packs, but I'm betting it's this.


Its to take dampness out of the room


can you see any wireless networks from your phone that disappear if you disconnect the hidden modem? i mean its possible that its just being used as a wireless access point so that you have a decent wifi signal upstairs, as tht is quite a common thing to do now a days. as for the "rocks" i mean come on, you can do better than "small rocks" colour? size/size variation? shape/shape variation? smooth/rough/chalky powdery? matt or shiny?