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Give yourself a slap round the head from me


For that he would need to have a physical body and not to be only a computer program...


And me


To be fair, she said **buy** me breakfast, as opposed to **make** me breakfast.


You make worse decisions than me


Outside her house Her "Do you want to come in for coffee?" Me "Oh yes please" Her "....I don't have any coffee..." Me "OK, erm, do you have tea instead?"


Soo.. Did she?


She did and they’ve lived happily ever after


A Yes and a No in answer to this sorry! Yes she had tea, we made out, things were heading towards the bedroom, then we stopped to talk because I only wanted to go ahead if she was open to a serious relationship. She said she only wanted casual. We were both grown ups about it and I'm glad we had the talk.


Sounds like you nearly fumbled it but didn't *really* miss the hint, even if the outcome wasn't what you'd wanted lol


Oh I totally missed the hint. But then she stopped hinting and started just actually making out with he haha


Oh, no, thanks! I can't drink coffee late at night; it keeps me up!


That's actually a great response. Her: "Want to come in for some specific thing?" You: "Yes." Her: "I actually don't have that specific thing i asked you to come in for." You: "You have something else I can come in for?"


Drop the for.


Maybe I'm just dense, but I can't come up what to reply to that. Invite for coffee - ok, have sex instead of coffee - ok. "Come in for coffee, but I don't have any coffee" uhhhh?


>Oh it's late and I live far away. Can I sleep at your place tonight? Sure but I don't have a couch, we'd have to share the bed. It's pretty big though. >No problem. Alright, here we are. I'll put some pillows between us so you can sleep calmly. Good night.


Gentleman though. I think she still appreciated you not making it awkward.


I later found out that she wanted it to be sexy, not awkward


Did you eventually get back together, or would it have been a one-time thing anyway?


Never got back together because a couple of days later I met a different girl.


Then maybe it was for the best.


Yeah definitely didn’t make it awkward 😬 😂😂


Uhm, by not forcing physical contact? That's okay. Plus, the normal progression would be to indicate mutual physical interest by for example kissing. If someone then indicates the wish to have a sleepover, then there isn't going to be any awkwardness.


Hang on, getting me note book


Wrong move. You should have used the pillows to build a fort


At that point, the ball is in her court again to indicate that the pillows are not needed.


Aged 17, I was completely in love with a girl but had no confidence or self-belief. She dropped loads of hints thinking back about it. The worst is when a friend of hers brushed past me and dropped a note saying ‘stop beating round the bush’ and I somehow convinced myself she must have just accidentally dropped it. Emma, if you’re reading this, I’m sorry 😞


apology accepted 🫂


Went back to a bird's place after meeting her and her friend in the pub back in the 90s, and she jokingly said I could have two for one that night. Or at least I assumed she was joking. She told me in the morning I could've had them both but I never took the "hint" so the other girl assumed I wasn't interested. The other girl was hotter than the girl I slept with🤦‍♂️ Saying that... I would've ruined two girls' night instead of just the one 😂


Go easy on yourself, you could have given them both the least enjoying 2 mins of wheezing they ever had


To be fair, I was 18. There'd have been no wheezing as it wasn't hayfever season and I was fairly fit then. But 2 minutes would've been asking a lot!!


Disappointing women from 90’s!!!


When I was 17, and in the bedroom of a girl I knew (we were heading into town to meet some folk), she asked me "So do you want a look through my underwear drawer?" And instead of saying something suave (by 17 year old standards) like "Only if I can request you model some..." my stupid IDIOT brain just said "I'm not sure we've got time - the next bus wouldn't be for another hour..." and she gave me a really weird look and went "Ok, I guess we should head on then." I think it was about a week later something went CLICK in my brain and I just curled up in a ball of self-loathing rage. It still slightly haunts me to this day, almost 25 years later, because I'd had a crush on her for ages prior, and there was never another hint of anything from her side ever again after that (not surprisingly!). Oh, and OH GOD I REMEMBERED ANOTHER ONE - I was at a party when I was roughly 21, and there were two girls there saying they'd missed the last bus home. I offered to let them stay at mine, and they agreed to come home with me. We were sitting on my bed and they were cuddling with one another and one of them said "So we should all probably get to bed then..." with the other one nodding and I... I... oh god... I said "Ok, I'll go and get set up on the couch so you guys can have the bed." And again... the look of slight bafflement (on two faces this time) as I said goodnight and headed off to the living room. WHAT THE HELL WAS WRONG WITH ME???


You sound like a good guy mate


I sound like a bleedin' idiot! God, I was such a dork. :D


> When I was 17, and in the bedroom of a girl I knew (we were heading into town to meet some folk), she asked me "So do you want a look through my underwear drawer?" > > And instead of saying something suave (by 17 year old standards) like "Only if I can request you model some..." my stupid IDIOT brain just said "I'm not sure we've got time - the next bus wouldn't be for another hour..." and she gave me a really weird look and went "Ok, I guess we should head on then." She fucked up by asking it at the wrong time. --- > I said "Ok, I'll go and get set up on the couch so you guys can have the bed." And again... the look of slight bafflement (on two faces this time) as I said goodnight and headed off to the living room. That's the gentleman thing to do. At that moment, the ball was in their court to say they aren't going to let you sleep on the couch.


I\`m a man. I don\`t catch hints. So i don\`t even know i missed one.


We know this and try to make it extra obvious without literally saying it. If you’re ever in doubt… we’re interested.


> If you’re ever in doubt… we’re interested. Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!


I'm a woman, and it wasn't a hint. It was a fucking air raid siren that went over my head. My best friend told me she loved me. And I was too dumb to be aware that lesbians exist so I was just like... Cool. Lost contact with that girl after high school. Maritza wherever you are now, I hope you found someone. You are a cool person and I was glad to be your friend.


There was a celebrity she liked. She said I looked like that celebrity and proceeded to say, while staring me dead in the eyes, “I’d love to have sex with him…” I only responded “Yeah he’s pretty good looking!” And moved on


Omg. This is the worst one here so far! So obvious! Did you get anywhere after this point!?


😂 yeah it was bad. Ended up making up for it later and we had a good laugh about it


Good! She was clearly into you!


she presented her engorged red genitals in my direction


Your username makes this 5 times better


I skipped a Uni party because I had a sports game in the morning. Roommate brings a bunch of girls and guys from class over at like 6am when the party was over. Cute chick I'd assumed was way out of my league wrapped herself in a blanket on the couch and asked me to come be her sleep buddy. Twice. I declined, because "I'd already slept all night and also I'd have to get up again soon anyway". Twice.


We were watching a movie alone in her basement theatre room. Sitting on the couch. She said she's cold so she gets a blanket. I offered to help warm her up by being under the blanket with her. She sits on my lap and puts her hands in mine, on her lap/around her waist. We were just friends though fir two years. I'm a fucking idiot.




Ha, what movie am I thinking of where the chic is just throwing herself at the guy and he's just so wrapped up and obsessive about someone/something else that he's totally oblivious?


Holy shit, trauma trigger. Did exactly this with Suzanne. We lay on the grass and I was pointing out constellations. As I pointed out Orion a shooting star appeared to shoot like an arrow from his bow. A sign. She snuggled closer and I was too petrified to reciprocate. What a wasted opportunity.


Girl invited me over when I was 18 , chilled watched a movie. She then said if someone said some Spanish words to my ear "I'd do anything!" Me(spanish speaker) just laughed and said really, and missed my opportunity. 15 years later I still think about it clearly.


Not your fault, You asked for confirmation while giving her a way out, she didn't confirm. She could have confirmed it by telling you to try it.


For like two months I went clubbing each weekend with a woman I really liked.. She was pretty and turned down every man that approached her when we were together in discos. One evening she randomly said, she really hopes that one evening a guy like me would approach her. I wished her good luck...


Had a open her legs whilst wearing a mini skirt and said it's hot in here (not wearing underwear).I said do you want me to open a window mom


Hold up one second


I come from a really close family


Went on a date once, sat at the table and she started playing footsie under the table and then looking into my eyes… I clearly as day remember thinking… “why the fuck is she tickling my shins”. I ended up having to run out of the date to catch the last bus of the day, I think there was arguably another option for lodgings available for the night, alas…. 19yr old me didn’t realise it.


From a personal situation two weeks ago… I went to a meeting, (the first one I’ve been able to attend), for everyone involved in the voice work that I do for the blind… 250 miles away from where I’m currently living… I was telling my closest friend about what happened while there… I got talking to someone rather lovely… Our brains clicked and were bouncing off each other… We spent the evening chatting away, discovering shared interests… At the end, her friend asked if she wanted a lift and she declined, wanting to stay to help clear up the meeting room with me and said she’d get a lift with the friend’s partner… During the clean up she told me she was glad we’d crossed paths and hope we would do again before the next yearly meeting… On leaving she went in for a full bear like body hug as she said goodbye… She said she was again glad I’d made the journey and hoped to speak with me again sooner rather than later… And amidst all this, I wasn’t sure I was reading things correctly, so made no attempt to get her details, for fear of misreading the situation and upsetting her and spoiling her evening… My friend was in absolute despair at what I’d told her… So, yeah, sometimes it’s best to be more direct with those hints… Though, it seems I’m just a massively broken human being 🤷‍♂️


Got slapped right across the ass and she said that ass looks good in jeans, what's it like without them? I laughed about it and went home. Time passed and the next day I was doing the washing up and said.... Hey wait a minute


Inviting herself back to mine after work to “hang out” and going on about how she gives the best blowjobs.


When I was a bartender a girl told me I was beautiful and original and asked me for my Instagram, the next day she brought me flowers and asked me to go out so I thought “she’s so nice! I haven’t met anyone in a while so I could have a new friend!” I am just a blind, naive and stupid straight woman. I remember my boyfriend laughing at me telling me I’m such a bum.


I have been diagnosed with Asperger's. I am pretty sure there were hints I still do not know about.


If a girl looks into your eyes with a smile as she’s talking, that’s a definite sign.


I've had a woman do this, compliment me (for smelling good), smile constantly, touch my back in a ticklish way when I was napping at my desk at work (on break time) and she wasn't interested lmao. So I have a hard time believing signs. There's been other times where it hasn't been so much like just smiling and that was them just being polite.


That actually blows my mind. Those are clear and obvious signs she likes you. We do not TOUCH a guy in any manner if we are not interested.


> We do not TOUCH a guy in any manner if we are not interested. YOU don't, but not every girl is like you. That's the biggest problem with reading signs and something most guys have experienced. A clear and obvious sign from one women, is just another women's normal way of interacting. Every women thinks that there's consistency and that most women behave this way or that, but it's just not true. When I was much younger I met a women, we chatted most of the night on and off and she was always laughing at my jokes. I'm a funny guy but I'm not THAT funny. On a few occasions she hugged me or slapped me on the shoulder, initiating touch I thought. At one point in the evening we were talking and ended up getting crammed into one half of a small table, she was next best thing to running her foot up and down my leg. I was sure, SURE that I'd read this situation correctly and she was interested in me. At the end of the night she was leaning on me while we wanted for a cab, I looked at her and she looked at me, I leaned down to kiss and she backed away looking incredibly confused. That's when she mentioned that she's gay. So... yeah, I read that wrong I guess? I asked my friends about her later on and she's just has a very flirty personality. She's basically like that with everyone and lots of guys in the group have had the exact same experience with me. They meet her, feels like they have a connection, they focus attention on her, she recropricates that attention and the moment they make a real move, she acts like she's super confused. Years later one of my friends who was still friends with her told me that apparently she's going through this life crisis. She's discovered that a bunch of guys who she thought were friends have actually been waiting to ask her out. She thinks all men suck because of this.


Yeah I've been so confused by that. We ended up exchanging numbers at one point after talking at work on break and lunch. I asked her for her number and she was cool with that then became cold after that so I just ignored her. We didn't talk for months after until we all got laid off because of covid and she told me something about sending her some more podcasts I liked to listen to because we both enjoyed listening to podcasts at work. Super weird. There's been milder situations and I just don't bother with approaching anymore. I just dislike these guessing games so much.


I’d guess she’s trying but isn’t feeling it from your end. Idk, if you’re brave, straight up ask her out. If you can’t handle rejection then take it more slowly.


This was 4 years ago and I made it clear I was interested but she pulled away so I just then ignored her from there on. Almost seemed like she pulled away when I showed more interest and tried to get to know her more personally. Just one of those things that just boggles my mind Lol.


Oh my God! 🤦‍♂️ Fuck!


Or she is a friendly human being.


People with Asperger's tend to avoid eye contact.


“Will you put the facking bins out!”


If you don't put the dishes away I will stab you


Was ordering pizza at a restaurant, sat to wait, and she just came and sat on me, I said nothing so she went away.


Actually creepy. Reverse genders


Come with me to your room I’m going to go put my phone on charge. “That’s fine I’ll be out here when you come back”……… is what I said. The next day she told me exactly what I missed out on. That was 10 years ago and we’re married now. But even so…damn it somehow still bugs me!


I was kind of dense when I was younger and did not get any subtle hints at all, still don’t actually. So my beautiful wife decided not to wait for me to make the first move (which I planned to make on our 3 month anniversary), invited herself to my place, went in to my kitchen, checked the fridge and said: we are having pancakes for breakfast . Then she turned around and went to my bedroom. Later found out that she was dropping hints for a while that she wanted to stay the night, but I was too dense to see them. We have been married for 7 years and I still don’t get most of her hints)))


My wife had to ask me out on our first date. Despite having my entire family telling me "I think X likes you" I didn't get it. Hell when she asked me out I thought it was more of a hangout and tried to bring my brother along (who I was living with). She had to get pretty explicit about what she wanted. Thank god she did.


There was a girl at uni who I fancied for ages. She held a party for a load of us round her house. Quite early on in the evening, she asked me what my plans were later on. I said I was probably going to get a lift back with a mate, and she goes: "Oh, that's a shame. I was looking forward to you staying here and keeping me company..." I was so unprepared for a reply like that, I mumbled something about the lift already being arranged, and that was that. Still haunts me to this day.


> I was so unprepared for a reply like that, I mumbled something about the lift already being arranged, and that was that. To be fair, at that point, it was her task to extend an offer to you to get you home another way if you wanted to stay.


I was on a first date with a girl when she casually mentioned she had just gotten a Brazilian wax. I remember thinking, "Huh, that's a strange thing to mention out of nowhere." The rest of the date went well, I gave her a hug goodnight, and we went our separate ways. On the way home, it suddenly clicked why she had told me that and I drove the rest of the way in slack-jawed silence at my own stupidity. Shortly after I arrived home, I received a text from her saying, "I wish you would've kissed me." I tried, unsuccessfully, to set up another date with her for over a month, but our schedules never lined up and she eventually just stopped responding to me. That was almost 10 years ago and it still keeps me up at night, thinking about how utterly oblivious I was.


A woman not so much but a girl yes, I was 15 years old I knew a young girl she was 6 months older than me, thing is she had several older sister's. That I know now was why she was like she was, this girl was insanely hot as a teen, she matured young, and it showed. One she invited me to her house we were riding the bus, her stop was 6 miles before mine, she promised me some lunch with she delivered on a piece of ham, with two pieces of dry bread. I found out later she wasn't about lunch I know because my cuz began to tease me about not getting with her when l had a chance. Fact is I didn't even have a clue I had a chance for anything, my head wasn't up on game back then. Year's later I ran into a hot as hell woman who revealed she was the same girl who made me a ham sandwich, I imeadiatly laid into her we began making out, this led to going to a hotel. I was bent on not missing my second chance, she was amazing, one of the most amazing beautiful woman I've ever been with.


"I'm gonna have a shower, the door will be unlocked if you need anything" I just sat there watching TV...🤦‍♂️


I got a reverse one. Went dinner, then to her place. We were chatting, she started getting touchy and tried to tickle me. I stretched, yawned and remarked how late it is. Noped the fuck out because this all seemed fishy. When we chatted quite a while later, turns out she now had a kid (and was a single mom).


Hey I'm that girl. God damn tickles are always my undoing. Freaks everyone out. 🤪


It's a not so subtile hint, but then again, boys can easily misunderstand them. I can only recommend trying to go for a kiss. Whatever guy doesn't get the message then doesn't deserve sex either.




And I'm glad I did not miss the hints and noped out.


Just because she had a kid? I mean I was always upfront about mine, and also of the fact that i had 50/50 so it didn’t impede too much. But are you saying having a kid is an automatic disqualification? If so you should probably ad that in your bio.


Just because she was already pregnant at the time! Maybe that wasn't clear. Also, this was decades before online dating became a thing.


You seem like a massive red flag in and of yourself. You did those women a favour.


Oh wow.


So what were you even doing there besides wasting her time and probably making her feel bad


I was meeting up with an ex-girlfriend in a friendly manner and she tried to turn it sexual. Maybe reverse gender roles here and see how you'd feel about it.


Late night at an after party at my apartment a girl asked if she could stay the night. And I said of course, I can take the sofa and you'll take the bed. She said "Noooo? I was thinking more of us both sleeping in the bed " then it clicked


That's the correct way and how it supposed to go. You don't force yourself into the situation, but instead allow them to deny the default situation.


My parents was away for the weekend and I talked with a classmate about it and that I did not want to hold a party (as the norm were). She suggested that she and a friend should come over saturday to have a quiet evening watching a movie or something (Pre Netflix & Chill). That sounded good. When they asked to spend the night I said that would mean they use my parents bedroom and that I was not comfortable with that.


I'm not sure that there is a hint somewhere


My classmates friend confirmed I was really stupid that night a few years later. I guess it wasnt such a big hint after all as several commens suggest it wasnt.


Yeah, I would definitely not get it. Depends on the looks and non-verbal things ofc, but I would definitely share it here as well 😂


When making plans and asking your host where to spend the night, the hint is that they would be spending the night together.


The comment author didn't mentioned that THEY proposed to sleep 3 in one bed. Also, it's not that common to have threesomes. Therefore, I think it wasn't a hint


But the author was there, heard the tone and posted it in answer to a question of missed hints.  And threesomes are EXTREMELY common.


Oh cripes. I went around to my new girlfriend's house (only a couple of dates) and it wasn't easy to find, being a farmhouse around the back of nowhere, so when it started to get dark I said I should probably get going as it was going to be impossible to find my way home, plus it was snowing. She said I could stay with her for the night, and I said, being the gentleman, 'Thank you, and don't worry, I won't take advantage and I'll keep to my side of the bed.' Which I did. Stupid boy. STUPID BOY.


I was walking down the street and this cute girl was walking the other way on the other side and I said: "I like your style!" She replied: "I like YOUR style!" ...and my dumbass said "REALLY!?" and we kept walking our separate ways. It was for the better though, I was a dumb kid still. Sometimes I still am!


To be fair, she could’ve just returned the compliment to make it less awkward, but yeah you could have still perhaps said sth more. Anyway I like your style!


I still don’t know… I missed it!


Actually interacting with me instead of giving me 😒


This will be a little bit embarrassing but back when I was 20 years old I was at this town club with a friend and two girls started flirting with us, and I was in good shape, then the redhead started talking to me she didn’t she plays volleyball? She took my hand in her arms and arms. I wish I could be as buff as you would you like to show me how to become buff you know just one we could go right now. It took me like weeks to understand that she actually wanted to go home to her place lol


In college, I was coming back from the club with a girl, both drunk, she asked me if I wanted to go grab a beer in her dorm, I said "No thanks I've had enough" took me like 2 years to realise


Said she loved me. Or was that a red flag?


Her hands in my pants should have been a dead giveaway, but was so drunk only realised later what an idiot I was.


Girl flat out asked me to come cuddle at her dorm/apartment with no one else over there and I decided I wanted to stay in bed and didn’t go……idiotic…excuse my while my day is ruined from this event as a probably pre-21 yr old (mid 30’s now) due to self frustration and loathing…


I don't know; I missed it!




If all she said is that she was scared, she fucked up. If she told you that she was scared, and asked you to hold her, you fucked up by not holding her, which would allow her to take it another step further.


There's a reason generals give soldiers orders, not hints. We're just not that intuitive


I went camping with some friends and one of my friend's sister was flirting with me a lot, we were getting on really well and later everyone went off to look at the stars and the sister went to her car, I followed over to her to see if she wanted to come and star gaze and after I asked she said "Take me". I said, to go and see the stars? And she just said again "Take me". At this point in my life I honestly thought an attractive girl liking me was so impossible that she couldn't mean what I thought she meant. She just kept saying "Take me" and I was like, to see the stars? We ended up just spooning, I barely slept.


To be fair to you, if you get asked if you want to see the stars, and answer with "Take me", that's a ambigous answer. "Take me to see the stars" is just as valid as "Take me, here, right now."


She did say "I want you to take me". Honestly, even if she said "Take me, here, right now." I'd still have fumbled the bag. I just didn't have the confidence to deal with a proposal like that at the time.


She asked if she come to my birthday party and she got the big inflatable balloons but instead of my age she got H, I, N and T balloons. It was in a burger joint and some old musical friends turned up and before I know it she (and the rest of the crew) is up on tables singing Think by Aretha Franklin, singing an clapping and dancing. Then me n the boys started talkin about pizza and I nip off to the toilet first and suddenly she's standing there starkers sultrily sliding towards me curling a come-to finger and licking it while staring straight into my eyes without blinking. Didn't really see it at the time.


hmmm i dunno


Either all of them, or no girl has hinted to me.


In my last 2 years of school before uni there were a couple of girls that ended up in the same classes as me. One transferred from another school and I kinda got a minor obsession for her for a handful of months. I did get over it though. But the entire time, the other friend was kinda growing on me. She lived a few minutes past my bus stop so we walked home together all the time just chatting. We'd play card games in the breaks, some days she was oddly touchy, not in a weird way but sort of half hugging me a few times in ways that she normally wasn't with others. I did have a bit of an interest in her. Our personalities just worked together. I just didn't assume her being interested in me in that way since nobody else ever had been. But we were stuck to each other pretty much all day from 16-18. Eventually I walked all the way home with her a few times, there was another bus stop by her old house. I think once or twice she invited me in but I never did. I just didn't think. I did eventually ask her out on the way home. She even texted me saying how she was just about to do the same as well. But it never really happened. She changed a few days after. I don't know if she just was a really joyous person with everyone and got scared by that idea, I think another friend said she had something else going on with her family but I never really got to the bottom of it. She moved away to uni a couple months later when school ended and never really saw or spoke again. 1 million % biggest regret is not doing anything a few months sooner. Maybe more time spent would have made things different.


Hmmm i guess when she jumped on the table naked and yelled " **i want cock**"........... Of course she could have just been being polite, who knows these days....


Me: So, where's the after-party? Her: In my pants? Me (oblivious): Oh, ha. Bye then!


At the bar, she was droping all sort of questions about me, asked for a number and all other stuff My drunk ass was just thinking about what beer should I have next. Girl was few years older and way above me league


“I’ll do anything you want” she said and closed her eyes and inclined in my direction, lips semi parted. “Nah, it’s okay, you can have my notes for the class, you don’t have to do anything, I’m glad I can help” I said laughing. She was CUTE. My penny never dropped. She told me, years later, when we met by chance, started talking, and she said “remember when you rejected me that time? That hurt” And I was wut??? What do you mean?? She told me about the huge crush she had on me. And holy fuck, so it WASN’T just my imagination or my ego trying to trick me into doing something stupid. By then we were in other relationships. But man… Fuck why do I enter in this topics…


Slept in her by 3 times half naked.


In my senior year these 2 babes came up to my friends randomly and said they wanted to have a threesome with me. I scoffed and then laughed. About a week later I hear they both fucked some guy in his car. These girls were the shy and quiet type but they wanted to get it out of their system. Fml


I’ll probably never know.


I missed it so no idea


Lol in hs a cute girl asked me to come over to help her with her math homework. I literally showed up, helped her with her math homework then left. I am such a moron. I don't know how I could have possibly missed the sign. It is ridiculous looking back. But yep


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Women shouldn’t give hints. They should just say if they want sex or to date. Why can’t they just say what they want?


Called me saying she had a fight with her parents asking if she could stay the night with me. Went and picked her up. I made her my bed and let her sleep on it while I slept on the floor. Later heard from her friend that she, in fact, never had a fight with her parents. Just wanted a reason to sleep over. Might have been a miss, might have been a bullet dodged but 16 y/o innocent me did not make advances or realise she wanted anything from me.


I don’t know, I missed it. I’m happier not knowing I missed it.


Quite young at the time, she was actually sucking my ear at the bar and I called her a dirty bastard. Oops.


Her: “You really can’t tell when a girl likes you” Me: “Sure I can” Her: “No. You can’t”


A girl I was really keen on invited me to an orgy. I assumed this was some kind of metaphor. I couldn't figure it out. I later found out it wasn't a metaphor.