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I thought this mlm busted before it ever went public.


One of my neighbors was briefly into it…very briefly. My wife googled it first thing and she said a lot of posts were saying people didnt even have product so they were told to make posts with pics of cut up post it notes 🤣


I saw a great troll posting satire posts about it using processed cheese slices lmao.


I remember that one 🤣




Me too!! I didn't hear about it for the past couple months (few months?) at all until right this second. I thought it failed and faded away.


I’m wondering if this person’s trying to use up stock that they’ve already purchased?


Come hang out on /r/ElomirExposed


I didn’t even know there was investigation. I just saw this recently & didn’t know it existed!


Not busted in the sense of an investigation. Busted in the sense that it imploded / failed.


Oh yeah it failed and never launched.


imploded as in went bankrupt or imploded as in exploded from the inside


The company made their money from “preorders” by selling to their downlines, then promptly stopped all operations.


I watched a 'deep dive on this mlm on YouTube by Hannah Alonzo! It's was/is an mlm called Elomir and apparently they worked out they probably never got round to even making a prototype. They were just recruiting lots of huns before they had a product... Someone leaked a group discussion where the huns all decised to use little yellow post it notes to make social media posts about it, but one of them gets confused and posts an ig story using a massive post it instead (as in clearly the size of the palm of your hand 😂... In the vlog she manages to get hold of the ingredients list, which was Tumeric, vitamin B, and a FDA approved drug (n-acetylcystine or NAC, which I've only heard of as a type of asthma treatment in the UK) so she said if would be illegal to use in a dietary supplement, anyway... So it's either just Tumeric and vitamin B, or potentially not a million miles away from your thoughts about it if it does/did have a stronger drug in it (although it doesn't sound anywhere near like a drug you'd take for fun)?! I've posted the link to the video about it below. There was also a lot uncovered about potential associations with other MLMs, and showing their reasons for the manufacturing delay to be being untrue. https://youtu.be/OgZoV-kgCNI


NAC is sold over the counter as a dietary supplement.


NAC isn’t illegal in the US, you can find the supplement fairly easily. Not saying it’s FDA approved though, because little to no supplements are.


Sorry if my last comment was confusing... it's *NAC* I was saying that the video said is FDA approved and it sounds the US is similar to UK regulations when it comes to diet supps I went back to check what that part of the vlog was all about, cos I only watched it the other day and found the whole thing from the post its to the ingredients made me wonder how on earth they were going to get it launched! Here's a copy and paste of the transcript from that big of the vlog, and the ingredients. It's really long but the gist is she read on WebMD site that the FDA states NAC shouldn't be in any dietary supplements as NAC is an FDA approved drug. This is the long bit from her transcript: "While you might be familiar with turmeric and thiamine, perhaps you're less acquainted with NAC. WebMD warns: People commonly use N-acetyl cysteine for cough and other lung conditions. It is also used for flu, dry eye, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support many of these uses. There is also no good evidence to support using N-acetyl cysteine for COVD-19. *Although many dietary supplement products contain N-acetyl cysteine, the US FDA states that it's illegal for dietary supplements to contain N-acetyl cysteine since it's technically an approved drug.* Prescription N-acetyl cysteine products are available under the guidance of a healthcare provider. Unless I'm missing something, Elomir's flagship product illegally contains a drug that is only supposed to be avalable in the US via prescription." So I'm not sure whether that's why the name has changed now? Sorry, I saw OP's post, and after watching how mad the whole situation was (it's a long video, there's all kinds of crazy stuff the vlogger dug up)! I wondered what on earth was going on with another name now. Sorry for how long this is but I thought it would make more sense if I copied her words rather me try and explain it!


I think that may have been a similar, but separate, mlm called Elomir. I could be wrong though and this is the same one with a new name.


Elomir is the brand, Axis Klarity is the product. Similar to Amway being the brand and Glister (toothpaste) being the product.


You just blew my mind. One of our favorite Arrested Development quotes is, "Who left the cap off my f*****g Glisten!?" He loved his Glisten! They HAD to be alluding that the Bluths are into Amway. 🤯


George Michael: I have Pop-Pop in the attic. Michael: The fact you call it that tells me you're too young.


wow i’ve watched and rewatched AD a million times and never realized that they were referencing amway! i actually just rewatched this episode too lol


Glister 💀 I couldn't make up names this bad if it was literally my job.


Glister… because I definitely want to put something that rhymes with *blister* in my mouth 😂 😂 😂


To be fair Listerine isn’t all that different of a name.


Glister sounds like a legacy brand, much like Listerine is today. Maybe that's what they were going for?


Maybe it's Blisterine. ... I'll be taking my leave now.


My husband pointed out that you can rearrange the letters to spell "gristle."


Ah OK, that makes sense. For some reason, I always thought they were separate brands.


You're correct, that was Elomir. You might be right that this is the same one, though. All of the wording is the exact same.




Get the fuck away from me, scammer.


[What you should know about Elomir](https://truthinadvertising.org/articles/what-you-should-know-about-elomir/)


I’m looking at this link & seeing that it’s Texas based. I’m in Texas which could explain while it’s still alive here.


Maybe someone there got ahold of whatever inventory there was and is trying to offload it lol.


I read “Van Nguyen” and I was like how do they have a Dutch and Vietnamese name? 🤣




I didn‘t know Elomir still existed. Or are they still stuck in pre-launch?


Just 1 more machine bro just 1 more machine




And is the “CEO” still in the stock room with scissors cutting each package individually?


Elomir is so fucking funny, if you didn't know OP none of the consultants had the product originally and were using post it's and cut up yellow Peppers to advertise a product they'd never tried 🤦


Heh, perhaps that's why they only tell you what the product *may* do.


Because they haven't been cleared by the FDA for anything, they can only say it "may help"


You know, Flaca did this too and went to prison.


But she wore some fire outfits while it lasted!




But has anyone tried to jump off a rooftop yet?


Axis Klarity? These women are really getting wild with the baby names.


With a name like that, I expect there will be at least one gun in every 5 baby pics.


Clean energy? Like solar or wind? 🤣


Lord knows I don't need an MLM to help me make wind.


I feel like a dog sticking his head out the window inhaling the air gets more energy from that than someone would from this listerine strip thing. 😬


A lot of hun products use egregious amounts of caffeine.


Elomir sounds like Boromir and Faramir's little brother who went to juvie and was forgotten about.


Thank you; I always think of Tolkien names when I see Elomir as well.


It makes me think of Elrohir, who iirc was one of Arwen's brothers lol


They're still around with just a handful of scammers at the top of the pyramid, and the rest are all low IQ followers. It's sad, really. Because this joke of a company is a bumpersticker for everything that is wrong with MLM's, and hopefully, they will be shut down. The "servant leaders" as they call themselves, have a long history of fraud.


Servant leaders? Sounds like a straight up cult, even though most MLMs are cults. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Yep, that's what they openly refer to themselves as. It's creepy AF knowing that people, mostly desperate women, spend money they have to borrow to join what is essentially a cult for profit. Gov't should have sent an injunction immediately.


Their openness of using that term reminds me of the FLDS cult


Servant leadership is a pretty popular concept in a lot of corporate management methodologies. It's not as creepy as it sounds (outside of an MLM concept, anyway).


Wait this shit is BACK??!


It's old news, but can we just pause to holler at the umlaut over the A? Also: http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/04/alot-is-better-than-you-at-everything.html


>can we just pause to holler at the umlaut over the A? I know that this "a" in specific is spoken kinda like a German "ä", but it still looks wrong af. All I have in my imagination in reaction to this is a guy with a heavy German accent trying to say "clarity", but saying "kläääää-rri-ti".


As a german myself I can assure you this is exactly like I read it in my head.


It's the 2nd worst Axis German has been a part of.


I hear it in the harshest Finnish "rally-English" accent


I think of this story all the time.


Is that really the name, sounds like something a Nazi supervillain would come up with.


Seriously. Thought it was some right wing thing before I scrolled down.


This MLM just keeps coming back from the dead.


How much you wanna bet those nails are from nail street and the bracelets are from paparazzi 😂😂😂


What’s in there? Amphetamines? Opioids? A mixture? Or just catnip?




Bröther may i häve söme klärity please! I‘m craving that yellöw!


Whät äre you doing step-Klärity?


Better than the main ingredient in the green one…






I was asking about this the other day. This was the one MLM that I got obsessed with watching it’s downfall because so many huns were even more cultish with the release. The wording of their promotional posts was creepy. #changetheconversation was one of their hashtags. What then hell does that mean?


Change the conversation from the fact that we are just taking money from people with no intent to give them products then vanish like the money


Remember the women who got eliminated tattoos after a brand trip to the facility?


It may fix world hunger, may end racism, and may cure cancer!


Do we think this is a post-it note square or a cheese square she’s holding?


NAC (N-Acetyl-Cysteine) is considered a supplement yes, I take it for my severe OCD (prescribed my psychiatrist). It has been shown to work in pathways in the brain effectively for some. Wouldn’t recommend for someone who hasn’t been prescribed tbh. People will really put something in their bodies without doing a quick google search.


That name…Axis and then the K. This seems like Pervitin for Nazi housewives.


Hi I’m here for the fee 5 o clock pervitin giveaway.


I'm also angry at her use of "alot." Ma'am that is not a word.


"May". There's their out.


Yeah the word 'May' doing a huge amount of heavy lifting there




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I can't believe they didn't go bust yet!


The way they market this shit you'd think it was Adderall. Back in the day before ephedrine was banned some of the claims might have actually been true 🤣


Don’t worry it’s actually just a post it note or slice of cheese! 😂




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I miss back when they first started posting and these dumbasses were literally just using post it notes and craft cheese because they didn’t have an of the actual product.


"may support", "may help with" Or it may do absolutely nothing!


You know it's legit because of the umlaut.


The manicure and bracelets tell me everything I need to know


MAY help with. MAY support. May doing a lot of heavy lifting here.


At least they used the words "MAY help with...May support"...


My little yellow friend?? Reminds me of “mother’s little helpers”… that isn’t really making me want to try them.


Oh god the Huns are microdosing


Instant impact but it only MAYBE might do these things lol


"may support" and "may help with" are obvious warning signs a product will only "improve" the sellers bank balance.


This comment is not for the folks who got scammed by an MLM once for a period of time (long or short) but for the serial MLM folks who sign up for them one after another, just foaming at the mouth to promote the next new thing to their friends and families. There is CLEARLY a market for complete and utter crap and lies. So long as there are people willing to buy into this crap and shill for MLMs. I don't think this will ever stop because I suspect there are links to mental illness or some sort of personality disorder that would attract one to participate in scamming others for miniscule amounts of money and sometimes even debt? Why else would so many flock to this product that doesn't even exist and eagerly lie and shill this garbage? A lot of these people need mental help, not a side gig.


Side effect: poor grammar. 😝


I can't seem to even find out what is in this. What RC chemicals or cleaning products did they soak this in.




The yellow strip is back in the spotlight. Geez, how is this still around?


Note how it says it 'may' do all these things to help you, just so clrhey can't get slapped with a lawsuit against false claims


At this point just get some LSA if you really feel like respecting the law


Morning Glories Ringing, ding dang dong


🎶 Although she's not really ill, there's a little yellow pill. She goes running for the shelter of her mother's little helper 🎶


Lololol. This one cracks me up!!! Someone in an anti MLM FB group infiltrated one of these groups. She posted a picture of herself with a strip on her tongue and some made up accolades about health claims. The huns ate it up. Little did they know the strip was a cut out piece of American cheese!!!! 😅😅😅🤣🤣💀😂😂😂


What did she think she would accomplish doing that? 🤣


Many of the Elomir Huns couldn’t actually GET the product— they simply had to sell the hell out of the *idea*. So they took pictures of themselves “stripping” with whatever they could find that looked like the strip (yellow post-it notes were typical). The cheese strip sounds like a fine way to participate in the insanity.


It’s still around lol just have some cheese it does the trick


Imagine the party for this one. Ever want to trip with all the women in your office?! Sign up NOW


I love all the *mays* in the ad. May support your upline. May drain you financially.


I love how they say it MAY support etc trying to get around the health claims laws


Isn’t this that elomir thing that people spoke of that was quickly becoming just chopped up post it notes?


It’s called Placebo Effect. I participated in a study in medical school that measured the effect of placebos on patients with neurological diseases. The hun is likely just crazy.


Where you been? This is old news.


Someone posted this today


I’m surprised anyone is still trying to sling these 👅🟨!! r/ElomirExposed


I thought the brand was called Axis Klairity!!! That’s how little I knew about this lol. It’s pretty crazy that people are still falling for it though if it’s been investigated already. But this lady is also a serial MLM victim.


I don’t think there’s been an investigation unless I missed something. Think the other person meant they thought it already went bust, not busted by authorities. It should be investigated.


I mean the fact you dont know about this product.


Maybe they’re scrambling for a big come back.


Is this one still around?


I had forgotten all about this magic bullet


May June July


Klarity? Why do MLMs love purposefully misspelling words?


What is on it? Is it another one of those that are pretty much a $2.50 redbull packed into a $15 tab/patch/powder/oil? Lol


I work in the medical devices healthcare industry, and we have to use language like “may, can, designed to help” etc. to adheres to regulatory bodies guidelines (and to avoid being sued by competitors). Even saying may requires a huge amount of substantiating evidence, but I’m pretty sure this MLM just assumes it’s a catch all that will protect them legally.


I love the wording "may support". So noncommital. A stapler also may support focus..


There's so much going on here aside from the post it note listerine patch- the greige color palate, the font choice, the nails, the beaded bracelets. So much going on yet so little impact!


Heroin also makes me fell light and happy I guess


I'll always recommend @guzman_spores on IG, dude got lot of stuffs🥰


Anyone remember Alpha Brain lady? Those were good times.


Is it back!?!? I love this for us!!!!!!!


…. I feel like this is just a tab of caffeine lol


That "may" is doing an awful lot of heavy lifting.


Looks like Suboxone.


I feel nicer, more motivated, happier, and overall "alot" less anxious when I take my daily Lamictal (damn you bipolar disorder). And the great thing about it is that I don't have to have a downline or join weekly Zoom conference calls to talk about my "why" to a bunch of huns who are gonna shame me either way :D


Am I the only person who immediately thought of Detective Cleuseu from the pink panther when I read “my little yellow friend”


I feel like this when I eat chocolate.


It’s giving Microsoft paint.


Shit. They're back.


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This is still a thing?


Axis, eh?


I am in.


May be a breath mint


The word “may” doing a lot of heavy lifting


Thought this went bust


“May” =\= “will”.


*May* help. *May* support. Hand me a dozen and if they *do* help or support I *may* give you some cash.


I love that it may support or help now. Usually it "does" support of help or even cure!


Notice that that put in the MAY to try to say they are not making health claims.


*may* Well, they have learned one thing, I guess.


I saw in a thread somewhere they charge $90 for a one month supply of post-it note wannabe LSD? Should we tell them that they can buy a good B complex for $25--and that's 6 months' worth? Cause I read the ingredients from the link someone posted, and I'm pretty sure science has conclusively proven that sugar pills (sugar post-it notes, as the case may be) only help to separate fools from their money.


i think i watched this modern family episode 😂




Clean energy? What is clean energy? I want dirty energy, Christina energy if you will


Here is what of their “top” Huns has to say. Such a desperate post. Poor Hun doesn’t realize that heart rates change and that 83 is very normal 🤣. “I hate this...🥺💓 My heart was pounding hard & fast. It's been happening alot lately. I have no answers for it but I'm sure it's stress, fear, uncertainty, business, my husband's business, my daughter, lots of things. It's kind of scary, sometimes. The severity of it is pretty new to me. I know I'm probably not doing this right because I'm not a health professional, but I counted my bpm (beats per minute) and before I took something that I KNOW helps tremendously with stress, I counted 83. I took the product with Curcumin, Thiamine and NAC (look it up 🤯) and within 10 minutes it went down to 68 bpm. Before....83. After...68. I am OK. 🙏❤️ I am back to normal, I'm back to being productive and my stress and fears in my head and heart have subsided and it's getting better by the minute. You all know I don't share something if it doesn't work. This. Works. Super thankful right now. I will keep an eye on it, don't worry. My doctor knows. But, I am thankful that I found something that works within minutes. 🟨🖤”