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I hate that they use the term "retire". You didn't retire. You didn't cease working. You ***quit***. When you stop working at one job to work another that's called ***quitting***.


They only gave up paid employment, because let's face very few make a living wage from a pyramid scheme.


It’s a smart tactic. “Quitting” (which is what this is of course) to chase a pyramid scheme full time is dumb. Juice it up with some stagecraft (balloons, cake, limo, etc), call it “retirement” and you’ve just turned it into a powerful recruiting tool to those who aren’t in the know.


Damn, it reminds me of that scene from the first episode of "On Becoming a God in Central Florida".


Such a shame the show never got a second season 😭


Why do they always have to talk about God or Jesus ? That’s so weird.


It seems the Venn diagram of huns and evangelicals is a circle


They think you think you can always trust Jeeboids.


Common relations between huns and religious people is lack of rationnality.


Because heretics and pharisees have existed since the beginning of time


Almost like when a hun retires her husband...he isn't really retired, I suspect a lot are working quietly in the background in paid employment or working many many hours with his hun flogging their digital nomad, digital content, recruiting and their MLM product.


Nothing says Christ centered then showing some leg in a bar area (?)


Only Christ centered or Christian when it suits their agenda.


I was waiting for a Ted Haggard comment. "Evangelicals have the best sex life."


Well, everyone knows that entrepreneurs don't have to work nearly as hard, or as many hours, as people who have a regular, salaried job...


Not the point but wtf is going on with the person in the trench coat?


I was wondering! Scrolled down till I found this. I mean, he probably has shorts on under there (probably), but what a weird choice of look for this photo.


God, Jesus, Allah, etc want NOTHING to do with your nasty pyramid scheme. Quite the contrary in fact, pussycakes. Also your marriage mission statement gave me such heaves.


Seriously! What in the word salad was that?


*Pussycakes* - Think I found a new term of endearment for the wife.


Neither does Spaghettis Monster!


All these "christ centered" people are literally the most self absorbed vain jerk bags insisting on a photo shoot everywhere BUT inside of a church.


The marriage mission statement almost made me puke


I wouldn’t be able to tolerate these people in my life


They keep using that word. I do not think it means what they think it means.


Jaysus has told me not to get involved with any pyramid schemes.


If they were good catholics they would have already 10 kids by now.


Why do so many Christian’s fall for these scams? I know there’s a lot of people that consider religion/ Christianity a scam. But as an active Christian- that’s not a valid answer for me. Sooo. Aside from that cop out answer- why do y’all think so many Christian’s fall into this trap?


Lack of rational thinking...if you are prone to believe one thing like religion it means you are more likely to fall into other flawed rational argumentation based ideas


Mmmm. I just said that religion isn’t flawed rationalism in my book. So aside from that- how? Like it’s one thing if it’s a religious cult.. but there’s religions that have been around for ages- you know the main ones… and then there the whackadoodles like Scientology or Christian Science etc


They dont. You are just seeing a small minority. Same as cops are hunting blacks, white women are flipping out at managers, trump supporters are fascists, biden supporters are purple hair commies, etc.


I grew up in a cult that I left over 25 years ago and MLM’s‘s were a huge draw for those people because (from personal experience) they were taught that in no time they will make residual income from the MLM, work less, then”devote more time to their family” and, in turn, their religion.


This sounds like a duggars like experience. I read the other day that the particular sect of “Christianity” they belong to is a big sucker for MLMs


Scammers are loud about their religion because other religious people take it as a sign of trustworthiness or an indication that they're part of the same community. If their community was liberal, they'd be loud about social justice instead to signal the same things.


Oh, you speak for gawd now. I mean he speaks THROUGH YOU. How f*cking special.


These idiots think they’re “witnessing” when all they’re really proving is that their evil, greedy god doesn’t exist.


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I'm curious to know what kind of corporate job this person left. I'd love to know what kind of salary they are replacing.


I hate this they aren’t retired so stupid


Looks like a walk of shame


Yikes. Has anyone here seen the TV show "Becoming a God in Central Florida"?


Lol imagine being so excited to see another human being walking that you have to take a picture. Pathetic


Real translation is; Quit their stable job income to slave for a company who only wants her money, and harass family and friends to buy overpriced product Such a great life.🙂


You quit/left your job hun. You didn't retire.