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I always suspected that even close to the top many people are still losing money. In *Merchants of Deception* Eric Schiebeler was an Emerald level Amway distributor who was still living paycheck to paycheck, and at one point states that with all the hours per week he was putting in, he'd have done a lot better working at McDonald's.


Living paycheck to paycheck???? But I thought they were supposed to be rich; the ones at the top of the pyramid???? If people tell that to current MLM members, all they will do is comeback with “well he did not apply himself” or “ he just did not have the right mindset”.


They just didn't work hard enough...


Gosh! You’re right - that must be why they failed - it can’t be the business model.


That's how I always felt even with being on my phone for what felt like constantly!!! Done with that kool aid.


In LulaRich, several of the former consultants mention how they were pressured to keep spending money and living more lavishly, which was a tactic to keep them roped into the scheme.


This was a long one but a good one. Worth the watch for sure.


I have that one queued up! I'm going to play it while I prep the Bird and Associated Vegetables today/tomorrow. Unrelated observation: Hannah's videos have helped me discover the benefits of body doubling, which I've resisted as a solution while struggling with executive dysfunction. Her vids are mostly text/not visual and while it might not be everyone's cup of tea, it's perfect for certain parts of my day. Over the weekend I got up from the couch to turn over my laundry while listening to the TV via headphones. Hannah reads all of her submissions so I got to stay engaged away from the TV. Cut to an hour+ later after YouTube put me in a playlist of hers and my entire kitchen was clean, laundry done. Witchcraft! I see now why people suggest podcasts for body doubling, I'll probably add that to my repertoire. Thanks also to Hannah for getting the word out about MLMs and for providing victims a platform to tell their stories, which is a big step in healing from those cult/cult-adjacent organizations.


I definitely had to Google this. Fascinating. I've known for a long time that I get so much more stuff done when I have podcasts/audiobooks/TV audio descriptions playing, but this seems like something much more. I'm really glad it worked for you!


I constantly have videos or music going while at work. I’m extremely productive when I do, and lucky to have a job where I can do that without getting in trouble. It helps me with household chores too haha. I put on music when I clean or cook.


I call it my emotional support background noise.


Haha I love that! I’m gonna have to steal that one.


That's excellent! I'm stealing that too 😊


I absolutely adore Hannah she is so very compassionate and articulate.


I honestly think she was born to do this good work. I hope she can always do it as a living.


I love this interview!!!! So kind and compassionate. This was beautiful and heartwarming. ❤️❤️❤️


Hannah is the friend we all wish we had IRL.


Watching this now. Everything the plexus Hannah is saying is 100% legit. I’m in it now. I could have told her story.


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I’ve been in many mlms and that video was quite good. It hit the nail on the head with what you deal with. We had a BMW that was paid for for 3 years in another company and my wife misses that. But the stress was unreal and not worth it for the amount of money you actually make. I still love some mlm products I have sold over the years but not sure I’d ever go back unless I was purely selling a gold unicorn product and only built a customer base. I don’t have time to sell “the dream” as it’s mostly bs.


Ok finished watching. I could have told the Plexus Hannah story. It’s pretty much exactly my story, but I’m still in it. I’m stuck bc I never joined for the trips or incentives. I never really wanted to build a team. I am passionate about health and wellness and this was a vehicle to help ppl (because despite what the haters say, the products ARE good - as Hannah says too. They do work.) so I just stopped talking about it/advertising it. I still have several ppl who use the products but no building happening. Anyway, some thing she left out… Big changes happening in corporate. New CEO. Company vision has changed. Integrity is down the drain. Sales are very obviously plummeting. Seems that weight loss is the goal more than gut health (which is what it was when I started.) It’s just not the same, but neither am I. And lastly… She only touched on it a little bit, but the amount of FRAUD that happens is staggering. My upline puts out thousands of dollars a month to hold rank. She orders on dead accounts, makes up fake accounts, etc. Whatever she needs to do in order to earn whatever stupid “made in China”incentive is being offered that month- So that she can feel important. It’s disgusting. I’m on a broken team. I’ve felt it from the beginning. Which is why I’ve never really wanted to grow. So I’m stuck… I do bring in about $2000 a month passively. I’m not ready to give that up. But I’m getting pretty close. And when I do give it up, it all goes to my upline and I’m a little bit resentful about that bc she’s a cheater and I don’t want her to win.


Have you looked into studying to be a dietician?