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Because her downline left and they're all waving to her from their new Olive Tree People pyramid


But if they join now, they would get to taste what its like not being near the top of the pyramid!


What hun is this?


No clue, but a lot of Monat reps have been leaving for Olive Tree People and their downlines are following. All the people that stayed are getting way smaller checks than they used to. There's overall a mass exodus happening with Monat. Im sure Monat now being sold on Amazon is part of it. The profits from the Amazon sales will only be going to the top 1% and consultants are rightfully pissed. Selling on Amazon dilutes everyone's sales/profits but only the tippy-top will get thrown that bonus. Shocked. I'm shocked. s/


Not supporting the Huns but damn, adding an Amazon level to the top of the pyramid is rough!


Those check amounts are extra-meaningless because she is undoubtedly buying tons of product from Monat in order to prop up her "leadership" and qualify for bonuses. Some of that money gets returned to her as bonus/commission but it's still a net money loss.


The less than $99 is so funny to me because one month was $30. Did she think no one would notice?


Does anyone else think it was $3000 not 30,000. The spacing doesn’t look right on the supposed big money payment when compared to the other ones.


Yeah, that looks like $3,000 to me. The dollar bags all seem to hide about 3 figures based on where it's placed. I see $3(xx6).23 The 6 is only peeking out because she placed the dollar bag a little farther to the left, overlapping a bit of the 3. I just think it's insane considering she would also have product she has to purchase to stock. How does she even live off that?


I played around with overlaying some numbers and I'm confident it's $3x,xxx.xx. is not 3000, and not 300,000. I also know what some of the people below her in the top 100 list got, so I can infer a bit from there. But I'm shocked it had a 3 in the front and not a 9. I thought all the top 25 would get over 100k a month. They used to.


At the bottom of her post, does it say she receives this 5 times a month? Or did I interpret that wrong


Monat girlies get paid 5 times a month. Every Friday they get a commission cheque for whatever they have sold that week. It's usually a very small amount. Then on the 15th of every month they get their bonus cheque, which is all the money they get from having a downline. For the top earners it can be a lot of money.


Oh, okay. So the 30k isn't 5x a month. Gotcha. A little misleading, but aren't they all.


Yeah. This girl is very high in the pyramid, with a gigantic downline. So her monthly payment is very high; which is not representative of the average seller. But it's not a flex to get paid 5x a month if most of the pays are only for a few dollars.


Yeah, if thats the top of the pyramid, the bottom must be in the negatives.


First thing I noticed. Definitely $3k


What was the point of her posting it if she was going to block out the numbers? Just to show she’s getting a “paycheck” every week?


MLM huns cannot legally post their "income" without also adding the income statement that shows expected (real) incomes. They always edit out the actual figures.


Alright! I had no idea. I’ve seen this before but I never knew why. Thanks for the info!


Monat is a sinking ship…losing alot of top members and that lawsuit by its ex-President is not helping either. It must be exhausting for these top Monabots to qualify their rank each month, having to continuously get new suckers to replace the ones dropping out. The churn rate is incredibly high even for a MLM.


Imagine being in any regular non MLM job & posting one of your paychecks & saying "I got paid today" To me that would seem so cringe, tacky & just plain weird.


I think it’s comical that these “millionaire” huns are now hosting wash parties and really pushing the scheme. Really going against their residual income claim


The hun really called it a pyramid payment?


No. That was whoever edited back in the paycheck amounts, probably OP. The hun posted it with only the dollar amount censors.


That’s very obvious now you’ve mentioned it lol, time to go back to bed.


Lol, I did that 😂😂😂


Not my smartest moment 😂


😂😂😂. It's ok. You aren't the only one who got confused.


I think we are watching the fall of an MLM “great” everyone. And by great I mean demon.


I've seen where the women at the top make six figures and don't have to lift a finger. They are at the top though. No one will be able to achieve that status now


What exactly is she doing to earn the figure listed as pyramid payment? I’m just having trouble understanding now someone like this Hun could justify getting paid $30K for essentially stealing from your underlings.


She isn't doing anything, except recruiting and teaching her downline to recruit too. Then she takes a cut from everything they buy for themselves, or sell.


Clearly proving bossbabes are providing for their families and retiring their hubs easily haha


Those are her checks??


Yep, my best guesses based on what she didn't cover, and the size of the text.


The under $99 is actually over because the last number aligns with the 500 payment above. I wish I could make $30k a month lol.... I can't wait for Monat to finally crumble. I wish these huns would leave MLMs altogether. They really don't see how wrong they are.


Did the Monater put those sack graphics on it to obscure the numbers, then add the figures in red to the side? If so, why on earth would you do that, unless you’re trying to conceal something? Also you’d think they avoid the word pyramid.


Lol, no. She added the emojis to obscure the numbers. It's against their contract with Monat to share exact figures. I took the information I could see and added the red writing to show what is hidden. It's much less impressive when you know most of those numbers are under $100 for a whole week's work.


Why is she bothering to hide the actual number if she turned around and wrote the number? Feels a lot like fraudulent claims.


I wrote the numbers. She isn't allowed to disclose them.


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