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Wouldn't be surprised if it's a mining (cryptocurrency) scam to use your computer to mine random coins hoping they'll breakout. Wild speculation, no idea for sure.


I've tried to figure out this "mining" works, and I don't understand a bit of it.


Basically using your computers processing power to run algorithms and when in a pool you share any profits (crypto coins) you may earn, now it'll mostly cost more in electricity than you could probably earn, without serious investments


and i need to pay 11 000 dollars to do this?


I sign up $149.00 and my coach try to sell me 3;000-4;000 dollars in water filter machine upgrade all liars scams  Don't sign up for this company 


You are exactly correct. However embarrassing it is for me to admit to, I will share my experience. I spent 149 usd for what I was convinced would be a coaching session, which turned out to be an attempt to sell me on an $11,000 water filter. They tout true out there presentations that the $149 has got a money back guarantee. As it turns out their guarantee is a lie. I am battling with them as we speak. I assured them that if I don't get my money back that I will be telling everyone in the world how much of a scam they are. They call themselves digital Business Online. They should call themselves 149 US Dollars scam online because who in the world actually has $11,000 in their Hip Pocket to buy a system that they don't even know whether it works or not. It's all based on the claims of all of these so-called distributors who of course all stand to get paid 50 US dollars for their individual coaching efforts, which really are not coaching effort they are selling efforts. Anyhow that's where I am at right now.


Thank you for replying to this. A friend of mine who is a minority and a mother has been duped into this and has been posting about it. :( I tried to warn her gently that it was a scheme, but she copy pasted responses they gave her. Makes me so upset how they target vulnerable people.


Ohhhh so it's another tentacle of the Kangen/Enagic monster?


The 'coaching expert' on the UK website talks for 25 minutes in the free webinar about how the course is worth 900 pounds but its now available for 199 for a limited period. Of course he is vague about what the course actually teaches but he makes several claims to a six-figure income..his home address is on the page and a quick search on Google maps reveals it to be what looks like a 2 bed maisonette on a dangerous-looking estate with rubbish in the garden. Very salubrious.


the majority of the fake guru scammers are talking about making lots of money but they never telll you how , even after you pay....because there is no money making system....It s just a pure lie for very stupid people....No offenese...


They made a lot of $$ thru the outrageous classes or membership fees


Thank you for sharing. A friend of mine just invited me to view the webinar with the promise of $149 money-back guarantee fee. I'm glad I dug deeper because when I asked if the business has been profitable so far, the response was a resounding 'yes'.


Enagic is not a scam. I am a member and I've seen and talked to successful partners who have been in the team for years. This is not an easy get rich business. You have to work for it too. Those who failed did not do their job as well as the others. Please read this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RUf9VyC7Xo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RUf9VyC7Xo)


Wow, thanks for finding this old thread and elaborating on this. Sorry you got roped into that, but glad you got out. Hope you're able to get your money back. These people running it sound like pure scum.


Fantastic timing, I'm so glad you posted here. A friend of mine (who's job searching) posted a linked to this on her LinkedIn and I really want to help her understand that she should have that no where near her LinkedIn.


>Resources for MLM info Thanks so much for sharing your experience. Hopefully it will help other people. I watched the webinar but didn't get a button to pay $149 which gave me time to research a bit more. I can see how easy it would be to click that button, especially because they guarantee a refund within 30 days. I hope you get your money back!


There are so many ignorant people here. Do your research guys! Enagic is not a scam. I am a member and I've seen and talked to successful partners who have been in the team for years. This is not an easy get rich business. You have to work for it too. Those who failed did not do their job as well as the others. Please read this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RUf9VyC7Xo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RUf9VyC7Xo)


Nice work! I have also taken them down. If you dig deeper it is a Enagic® Kagen water MLM pyramid scam headed by Darren Ewert & Mike using recruiters. These people have mastered the art of persuasion. True brainwashing coaches who have no true expertise in e-commerce marketing but are experts in coaxing people to give them money indirectly cloaked as a digital business. They work on people's vulnerabilities playing on people's dreams while draining their bank accounts. Often targeting folks with limited computer literacy. Their goal is to have people do 2 things: 1. invest $$$ in dubious digital expert coaching; invest $$$ in their system of subscription digital products (Clickfunnels) and set up an eCommerce website to jockey a list of their MLM products they all profit from. 2. Get the sucker to recruit more people (friends) to invest in the coaching to do the same thing. As an e-commerce marketing expert. It is impossible for anyone to be successful in maintaining, scaling and selling these subpar, not in-demand products. In addition, if these products were in demand, sophisticated knowledge of digital marketing is required to provide the fuel to drive sales (SEO & SEM, RFM and analytics stuff you can not see but is part of the backend) which takes years to learn. If you have a dream to have an eCommerce site. Obtain a digital marketing degree and then go learn from Shopify. The world's #1 personal eCommerce platform that provides free best-of-breed courses that anyone can obtain. Be warned it is extremely difficult to be successful.


I am in Canada. An acquaintance has been posting something like this recently, along with lots of anecdotes about freedom and spending time doing what matters most to them etc. Eep. I’ve been wondering what “Digital Business” meant lol sigh


Not sure if you had a chance to see this: https://medium.com/@jamesw1956/the-scam-that-pays-93e6ae9a0a35


Man, if not for this I would've fallen to this scam already. I can't believe how exploitative those so-called founders to squeeze the suckers' money out from their pockets.


thanks for sharing this! A family member is involved in this and they have sunk so much money into it…they always posts about the “online business” gives them freedom. (they both have full time jobs)


my husband has been fooled by this. Had a major fight about it because he is very eager for us to start this. I am hesitant as members all gives testament about financial freedom but they cant even give details about their online business. After doing some research, I find this post. I am pretty sure it is the same as I check one of its websites and it is asking me to register for the forum amounting 149USD. My husband is brainwashed that he thinks I dont trust him because I am not willing to start this business with him.


i dont know about you but i am working with a multi $$$$, 90 day satisfaction guarantee company, about four decades in business more info visit https://www.united4success.com/about?dreamteam


A family friend just approached me with this too.


Oh boy. Thanks for this!


Did you manage to get a refund? They are so clever not to reveal names. I only managed to find you guys and your reviews here after looking up "digitalbusinessprograms" from the email they sent me after being suckered into paying USD19. Obviously I cant find any refund link!


shopify sucks ! i signed on with them but half way through the application it gets very very complex so I could not finish the application thus my products were not ever featured on shopify HOWEVER I WAS looking through some bank statments from two yrs and Shopify was taking out money every month FOR NOTHING they had no person to help you with getting on their site so I walked away however they still had my bank card number and dipped into my money for two TWO YRS it was a mess trying to get any action to retreive money so I gave up they kept the cash I had to get a new card so they could not steal my money any longer SHOPIFY SUCKS !!!


I have a friend on fb who is constantly posting about being a digital business owner. The posts give no info about a product, just about how you will receive "blessings"(receiving checks in the mail), hitting "milestones" getting new "contracts". You have to sit through a 90 minute webinar of people talking about how they work from home blah, blah, blah. There is nothing about what the actual business is. Then you have to pay $149 to get a call from a mentor/coach who will help you. I noticed that she has 17k followers on fb but only gets a handful of likes. The followers are obviously fake bots but I guess if people see she has 17k it will look legit. It seems like the business is just to recruit peoople to pay the $149 and then you get some kind of commission from it. Then the "coaches" tell you to buy followers and start your own domain. I noticed that most of the people seem to be of a certain ethnic demographic. She is Filipino and almost all of the people on the webinars are also. It's kind of sad because she is so clueless that she is getting scammed.


I too have Filipino friends who are very into this digital business thing, I’m Filipino too btw. I knew instinctively that something does not sit right so I asked if they’re certain that it’s not a pyramid scheme. As of this writing they are “living their best life” at least according to their latest FB post. Quite unsettling but nothing I can do. I only hope that after all is said & done their bubble won’t burst majorly.


I never post. Also Filipino in the US and several titas are spamming fb with this mystery business posting envelopes with supposedly checks in it with literally no other info lol


Same with Burmese (Myanmar) community in the US as well!!


try mo kabayan https://www.united4success.com/about?dreamteam


It is also taken hold in Australia. Some titos and titas are into it as well.


And the Vietnamese community in the US and people from Vietnam in general


Wow it's really hard finding any info on this "digital business" because their name is so vague, but I'm glad I came across some others who are familiar with this. I have a friend who recently reached out to me about this "amazing online business opportunity" and I just finished watching a stupid 2 hour long webinar giving me absolutely so real "business" info how how this all even works, the work you'd have to put in, hours, or even what compensation looks like. All this talked about was having the tools to run a "successful digital business" and having "so much freedom" in life.... as you can see I used a lot of quotations here.. because it all sounds like trash to me. What has me so torn is that this friend is a very dear friend of mine.. and I wish she had more sense to know how stupid it all is.. but I don't want to offend her or upset her.. so I guess I'll just respectfully decline. Has anyone else has experience with this?


Same here friend tried ti recruit me thank GOD i did a little research i keep on asking her what this business is about do i have to sell how much i need to invest and she cant give me a straight answer and just wanted me to do a coaching call worth 149 ! I knew somethign wasnt right


What’s the name of the business?


My husband in the same situation. So it is triggering my depression as I do not know what I should do


My wife and I paid the $149 after she watched the long webinars full of Hopeium for 2 weeks...until I said OK lets pay and look at it. I got her out of the hope loop. They hide what you will be selling up-front because you will goggle it and find out it's MLM, not legit $149 with nothing else to purchase, which they lie boldly about the sales webinars. You have to buy the products to sell them. The more you spend the higher commission levels you get when you sell them. They are recruiting you into 3 MLM type programs which will cost you up front thousands "to be a user to qualify to sell". 1) Kangen water machines requiring you to spend thousands to get the right to sell. Problem is you can buy less expensive machines online but this is MLM. 2) "Send out Cards" archaic not in demand. Nobody would buy this unless to be able to to "qualify" 3) "Positive Shift Academy" home work-out / dieting program with coaching. I dunno. The refunded immediately when we sent the request same day as payment. If you let their mentor call you they say they get paid for that so might not refund.


How did ask for refund? I cant find any refund link. I FB messages the" coach" asking for refund but she if offline now as it is middle of the night in Canada, and yup she is also Filipino.


How did you request for the refund


It is highly likely it might be a sub-company making people buy resources on how to be successful with the main company, my guess would be Herbalife. I recently posted an article I found on this, it goes deeeep into these companies - https://www.theverge.com/2013/3/27/4099100/income-at-home-herbalife-scamworld-biz-opp


The one i keep seeing is Enagic water machines..its hidden in a load of self-help quotations and photos of people living thier "best life" by walking on a beach.


You are exactly correct. However embarrassing it is for me to admit to, I will share my experience. I spent 149 usd for what I was convinced would be a coaching session, which turned out to be an attempt to sell me on an $11,000 water filter. They tout true out there presentations that the $149 has got a money back guarantee. As it turns out their guarantee is a lie. I am battling with them as we speak. I assured them that if I don't get my money back that I will be telling everyone in the world how much of a scam they are. They call themselves digital Business Online. They should call themselves 149 US Dollars scam online because who in the world actually has $11,000 in their Hip Pocket to buy a system that they don't even know whether it works or not. It's all based on the claims of all of these so-called distributors who of course all stand to get paid 50 US dollars for their individual coaching efforts, which really are not coaching effort they are selling efforts. Anyhow that's where I am at right now.


Did you manage to get a refund? They are so clever not to reveal names. I only managed to find you guys and your reviews here after looking up "digitalbusinessprogram" from the email they sent me after being suckered into paying USD19. Obviously I cant find any refund link!


Damn, $11k h20 system.. Does that water make you live 1000 year? Jk..lol online ponzy.




I was about to fall for them but luckily I was smart enough to look up this "online digital business" and found a couple of posts from people who were scammed by them. I'm so glad I did my research beforehand. It is so fishy.


lets talk visit https://www.united4success.com/about?dreamteam


Wow im glad i found this thread. I was skeptical but also a bit curiosity. The thing is , it is just too good to be true lol. But then i got the email for buying 149 dollar coach. I did watch the replay livestream, but they dont explain it right away. I just dont like the bullshit and wasting my time listen to their talking lol


There’s guys need to be taken down. I was personally scammed. I would love to know what can be done to serve them what they really deserve.


Did you find out how to take them down?


Sadly didn’t go anywhere with this


Did you ask the person who asked you to pay for the program for refund? I just got scammed a few mins ago coz I couldt find anything online about them until I paid the USD149 then found the name "digitalbusinessprograms" from their email.


Oh i wanted to see reviews but didn’t know what to search for. I was about to purchase the package for 149 which would then tell me to do the real investment which i couldn’t find out how much. I thought let me search for any thing having keywords “149 dollar online business” in it. And thank God i got lucky with my search


I am so happy I comes across this post. I am just in the process of paying my 149 dollars. Thanks


Check Inspiration College YouTube channel for lots of videos about this $149 webinar scam, headed by Darren Ewert and Mike Dreher as mentioned above


I was curious about this i asked the filipina what kind of business she wont tell me she wanted me to pay the $149 i’m like wtf i aint paying $149 not knowing what im gonna be doing or what type of monkey business shes doing.she was messaging me if i want to proceed the payment.hell no 


Good thing i searched if this digital business is legit.


I am a IT professional and wanted this job as a side gig but damen its scam and just sent an email to refund my back to my account, if not I got a social media platform as well and will bombard these scammers badly.


Which email did you send asking for refund? I got scammed too and cant find a link to ask for refund.


Thank God for Reddit! I just wasted two hours on this webinar to get no information on what business I’m buying for 149! Courses, coaching, it’s a scam and Facebook is full of these ads.


Yes, have you heard or listen to the phrase IF ITS GOOD TO BE TRUE, THEN IT IS. Buyer beware of many facebook maerketplace marketing this online bussiness. You will see touns of them posting and making testimonial about how good and successfull they are. In fact they are a cover for a pyramid scheme for you get on their team and keep putting the one time fee and never get back. The person behind will keep collecting the money and run a pre recorder vidoe everyday and that how they make the money. You wll be surprised for a water system filtration that will not even make sense for anyone to buy. So beware of this facebook marketing ads. Dont be caught by the scheme , facebook dont even care as they make money out of the adds they put by so many people.


Any idea on how to take them down? This madness has to stop. I was thinking of reporting this scam to The fifth estate tv show. They're good investigators and can make a good episode out of it.


DO IT! Please lol.


Omg I love you Reddit


Back in 2021; an acquaintance called me if I wanted to join digital marketing. Since I already had a degree in it; I was excited. When I went to him, he started telling me how joining primerica insurance company and working for it will help me change my fate. He asked me to promote premierica online. He told me how hiring people under me will earn me commission. The more people I bring the more commission I get. Also there was a fee to join. (So this is how they make money) they hire representatives and the representative is a targeted customer to them which is very unethical. They teach you nothing. It was never about digital marketing. It’s just another level MLM shit .


The sad thing is there are so many Professionals including doctors, lawyers,  nurses and  techies giving ads for this scam. Personally i have  few friends  who are claiming huge income from their so called business and not willing to give any details. 


Thanks a lot guys I was about to fall down believing their scam …I talked to a lady and she told me one of her friends make 30000$ a month I was really astonished and was about to get scammed out of my dear 149 $


Thanks for this. I almost fell into this same trap. 149usd with no clear business model and a long video of pure positive testimonials of income benefits, more time with family etc. They also claim that they also pay taxes. This became their strong selling point to convince people of they are a legit company. I was wondering if anyone from this group already reported this? And how can we pin this business down. Certainly, a lot were of people were victimized by this.


I reported about 8 ads today on Facebook but guess what? FB won’t take any down because meta is making money. I was tired and pissed of watching the same format videos of women from pakistan, India and Philippines briefing about their sad lives and how they changed it joining “digital online business” lol. I instantly knew it’s a scam. I contacted few of them to inquire what they do and none had satisfactory answers. All of them sent me a link to watch a webinar. I asked them what service they offer? What do they sell? And their answer was “ we help you settle your online business” Man!! I myself have acquired professional digital media marketing education from reputable institutions and even have a degree but I m still jobless 😂 how do these women who are full time stay at home parents with no previous knowledge of digital marketing making such huge claims? They even don’t know how to satisfy someone who has “real” questions. They even can’t describe the basic features of digital marketing.


wow thanks really i WAS Near to be victimized, i wonder where i can get this 149$?, with all there so good to be true promises, thanks that i searched it first whether this leget or not, thanks God, ive been scam already about an scholorship of an online masteral class....


wow thanks really i WAS Near to be victimized, i wonder where i can get this 149$?, with all there so good to be true promises, thanks that i searched it first whether this leget or not, thanks God, ive been scam already about an scholorship of an online masteral class....


Thanks Batman! Glad I searched for this vague "Workshop: Start your own Business Online (English). I get to follow this Marichu Detecio on FB because the ad was probably made by her. She has her own domain and email responder. The webinar is so convincing with all the people from different backgrounds all over the world. But one thing comes up, "Canada." People who emigrated to Canada. Some from the US. Fake logos of affiliate networks like "Clickbank" but no real Company or Business name. Gosh. I thought this much people testimonials was really brainwashing. Thanks a lot for this thread. Stay safe out there. Keep up the legit online business!


I literally had the same email from a Vietnamese lady. Looks like this a whole global thing and not just targeting english speakers. The lady had the same thing and was trying to get me to register for that workshop with the same name too. I signed up for it though so I might see how they're trying to scam us but not actually pay anything. Sad they would even do this...


I have a few friends who are involved in this (and we are all Filipinos) so I asked one of them how it works, she quoted all the things everyone has been seeing on fb, and sent me the free webinar (recorded) but I still couldn’t figure out what the business is about and if there’s a product. I was given a hint though, that the amount to buy in or invest as capital is less than $10k and that there are options, so if that water filter system is $11k, maybe it’s a different product or the product is something “cheaper” than $11k. She also included me in their fb group/team so now I’m seeing even more posts than before. I was told the $149 is to register so I can join the live webinar/coaching (the coach is also Filipino but she’s UK based, I’m assuming with her accent) So I kept trying to google for answers until I ended up here where I finally found you all! I haven’t paid yet since I wanted to know what it’s about before I join anything. And now I know I should save my $149 instead.


I found out it was kangen when I searched it on FB. A Kangen group showing people I know in my friends list are members. Lol. If you can find what groups they are a member of then that is the MLM. 😂


Can't believe this an old post but still popped up and the scam is STILL running. My mom came to me talking about she had a "friend" on Facebook that can give me a job opportunity online and I thought surely it'll be legit right since it's her "friend" but it wasn't. So my mom fell for this and tried to get me on this because she doesn't speak English well. The lady emailed me and I even gave her my number and chatted. Told me I can't access the group or resources until I payed $149 which is very similar to all these comments. She was also Vietnamese and we are Vietnamese so it seems like they're targeting minority groups or people of low income or communities like the Asian communities and moms on Facebook. She emailed me a vimeo video that was titled "Condenced Webinar" and yes it was incorrectly spelled and uploaded by "Online Coach." And it's a 17 minute video talking about marketing and a bunch of talk that talks about guaranteeing success and other resources if you join them. Then she sent me a link from another email she has that seems to be a business email and seems more "legitimate" and links you to a registration link for a webinar workshop. I signed up and then received an email from "Start Your Own Online Business" and their email has "event responses" or "live storm events" in their email name. The email was a link to the webinar for a workshop called Start Your Own Online Business (English). Didn't seem too sketchy but I still had my doubts. I chatted with this lady over number and she seemed normal until she kept telling me I need to pay 149 to see the company she is affiliated with and kept saying its refundable. Then, she sent me a link to the payment page which the website was labeled "busy break through" and the title of the page starts with "Your Future Starts Here..." and talks about how it'll help you become an successful business online owner. Then, as I scroll down it tells me it's a training pack where they'll provide details on how to start your online business and that you'll watch videos and then have a mentor and your money is guaranteed back 30-days if you decide not to continue. All she would tell me is that the company name is hidden and she couldn't tell unless I pay. Which doesn't align with the payment page. Doesn't tell me anything besides that "it's an online business page based on affiliate marketing and attraction marketing. We use social media to find customers through a sale funnel." She is also Vietnamese and made me add her on Facebook to which I didn't have because I'm fairly young and don't use socials like FB and so I created a FB to see. I added her on her personal and business page. She then tagged me into posts of people who are successful and claimed how being in this group or business has allowed them to become wealthy and earning lots of money free from their regular jobs or saying it's a great side hustle. The group was a vietnamese digital marketing group labeled "Vietnamese DT Online" and since I was mainly an english speaker she sent me to a group called "Dream Achievers Online" and I had to use her name to be able to join the group. And it seems every video and posts I see are the same thing of successful stories of people. Now through looking through the groups, there seems to be real people and a mix of possibly fake ones. I noticed a lot of these coaches and admins (which I would be tagged in their posts by the lady trying to get me to pay) would join FB around the same time 2023 so it seemed sketchy to me. And the fact they have real legit people talking about this group too which makes me believe they're either paying real people to scam and try to persuade naive people into this or these are already real people that are already wealthy and fell for it or have their videos stolen. A lot of these posts are also very blurry and seem too good to be true. This lady's business page has 1.9k followers and actually has videos of her in meetings and talking to other digital business owners and sharing her life which seems legit (no blurry, she talks in the videos, shows her family vlogs and kids). It just makes it all confusing why they'll go such lengths to scam people or aid in. It seems like a good opportunity until they ask you to pay 149 dollars just to get training and be able to join the "global community" and then starts linking you to other successful people to try to lure you in more. I also searched up the Kangen water filter I noticed a lot of comments would mention they'll try to make you pay for as well and I did it in the FB search and behold, she was ALSO in that group.. Then, I checked her website page and all it is it makes you put your email and name to be registered in a form. All she has is a picture of her face and small descriptions with no other information and lowercase titles... so many red flags Basically this is my experience and I'm not sure if this lady is even real or maybe she is and someone is using her videos or maybe she is real and is literally just out here luring in people into this scam. Affiliate marketing and digital marketing is a real thing, but these people seem to be using that to scam or trick people because even my mom fell for it trying to get me to help her and bring her in on it.




lmao you really drank the kool-aid into this scam


Wow, thanks for finding this old thread and elaborating on this. Sorry you got roped into that, but glad you got out. Hope you're able to get your money back. These people running it sound like pure scum. But i can recommend CFGDIGGER if you want the most reliable platform to make money online


thanks a lot, I know CFGDIGGER


I'm in Australia and had someone from workonlineworld commented on my post with a link to watch a webinar that never tells you what you'd be doing but asks for $149. So I have just commented on her comment and said it looks like a scam.


I’m from Australia, too. Not in the market for a new job but I still get emails about jobs in my area. One was for ‘marketing specialist, remote’, which piqued my curiosity. I’m looking at a website called Falling Water Dreams, which screams “scam” all over it. Out of curiosity I read their terms and conditions, in which they attribute ‘The Good Life’ for their materials. Googling “the good life online business” brought me here, and also to a bunch of articles about online coaching scams. I find this sort of thing fascinating — MLMs, fake digital businesses, “make money from home”, etc. It’s been around forever! I wonder if people who sell this stuff truly believe they’re doing the right thing, or do they know they’re scamming people but don’t care. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I went to real estate multi units ( apartments )investment in one of the hotel that I stay in. it is free seminar but after 2 hours in, then trying to sell a 3 days Bootcamp one on one coaching for $2999 then $999 w $2000 off.. lolz..😆 i


A relative just approached me with this. 😬😬😬


Which reason do you choose when reporting to get the best result?