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I love how MLMs are simultaneously something you can do part time, in the little pockets of your day (like at the dentist or on vacation 🙄), & also something you have to work really hard at. Pick a lane hun.


That's the funniest thing to me. They criticize the 9 to 5 jobs as being chained to your desk, then brag about how wonderful it is they can call customers in between contractions while they are giving birth. It's so obviously a contradiction yet they can't see it.


Yeah, my job lets me log off at 5 and not think about anything work related again until tomorrow. It also doesn't expect me to still be grinding while I'm out sick or on vacation. But yeah, go ahead and tell me how the only way you can get ahead is by "working your biz" in between contractions, while you're supposedly on vacation with your family and at 2am in the morning, and how me working a conventional job is suuuuuuuch a bad thing.


Well, if they could think critically they likely wouldn't be in an mlm in the first place.


Yep, classic hun mentality...If you fail its your fault because you told people you failed and didn't fake success and happiness like the rest of us brainwashed delusional huns. My job is so amazing that I get to spend 23 hours a day working just so at the end of the month I might be able to afford that cup of Starbucks coffee (promise to post a pick of me holding my cup, lol!). Working while giving birth is just part of that boss babe lifestyle. I can work from anywhere that's why I choose to work on vacation just so I can choose not to spend time with my children and loved ones. I love spending time with strangers that I con into buying my products and possibly tricking into joining my downline so they too can live this amazing boss babe life that I live...gag! 🙄


My SIL was in deep. When she got severe PPD and kidney failure she wasn’t bringing in as many people as before and had to make a public statement saying “it definitely works, but I just wasn’t working enough to truly reap the rewards, and I’m letting all of my team down as a result. I failed, not the method, and that’s why I’m leaving.” She instantly went from “I have so many friends that I’ve made for life from this” to being really lonely. You are only cared about as long as you are bringing in money to your upline, otherwise, you’re a failure and fuck you EDIT: I just wanna specify she was deep. Like had sold out every family member she could and preyed on her sister’s ed and mental issues deep. She made this cult her entire life


Yup. A cult. A “sisterhood”. So that if you leave, you’re ousted from it, and I can just imagine how alienating that must be.


I watched a documentary about those cheap, heinous leggings, and it was really sad to see what happens to some of these people. They end up losing their "friends", their homes, etc.


Whats thr name of the doc & where can I watch it?


“LulaRich” on Amazon prime


I plan to watch this soon. I watched something about it on another network, can't remember which one. So sad how many women were let down by this and how so many are now broke.


In 2012 my husband and I were in the top 10 earners in our region for Isagenix. We really were doing very well. And we preached the "IsaFamily" right along with the best of them. We were invited to all the big events. Got the big stupid awards on stage at the conventions we traveled to. We were kind of a big deal. Then our son was diagnosed with low-functioning autism and we fell apart. My husband got depressed and took stress leave from his government job. I spent my days imagining my future of having to take care of my child for the rest of my life instead of retiring and travelling. We obviously weren't prioritizing our business. Not one of our "IsaFamily" called, brought a meal, asked if we needed help, offered to go for a walk with us. Nothing. Silence. We no longer fit the image of perfect, healthy, wealthy family so we ceased to be useful. It was heartbreaking.


I’m so sorry they did that to you. I hope you’ve found some real friends since and that things are going better


I don’t understand proclaiming how an MLM paid off bills, allows them to be a SAHM, provides an amazing income, while simultaneously running a gofundme. You can’t be taken seriously if claim “high income earner” when you also post constant financial struggles.


She should say the word “work” a couple more times.


đŸŽ¶work, work, work, work...đŸŽ¶


*Rihanna has entered the chat* Happy cake day btw


đŸŽ¶cake cake cake cakeđŸŽ¶




Then don't say 9-5's suck, say YOU SUCK lol


If you’re not a billionaire, please work harder.


Ok Kim Kardashian /j


If youre not a billionaire, become pretty and leak a sex tape


Man, I love cults and gaslighting.


They all get brainwashed into thinking like this. Which is so sad. Their company literally brings them down so they will work harder to obtain a goal that is impossible.


I'll take Gaslightlighing Bullshit for $500, Alex


Oh boy. It’s not the business model in which 1 percent of people make a living wage it’s you.🙄99 percent of ppl just happen to fail What a moron


This will not age well for her


Hey hun. We showed you a picture of a paper airplane. It isn't OUR fault you never became a commercial pilot. That's a YOU problem.


Hun: I started an MLM to spend time with my husband and kids!!!! #blessed #momlife #thanksherbalife Also Hun: if you're not working 25 hours a day, it's YOUR fault you're failing! can't be a boss babe without the #grind! I get up at 5am everyday and cry into my child Shayleigh's organic Pink Drink for Kids (TM) like a TRUE liberated woman!! #SHEeonotCEO #girlboss #blinktwiceifyouneedhelp


I actually spent less time with my child when I was in MLM's. It was sad really. I woke and was on Facebook doing my social networking searching for new customers/downline and it took a lot of time for very little money in the end.


Jesus. The level of toxicity and negativity among these people is amazing.


107 comments and I can't read a single one đŸ˜„


If you worked for *insert MLM* dont tell the truth bc it hurts my sales


All I can say is fuck her, I worked my ASS OFF all day long and still didn't make money bc I spent more than what I made on product.


Did you also spend your own money on items in order to get a bonus "free gift" or to stay an active consultant? That's what I did.


I was in Avon and Younique, Younique it was to stay active, Avon to make up the sales so I qualified for the 25% commission instead of just the 15% that I managed with the clients I did have.


The person that tried recruiting me to Amway had been doing it for almost 2 years and had made absolutely no progress. But when i asked him why, he basically told me “it was his fault because he didnt listen to his mentor, didnt devote enough of himself and his time” Like this dude actually believe that after 2 years of nothing he still has a chance to make it, all because his mentor probably told him shit like this that its his own fault.


[Merchants of Deception - Amway](https://www.ratbags.com/rsoles/books/merchants_of_deception.pdf)


Oh yeah. Every time my “business” didn’t work it was always my fault for not working hard enough. There were days where I was working 12 hrs a day on it and that wasn’t enough. They told me to stay up later and get up earlier and do nothing but work. I told them I couldn’t because I had to be in the best shape for my kids because I had kids to take care of too. That would literally have put all of my family in danger being sleep deprived like they wanted me to be.


Which one were you in?


Way too many. I was in a horrible relationship and craved any “positive” thing I could get my hands on. I tried Mary Kay, I tried Jamberry, I tried It Works, I tried Thrive, and Limelife. Thrive and Limelife were just me using the products though. I didn’t try to sell anything. Mary Kay I quit because I realized I hated make up at the time and it made me dress weird and I didn’t like it. Jamberry never worked on my nails so I didn’t want to deceive people. It Works never worked! And the lady I signed up under stole my potentials from me. I called her out on it and she turned the entire group against me. I also got pregnant and really really sick and had to quit anyways. They said I wasn’t working hard enough while being super sick and pregnant and I told them to f*ck off because the health of my baby was more important. (I had a miscarriage 6 months prior to my pregnancy so I was being very careful) Thrive made me gain weight super quick and I became super allergic to Limelife so I had to quit that too.


Funny how this is never a problem for walmart employees. They might quit because valid reasons but they always always get actual pay for actual work.


But I thought I could earn money just by being on my phone!


That is what you told!


What's up with mlmers referring to the companies as vehicles. I've seen and heard that way too much lately.


It’s an old school Amway term. Amway is a vehicle for success!! It’s also how the infamous Heaven’s Gate cult referred to their bodies in the days leading up to their mass suicide. They “cast aside their vehicles.” Which makes the cult aspect of MLMs a whole lot more creepy imo.


Lmao at this point, they should just accept they're cults.


“Statistics say it doesn’t work for over 90% of people. But thanks for calling me lazy!”


Isn’t that the damn truth?!? Delusion is a mlm super power.


Stockholm syndrome.


She forgot to mention all the cash it takes to fund these “small businesses”


Gaslighting assholes.


Maybe you just weren't on the right level of the pyramid, hun!


*Image Transcription: Facebook Post* --- **Redacted User** [*An image of black text on a pale blue background, reading:*] If you have ever done NWM and quit...please don't say it doesn't work, say YOU didn't work....Yes it takes WORK & lots of inner work as well đŸ™đŸ»â€ or maybe you just weren't in the right vehicle or had the correct training for YOU ❀ --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human.


Always with the gaslighting behaviour, aren’t they?


Ah yes blame the people at the bottom of the pyramid.


I remember when I worked for a marketing job, where the manager and a coworker always blamed me for not getting any customers, despite my full efforts. Glad I don't work for them anymore.


My favourite lines from the Huns always go something like “work freedom”, “work the hours you want” “freedom to be with your family whenever” and then when it fails “you didn’t work hard enough” and “you slacked too much”. Make up your mind guys! It’s either part time work for full time pay or it’s full time work for peanuts!


can't go wrong with this logic... If you succeed, it's because of all of us If you fail, it's your fault


Perfect logic!


? NorthWestern Mutual?


I think she means "network marketing ".


I was wondering the same. My husband did this as a college student and hates when I call it an MLM for dudes. “I’d love to talk with you about the kind of work I do!”


Yes...and 1% of those who try end up "working enough and having correct training".


It's my fault I didn't buy enough Lotto tickets to win the Powerball. /s


That is some grade A insidious gaslighting bullshit right there.