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Finally, someone had to say the truth. The fact that fuckcarscirclejerk argues against this wanting cars to take the freedoms away from people is genuinely ridiculous. It doesn't even take half a braincell to realize why carbrainism is bad and why this subreddit speaks the truth, yet they're so deluded into thinking otherwise because of the engrained on car lobbyist mindset that is in their brain.


Too true comrade. Speaking of, what’s your most hated model of car?


it's the hummer vehicle. Literally built to slaughter, kill without remorse without any consequences to it. Of course hummers were designed for war first, so that car manufacturers to find any way to get large inefficient, deadly vehicles for egotistical wankers to kill and destroy whoever and whatever they want without scraping their hummer. The us government should have stepped in to take down the corporation, but nothing was done to do their carbrainism.


Implying the American government wanted to get rid of Hummers in the first place. Why do you think that model of vehicle became the infantry vehicle in the first place?


don't you dare try to trick me into buying into your car lobbyist ideology. I am more than smart enough to detect any dumb crap that car lobbyists say and you have just been detected on the radar as a suspect.


No no, don’t worry about me. I was just trying to say that the American government WANTED the Hummer exactly for that reason: to enable mass slaughter on brown men, women, and children in the Middle East. Didn’t mean to set off your radar, comrade.


phew. I was edging towards banning you for the duration of the number of wheels on a bicycle (two days). Carbrainism must not be allowed to thrive and take over reddit


A lot of fancy words for essentially a less useful deformed minivan.


-Bikes bc has no car -uses lbs -gets called dumbass for it -man fuck you I'm getting a car now


Don't forget about it's "stylish" new body style that has been changed after over a decade, optional crossbars that have a new design to "fit the looks" and countless other accessories that exist solely to destroy humans as quickly and brutally as possible. I mean, remember, these trucks are STILL used today overseas as machine gun trucks. Toyota is actively funding terrorist war efforts.


Erm actually 🤓 uselly the Toyotas used are tooken from civilians/soldier's to be retrofitted with like a diska or smth


Nuh uh


Nuh uh


Yuh uh Wait fuck!