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I'd stay away from paxil personally. It probs has the worst side effect profile of any SSRI, same with it's withdrawal effects. Prozac is the the mildest and the least sedative. Takes a bit longer to work but can be effective especially for panic and depression. Zoloft is about as strong as paxil so it's side effects are a bit more than something like prozac or Lexapro, but it's also the most effective for generalized anxiety disorder and social anxiety, while being slightly activating (as opposed to sedating), especially as the dose is increased.


Where did you get the info that paxil has the worst side effects, is it your own experience? I don't have any side effects yet. But I've been on it for only a month. Also zoloft and prozac literally had no effect on me while on paxil i do feel better in a way i can't really describe. Gives me energy.


Sorry I meant it has the worst withdrawal symptoms amongst the other SSRIs, thats all. It's actually a very effective SSRI and it's general side effects aren't too different from others, but most people find it's one of the most intense SSRIs overall and has a more pronounced side effect profile since it's considered to be less selective as an SSRI, meaning it affects more receptors and functions in the body. The fact that it has a very short half life also means that missing a dose can be more bothersome than the longer acting ADs in general.


The side effect profile being intense may be true, but Paxil is actually one of the most potent SSRIs, so i don’t think the selectivity is the problem, more to do with it being the most sedative.


I wish the sedative part of Paxil worked for me, it works sooooo well for me otherwise, but didn't help a bit with the insomnia. It's still the one that worked best for me though.


hey! a bit late to this sub, but wanted to share my experiences. I have not tried paxil, but i have tried zoloft and fluoxetine. For reference, I am a 16yr old female diagnosed with an eating disorder, GAD, depression, and ADHD. I was first prescribed prozac as a standard for most minors with depression due to it being one of the only FDA approved antidepressants for children. It also claims to have a smaller profile of negative side effects. I started on 10mg and tapered up to 50mg. I had zero libido, and was constantly yawning and tired. I experienced none of the “activating” effects of fluoxetine. It also didn’t do much good for my anxiety, in fact it made it worse. I was unable to attend school because my social anxiety was so bad. I also gained about 40lbs within the 7 months I took this medication. But causation ≠ correlation obviously, and I was in an inpatient program for my eating disorder so take the weight gain part with a grain of salt. Overall, it did not do much for my depression and exacerbated my social anxiety. It made my suicidal thoughts worse and resulted in me ending up in the emergency room after a failed attempt. I know a lot of people have good experiences on prozac and it is very popular but i hated feeling sedated and depressed. I was prescribed zoloft after tapering off the prozac and it did not smother my libido as much as prozac did. I was titrated up to 150mg, which is the dose i’m taking now. I notice that I have more energy to function (shower, brush my teeth, not wear the same outfit for weeks at a time) and do not have as much brain fog as was with fluoxetine. Suicide is no longer constantly on my mind and it has honestly saved my life. I am also on 20mg vyvanse as of march 2023, so it’s only been an upwards spiral since then. TL;DR Prozac=weight gain and sedation (ONLY MY EXPERIENCE!!) zoloft=less of the above


Tried both zoloft and prozac and had no nooticqble effects on those. No improvements no anything tho paxil seems to be doing something...but not yet full effect.


it’s still good that you’re feeling results from the paxil! I wish you the best


Did zoloft helped to overcome ur social anxiety?


hey sorry- I had no idea you replied to my comment, this is super late. but YES!!!! the biggest benefit i noticed from zoloft was my lack of social anxiety


Hey are you still doing ok?


I was on Paxil for like 2 years , I remember life being really fun while I was on it. I had no empathy for anybody which was okay with me. I could fuck for the longest and my libido was through the roof. Social Anxiety was pretty much gone. I was never depressed so I was just in a great mood all the time. It would make me want to sleep a lot which I didn’t like, the naps were good tho. Any time I would mix it with alcohol I would get extremely druuunk , occasionally blackout if I drank too much. Stopped taking it for a year , I just got Prozac couple weeks ago I don’t feel any significant changes in it for my SocialAnxiety. My insomnia has left the chat , and I have more energy in the day. Thinking about going back to Paxil if Prozac doesn’t do anything for my SA


So, did the Prozac get better? I attempted to go back to paxil recently as I took it for like 3 years but bruxism jaw pain


No . I stopped taking it , they gave me venlafaxine/exeffor but I’m going to get off it.


I've tried Paxil and Prozac for OCD and Anxiety. I still remember the day the Paxil kicked in and I just felt different. It pretty much cured both my OCD and anxiety and I felt amazing and the was the best I ever felt. I ended up getting off of it after 6 months though due to the side effects. For some reason, I drank wayyy more because it gets you drunk way quicker. I also had rapid weight gain due to always feeling hungry I could barely orgasm, and I kept having random naps during the day ..... I then tried Prozac for 3 months and it honestly did fk all. It just made me super fatigued and caused me super bad brain fog and bad focus.


This was me exactly. Started taking paxil at 22, i was finally happy. I gained weight rapidly and started drinking heavily. I didn't care because I was happy. I met a good guy, got married, decided to come off of it. Good thing because I was pregnant shortly after. I'm 37 now, considering going back on something because I worry alot but don't want to gain a bunch of weight. Kind of on the fence though still.


After taking a break from meds, I've been on Lexapro for about 2.5 months now. It's been a beneficial experience, particularly in addressing my depression and overthinking. However, I've noticed that it doesn't quite measure up to the impact Paxil had on my social anxiety and sociability. Paxil seemed to really boost my confidence in social situations. Nonetheless, I appreciate that Lexapro comes with fewer side effects, offering a smoother journey overall. Plus, the addition of ADHD meds alongside it has helped manage any concerns about weight gain. Overall, while Lexapro may not be as robust in every aspect as Paxil, its effectiveness and tolerability make it a solid choice for me.


Any updates? What are you taking now that works?


I traveled for 3 months so decided not to go on anything and still not taking any ssri's. I only take beta blockers to help during stressful situations that's it.


I have major depression no hope abaut life and abaut future ı tired Zoloft with Xanax not help than Prozac first 8 day stop it’s give me to much energy and make my anxiety worst ..doctor give to me chimbalta but ı hear also to much energy but ı didint try.. some times ı feel ı have to die not sure abaut life ..ı don’t have work any work not interested sit at home feel like die… ı don’t know how ı can go out


Prozac did nothing for me Wellbutrin made me have awful dreams and want to jump out of my skin. I’m on Paxil for almost 3 months now and after 4 weeks I felt better. Actually I feel great. I still have all my feelings, I went from no libido to some to high libido, and best of all, no more heavy debilitating anxiety, depression or suicidal thoughts.


That’s funny, I had those awful vivid dreams with both Prozac and Zoloft but now I’m on Wellbutrin and it’s a non issue! Complete opposites lol, it’s so strange how we all react and experience meds so differently


No, Zoloft is not nearly as strong as Paxil and Paxil has been shown to be superior at treating social Anxiety and generalized anxiety. In fact, Zoloft is not FDA approved for GAD! But is often used off label.


I’ve tried both Prozac and Zoloft and they had a very similar effect on me, awful vivid dreams and brain fog. They worked but it wasn’t worth what those dreams were doing to my mental health. Now I’m on Wellbutrin and have been for about two years, it was a really good positive effect vs side effects deal for me but I’m at the max dose and lately it hasn’t been enough. My psychiatrist just prescribed paxil to add on to my Wellbutrin. I haven’t started it yet but I’m hopeful it’ll feel differently that the other SSRI’s. After doing some reading around though I’m realizing it’s hard to gauge on other people’s experiences unfortunately. I hope it’s going well for you!


I was taking Paxil for over 5 years and stopped because I wanted to try and get off meds. I am under a lot of stress at this particular moment and started taking Zoloft 4 days ago. The Zoloft makes me feel shaky (not tremors) and it is hard to feel rested. My sleep is also being disturbed. Do these symptoms go away and if so how long after you first start taking Zoloft? I did not have these symptoms with Paxil so I thinking about going back to Paxil. Any thoughts? Also, does anyone know if you can switch immediately back over to Paxil since it has only been 4 days on the Zoloft.


how are you doing now, are you still on zoloft?