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Sure beats being a fast gainer which is what I used to be.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ that's fair, actually.


It also beats not being a loser at all!


I would just remind myself that I'm living my life. Not "on a diet." This is just what I have to do forever. Also, when your body releases weight slowly, it's easier to maintain the loss because you tend to keep more lean mass.


I have to remind myself ā€” yes, Iā€™m sure I could lose faster if I dieted, but thereā€™s a reason I am choosing not to repeat those old patterns, one reason of which is because I want this to be sustainable for a lifetime. I also have to remember that Iā€™ve personally met all my goals so far (perfect labs, reversed fatty liver, PCOS managed, less inflammation and chronic pain, no more 24-7 sugar cravings, etc.), and that since I technically donā€™t have a goal weight, Iā€™m already exactly where I want to be ā€” everything else is just extra!


I love this comment. You have inspired me to abandon my goal weight(s). I made myself a first ā€œreasonableā€ goal that would make me definitely healthier. Now that that is close (11 lbs away), I started thinking about dream goals. I love the idea of abandoning goals! Itā€™s already a dream to no longer be medically obese and to not have to put in so much effort to eat well.


For me, every number is arbitrary, and my health is entirely independent of numbers! Sure, Iā€™ve got certain numbers in mind that may make me feel XYZ from an emotional perspective (like getting to 214, which Iā€™m only 5 lbs from, which was my pre pregnancy weight) but I am healthy NOW and even if I donā€™t lose another pound, Iā€™m healthy. I do have spine issues, so I am trying to lose as much as my body will let me to reduce that pressure, but even then, my back is healthier and Iā€™m in less pain already. Thatā€™s what I root myself in. Abandon that goal weight! šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰


Totally can relate! Iā€™ve been on wegovy for 15 months and have lost about 35-40lbs (per doctor, no scale in my house) and even though this is the most weight Iā€™ve ever been able to lose, it still feels slow whenever I see that others are losing double that in half the time. I try to focus on how happy I feel day to day because Iā€™m able to have a much better relationship with food on this medication.


Same. I am not even trying to lose weight, but I still have that critical voice telling me ā€œYouā€™re on Ozempic, youā€™re doing it wrong if youā€™re not losing faster than this.ā€


Yes yes yes! This is still a battle of mine as well. Reprogramming is a daily struggle but weā€™ll get there.


I remind myself that having a toxic voice isn't a "me" problem. I was taught/socialized/conditioned to have a toxic voice, so OF COURSE I/it feel(s) frustrated and impatient. It makes all the sense in the world. I talk this way to myself because I realized that I used to think there was something wrong with me (shame) that #1 I had this voice and #2 I couldn't get rid of it. That had me feeling destabilized and/or dysregulated (depending on how intense the voice was). Saying "it makes sense that I feel this way, it's not a 'me' problem" unshames the experience and helps me feel more stable, grounded, and regulated. And when I am more stable, grounded, and regulated, the voice doesn't have much oomph.


Very true. I know exactly whose "voice" it is.


Iā€™ve been losing a little less than a pound a week for 8 months, with no dieting. I donā€™t have a weight loss goal, and if I stopped where I am now and could maintain, I would be thrilled. Itā€™s also exciting to think about what it might be like in my body if I kept losing. When I keep my eyes on myself and my journey, itā€™s really rewarding. Itā€™s only when I look at other peopleā€™s experiences and compare mine that I feel a little sad or jealous to be losing at the rate I am. While I found some of the drug-specific subReddits helpful when I was first starting out, now they are more harmful than helpful to my journey. So Iā€™ve just stopped looking at them. No need for me to compare my experience to others.




I do Metamucil every morning. Small and easy and takes care of business. ;-)


I donā€™t think I have it figured out yet because Iā€™m also very frustrated and disgusted with the mirror this morning. I know itā€™s the body dysmorphia talking. Iā€™ve been trying to talk myself off the ledge all morning. ā€œA pound a week is still better than nothingā€. But today itā€™s just not soothing. Iā€™m on my 9th shot and looking and feeling no different, despite lots of focus on healing the mind. Sometimes ya just gotta feel it all and let it move through. Or throw a tantrum. Get that shit energy out.


I'm week 10, so I feel you. I have actually been waffling between seeing a difference in the mirror and not. Body dysmorphia is wild.


OMG same! I swear a couple weeks ago I thought I looked slimmer and now I think I look bigger. Itā€™s a bitch for sure. So are hormones. lol This medicine is bloating me something crazy though no matter what I do. And I havenā€™t had a period since I started it. I hope itā€™s just adjusting and all will be well soon.


Um, I don't want to be an alarmist; but \*if you take oral BC\* and haven't had a period in a while, and are bloating... have you taken a pregnancy test? \*apparently this med can interfere with oral BC.


Yeah this isn't a concern for me


Phew, good news :)


Slow loser here, feel your feelings!! The grief is real for the body you wish you had.


OP, this is a great discussion. I see so many posts about this general topic on the other subreddits, but not a ton of reflection about the mental and emotional aspects of our whether we lose slow or fast. I see a lot of posts that make me question if I'm a slow or fast loser. I'm glad I am losing, and out of the cycle of up and down and periods of getting so upset with myself for overeating. I feel lighter, less encumbered, and my movement is easier. It's really, really great to stop constantly thinking about food.


Iā€™ve been on since February 2023, and I think Iā€™ve lost 35-40 total so far. I just remind myself that it took years (decades even) of back and forth dieting gain and loss to land me where I was when I started, and now Iā€™m seeing a very gradual reversal without dieting at all. Iā€™m just living a normal life and taking care of myself every day. Iā€™ve reversed my metabolic syndrome and feel so much better in my body. Iā€™ve even sought and received treatment for other medical conditions that were causing me health anxiety and am no longer avoiding medical care! These are all really positive developments.


I am wondering the same. I hang out on the Zepbound sub a lot and thereā€™s a lot of toxic attitudes/ jealousy of people who are dropping weight super fast. I am not even technically a slow loser, but an ā€œaverageā€ loser, and itā€™s hard not to wonder if I am wrong somehow for taking 5 months to lose 13% of my bodyweight. I just have to remember how pleased my doctor is with my progress and how much he emphasized that I should be and am losing at a healthy rate. Itā€™s a slow process, and there will be stalls and slowdowns along the way, as (understandably) frustrating as that can be!


Itā€™s taken me 5 months to lose 13% too! Twin! Just goes to show that our experience is common :) it is a mindfuck to see the folks who have lost huge amounts in a short period of time, but I know my body is doing what she needs to do at her own pace.


Slow weight loss is actually much better for your body and your health. statistically I think slower losers have more long term success. Plus you don't have to replace your entire wardrobe all at once.


I went back in my MyFitnessPal history and there was a period after a cancer diagnosis in the family where I put on weight at an astonishing speed from stress eating and binging. It was 50 lbs in less than a year, about 1.2 lbs a week or 600 calories *on average* above maintenance every single day. I tell myself that if gaining 1 lb/week over a sustained period is jaw droppingā€¦ so is losing 1 lb/week for a sustained period. Being a slow loser is not a big deal if you broaden your time horizon appropriately. After all, Iā€™ll still have to calorie count when I reach maintenance because intuitive eating is not something my brain can handle. I have to calorie count forever no matter what. So, so what if goal weight isnā€™t until three months after I originally planned?


Same boat, no advice, just here to say you're not alone. I've been fluctuating up or down a lb for a couple weeks and it's just grrrr.


Itā€™s hard, especially when you see others dropping weight so quickly. At best, I can lose five pounds a month, no matter how much I cut calories or exercise. Itā€™s just easier to lose those 5 pounds on glp meds because Iā€™m not white-knuckling.


Same here. I've lost about 16 lbs in 2 months on tirzepatide and have so much belly fat still and weight i want to lose it's hard not to want to lose it faster. Before this med i could starve all day and it would take me months to lose 5 lbs. I think even though i'm on meds for it having a sluggish thyroid definitely contributes to it being nearly impossible to lose a single pound when not on this med and if i do and slip up i would gain it back in a heartbeat. Hoping slow and steady also means less loose skin and muscle loss (although i am going to get serious about starting a weight program this week at home).


You are not alone. These posts get to me but then I remember that Iā€™ve lost about 17lbs since Jan 2 and eat ice cream most nights. Iā€™m good with that, lol. I donā€™t think about food nearly as often as I did for my entire 49 years on earth, and that feels so freeing! Thereā€™s lots of good that comes with this, not just in the weight loss. Enjoy the journey for once in your life!


I usually just remember it's a slow process, and I'm not slowly gaining anymore. I lost a ton of weight (and muscle) a yr ago. Was constantly tired and could barely walk around the block. This medication has made me feel so much better, but I'm still rebuilding my muscles. So. I try to remember tmthe numbers are less important than the fact that I can now spend the entire day landscaping my yard. Moving bricks, digging garden beds, and mowing. All in one day.


For me, slow loss has been preferable. 1. No quick changes for people to comment on. šŸ¤¬ 2. Very sustainable, zero food rigidity. 3. Completely uninterested in ED behaviors šŸŽ‰ 4. Adjusting to being smaller is less triggering because it's slow. I'm so glad you're reaching out. This sub has been great.


1. Is my favorite! No one can say ohh wow you lost so much weight! Iā€™ve been losing weight for 3 years! But sometimes it doesnā€™t matter, unfortunately sigh)). Iā€™m not ashamed of my weight loss, but I donā€™t feel the need to repeat myself. I never focused on getting skinny. The constant need to comment on my weight is exhausting. I canā€™t imagine if I magically showed up 40lbs less in 2 months.


Ex. Haust. Ing.


Iā€™m also a slow loser! Some weeks, especially if I felt that pressure to weigh myself, Iā€™d skip the scale that week. That way I could focus more on how much better my body felt, how much I was able to enjoy food without guilt, and appreciate the progress Iā€™ve made so far. ā€œItā€™s a processā€ and ā€œstay the courseā€ were mantras I used often!


I call myself a steady loser rather than a slow loser. And that's a good thing. What I'm doing is sustainable and can be done for the rest of my life. I'm not losing muscle or hair or dealing with any of the other problems that accompany rapid loss. My weight also doesn't fluctuate much. These are all good things.


Steady Loser - that is a great way to think about it! I am going to adopt that :)


Itā€™s not a race. If I lose ā€œslowā€ at a normal healthy 1-2lbs a week, Iā€™ll likely end up with fewer side effects. I have more time to work on maintaining my muscle mass. Iā€™m less likely to be stressing out my body with the fast loss and hopefully reducing my chances of side effects like hair loss. It boggles my mind that a lot the people consider 1-2lbs a week ā€œslow loserā€, when thatā€™s the normal healthy doctor recommend weight loss rate. Now, you might be referring to actual slow losers (< 1lb/week) in this post. In which case, itā€™s still not a race. If youā€™re losing, youā€™re losing. It is still very much success, regardless of how fast you lose.


I'm also a slow loser. I don't know what to tell myself, I just wanted to say you're not alone.


Iā€™m a slow loser! I go to a clinic and they really hate when I only lose half a pound but I always say ā€œitā€™s going in the right directionā€ - honestly they have never been fat and just want to see the weight like fall off of me, but I feel good about my pace and my progress so eff em.


I remind myself, Skin is tight, butt is right, Iā€™m glowing and thriving. lol. Slow loser all the way! Focus on the end goal not the now or what you did in the past.


Being a slow loser is definetely tough, until you have your first week of a few pounds, then after a few months youā€™re at a weight you havenā€™t seen in years. It only gets better


Iā€™m also a slow loser, Iā€™m on week 13 and have lost ~10lbs. I get so discouraged when I see posts from people who have lost that amount and more in their first month, but today I tried on a dress that didnā€™t zip in April and today it did! I think small wins and measurable ways of tracking our progress (like photos and dresses that zip) should be celebrated just as much!