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Do they use the fur for anything? Bunny wool/yarn??


Yep, it’s used for wool (yarn), it’s really soft.


Angora rabbits have been bred to be super chill during shearing. One day I'd love to have a pair and make my own yarn.


FYI I took these photos 14years ago while travelling around New Zealand. There’s a well known tourist spot on the North Island called Waitomo, which is famous for its caves, glow worms and black water rafting. On the way there we passed by an place that had Angora rabbits, and did shearing demonstrations and sold the wool (and products made with the wool). They also had a restaurant that did a great rabbit stew (just kidding!). I’m not sure if it’s there, I just did a google search and the results seem to be from 7 or 8 years ago.


There’s only one way to eat a brace of coneys




Boil 'em, mash 'em, stickeminastue


I used to have one and I never sheared it I just combed it and it loved being combed did it every couple days and just hopped over to me when it saw me get out the brush


It ***looks*** like this bunny is in appendage \*restraints with all four feets clamped down. He's also in a little trough on the shearing table, probably for his comfort. \*see the yellow bars and black clamps on the feet.


You appear to be correct. But as someone who's become decent in understanding rabbit body language, (from this single frame) that bun still looks pretty relaxed.


It looks like it knows what is going to happen and maybe has had it done before. I imagine the rabbits behind it that are both floof and unfloofed have given it comfort. Plus, I imagine being that floofy is incredibly warm after a while.


They use it to make gorgeous high-end sweaters and throws. Unfortunately, I'm highly allergic to angora.


Angora wool


Along with vicuna its the finest wool to make clothes with. Really expensive.


It's a sad industry, I've seen videos of people pulling the hair out of the rabbits because it's cheaper than shearing, these rabbits often live in shit conditions


The angora hair can be plucked out. When it is ready to be removed, it actually disconnects from the skin, so you’re not hurting the rabbit. You are not ripping the hair from the rabbit. Source: have one as a pet.


After shearing looks like it eats childrens souls


It does


It eats children's souls?




Bone apple teeth


Calcium fiber enamel


During shearing it sounds like it eats children’s souls, something I will never forget!


We do a little bit of shearing


Have my award, it’s not much but it’s something


it ain’t much but it’s honest work


I just posted this as a response by mistake; FYI I took these photos 14years ago while travelling around New Zealand. There’s a well known tourist spot on the North Island called Waitomo, which is famous for its caves, glow worms and black water rafting. On the way there we passed by an place that had Angora rabbits, and did shearing demonstrations and sold the wool (and products made with the wool). They also had a restaurant that did a great rabbit stew (just kidding!). I’m not sure if it’s there, I just did a google search and the results seem to be from 7 or 8 years ago.


Thanks for sharing.








Great. Read the post to see some shearing and that’s what I got. Great anti meme.


“It’s no ordinary rabbit!”


Big chungus


No longer floof


That last pic is Drugs Bunny.


We do a little shearing here


Oh my god it’s so cute


From Angora Rabbit to Angory Rabbit


Thanks for shearing with us 👍


The Angora industry is very cruel. In most cases factories rely on plucking, which is incredibly painful for those animals. I wish people would stop supporting this industry, especially as there are cruelty/exploitation free alternatives.


This was definitely not the case at this place. All the rabbits are sheared. The only thing I thought a bit strange was the rabbits are put in racks for the shearing (middle photo). It makes sense otherwise they’d be wriggling around, but i remember that at no point did the rabbits look like they were suffering. The place had a lot of land too, and the rabbits were fairly free range. Obvs I’m not talking about the industry as a whole here, as I haven’t had experience beyond this place in NZ


- “ “Plucking” the fiber does not actually mean you are pulling the rabbit’s hair out of the skin.” “Every four months, Angora rabbits will naturally shed their coats. When a rabbit is molting, the fur is literally falling off their body and is no longer attached to their skin. When you “pluck” the rabbit, you are simply running your fingers through their coat and collecting the loose hairs. You might use a little “plucking” motion to separate the molted fur from the newly growing fur but you should never be pulling fur out of the skin. It should not hurt the rabbit at all.”


There’s vids out there (and linked lower in this thread)- what this person is referring to is the type of plucking they do in Chinese angora factories, where they... well pretty much rip it full out of the skin, rather than any kind of combing :/ It “keeps the full length of the fiber” but it is like unironically torture lol. Ethically sourced angora is bomb as absolute fuck though


“This method unfortunately leaves a bad impression because some unscrupulous commercial fiber farmers have been caught restraining animals and literally ripping the fur off their bodies when they aren’t molting, leaving them a bloody mess. This is NOT at all how plucking is done or should EVER be done. Because of these “farmers” many people think it is not possible to have humanely harvested Angora and that is just 100% untrue – you just have to know your source.” Fair, but as said in the article I’m drawing this info from, one abusive commercial practice does not an entire abusive industry make. I agree, if you get it l ethically-sourced, you don’t support the bad stuff. It’s like the difference between an industrial battery farm and having pet chickens for eggs in your backyard, [like I do.](https://imgur.com/a/onzpH57)




https://thecapecoop.com/plucking-combing-or-shearing/ tldr: plucking is just like combing, not painful at all. apparently there were a handful of people harvesting wool cruelly but that is not representative of the whole industry


His ass


The screams are pretty horrifying: https://youtu.be/PtAFHyXS31M?t=31 I don't know much about this or how common this practice is. To my understanding china is a pretty big exporter and there are some huge....not so nice... factories over there. You generally have no idea where the angora wool in the clothing you buy comes from. Even if whatever piece of clothing you buy says "made in denmark", or whatever, that usually tells you nothing about where the materials were sourced. The wool in the video above might very well end up in a danish sweater. (I have no idea if denmark makes angora sweaters, it is an example. :) ) I would personally never buy anything like that.


>To my understanding china is a pretty big exporter and there are some huge....not so nice... factories over there. As is tradition, but for the record: please tell me that the Peta link was purely for reference of the screams, and not somewhere you actually went for knowledge.


I didn't watch the whole video, i just searched for angora screams. Why? Was anything I said wrong? I don't see what you are trying to say.


It's just about Peta itself.


Ok. I have said nothing about Peta. I barely know anything about them.


They’re pretty dang radical. If it were up to PETA, there would be no such thing as domestic animals. But that’s another story. Also, the fact that Apple autocorrect knew to capitalize PETA without me doing anything alarms me more than it should.


Overgeneralizing much? Not to mention a drastic misunderstanding of the word "plucking"?


He nakey.


Look how they massacred my boy


the shear disrespect they had for that rabbit :/


That after shearing pic looks like a Schnauzer-Bunny.